*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

I'm another with the shortness of breath! It gets pretty annoying sometimes. I'm hoping it doesn't get worse as baby gets bigger.
Count me in too ladies! It must be the stage we are at. I find that it is worse when I lay down. I will have it bad for a few days then not too bad for a few days like I have got used to it or baby moves. Then bad again, assuming thats when baby has a growth spurt??

I have my 4D scan tomorrow! I am a little nervous! You never know if they are going to find something that has been missed on the other scans.
My bubs is lying so low still that I don't have any problems with breathing....yet lol

Happy Friday everyone!
I love the name Maclaren!

I am currently agonizing over the perfect name. I know my ticker says Annabelle Fiona, but I am honestly not 100% sold. I just feel like I had the absolutely perfect name that I loved if I was having a boy, and feel so disappointed that I cannot come up with an equally perfect name for a girl.
Happy Vday Bbygurl!! Nothing wrong with bringing in the rear with the milestones. It's just as special :hugs:

Wonderful name Momto3 :) Just precious!

I also have to raise my hand and admit I'm short of breath. DH laughs and says its because I'm out of shape. I feel like I've run a marathon after walking up steps. It's bad, I hope it doesn't get worse. LO moved into such an awkward position or something last night, it was causing me so much pain in my lower pelvis - I couldn't even sit strait! I kept massaging the area with medium pressure and guess what, I felt him move out of the way! It was like a pop - then relief, the pain went away instantly!

On another note, I was in a meeting this morning and sitting very close to the conference table. He kicked the table through my stomach! It shocked me so much I jumped back and everyone looked at me like I was crazy for a minute, until I explained what had happened! His kicks are so strong, I can't imagine what they will be like as I get further along.
I love the name Maclaren!

I am currently agonizing over the perfect name. I know my ticker says Annabelle Fiona, but I am honestly not 100% sold. I just feel like I had the absolutely perfect name that I loved if I was having a boy, and feel so disappointed that I cannot come up with an equally perfect name for a girl.

I'm having naming problems as well. I'm not 100% sold on any names. I keep coming back to 1 imparticular but I'm not sure my heart is set on it and I keep having second thoughts. I'm also afraid of changing my mind once I see her:dohh:
I have name issues as well! I have 2 that I like and I made the mistake of starting to tell people only for some of them to let me know how much they didn't like them! Puts you off a little doesn't it?
DH and I have two full names each for both a girl and a boy -- we've been hanging onto them for years, so we feel pretty set on them. The only problem is that we agreed we'd never tell them to anyone before getting pregnant, and now that we are pregnant, DH is literally blabbing to everyone! It's a little annoying, but also very cute, because he is just so excited about it all. As long as he doesn't tell our families I think I'm good -- he's told a lot of his friends and coworkers, but none of them know our families really. It has also been kinda nice when he says that people always say they really like what we've chosen -- that's great to hear because the main reason I don't want to tell anyone until the baby is born is because I don't want to hear anything negative about the names that might make me second guess them!

A few of you were talking about hormones a few pages back. I think I've been mostly even keeled this whole time, but this week the waterworks start flowing at the littlest things. I've been following the political conventions on the news here for the past two weeks, and this week I cried after the First Lady's speech, after former President's Clinton's speech, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry after President Obama's speech tonight when I watch the recording -- my DH thinks I'm nuts!

Also, about the baby's movements getting uncomfortable. I am so with you guys who are feeling a little uncomfortable now that the baby is moving so much. This is the first week where every other move from the baby literally takes my breath away for a few seconds and not in a good way. His or her favorite thing to do is move around against and/or kick me square in belly button, and that is the WORST feeling. It makes my skin crawl literally -- way worse than nails on a chalk board! On a positive note though, the baby is moving ALL. THE. TIME. and that is so reassuring to me! Yesterday I had a chiropractic appointment when I had to lie on my back for a little while which made me pretty nervous. But the baby was moving the entire time which reassured me that we weren't hurting him or her in anyway. DH still hasn't gotten to feel the baby moving yet but it's only a matter of time given how often (and how hard) the baby's movements are this week.

