December Mums

:hissy::hissy:WOAH! Look out watch your backs MAD woman coming through!!! :hissy::hissy:

I just had a complete meltdown because my computer wouldn't load my settings!!! :huh: I think I need therapy, I'm a loon! :wacko:

I'm about to have some freshly baked bread for my lunch, then once OH has phoned and LO is snoozing I'm going back to bed! :sleep:

How's your back today Lou? Mines starting to really piss me off now; I'm bored of being pregnant! :shy:

Hope someone else has got my chipper vibes today, I'd hate to think that they'd gone to waste. :D
Looks like you girls have all had a "productive" day lol!!

Thank god the day is over!! For those that are still working are you all thinking that too lol!!
I just took another sick day!
And my team of artists is doing fine without me.
It feels so good to sleep and have hot fluids and not worry about anything.
Woke up to the first snow of the year.
I am a winter baby, so I love the snow. I don't love driving in it, but it's so pretty and it means that baby will be here soon. I sort of had in my mind that baby will be here just after winter starts. Six weeks or so, and this wiggly bump becomes a little human being for me to meet!
Still trying to wrap my head around that.
PP how was your last full day at work? I can't wait until next friday and that's me all done! xx
hi girls, i have had a failry busy day left the house at 9 and didnt return till half 5.

been to anti natal and visiting everyone

baby is still breech, if she hasnt turned in 2 weeks got to go to consultant to see if they can turn her or if not book in a section.
they tried 3 times to get blood jabbing me with no success
blood pressure is better too, she actually measure me so not sure if im still measuring bigger
hope all is ok with everyone, my back has been alot better today but because i been sat at everyone houses today its agony again tonight

Morning girls

How is everyone today.

Well i have my 36 week appoinment today at 11:00, im going to mention loosing my plug and see what she says. God i hope she doesn't do an internal but most probs will. I know vicky had one when she told her MW about the plug so i probs wont escape it lol.

Lou- i hope baby turns on her own or co-operates when they try to turn her
PP- are you on maternity leave now??
Angelmouse- I hope you feel better soon, im fed up of being preg too. Just think this time next month we all wont have long to go
PP how was your last full day at work? I can't wait until next friday and that's me all done! xx

Tiring :rofl:

I'm in work this morning sorting out a few bits and bobs and then im done, although my boss hasnt turned up today which is nice of him, so i wont see him before i go and probably means im going to get roped into helping the other girl out as she's here on her own!! Bit annoyed with that really i should be enjoying finishing up not getting in a tizz about it!!
Good Morning!
Well today i'm off to have my 34 week scan to check again the position of my placenta! When i went two weeks ago it still hadn't moved, Fingers crossed for today!

PP... Make sure you enjoy your last day at work!!!!! Don't let them stress you out xx
Aidans Mummy.... Good luck at you appointment today xx

Morning girlies :D

Aidans mummy good luck at your app today!! god 36 weeks not long for you now hun!!

PP enjoy your last day at work :happydance: bit poor of your boss not to turn up really!!

Malpal i hope your placenta has moved for you!! Good luck!! xx
well morning all, i got no plans for today what so ever, except chill on the settee

good luck all the girls with appointments today

pp try and enjoy your last bit of time at work

hope everyone else is doing ok, anyone got any plans for the day

Morning All
Got a better nights sleep and almost a lie in! Kids got me up at 7 this morning which is pretty rare!
Feel worse for it though? Go figure?

Aidans mummy hope your appointment goes well hun xXx

Got my fingers crossed for you Malpal really hope your placenta has moved for you!! xXx
Morning All
Got a better nights sleep and almost a lie in! Kids got me up at 7 this morning which is pretty rare!
Feel worse for it though? Go figure?

Aidans mummy hope your appointment goes well hun xXx

Got my fingers crossed for you Malpal really hope your placenta has moved for you!! xXx

Ah Thanks, Glad you had a better night sleep! Have a good day xx
Morning all,

PP - have a good last day at work !
Malpal- hope your placenta has moved !
Heather - Good luck with your appt hope alls well !
Poloma - Glad you had a better nights sleep , but i know what you mean about feeling worse , strange isnt it :dohh:

As for me a day of a bit of housework and walking the dog !!
Aidan's Mummy good luck at your appointment! Internals aren't all that bad really. Honest :)

I had literally zero sleep last night as I was getting really bad pains in my back and heaps of braxton hicks even though I was going sod all. I'm kinda stuck in limbo now - I'm not in labour but i'm getting niggles all over the place. I can see why Mummy's get so depressed and anxious when they're almost at their due dates/overdue, now. Gah.

Hope you're all okay!
i cant actually think of anything worse than being overdue it is taking long enough to get to my due date let alone being overdue.

weather here miserable today which is making me want to do nothing, im still in my pjs

I have been getting myself into a right state just lately worrying about going overdue! I keep working things out like............ If i'm due on the 16th dec and here they leave you 12 days before inducing, then thats the 28th dec, then i could be a day or so if i'm induced and then if i have to stay in hospital...... me and LO will be stuck in hospital on new years eve while evryone else is celebrating!!!! It's really bothering me i would really really like her here and to be at home before christmas!
You see this is what happens when you sit around thinking to much...................... you drive yourself mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hissy::hissy::hissy:
i agree malpoal, we due the same day and i keep thinking that i dont know whether i would be so bothered about being overdue if being overdue didnt mean she might come at any time over christmas, i have no ideas what to do over christmas regards arrangements with family and dinner etc what have you planned to do?

I know what you mean. I still have 3 and a half weeks til my due date but i'm already fed up.
:hugs: girls, im fed up to and im a a few weeks behind you, i could be a january mum!!
i really hope im not mind!! i really really dont want to go overdue!! if i do it means i could have upto another 9/10 weeks left!! and im really starting to struggle at the moment, my skin around my sides is so sore from where its strecthing and nothing easies it ive tried hot baths, rubbing them with bio-oil but its still really painfull! i dont know how im going to cope if i do go overdue!!

fingers crossed for you ladies you go ontime!! xx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Im having one of those days to ladies ! The thought of going over is a nightmare, I feel grumpy tired and just down right moody today !! I carnt wait for bubba to be here !

My lovely OH put the cot together last night because i was feeling yucky and i think thats just made me feel like its forever until i meet this baby !!!

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