*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Hi everyone. Felynn, again so sorry...

So I slept well last night...Thank God! But then this morning I rolled over and stretched and I felt a pain in my abdomen. It was like a stretching, muscle pull kinda feeling, so I hope baby is ok but it scared me. Has anyone else had this? It's just got me a little bit nervous. Hope it was just a muscle from baby growing and my stretch and not anything else.

I get this quite frequently - usually when I roll over in bed or sometimes when I sit up quickly or cough. My midwife told me it is perfectly normal and just ligament stretching pains. I find it is better just to move gradually and then it doesn't seem to happen so much.
Sorry Felynn. :hugs:

The same thing happens to me sometimes if I move too quickly. I think its fairly common. Still worries me, like I think I pulled or broke something in there :shrug:
Thanks I'm happy I'm not the only one. I was thinking it's probably because my stomach muscles are stretching enough on their own making room for baby and when I stretched it just aggravated the already stretching muscles. It just made me nervous for a bit. I hope baby is ok in there and every little thing makes me think, 'uh oh I hope the baby is ok'. I wish there were a little screen in there soI could just see baby all of the time. Maybe I would worry less? lol
You are going to need to remove my name, sadly I have another angle baby! good luck to the rest of you December Snowflakes!!!!!

FeLynn I am so sorry hun. Take care & I hope to see you with a BFP with your forever baby very soon :hugs: x

Thanks I'm happy I'm not the only one. I was thinking it's probably because my stomach muscles are stretching enough on their own making room for baby and when I stretched it just aggravated the already stretching muscles. It just made me nervous for a bit. I hope baby is ok in there and every little thing makes me think, 'uh oh I hope the baby is ok'. I wish there were a little screen in there soI could just see baby all of the time. Maybe I would worry less? lol

A little screen to view in there would be amazing!! :haha: I also get it, sometimes when move to quickly, pretty sure it is just stretching :)
So sorry FeLynn

Went for my scan on friday and it was amazing baby was jumping around and the sonographer said the baby is a very active little one, They measured bby and the first time he/she was 11 weeks 3 days like we thought i was they done it again and baby measured 11 weeks 5 days and then baby stretched out for her and she done it again and he/she was 12 weeks so she gave us the middle measurement 11 weeks 5 days so my EDD is Dec the 16th now :D, once ive put the pic on my come ill put it on here for all too see. Well after the scan we went shopping and bought loads and how good are these new monitors with screens on so ya can see the baby, well my OH being my OH wanted one but they are amazing. Just can not wait now untill my 20 week scan and found out the sex xxxx
Just though i would post again as i am sat here thinking and looking on google about it, Who is planning on breastfeeding already breast fed prev etc. I'm looking at breastfeeding i would love too but i then dont just want the baby to see me as a feeding machine i no that sounds horrible but i dont want the baby to be passed to me and just see me as am going to feed it. I also want OH to do night feeds and to feed the baby in the day bc i want him to bond with the baby and i know he will love it but i also no he wants me to breastfeed, i am defiantly going to give it a try and was thinking about expressing so that everyone can feed the baby but ive read up on a few things about nipple confusion and all stuff like tht now im just confused but one thing i do know is i want OH to bond and feed the baby too, i just dont no anyone got any advice ? xxxx

P.S - i know half of this may not make sense cz wen i start blabbering on i dont make sense lol xxxx
Saradavies89...Glad you enjoyed scan, we have the same due date! I am also 12 weeks today but have my 12 week scan on Thurs so it could change.

I think you maybe looking to far ahead re the breast feeding situation. I think you will need to wait and see what happens and what is best for you and bub. I breastfed my first till she was 10 months and my second till she was 13 months. I never felt like a feeding machine but I do get what you mean, it can at times be time consuming and "ties" you to the baby, but I just loved it. It takes a bit of work, trial and error at first but once you have it down it's (in my experience) amazing. It's great also when immunisation cones around as you can just pop them on the boob and they calm right down :) I could never express, I found it painful and would only ever get a small amount but I do know many women that haven't had problems. As for DH, he can bond with the baby in different ways, he could for instance do the bathing when he is able, this is very bonding. There are stacks of support networks out there for breast feeding mums too. One thing about breastfeeding it's not just about feeding the baby, if all is going right it is the most special bond between a mother and baby :)
Glad you had a great scan Sara :) I'll change your EDD when I'm back on my laptop.