In other news, I'm officially in the 3rd trimester this week and it is blowing my mind! We've gotten a lot of the big things done with the nursery (painting the dresser, getting the crib set up, getting mattresses for the crib and guest bed), but now that I'm officially in trimester 3, I've started realizing that we have SO much to do -- and I hadn't even thought about holiday shopping!!! Augh!!! I think I've done a great job of not getting worried about the little things this pregnancy, but thinking about all that we have left to do in the next two or three months is making me start to panic just a little!
Well I went to the docs this morning and I've been prescribed the biggest bottle of gaviscon to deal with this heartburn!!!
And SPD was formally diagnosed so I've been referred for physio but it could take up to 4 weeks for the appointment so in the mean time I'm meant to not walk too much, not that easy working as a childminder and having 3 of my own already,

Think it's just my body saying 'STOP HAVING BABIES NOW'!! Good job this is the last one!!

On a positive note I've been doing lots of haggling with Facebook selling sites and grabbing myself some bargains!!

We cannot agree on a name at all, my absolute favourite is Eden Skye but OH is not having it!! I think I may just keep quiet till I've popped the little princess out and when he sees how hard I've had to work he might give in to me!!!
We cannot agree on a name at all, my absolute favourite is Eden Skye but OH is not having it!! I think I may just keep quiet till I've popped the little princess out and when he sees how hard I've had to work he might give in to me!!!

Eden Skye is beautiful! Wish I could try this. The name I've fallen in love with is Flora Simone, but DH won't agree to it AT ALL!!!
Yay, I hit the third trimester today! Still feels a little surreal! The past three months have actually gone by so quickly - and I was on holiday for a some of that time. Work is busy now so I hate to think of how quickly the next three are going to go!

Labour question - what method do you plan to use to deliver? I am currently learning about the Bradley method. My friend lent me the book - she gave birth in July and had a wonderful natural delivery, to a 9 pound baby! I also have one of Ina Mays books to read.
Happy 3rd tri bean!!

I've got my 4d scan in an hour! Will post pictures later!
Happy 3rd tri Beanonorder :) I am hopefully going to have a water birth. That's it really! May use G&A if I need it, but that's my only plan. I may need to be induced early if I get gestational hypertension again and if that's the case, then my water birth might be out of the window :( but trying to think positive for now.

Oooh how exciting! Enjoy your 3D scan toothfairy, can't wait to see pics :) x
hi ladies how is every on doing i have not been on in ages as we moved and didnt have internet for a while and then with the scool hoilday has been crazy here we are on team yellow very proud of my self for not caving at the scan lol still havent sorted my self out a bump buddy though im awful lol
Hi ladies,
I'm in the waiting room for my GTT now, Just drank the orange flavored stuff, and LO is bouncing all around my tummy. I'm keeping sugar away from her once she is born ;)

I'm planning on a natural birth, but I don't have any specific method in mind. There was some 12 week series of classes on the bradley method here, but I'm just going to do what i can to not have an epidural. My midwife said when labor starts, you usually have 24 hours or so before needing to come in, so i should take a bath, drink a half glass of wine, and sleep, She said its the lack of sleep that makes everyones pain tolerance drop through the floor, and wine will slow labor. So that's my plan so far. I realize most plans go out the window, but we'll see :) I just found out my work wants me to fly to another state from Nov 12-17. That's exactly 1 month before my due date. I'm a little scared about that. Anyone else ever fly that close to their due date? It would be about a 2.5 hour flight.

Happy third tri, bean!

lolly - did you have a water birth for your DD too??
My goodness everyone - I was busy at work this week and it took me ages of reading to catch up!! :wacko:

Congrats to everyone who is hitting 3rd tri -- I hit mine on Monday and can't beleive 1) I'm here already 2) I still have 13 weeks of getting BIGGER??? It's already hard to bend over to put on my socks and shoes -- it pushes all of the air out of me! And baby has definitely been kicking harder -- yesterday was the first one that actually hurt! I can't believe s/he has another 5-6lbs to gain and get stronger!

I'm also with you girls who are feeling the emotions coming back -- I cried for an hour on the phone with my mom...it all started with not being able to get an appointment for an oil change and turned into a rant about how men don't understand pregnancy and expect me to be keeping up as if I wasn't carrying around an extra person! :cry: I felt amazing after the cry though - and have been doing pretty well since. The irritability is back though as well....poor DH should try and just stay out of my way!

Sorry for all the ladies feeling so much pain and discomfort! Sleep definitely sucks lately -- I toss and turn all the time and wake up unrested, and have almost constant low back pain.

