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*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Where I live it is nearly impossible to get a gyno unless you are pregnant... so for pap tests I just go to my gp. I asked her months ago what to do when I was pregnant, and she said call to get a referral... so I did and I am waiting. I just called back and the receptionist said the doctor should be getting to her files today, so hopefully I'll hear back by tomorrow at the latest.

Welcome PiggySue and congrats!

Ooh well I'm sure that you'll get in soon. It's still early so you have a few weeks yet before you should worry. I have a very early scan which is ridiculous. I feel good going in early but at the same time I know that they might not be able to see the baby or the heartbeat.
wow i missed a few days on here and im so behind lol....i went to the dr sat for bloodwork and i go in 2 weeks for my first ultrasound!! very exciting...

so before i got pregnant i had done one of those email psychic things and she said i would find out that i was pregnant march 2012 (which i did) and that it would b a girl!! so considering she was right about the time im hopeing that shes right about the gender too!! everytime i go shopping now i look at all the pretty pink dressed...i dunno how im gonna wait till the gender scan before i start buying things lol
Hi can I join you ladies? Read the first couple of pages then realised there were over 30 pages so fast forwarded to the last few ones to catch up

Did a internet cheapy yesterday at 9dpo which was so faint was a blink and you'll miss it so decided to double check with a superdrug-still faint but def there and just for good measure then did a digital- 1-2 wk pregnant and finally believed it!! Thanks for the tips re cheap ebay digitals- want to see it go from 1-2 up to 3+ to make myself feel a bit more secure.

By FF calculations my edd will be the 14th december. Had a really good feeling about a Christmas baby so over the moon.

We already have a ds who is 8 months so will be a very small age gap of 16 months!!! We really wanted a small age gap and didn't want to have another baby born at the end of the school year so very happy it's all turned out well so far- just have to hope for a healthy 8 months now. bit worried about the comments we'll get though.

Nice to see there are other medics on this thread! if all goes well I'm planning on going to go on mat leave a bit earlier this time as with my son I left it too late and really struggled with oncalls etc by the end.

Like some of you I think we'll also have an early scan as can't wait till 12 weeks to know all is ok in there!! plus won't seem real till can see hi/her on the screen. Don't want to find out the gender this time though-will be a nice surprise at the end :happydance:
wow i missed a few days on here and im so behind lol....i went to the dr sat for bloodwork and i go in 2 weeks for my first ultrasound!! very exciting...

so before i got pregnant i had done one of those email psychic things and she said i would find out that i was pregnant march 2012 (which i did) and that it would b a girl!! so considering she was right about the time im hopeing that shes right about the gender too!! everytime i go shopping now i look at all the pretty pink dressed...i dunno how im gonna wait till the gender scan before i start buying things lol

Very exciting indeed! Let us know what your blood results and you MUST share a scan pic :lol:

I did a psychic reading too :haha: just for a laugh really, it was only £5. She said I'd get my BFP in Feb 2012 and that bubs would be a boy. She was a month out on the BFP but I wonder if she got the sex right too!
Wow, the exhaustion is really kicking in now!! And the hunger! It's waking me up at night, lol. Must be so exciting to have scans coming up soon! I can't wait till mine, but gotta wait for another 12 weeks!
Hi ddas :hi: welcome and congratulations!! I think you win the title of ''shortest age gap'', you are certainly going to be kept on your toes!! :hugs: I'll add you to our EDD list now.

Arghhh the hunger is terrible for me. I'm going to be the size of a house by the time I'm out of 1st tri :rofl:
I picked up a little onesie that says baby's first Christmas in the clearance rack tonight! My plan is to take a pic and put it on Facebook, saying "I picked this up to use after Dec.6th" , see how long it takes people to figure it out!
Jadie-those clothes are adorable! What is a pram?... I feel like such a noob..
Thank you my lovely, seems like pram has already been explained to you! hehe, I think every country calls it something different, even though I'm in aussie, I'm actually English, so still use English terms...

