December Dreamers 2010 mummies-keep in touch

They asked me if i wanted to feel her head but i said no,

They asked me aswell, i didnt really no what to say but said yea, an when i felt her head it made me wont to push her out even more, plus i didnt no if i was havin a boy or girl so couldnt wait to find out :thumbup:

Yes, I did that as well :) they asked me again if I wanted to feel once the head was out and I said "No, I think I'll just wait now" XD

Be glad your wee babbies are handling their colds, I assume a cold was all Silas had it just got on his chest and caused a lot of problems :(

I'm not too bothered about the prospect of jabs. He's had tonnes of heel-pricks for blood sugar tests, screening etc. Then IVs (which I didnt watch) and two lumbar punctures (which I also didnt watch as the doctors thought it would be too traumatic). Still, I don't fancy the wee man being off form for too long.

Lozzy - we all looked like shit during birth I'm sure. I hadn't slept in nearly 3 days and my hair was soaked with sweat and caked all over my yeah, not glamouress. Would've liked pics though :), you glad you have the pics?
I felt lyras head after the midwife said she could see it and I said I didn't believe her :haha: the pictures I have of me giving birth and just after are awful but I'm glad I have them becuase I couldn't see that much and it's all a bit of a blur at the end. I didn't want to forget so I asked my auntie to take pictures and the midwife even did a few becuase she had a better view. There are a couple taken while I'm pushing though and I look horrendous! One got taken just as Lyra was lifted out of the water and the look on my face is priceless, like 'what the f***!' :rofl: xxx
LO was a bit walm after hers so i gave her some calpol, she was soon back to herself after that

I have calpol on standby - if she seems upset in a while I will try her with it.

i would give ger some hun sounds like shes out of sorts and calpol is like magi medicine! it really does work like on the advert!!! we gave ailsa a dose before she went to bed and she slept thru as normal and was back to normal the next day.
Iv got no action shots so to speek, couldent have got any anyway, first an episiotomy and then a consultant hands up my fanjita, some one else pushing on my tummy and two others holding my legs by my ears. Couldent have got one even if i wanted one lol
I have 2 of her crowning, one where her heads out fully and one as her shoulders are coming out but you can't see much on that one becuase there is a cloud of blood in the way :wacko: :haha:

Lyras not settling well at all tonight, she's still moaning and she's been in bed for an hour :nope: silly daddy messing up her bedtime routine with his selfish night cuddles :roll:

On the plus side he listened to what I said about playing call of duty while lyras there (said I really don't think it's good for her to see or hear such a violent war game, it's an 18 for a reason) and he only put it on once I took her up to bed :) xx
Has anyone seen the thread about 'rastamouse' in the baby club? :rofl:
Wish Ailsa liked calpol - shes got a horrible cold and been giving her calpol at night to help her sleep but she looks at u like yr trying to poison her and then spits most of it out!!!

Shes off her milk as well - taking around 3 ozs generally sometimes a bit more but all she really wants to do is sleep! Its been a few days now and I'm wondering whether I should take her to the Drs but she is taking some milk, still producing wet and pooey nappies and when shes awake shes till all smiles, think i'll see how she is tomorrow.

Meadows cold has made her drink less milk than normal, she has gone from 4-5oz to 2-3oz....Doctor wasnt worried, as said that its the same when we have a cold, just dont feel much like eating

As long as they are wee'ing & pooping :thumbup:
Meadow slept through again, only waking a few times for her dummy :sleep:

Just hope it continues & isnt just because she has a cold & doesnt feel much like eating too much :dohh: FX FX FX! :winkwink:
Wish Ailsa liked calpol - shes got a horrible cold and been giving her calpol at night to help her sleep but she looks at u like yr trying to poison her and then spits most of it out!!!

Shes off her milk as well - taking around 3 ozs generally sometimes a bit more but all she really wants to do is sleep! Its been a few days now and I'm wondering whether I should take her to the Drs but she is taking some milk, still producing wet and pooey nappies and when shes awake shes till all smiles, think i'll see how she is tomorrow.

