December Mums

Thanks for the badge Ria, it's awesome.

I feel very 'strange' today. I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me because i'm getting impatient or not, but I think i'm starting to get a few 'niggles'. Since last night i've had some really bad period pain style cramps/aches, and i've definitely lost if not most, then all of my plug. I'm Term a week today so I hope it's a sign.
It really sounds like everyone is feeling fed up included!
Do you think it's because we haven't a birth for a couple of days?????? We need to sprinkle :dust: to all those overdue. I think hearing about people going into labour etc keeps us all going........ there is an end!!!!!!!!!!!
:hugs: to everyone feeling a little low/unwell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's interesting Vicky, wonder if things are beginning to move for you?
Thanks for the badge, Ria! I'll have to add it to my sig!
So, I had a great prenatal yesterday. My platelet count is stabilized (up a bit, actually), so that is officially nothing to worry about, although I do have to continue to be monitored. They have added thyroid monitoring to my bloodwork, as I mentioned the Hashimoto's thread in Preg Club forum to my doctor and asked if I'm at higher risk because my mum has it. Apparently the answer is yes, and I now will be giving a vial of blood to check on that, as well. No big deal - I'm already in there with my sleeve rolled up! :)
So, I did something yesterday that I have never done before: I got a flu shot!
I work with kids and have been urged to do these every year, but I've never bothered because I don't think the statistics support the flu shot as being all that effective. I am not against vaccinations, at all. With the travelling I've done and the animals I've worked with, I have some pretty interesting antibodies floating around in me!:) But I have been sceptical of the flu shot and haven't bothered. Until yesterday. The clinic really recommended it for preggos, so I decided to do it while I was there.
And right after the doctor jabbed me, I remembered that I probably should have waited because I have been fighting a sinus infection all weekend, and if I am under the weather at all, I tend to get really knocked down from vaccines. I think my body is busy fighting off the established bug, and when it has to respond to the vaccine as well, the established bug flares up. Anyway, you'll all be proud of me. After broken sleep, a pounding sinus headache and really revolting substances draining out of my nose all night, I staggered out of bed this morning and called in sick!
And the world didn't stop turning! Imagine that!
So I'm snuggled up with hot tea and a box of tissues and I'm going to sleep, mess around on the computer, sleep, then watch a movie, then sleep, then imperiously demand nice treats be prepared for me by my long-suffering OH, then sleep some more.
You get the picture!
I feel better (in spirit) already! :)
I have no idea, but I can't help but wonder! I have my 36wk appt tomorrow so i'm going to mention it.
Oh Sarahkka, sorry you been feeling rotten! I too am sceptical of the flu jab...

I forgot all about my news! :dohh: Yesterday afternoon the health centre called with my blood results. My ferritin stores have one up from 5 to 6 (my MW did a cheer when I told her at antenatal class last night!) and my red blood cell count is fine. The receptionist wasn't able to tell me my haemoglobin though I am sure they will have tested it. I was only 10.4 before though so it wasn't very low. But interestingly, in the month I've been on iron tablets my Vitamin B12 has dropped from 195 (180 being normal) down to 146.

The GP said he wants me back on iron tablets and to eat more dairy for the Vit B12. I refuse to take iron tablets again so I've started on spatone that my MW recommended. Means I have to pay for it for better than hard black poo and tummy ache for the last weeks of pregnancy!

When I told the MW about the Vit B12 she said I should get the injection, which is something like a jab every other day for 10 days. This is because I am veggie so given that I can't stomach eggs and hardly ever cheese there is only milk and yeast-ex I can get it from. I looked up about Vit B12 deficiency and it's really quite significant, being linked to neural tube defects (though I'm past this stage now of course) but also a methyl-trap thing (won't go into the biochemistry!) but means you get stuck into a cycle of not being able to make methionine which is very important for making proteins. It's strongly linked to neurological conditions and of course is prominent in vegetarians and vegans. The MW was clearly concerned that I wouldn't be able to build up my stores through diet alone and as the GP knows I'm veggie (hence only suggesting dairy intake) he should have known it would be impossible for me to improve the levels in the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy through diet. He is so shit. He's not my normal GP who I never seem to be able to get hold of and who is very good. This guy has been crap every single time I've seen him.