I also agree with munch on the BF'ing topic, give it a go and see how you feel :) its a very personal choice. I tried to BF my DD but it hurt so much, problem was was that I never sought any help so I ended up exclusively expressing with a breast pump for 6 weeks (HARD WORK!!!) until my milk ran dry. The guilt that still consumes me to this day for not trying harder or getting help is massive :( the times I did manage to BF her successfully were amazing, and just seeing her grow & thrive from something that I had produced was the best feeling in the world. She has quite bad eczema now and I always wonder if she'd of had it if I had continued to BF :shrug: so I know with 110% certainty I'll BF this time round!
I breastfed but also used formula (baby was so big she was always hungry, so I couldn't seem to give her enough milk!). Mostly breastmilk though. Noone tells you how hard it can be in the beginning, that it can be quite painful and frustraiting. I almost quit a few times! But if you keep at it, get help if you are in pain from a breastfeeding consultant, and suddenly it becomes so easy! It ended up being awesome and I really miss it now! It was so convenient to get up with her in the night and all I had to do was pull up my shirt. She'd lay in bed with me to eat, I never had to go prepare a bottle. SO easy! Nice when you're on the go as well and they get hungry. Rose used a bottle also and never had any troubles going from one to the other. If there was milk in it she was happy, lol!
I BF 2 weeks with my son and am planning on going much longer with this baby! Only reason I quit was I had PPD.

On another scary note, I had to go to the ER yesterday. I was having some very strange cramping pain (no bleeding though) so we went in and they did blood work but they also had to give me a catheter to blow up my bladder for the pelvic ultrasound. They didn't numb me at all so it hurt SO BAD going in, and then the ultrasound hurt a ton because she was pushing onto my abdomen where it hurt for what seemed like ever, then they had to do an internal one which wasn't fun, and the lady dropped my urine collection bag which tugged on the catheter which hurt like a bitch! Then the dumb lady that we had to hunt down to take it out for me gave me no warning she was removing it and just yanked it out from the side of my bed. Needless to say I complained on my way out.

Everything turned out to be good, and we got to see the baby moving all over, stretching his legs out, and he or she was sucking its thumb. It was adorable, but I couldn't enjoy it much as I was in so much pain.... they said it could be round ligament pain or just stretching but I never thought it would hurt so bad. They said to take Tylenol. I was shocked. I'm wondering if it's scar tissue from my c-section scar that hurt so bad... but either way we missed a wedding we had to go to, which I felt awful about because they paid for us and we weren't there... :(
Fifipots...totally understand, you need to look at all options. Esp after your last birth, sounds traumatic. Most important thing is to have a happy healthy baby at the end of it all no matter how they arrive. You have a gorgeous family, I bet they are excited about another brother or sister. Least we have some time to think about decisions :)

Hopefully they'll be excited, we haven't told them yet, have got my scan on friday and once we get the all clear then we'll fill them in, can't believe we've managed to keep it secret all this time though, especially as my belly is getting bigger by the day x
Hi, I'd love to join! I'm due December 25th, yay for a Christmas baby!
Hi girls, how's everyone doing? I was reading through the posts to catch up and watching the amazing videos.....
I'm 11 weeks tomorrow, no scan yet but I have a Doppler tomorrow to hear some HB. Exciting!!!!!!
I am exhausted girls (so exhausted iv not read previous posts,sorry:blush:) , my OHs company do charity work every year working with local charity's. Today we were doing a BBQ at local pub, my OH my self and one of my OH friends/colleagues showed up! Every other person that signed up for it just didn't show up, so instead of doing a two hour shift we did from 12-9, I'm not complaining cause it for a worthy charity........but that what annoys me, these guys didn't even bat an eyelid at letting a charity down! Shocking the world we live in! Sorry that wasn't even pregnancy related:shrug: just needed to rant at these selfish people!
I am exhausted girls (so exhausted iv not read previous posts,sorry:blush:) , my OHs company do charity work every year working with local charity's. Today we were doing a BBQ at local pub, my OH my self and one of my OH friends/colleagues showed up! Every other person that signed up for it just didn't show up, so instead of doing a two hour shift we did from 12-9, I'm not complaining cause it for a worthy charity........but that what annoys me, these guys didn't even bat an eyelid at letting a charity down! Shocking the world we live in! Sorry that wasn't even pregnancy related:shrug: just needed to rant at these selfish people!

Im exhausted too but not due to doing too much i just hardly been getting any sleep :( and i get so upset and frustrated when i cant get to sleep, my OH just thinks im a moaner. Well yesterday i set up the baby's rocker and omg it made it all real and i just cant wait to get the baby in there now. I'm starting to stress about alot of things aswel which i think is contributing to the lack of sleep one of them things being WE NEED A HOUSE ARGGGGHHHH why cant life just be easy lol :cry:, just anywhere we find out nice to start renting just goes off the market in no time and im too fussy to just have anywhere, my mum keeps telling me not to worry and that me the baby and my OH are welcome to stay at home untill we find somewhere we want to live, even tho she knows we would rather be somewhere before the baby comes but i suppose if we have to we have too. I live in north wales i feel so sorry for people that live in city's bc round here for a decent house to rent thts got a nice garden and obv the house is sorta modern its £650 upwards for a months rent thats without the rest of the bills on top. Last year we was buying a house we had the deposit ready and everything and rang the mortgage company up to start the ball rolling and they decided that 12 thousand pound deposit wasnt enough they wanted 20 thousand, which we obv havent got that kind of money and now we defo havent got that kind of money with a baby on the way :cry: grrrrrrr lifes a bitch xxxxx
Hi, I'd love to join! I'm due December 25th, yay for a Christmas baby!

