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*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

hi ladies! I got my :bfp: today so im now a winter snowflake :) I have felt different the past week or so and i hoped so much for the bfp when AF was due, well that was today and i have my wonderful bfp. We are so happy! FXed for sticky beans and a H&H 9 months!

Forgot to say, due on 10th December :D
Every time I use the bathroom I'm scared I'll find blood. I'll prob regret this, but I look forward for MS to kick in so I know my bean is progressing nicely.

I check for bleeding/spotting every time I use the bathroom. I can't help it. I'm also looking forward to morning sickness because for the most part, I don't have too many of the standard symptoms. (I'm drinking so much water these days that I can't even really count frequent urination as a symptom!)
Ladies I am super upset... I finally got through to the doctor's office and my first appointment is May 14th, I'll be 11 weeks... and my first scan is at 20 weeks. I can pay for an earlier scan, but I need a prescription which I will only get on May 14th and then would have to schedule from there... so maybe at 15 weeks?? I am freaking out a little... I don't know what to think.

Oh, man, that stinks! I'm not sure how things work where you are, so I can't offer an advice. But I'm sorry that they can't see you sooner. Is there anyway you can see a different practitioner, or is everyone sort of funneled into seeing a doctor on a first-come, first-served basis?

So, sorry to kind of jump in, I was just wondering if most people called their docs the minute they got a bfp, or if they waited until they were officially "late." Also, how is everyone feeling? I feel pretty normal except bbs still sore, some trouble sleeping even though I'm super tired, and I pee constantly!!!

I called the doctor's office right after DH and I saw the positive on the tests I took. I was in a different situation I guess -- we'd been trying for a year, and I was already seeing a fertility specialist. He had found a number of problems, and I'd been tentatively diagnosed with endometriosis and was due to go into surgery the following week. I called right away and they had me come in for betas to measure HCG. I think if I hadn't been seeing a fertility specialist, I would have had to wait a couple more weeks before I could have been seen by a doctor.


can I join you? congratulations everyone on their bfp's :) what a great christmas pressie we are all going to get :happydance::happydance:

My bfp was a compleat supprise.. we are due to start ivf this week and my AF was being anoying and not showing.. i bought some wine tonight and thought id better poas just so i could enjoy a glass of wine without worrying. it was a BFp.. i was :wacko::cloud9::cry::happydance::cloud9::flower: its cycle 20 for us, we have never bofore had even a hint of a bfp. I have pcos and my oh has morphology issues, so we had given up hope of a natural bfp.

my symptoms are less than when AF comes which feels odd! im tired, but not tonight.. im too excited!


Congratulations! I will never stop loving stories like these. Infertility is a beast that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy -- I'm glad you made it out on the other side! I also didn't think I'd be able to conceive on my own, so it was definitely a huge surprise to find myself pregnant without help after a year of BFNs!
Wow :shock: so many new snowflakes and pages to read!! Love it!
Hi Nessicle :hi: and congrats! I remember you from BC!

I'll ass you to our EDD list now x

Hi honey remember you too! :)

Thank you!

Wow, what a spelling typo to make :rofl: obviously I meant add!!

yeah definitely a waiting gaim. Been having lots of cramping and kinda dont want it to subside as it makes me feel theres some growing going on. Had a really dicky belly today too so much bloat and had three number 2's! sorry TMI! Scared I'm gonna push the beanie out ha ha - you wouldnt think I'd already had a baby would you pmsl?!

I was a bit scared about going for number 2's too! And DTD. :haha:

Mann. I've been gone for a few days b/c I was busy at work and this board has just been abuzz! Such nervous excitement :)

Well I got my second set of blood tests-good news! My original hcg level on Friday was at 197 and they said it needed to be at 800 by Tuesday and it was at 906. They didn't give me a reading for my progesterone on Friday but they said it was at 77.4 today which they said was good news. I go in on April 20 for my 7 week scan! EEEEK!!!!! So excited!! :happydance:

Awesome news :wohoo: and not too long til your scan too! Please share any pics :)

Oooh can I sneak in?! EDD is 15th me thinks :)
Going off of ov/iui date my edd will be 12-12-12. Haven't been to doc yet so that may change.
My due date based on my lmp is Dec 8th, going for the first doc apt April 23rd! Most likely an ultrasound too!
I would like to join this thread too. My due date is the 2nd of December. I had my first dr. visit on monday and they said everything was looking good. I go back on the 30th for my first ultrasound. Can't wait to see our LO.
hi ladies! I got my :bfp: today so im now a winter snowflake :) I have felt different the past week or so and i hoped so much for the bfp when AF was due, well that was today and i have my wonderful bfp. We are so happy! FXed for sticky beans and a H&H 9 months!

Forgot to say, due on 10th December :D

Welcome & congrats ladies :hugs: will add you all to the list!

Welcome and congrats to all the new folks! It's getting harder to keep up with the thread -- I love it! :)

I'm 5 weeks exactly today! My period is officially more than a week late, so this is seeming just a tad bit more real.