Piggysue & joeliza24 - Welcome & Congrats, H & H 9 months :)

jennalaughs - I did a psychic email thing too. she said conceive or give birth in June. Well she was well off! haha! I must have picked the dodgy one!!
Hi ladies,

I'm a bit scared. I saw light pink discharge this morning after wiping. I inserted toilet paper a few times and after the 3rd time it came back clean.

I'm not as hungry as I was last week. Still tired but no other symptoms.

Please tell me this is completely normal?!?!
joeliza a little bit of spotting is perfectly normal hun :hugs: and symptoms can come and go. Try to relax, I know it can be hard sometimes.

As long as you aren't having a big bleed along with any really painful cramps you should be fine x
joeliza a little bit of spotting is perfectly normal hun :hugs: and symptoms can come and go. Try to relax, I know it can be hard sometimes.

As long as you aren't having a big bleed along with any really painful cramps you should be fine x

Thanks lolly :hugs:. I feel better. I spoke with a nurse and she told me the same. I went again and wiping was clean. Starting to feel tired again, which reassures me.
how is everyone! I am feeling so tired Its unreal but everything else seems to have worn off for a little bit at least.
I'm still getting over my cold. Completely shattered and feeling a little off but know I have far worse to come!!
Sounds like the exhaustion is hitting us all! It is harder than I imagined to chase after a toddler while going through first tri. I also work from home looking after my disabled aunt so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but luckily well b moving to our own place soon and I won't be working anymore. I can't wait!!!!
Hi All, did my pregnancy test a week ago and got bfp! Sooo happy! Due date looking around 6th December! Excited to be joining the snowflake group and hope all goes well so I can stay!x
Sounds like the exhaustion is hitting us all! It is harder than I imagined to chase after a toddler while going through first tri. I also work from home looking after my disabled aunt so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but luckily well b moving to our own place soon and I won't be working anymore. I can't wait!!!!

You hit the nail on the head there. I never remember being this tired with DD but I guess chasing a toddler around all day too doesn't help! :lol:

Hi All, did my pregnancy test a week ago and got bfp! Sooo happy! Due date looking around 6th December! Excited to be joining the snowflake group and hope all goes well so I can stay!x

Welcome and congrats Jamalana :hi: I'll update you on to our EDD list now :)
I'm exhausted.. partially because I got up 3 times to pee last night!!!

My doctor's office called to say that my referral is ready... basically she just made me a blank referall.. didn't actually recommend a particular doctor.. so now I still have to call the hospital and see who they have. I'm a little peeved, I shouldn't have to do this, and I don't know what the criteria are... but I guess I don't have a choice.

DH and I are not agreeing on names, he suggested we let fate take over by associating each name with a colour of car and sitting outside, the first car that goes by that matches one of the colours that would be the name we chose... not sure I'm ready for that but I think it is cute he came up with it.
I'm still getting over my cold. Completely shattered and feeling a little off but know I have far worse to come!!

Aint that so true! I remember with #1 I was wishing to have MS so I could "feel pregnant". Then when it hit, and hit hard, at 6 weeks and I was throwing up 1-10 times a day, I soon tired of it. Now all I can think is I have less than a week to go before I am getting reaquainted with the toilet bowl so am trying to enjoy it.

I feel like I am really struggling looking after DS at 16 months and being pregnant at the same time. First time round I could just lie down if I had backache/cramps or even have a nap if I felt tired! Now I don't even get a full nights sleep with DS being the world's worst sleeper and a nap in the day, or even a sit down, is usually out of the question.

And someones given me their cold! :hissy:

And yet in the midst of all this I am so happy to be pregnant again, I feel so blessed. DH seems much more excited this time round too (only because he kept his distance with DS because of previous losses and trying to stay strong for me.) I just can't wait for our scan in 6 days time, then finding the HB on the doppler hopefully at 8 weeks, the 12 week scan, movement, gender scan and, what was the BEST part for me last time - giving birth.

Such and amazing miracle for all of us! :yipee:

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