My GTT is this Thursday and I'm not looking forward to it as I know I've been indulging in sweets way more than I should, or usually would. Thankfully my family history isn't too strong so fingers crossed my genetics will save me!

DH and I finally settled on names as well...we aren't going public either but I HAVE To share...
For a girl, it's Summer Navani (Summer we just love, even though this will be a December baby! And Navani is DH's grandmother's middle name...she was from Papua New Guinea and put herself through nursing school, then came to the States on her own at age 19!) For a boy, it's Sean Chris (DH is the third Chris John in his family...I didn't want to continue that, but respect it by keeping Chris as the middle name, and Sean is the Irish spelling of John, so it respects the family name AND my Irish heritage).

Keep posting all the 3d/4d scan pics -- they are amazing! DH doesn't want to get one as he has this idea that rarely does anyone get good pics...but after seeing some of yours I might have an argument!!!

Also, welcome to the new girls who've found the thread :flower: Happy to have you!

Lastly...is anyone else working up nearly to EDD? My last day is 38w5d...I'm scared I won't be able to tough it out!
GenY, my last day of work is 12-14 and my DD is 12-12 :wacko: I will probably go into labor at work!
Hi girls!
Back from scan. What an ordeal!! Baby being awkward and facing inwards. She tried to get him with no joy so sent us away for a walk and a drink. Then we went back... Still no joy so sent us away to get lunch! 3rd scan 4 hours later and even though he had moved loads from left to right and upside down he still was facing inwards!!!!! Little monkey!!!
All looks good and he is weighing 2lb 8oz already!!!! Looks like he will be big???
I will post a photo when I get home. It's not the best. She has offered a free scan next week but I don't think I'm that bothered about going back. It's quite a drive and I think the 4d aspect is a bit gimmicky anyway. So long as he is ok that's all good!
Congrats on third tri Bean. No thoughts on labor for me, just get him out by any means necessary! Safely of course but i'm fine with epidural and whatever else is needed. Although at my 20 week scan doc said baby was breech. I hope he's turned. I don't want a c-section but if that's what it takes, so be it.

Hi Mummy_em. Welcome back to the thread!

Lolly my brothers OH had a water birth in March. Said it was wonderful. I hope you get to do it.

Chloe - good luck with your GTT. I think genetics has more to do with pass/fail rates but diet is important to regulate if you are borderline.

Gen Y welcome back. I think too, how I will get on over the next few months being so big already. I get winded so easily now. I think my last day of work will be 11/30 since my due date is 12/4 but I still have to talk to the human resources rep about how it works. I would hate to go out on 11/3 and baby come late and have wasted that time on the front end and shorten my maternity leave on the back end.

Toothfairy - sorry little on wasn't so cooperative. My bean was the same way at the private scan I had. Although I was so gun ho that I was going to get a 3d scan between 28-30 weeks earlier in pregnancy, I'm not so convinced of it now that I'm here. Don't know if I'll spend the money. Besides, between my my university tuition, my little sister's university tuition and preparing for the baby shower on 10/13 I think money may be tighter than usual over the next few weeks.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. I plan to do absolutely nothing. well homework and feed me and baby but that's it. DH is on his own. I told him to let me rest this weekend.
Hi ladies,
I'm in the waiting room for my GTT now, Just drank the orange flavored stuff, and LO is bouncing all around my tummy. I'm keeping sugar away from her once she is born ;)

I'm planning on a natural birth, but I don't have any specific method in mind. There was some 12 week series of classes on the bradley method here, but I'm just going to do what i can to not have an epidural. My midwife said when labor starts, you usually have 24 hours or so before needing to come in, so i should take a bath, drink a half glass of wine, and sleep, She said its the lack of sleep that makes everyones pain tolerance drop through the floor, and wine will slow labor. So that's my plan so far. I realize most plans go out the window, but we'll see :) I just found out my work wants me to fly to another state from Nov 12-17. That's exactly 1 month before my due date. I'm a little scared about that. Anyone else ever fly that close to their due date? It would be about a 2.5 hour flight.

Happy third tri, bean!

lolly - did you have a water birth for your DD too??

I've never flown during a pregnancy myself, just wanted to say that you might want to check with the airline. I don't think many will let you fly that far along, in case you go into labour during the flight or something. I think you can with a doctor's note though maybe?

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