In a couple hours, DH and I are going in for our first scan. I think it's a little early, but we were seeing a fertility specialist and were scheduled to go in for laparoscopic surgery today, and all parties want to make sure that things are looking okay in there. I'm a little worried that we won't be able to see anything, which will just make me go into hyperdrive with the worrying... but I really hope we can see something, and that everything we CAN see looks great!

I'm sure all will be just fine hun :hugs: looking forward to reading your update :)

Ladies I am super upset... I finally got through to the doctor's office and my first appointment is May 14th, I'll be 11 weeks... and my first scan is at 20 weeks. I can pay for an earlier scan, but I need a prescription which I will only get on May 14th and then would have to schedule from there... so maybe at 15 weeks?? I am freaking out a little... I don't know what to think.

Your first appointment does sound a little far away although over here they'll see us anytime between 8-10 so yours isn't too far off. My friend in Canada only got a 20week scan too :(

I'd definitely pay for a private one if you can :flower:

So, sorry to kind of jump in, I was just wondering if most people called their docs the minute they got a bfp, or if they waited until they were officially "late." Also, how is everyone feeling? I feel pretty normal except bbs still sore, some trouble sleeping even though I'm super tired, and I pee constantly!!!

I called straight away but that was because I know the midwife appointments get booked pretty quickly so wanted to grab myself a slot ASAP!


can I join you? congratulations everyone on their bfp's :) what a great christmas pressie we are all going to get :happydance::happydance:

My bfp was a compleat supprise.. we are due to start ivf this week and my AF was being anoying and not showing.. i bought some wine tonight and thought id better poas just so i could enjoy a glass of wine without worrying. it was a BFp.. i was :wacko::cloud9::cry::happydance::cloud9::flower: its cycle 20 for us, we have never bofore had even a hint of a bfp. I have pcos and my oh has morphology issues, so we had given up hope of a natural bfp.

my symptoms are less than when AF comes which feels odd! im tired, but not tonight.. im too excited!


OMG lovie, congrats and welcome!! :yipee: I always see you in Coleey's journal and saw from your siggy that you were LTTTC and going in for IVF this cycle!?! Wow, you must be over the moon :hugs: what an amazing outcome x

can I join you? congratulations everyone on their bfp's :) what a great christmas pressie we are all going to get :happydance::happydance:

My bfp was a compleat supprise.. we are due to start ivf this week and my AF was being anoying and not showing.. i bought some wine tonight and thought id better poas just so i could enjoy a glass of wine without worrying. it was a BFp.. i was :wacko::cloud9::cry::happydance::cloud9::flower: its cycle 20 for us, we have never bofore had even a hint of a bfp. I have pcos and my oh has morphology issues, so we had given up hope of a natural bfp.

my symptoms are less than when AF comes which feels odd! im tired, but not tonight.. im too excited!


Congrats that's so awesome!!!!!
lovie your EDD is the 9th, right? You didn't say so I had to count and well exhaustion really doesn't help my math skills :rofl:
Congrats Lovie and Kitty!

Lemon tea, we have a major shortage of doctors here so it is nearly impossible to get a family doctor.. ob or anything unless you wait a long time. Even pregnant many obs don't take new patients.. So I've looked around a bit and it seems this is normal here. I am looking into getting a midwife also just to have a bit more personal experience.. but we'll see how much that costs..
Congrats Lovie and Kitty!

Lemon tea, we have a major shortage of doctors here so it is nearly impossible to get a family doctor.. ob or anything unless you wait a long time. Even pregnant many obs don't take new patients.. So I've looked around a bit and it seems this is normal here. I am looking into getting a midwife also just to have a bit more personal experience.. but we'll see how much that costs..

Hi! Being in Canada too I thought I'd share how it is in PEI. I'm lucky to have a family doctor, so after going to an appointment wi him (where he doesn't do anything other than congratulate me and say he'll refer me), I get a referral. We only have one clinic in Charlottetown with several obs. I got an appointment at 12 weeks with the ob and went once a month after that till near the end, went a bit more often. I had one scan at 16 weeks, they won't tell you the gender. I dont have my hcg levels checked either. I don't even think I have the option to pay for an early scan. I can have a 3d one done later on and they'll check the gender, but it's a private place I have to pay for.
So basically, in my experience, the wait time you have to see an ob seems normal for here. After my doc referral appt tommorow I won't see the ob till 12 weeks unless I have any trouble. It sucks... :( would love to have an arlier scan to be sure everything's fine!

Also congrats to all the new snowflakes!!!? :happydance:
Ladies I am super upset... I finally got through to the doctor's office and my first appointment is May 14th, I'll be 11 weeks... and my first scan is at 20 weeks. I can pay for an earlier scan, but I need a prescription which I will only get on May 14th and then would have to schedule from there... so maybe at 15 weeks?? I am freaking out a little... I don't know what to think.