Meadows cold has made her drink less milk than normal, she has gone from 4-5oz to 2-3oz....Doctor wasnt worried, as said that its the same when we have a cold, just dont feel much like eating

As long as they are wee'ing & pooping :thumbup:

thats what i thought - shes taken 4oz this morning so hopefully shes starting to feel better - she just sounds so awful and full of gunk! shes still happy and smiling away tho bless her!
Hi ladies!!!! Dunno how you lot manage to get on so much i definetly struggle lol! I dont get much time to myself now! Hope ur all ok, and bubbas are being good :hugs:

Jude is getting so big now he literally has an inch left in his moses, and im dreading putting him in his cotbed in Jakes room, he still wakes at 4/5 for a feed and i know it wont wake Jake but worry Jude is too young to go in that room? what do you think? And the cotbed wont fit in our room either :-(
I was told before we had Lyra that a baby makes or breaks a relationship and I can see why, I want to murder my OH most of the time! Im going to cut the plug off the PS3 if he ignores her again :growlmad: xx

can see me walking if he doesnt buck his ideas up thats for sure! He actually complained he couldnt concentrate on his FIFA game because she was crying - oh sorry!!xx

Kelly how is Meadow's reflux on the comfort, starting to think thats what Ava has, she arches her back and screams and has fussiness at every feed, seems to constantly want to feed but doesnt take much and is sick after every feed and never sleeps for long.

Emy thats great news honey yay :flower:

I havent got a 6 week check its at 8 weeks - assuming I'm allowed to just drive at 6 weeks? Or do I need a doctors note or something?

Hi Ness...:flower:

Meadow seems to take the comfort milk pretty well, thankfully she is only a small amount sick (but she has silent reflux, not reflux) She still suffers with her pain now & then...:cry: Its so horrible, one minute she is smiling & coo'ing the next, crying in pain :cry:

Why dont you speak to your HV about your concerns, it does sound like reflux, have a look at the 'reflux thread' & mayby post whats going on with Ava, they are a great help & as they are experienced in the symptoms, they may be able to help you :hugs:

Oh & with regard to driving, ring your insurance company as they all have different policys, you need to get your doctor to write on their notes that your scar is feeling Ok, then you are covered with your insurance :thumbup: I was able to drive at 5 weeks, would have been 4, but due to infection I had to wait.


The reflux support thread :hugs:

thanks Kelly was gonna ask where the reflux thread was :) glad Meadow is doing better it does sound similar to how Ava is though, she'll be laid on her back happily cooing away and she'll just start crying ad thrashing around, shes much better if we pick hr up perhaps cos the acids etc arent creaping up her throat when she's upright x

Hey Ness - Charlies ok on comfort, he doesn't throw up at all on it. He's passing wind much more which is why he was crying so much I think. He still gets like it but eventually settles down. Perhaps go the silent reflux route and if that doesn't work push with your doc to see if there's anythin else you can try. My friend suffered for 7 months until finally it emerged her LO was lactose intolerant & they prescribed a special milk and he's like a different baby!

Charlie is sleeping SO well at night! Last night he slept from 12-5:30!!!!! If I would have left him n comforted him I reckon he could have stayed asleep until 6/6:30. During the day he's pretty useless at sleeping lol, if he does sleep it's only on me & as soon as I put him down anywhere he cries. He feeds every 2-3 hours, though it's usually 2. So I don't get anything done at all :shrug: I managed to actually eat lunch today, and yesterday I had to call OH round just so I could make Charlies bottles - he wouldnt even let me pee, he'd wail and wail until I gave him a cuddle -_- super clingy :(

Ah, and I think my arms gonna fall off with all this holding :( it goes numb constantly & I get pins and needles in it :(

Ava likes to be held constantly but it is getting easier, she's having longer periods where she's happy to lay in her crib or moses or bouncer but not for a great deal of time.

she also slept last night from 10.30pm to 4am! Managed to actually get some sleep though I kept waking up to listen for her breathing as she hadnt woken lol x

Awwww chloe ur wee man is gorge :) so cute! Lovely dark hair too. Oliver is really fair, OH is pretty fair and his dad and sister are blonde so I guess he gets it from there.

Anyone planning on taking their LO's swimming? I was hoping to take Oliver after his jabs next week, maybe a couple of wks after, when he's about 10wks or so. Is this too early? He loves the bath and I really want him to be super confident in the water :)

I wnt to take Ava swimming, but will wait til she's about 8-10 weeks so my section scar is definitely healed and better xx
Hi ladies!!!! Dunno how you lot manage to get on so much i definetly struggle lol! I dont get much time to myself now! Hope ur all ok, and bubbas are being good :hugs:

Jude is getting so big now he literally has an inch left in his moses, and im dreading putting him in his cotbed in Jakes room, he still wakes at 4/5 for a feed and i know it wont wake Jake but worry Jude is too young to go in that room? what do you think? And the cotbed wont fit in our room either :-(

have you considered a crib hun? I've just bought Ava one as the cot is too big for our room and shes nearly the full length of her moses lol mine was £60 from Kiddicare but you could get a second hand one and just buy a new mattress for a tenner or so? They last til tey're about 6 months xx
Morning all.

