Thanks for the badge, Ria! I'll have to add it to my sig!
So, I had a great prenatal yesterday. My platelet count is stabilized (up a bit, actually), so that is officially nothing to worry about, although I do have to continue to be monitored. They have added thyroid monitoring to my bloodwork, as I mentioned the Hashimoto's thread in Preg Club forum to my doctor and asked if I'm at higher risk because my mum has it. Apparently the answer is yes, and I now will be giving a vial of blood to check on that, as well. No big deal - I'm already in there with my sleeve rolled up!
So, I did something yesterday that I have never done before: I got a flu shot!
I work with kids and have been urged to do these every year, but I've never bothered because I don't think the statistics support the flu shot as being all that effective. I am not against vaccinations, at all. With the travelling I've done and the animals I've worked with, I have some pretty interesting antibodies floating around in me!
But I have been sceptical of the flu shot and haven't bothered. Until yesterday. The clinic really recommended it for preggos, so I decided to do it while I was there.
And right after the doctor jabbed me, I remembered that I probably should have waited because I have been fighting a sinus infection all weekend, and if I am under the weather at all, I tend to get really knocked down from vaccines. I think my body is busy fighting off the established bug, and when it has to respond to the vaccine as well, the established bug flares up. Anyway, you'll all be proud of me. After broken sleep, a pounding sinus headache and really revolting substances draining out of my nose all night, I staggered out of bed this morning and called in sick!
And the world didn't stop turning! Imagine that!
So I'm snuggled up with hot tea and a box of tissues and I'm going to sleep, mess around on the computer, sleep, then watch a movie, then sleep, then imperiously demand nice treats be prepared for me by my long-suffering OH, then sleep some more.
You get the picture!
I feel better (in spirit) already!