I was also wondering what peoples plans are for weaning? TW? BLW? 4 months? 6 months?
Wish Ailsa liked calpol - shes got a horrible cold and been giving her calpol at night to help her sleep but she looks at u like yr trying to poison her and then spits most of it out!!!
My mams just sent me this pics of me in labour and immidatly after she was born :S
Meadow has a cold
But....She slept from 9pm until 7am, waking a few times, but settling with just her dummy!
Im not gonna get to used to it though, as shes 'off' her milk a bit at the mo'...Because of her cold
My mams just sent me this pics of me in labour and immidatly after she was born :S
Are you not pleased by this Lozzy? What are they like? Why's she sent them now?
I wish I had some pics of me in labour and him being bornbut the lack of birth partner meant that was something I missed out on. I got to see with a mirror though and I thought that was pretty cool.
LO was a bit walm after hers so i gave her some calpol, she was soon back to herself after that
They asked me if i wanted to feel her head but i said no,
They asked me if i wanted to feel her head but i said no,
They asked me aswell, i didnt really no what to say but said yea, an when i felt her head it made me wont to push her out even more, plus i didnt no if i was havin a boy or girl so couldnt wait to find out![]()