I have my first appointment on the 9th may so a little bit before yours, i didn't think anything of it. with my previous pg i didn't go to the drs until 8wks for my first appointment, all she did was take bloods and send me for a dating scan then nothing until 1st tri screening scan at 13wks. so i wasnt worried that it was so long away really?! hmmm
Thanks so much for the warm welcome :) yup ttc lolly my edd is the 9th (sorry I compleatly forgot to say!) I actually think the edd will be later as I ov'd later than usual.. I had 3 days of +opk's so im a little confused!

Hi lovie! Your surprise sounds a lot like mine. I was going to start Chomid/IUI next cycle because my DH also has morphology issues. Do you remember what percentage of your DH's spermies have normal shape? My hubbie's was 5%. The doc told us normal is 14%.

It's so nice to here everyones happy news :) my oh had a 2 sperm tests one about 6 years ago (with an ex) and one recently, his results were 2%and 4%... the doctor actually thought that was fine:shrug: as he had a high count.

I woke up this morning and did another test.. it wasnt a dream its real!:happydance:

Is anyone feeling sick yet? I feel a bit like when you have a not very bad hangover... just a little "off" I probably wouldnt notice if i wasnt looking for it.

Thanks Jules.. I am getting that this is normal here.. I guess I just expected a little different.

I thought I would get an apt at 8 wks.. just to say wussup? Like hey make sure you're taking folic acid?? But I guess 11 weeks is ok.. and I WILL pay for an earlier scan.. I can wait to find out the gender... but I want to make sure the baby has all the right parts. It blows my mind that they wait till 20 weeks.

That and apparently it is next to impossible to get an anglophone ob here.. and even less an anglophone midwife...
Welcome to all the new snowflakes! :friends:

trgirl308...sorry you are having to wait so long for appointments. I can imagine it must be hard when a few ladies are having scans 6-8 weeks and you have to wait until 20. :( In these parts they normally have an initial MW appt at 8-9 weeks (which is a bit pointless tbh), then a scan at 12-14 weeks then another at 20 weeks and that's it. If you are unlucky like me and have had problems, only then do they do bloods and an early scan. When pregnant with DS I got scanned every 2 weeks from 14 weeks until 28 weeks! People kept telling me how lucky I was, and yes it was nice to see LO often, but I would rather not have the worry I did of my cervix giving way too early like my mum who lost 3 babes after 20 weeks. :cry: Fortunately I held out to 35 weeks but was told my cervix might be even weaker now and I will probably need a cerclage.
So yeah all this medical attention only means a person is higher risk. So hopefully you take some comfort that they expect you to sail through pregnancy (as the majority of women do) with no problems whatsoever. :thumbup:
As for a Doppler, I bought a sonoline B 3mhz Doppler and found LO loud and clear at 9 weeks exactly! :happydance:
Unfortunately I leant it to a friend and it's been lost so I have to fork out £50 for a new one.

Oh ladies my emotions are all over the place. I totally lost it yesterday over a relatively small thing. I just cried and cried. Thought it was a bit early for the crazies! :wacko:

About to go but a pair of travel sickness/acupressure wrist bands in prep for next weeks MS onslaught. I don't think any woman whose been through MS wishes it to start the next time. :rofl:
2016 - agreed. I'm terrified for ms. I had it so bad lat time most of the way through. Throw a toddler in the mix and this is going to be interesting!
Dd my digi today and got my 1-2 yay! Nice strong lines on of tests too!

I had morning sickness from 6-18 weeks more or less and terrible hormonal headaches all the way through! Looking forward to it with a toddler ha ha! Though it made me feel content in a way that everything was progressing nicely!
Yay for the digi Nessicle :yipee: I love seeing that word and the numbers pop up! I've been waiting on my digi's I ordered online since Friday now and starting to get really annoyed :growlmad: I wana see that 3+!!

Well the sore nipples have returned with a vengeance just like I had through first tri with DD :( the only way I can explain the feeling is as if having red hot pokers stuck on them :sick: it actually makes me feel a bit nauseous when they hurt this much. Luckily it's only when I'm cold but unfortunately that seems to be all the time recently :rofl: so I'm walking around with a hot water bottle stuck to my chest!! Trying to avoid going out as much as possible as I'm sure I'd get some funny looks whilst carrying my nipple warmer upper around with me :haha:
2016, thanks and I'm sorry for everything you have to go through. I'm sure everything will be fine with your second pregnancy, it sounds like your doctors are taking good care of you. :hugs:
ttc_lolly think my EDD will be 15 December actually same as Nixilix as we're at the same stage, not that it matters I'll be having an elective c section ha ha x
Hi ladies! Please can I join? Just got my :bfp: this morning! According to FertilityFriend, my EDD is 13th December. Please bear with me - I'm new to forums and this is my first pregnancy so a newbie all round. :blush:
5 weeks today and feeling great.No morning sickness yet! My appt is in 5 days which I know I will be super nervous for:wacko:! It's goingt o be so hard not to tell everyone at Easter but we want to wait until after the scan to make sure baby is developing correctly before we make the big announcement. I can't wait!

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