Feel annoyed about the GP but it's good my MW was at the class last night as she's going to sort it all out for me. I find it very suspicious that it's plummeted while I've been on iron tablets though...
Sarahkka sounds like you have a well planned out day ahead!
Well done for getting the flu shot too, and I hope your other test come back ok xXx

I will have to give regular type and cross samples soon (from 36 weeks I think) due to a serious PPH after my daughter was born (lost around 3 1/2 litres of blood and had 3 transfusions) So I will be looking like a pin cushion soon!
Oh the joys of parenthood eh?!!!
Ladies just a quickie ive noticed a few Dec mums still looking for buddies so i've bumped the threads in the buddies section, keep your eye on your thread if you made one for new replies!!

Maybe subscribe to a notification of new replies on the thread!!

Dont want anyone getting forgotten now we all have 4 - 8 weeks to go now!!
Morning Ladies!
Thanks to my two wonderful Lo's I've been up since 3am!
Tired dosent quite cover it really! Noah woke up first, so I tried to settle him back to sleep and then Abbi got up and they both wanted to play!!!!!
Needless to say they WILL be having a nap later and so will mummy xXx
God only know's what I'm going to do with three of them at night! if they all wake up at the same time xXx Thats the downside to having a small age gap I think!
Oh well never mind eh?
Hope you all have a good day! xXx
Morning all,

Seems we are all having these strange days at the minute !!

Sarahka - hope you are feeling better :hugs:
PB - Doctors are so crap sometimes , thank god you have a good MW !!
Vicky - Hope this is bubba starting to get ready to meet mommy !
Poloma - The joys of being a mommy hey :dohh: , hope you get a well earned nap later.

As for me i have another day of NOTHING but waiting for the new boiler to arrive and lots of BnB !!
Morning Ladies!
Well had a TERRIBLE night, last night. I feel so miserable this morning! Felt like i was on a yoyo string the amount of times i was up and down! So glad i'm not at work today i think i would be crying at this point if i was. What makes it worse is that DH asked me if i slept well last night!!! WTF is he oblivious to what goes on! The only time he woke up was at 4.35am and he asked me if i had been outside for a cigarette................. I don't smoke. God knows what was going on in his head.

Sorry for that......... feel a little better now though.
Momandpeanut have just noticed where you are from! Which hospital are you planning to go to??? xx
How is everyone else this morning???

Morning ladies. ive been up since 5am with mild contractions :(
I was 2cm when they checked on thursday night but I just have no idea whats going on :( I feel awful. Starting to get a cold again too.
Im just not coping too well at the mo :(
What a great start to the day..

Hope everyone is good

Ooo nice to met another local mommy to be !

Sorry to hear you had a bad night , it really makes you feel crap the next day !

Hopefully you can take it easy today as you have no work!

When are you finishing on mat leave ??
Ooo nice to met another local mommy to be !

Sorry to hear you had a bad night , it really makes you feel crap the next day !

Hopefully you can take it easy today as you have no work!

When are you finishing on mat leave ??

Next friday and i can't wait! Feels like i have been counting down to finishing work since i found out i was pregnant!
Can't believe i won't have to go to work..... have worked F/T since i left school at 16, will prob love it for a few weeks then begin to hate my own company!! Oh well i'm sure LO will keep me busy when she gets here!
How about you ?? xxxxxxxxxxx
Morning girls,
Sounds like everyone had a rubbish night sleep last night :(
i hope you get to have some rest today to recharge girls :hugs: xx
I bet you carnt wait !!

I lost my job at the start of my pregnancy so i have been at home for most of it and its been very boring at times !!
Hopefully you wont have to long after finishing work before baby arrives !!
Morning ladies hope your all well!!

M&P hope you have a "fun" day waiting in lol .... i hate waiting in for people, you knwoat that moment you need to nip to the shop for milk the delivery man will turn up you'll miss them lol!!

Sorry you had a bad night Malpal!!

Poor Sophie you just take it easy hun, hope things ease off a little soon for you!!

As for me, im bored at work already and ive only been here 30 mins lol, left hubby at home tucked up on the sofa after his op on his wisdom tooth yesterday, his face is all swollen like a little hamster bless him!! I reaaaaally dont want to be at work today but its my LAST FULL DAY!! I'm in tomorrow morning to clear bits and bobs up and then im done YAY!!

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