Welcome and congrats! Will add you to our list :flower:

I am exhausted girls (so exhausted iv not read previous posts,sorry:blush:) , my OHs company do charity work every year working with local charity's. Today we were doing a BBQ at local pub, my OH my self and one of my OH friends/colleagues showed up! Every other person that signed up for it just didn't show up, so instead of doing a two hour shift we did from 12-9, I'm not complaining cause it for a worthy charity........but that what annoys me, these guys didn't even bat an eyelid at letting a charity down! Shocking the world we live in! Sorry that wasn't even pregnancy related:shrug: just needed to rant at these selfish people!

I'm not getting much sleep either hun :( lots of weird & crazy dreams and then stretchinhg is keeping me up. So tired :sleep:

You'll find somewhere I'm sure - it only takes one lovely house to pop up and then it'll be yours :)
Im exhausted too but not due to doing too much i just hardly been getting any sleep :( and i get so upset and frustrated when i cant get to sleep, my OH just thinks im a moaner. Well yesterday i set up the baby's rocker and omg it made it all real and i just cant wait to get the baby in there now. I'm starting to stress about alot of things aswel which i think is contributing to the lack of sleep one of them things being WE NEED A HOUSE ARGGGGHHHH why cant life just be easy lol :cry:, just anywhere we find out nice to start renting just goes off the market in no time and im too fussy to just have anywhere, my mum keeps telling me not to worry and that me the baby and my OH are welcome to stay at home untill we find somewhere we want to live, even tho she knows we would rather be somewhere before the baby comes but i suppose if we have to we have too. I live in north wales i feel so sorry for people that live in city's bc round here for a decent house to rent thts got a nice garden and obv the house is sorta modern its £650 upwards for a months rent thats without the rest of the bills on top. Last year we was buying a house we had the deposit ready and everything and rang the mortgage company up to start the ball rolling and they decided that 12 thousand pound deposit wasnt enough they wanted 20 thousand, which we obv havent got that kind of money and now we defo havent got that kind of money with a baby on the way :cry: grrrrrrr lifes a bitch xxxxx
Evian, glad everything turned out ok, but I'm sorry about your overall experience. They don't sound very nice at the er you went to, hopefully they aren't the same ppl who will be doing the delivery.

On the BF topic, I would like to, no question there, and I will do what I have to to make it possible. But I also intend on pumping so DH can feed her, I want him to bond and I want him to do some of the work. :) And I am not against formula sometimes after the first month if I'm not able to pump enough. But again as the other ladies said it is a personal choice and you will see when the time comes what is best for you.

Happy Monday everyone!
Im exhausted too but not due to doing too much i just hardly been getting any sleep :( and i get so upset and frustrated when i cant get to sleep, my OH just thinks im a moaner. Well yesterday i set up the baby's rocker and omg it made it all real and i just cant wait to get the baby in there now. I'm starting to stress about alot of things aswel which i think is contributing to the lack of sleep one of them things being WE NEED A HOUSE ARGGGGHHHH why cant life just be easy lol :cry:, just anywhere we find out nice to start renting just goes off the market in no time and im too fussy to just have anywhere, my mum keeps telling me not to worry and that me the baby and my OH are welcome to stay at home untill we find somewhere we want to live, even tho she knows we would rather be somewhere before the baby comes but i suppose if we have to we have too. I live in north wales i feel so sorry for people that live in city's bc round here for a decent house to rent thts got a nice garden and obv the house is sorta modern its £650 upwards for a months rent thats without the rest of the bills on top. Last year we was buying a house we had the deposit ready and everything and rang the mortgage company up to start the ball rolling and they decided that 12 thousand pound deposit wasnt enough they wanted 20 thousand, which we obv havent got that kind of money and now we defo havent got that kind of money with a baby on the way :cry: grrrrrrr lifes a bitch xxxxx

I completely understand this. My sleep pattern has been so off, which leaves me exhausted at work. :headspin: And DH and I have a 2bd apt now, which is fine for us and the 2 boys but with this little one on the way we need more room. We want to buy a house but things have just been going so wrong lately that it's got that process sidelined at least until next year. I don't want to move to another apartment and change the boy's school, only to change it again when we do move into a house. I want to move once and that be that, you know? So frustrating...

On another note, I went to Babies-R-Us to shop for a friend's baby shower and wanted to buy everything in the store. But I was good and didn't buy anything besides what I went in there for. Although I do have my eye on the cutest, gender-neutral bassinet! We're trying to hold off on buying things until we know the sex-which isn't until forever. :x

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