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*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Mann. I've been gone for a few days b/c I was busy at work and this board has just been abuzz! Such nervous excitement :)

Well I got my second set of blood tests-good news! My original hcg level on Friday was at 197 and they said it needed to be at 800 by Tuesday and it was at 906. They didn't give me a reading for my progesterone on Friday but they said it was at 77.4 today which they said was good news. I go in on April 20 for my 7 week scan! EEEEK!!!!! So excited!! :happydance:

OOoh I wonder what my levels are now!? Don't go to the doctor until tuesday! So nervous!:wacko:
Great news Blu!! Wish I could find out what my levels are but they don't ever check it here. Maybe if you're having problems they do.
Hey Nixlix! Welcome! How have you been?
My due date based on my lmp is Dec 8th, going for the first doc apt April 23rd! Most likely an ultrasound too!
Welcome and congrats to all the new folks! It's getting harder to keep up with the thread -- I love it! :)

I'm 5 weeks exactly today! My period is officially more than a week late, so this is seeming just a tad bit more real.

In a couple hours, DH and I are going in for our first scan. I think it's a little early, but we were seeing a fertility specialist and were scheduled to go in for laparoscopic surgery today, and all parties want to make sure that things are looking okay in there. I'm a little worried that we won't be able to see anything, which will just make me go into hyperdrive with the worrying... but I really hope we can see something, and that everything we CAN see looks great!
wow so many new members!! so exciting!!

so i got my blood woron saturday and when i called the doctor yesterday for my Hcg levels they said that the doctor forgot to select that box :( and so now i need to go for more blood work just for my level...i hate bloodwork so i am very upset with my dr but what can i do right...lol

noticed lots of people are saying they are exhausted, i am too of course lol cant seem to nap or sleep well at night tho so not sure how to catch up on sleep...and the nauseousness has begun lol

I'm also very tired but unable to nap or sleep through the night. I woke up 3 times last night.

Every time I use the bathroom I'm scared I'll find blood. I'll prob regret this, but I look forward for MS to kick in so I know my bean is progressing nicely.
I would like to join this thread too. My due date is the 2nd of December. I had my first dr. visit on monday and they said everything was looking good. I go back on the 30th for my first ultrasound. Can't wait to see our LO.
Ladies I am super upset... I finally got through to the doctor's office and my first appointment is May 14th, I'll be 11 weeks... and my first scan is at 20 weeks. I can pay for an earlier scan, but I need a prescription which I will only get on May 14th and then would have to schedule from there... so maybe at 15 weeks?? I am freaking out a little... I don't know what to think.
Ladies I am super upset... I finally got through to the doctor's office and my first appointment is May 14th, I'll be 11 weeks... and my first scan is at 20 weeks. I can pay for an earlier scan, but I need a prescription which I will only get on May 14th and then would have to schedule from there... so maybe at 15 weeks?? I am freaking out a little... I don't know what to think.

That does seem a little late... I haven't talked to my doc yet since I've been waiting to be late, but from what I remember from friends being preggo with their first, I think I'll be seen earlier than that to at least do blood work and answer a ton of questions. Do you have any kind of pre-appointment booked?
So, sorry to kind of jump in, I was just wondering if most people called their docs the minute they got a bfp, or if they waited until they were officially "late." Also, how is everyone feeling? I feel pretty normal except bbs still sore, some trouble sleeping even though I'm super tired, and I pee constantly!!!
I have no sore bb no cm no nothing!!!! I will ring for appt after Easter as I'll be late x
So, sorry to kind of jump in, I was just wondering if most people called their docs the minute they got a bfp, or if they waited until they were officially "late." Also, how is everyone feeling? I feel pretty normal except bbs still sore, some trouble sleeping even though I'm super tired, and I pee constantly!!!

Pretty much the same symptoms so far here.
I called the doctor a day or two after I got my bfp. I think it was the day AF was due. In hindsight perhaps I could have waited a few more days because the insisted I come in within the next 2 weeks. So therefore I have an early scan at 5wks5d. I hope the baby is progressing nicely and that I can see the heartbeat even though it's probably too early.
So, sorry to kind of jump in, I was just wondering if most people called their docs the minute they got a bfp, or if they waited until they were officially "late." Also, how is everyone feeling? I feel pretty normal except bbs still sore, some trouble sleeping even though I'm super tired, and I pee constantly!!!

Pretty much the same symptoms so far here.
I called the doctor a day or two after I got my bfp. I think it was the day AF was due. In hindsight perhaps I could have waited a few more days because the insisted I come in within the next 2 weeks. So therefore I have an early scan at 5wks5d. I hope the baby is progressing nicely and that I can see the heartbeat even though it's probably too early.

Good luck at your appt!! Im torn between wanting an early scan just to make it is real and wanting to wait so I don't have to worry extra if it's too early to see the heartbeat...
No... May 14th is my first appointment.. I was really surprised the receptionist didn't give me any information, even though I started crying on the phone she didn't offer any kind of advice or anything I could go... just said it was like for everyone and I was lucky that I was calling them so early in my pregnancy...because that is the earliest appointment they have regardless.

I'm gonna talk to some pregnant/recently pregnant friends I have here to see what it was like with them. I know it is different in the states because it is private.. but I thought here if I wanted I could pay to get better service.. but apparently not.

Alright... so where can I buy a doppler??
I called my gp the day I got my bfp... but my period was already late so I wasn't worried about a chemical... it then took almost a week to get a referral to an ob, and now I have to wait 7 weeks for my appointment... so yea, I would say call as soon as you want... better that than calling too late.
So, sorry to kind of jump in, I was just wondering if most people called their docs the minute they got a bfp, or if they waited until they were officially "late." Also, how is everyone feeling? I feel pretty normal except bbs still sore, some trouble sleeping even though I'm super tired, and I pee constantly!!!

Pretty much the same symptoms so far here.
I called the doctor a day or two after I got my bfp. I think it was the day AF was due. In hindsight perhaps I could have waited a few more days because the insisted I come in within the next 2 weeks. So therefore I have an early scan at 5wks5d. I hope the baby is progressing nicely and that I can see the heartbeat even though it's probably too early.

Good luck at your appt!! Im torn between wanting an early scan just to make it is real and wanting to wait so I don't have to worry extra if it's too early to see the heartbeat...

Same! I'm excited to see whats going on in there but worried it's too early!

can I join you? congratulations everyone on their bfp's :) what a great christmas pressie we are all going to get :happydance::happydance:

My bfp was a compleat supprise.. we are due to start ivf this week and my AF was being anoying and not showing.. i bought some wine tonight and thought id better poas just so i could enjoy a glass of wine without worrying. it was a BFp.. i was :wacko::cloud9::cry::happydance::cloud9::flower: its cycle 20 for us, we have never bofore had even a hint of a bfp. I have pcos and my oh has morphology issues, so we had given up hope of a natural bfp.

my symptoms are less than when AF comes which feels odd! im tired, but not tonight.. im too excited!

Hi lovie! Your surprise sounds a lot like mine. I was going to start Chomid/IUI next cycle because my DH also has morphology issues. Do you remember what percentage of your DH's spermies have normal shape? My hubbie's was 5%. The doc told us normal is 14%.

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