Caitlyn doing well getting over her cold thankfully. She is now 3 weeks old and weighs 9lbs!!!! Go Caitlyn

Lozzy - cheers for the links to the wraps - that makes it look far easier. Will try it out later

Bad day today - Dad in hospital with pancreatitis :cry: - usually associated with alcohol abuse - Now Dad enjoys a drink - usually red wine with a meal but he is hardly a heavy drinker-he hasnt been remotely drunk in years -esp over the last few years with the cancer and then the bladder removal operation - but they were on a mini break in Devon so Dad had drunk a bit more than normal and apparently that was enough to kick this off - apparently his body doesnt fight infections off well anymore - scary thought that its so easy to start it off

Unfortunately this happened on the M4 so they had to leave the car there on the hard shoulder (Mum has to pay the police £150!!! to get it back!:growlmad::growlmad:) and go by ambulance to the hospital in Cardiff. There is no cure or treatment - basically he is now allergic to alcohol and must never have it again - which is great in that its easy to treat but a bit of a blow to know you will never have a glass of wine with a meal or a cold beer on a hot day etc.

Cant drive to go see him- its over 50 miles away anyway- dont want to take a 3 wk old into a hospital. Will have to leave her with DH and express if i want to see him tomorrow.

My poor Dad - he was in terrible pain. He is likely to be in about a week.:nope: And they were supposed to by flying to Tenerrife for 3 weeks in a fortnight.

aww your poor dad he's had a tough few months with his op as well xx
Mizze as bad is it is, atleast they found out what it was quickly and is easy to treat. Im sure in a while your dad wont miss drinking.
They asked me if i wanted to feel her head but i said no,

They asked me aswell, i didnt really no what to say but said yea, an when i felt her head it made me wont to push her out even more, plus i didnt no if i was havin a boy or girl so couldnt wait to find out :thumbup:

I wanted to but was to exhausted to move my arm:dohh:

They asked me if i wanted to feel her head but i said no,

They asked me aswell, i didnt really no what to say but said yea, an when i felt her head it made me wont to push her out even more, plus i didnt no if i was havin a boy or girl so couldnt wait to find out :thumbup:

Yes, I did that as well :) they asked me again if I wanted to feel once the head was out and I said "No, I think I'll just wait now" XD

Be glad your wee babbies are handling their colds, I assume a cold was all Silas had it just got on his chest and caused a lot of problems :(

I'm not too bothered about the prospect of jabs. He's had tonnes of heel-pricks for blood sugar tests, screening etc. Then IVs (which I didnt watch) and two lumbar punctures (which I also didnt watch as the doctors thought it would be too traumatic). Still, I don't fancy the wee man being off form for too long.

Lozzy - we all looked like shit during birth I'm sure. I hadn't slept in nearly 3 days and my hair was soaked with sweat and caked all over my yeah, not glamouress. Would've liked pics though :), you glad you have the pics?

I was abit shocked when i felt her head it then clicked i was havin my baby :wacko:

Hi ladies!!!! Dunno how you lot manage to get on so much i definetly struggle lol! I dont get much time to myself now! Hope ur all ok, and bubbas are being good :hugs:

Jude is getting so big now he literally has an inch left in his moses, and im dreading putting him in his cotbed in Jakes room, he still wakes at 4/5 for a feed and i know it wont wake Jake but worry Jude is too young to go in that room? what do you think? And the cotbed wont fit in our room either :-(

Hey kerrie, love the new avatar pic, so cute!

I personaly wont be puttin Eva in her cot till she is aleast 6 months, only because OH younger brother died of a cot death at 4nhalf months, an its just stuck in my head it could happen. Eva is still really small so im pretty sure she will fit in her mosses basket for a good while longer.
MIzzie he is in thebest place bein cared for, hope your doing ok? And hows the wee women?

HV came this morning, and weighed Eva she is now 8lb 13oz and 52cm long, she still has the cold but the nasal spray relieves her wee nose a good bit.
Cot death can happen anywhere, its got a greater risk of there sleeping in something thats to small for them as there is less room for them to move around so if a blanket went over their face they wouldent have the space to move away from it.
Ino that, once she is to big for her mosses basket ill get a crib like ness has done. sayin that i duno if all mosses baskets are made to the same length etc but Eva still looks super small in hers?

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