*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Ocean... Awesome re finding flat :) Must be a huge relief. Fx all goes well and your moved in soon.

Lolly... Great list! The only thing I can think of adding is some baby wash as the hospitals here usually have ones I don't like using. Also we are asked to pack maternity pads. I haven't started any packing yet, probably will closer to 35 weeks.

Nesting has started here but DH says I am always nesting pregnant or not!

Bay welcome back, hope your enjoying your new abode :)
munch - are maternity pads the same as maternity towels? For PP bleeding? Baby wash is a good idea, they advise us not to wash babies for the first few days over here though but it's up to the parent of course!

Nesting is kinda kicking in for me, only that I want to wash and get all the baby's stuff sorted. I'm hoping the urge to clean my whole house comes soon because I'm feeling pretty lazy :haha:
Lolly, yep they are, missed them on your list as we call them pads. I will be in hospital for 5 nights, 6 days all being well (c section), can get DH or mum to bring in anything I need which is good. I am going to miss my girls though and worry how dd2 (2) will go without her mumma for that long, even though she will come and see me in hosp.

The hospital I am going to is a bit like a hotel with private rooms, large beds, ensuite, flat screen etc so it's not too bad but there is no place like home :)

Gosh I am 'going on'.....
Wow your hospital sounds amazing! And you get to stay in for so long to!? I bet it'll be a nice little break for just you and you'll get some alone time with just the baby :) I think I'd miss DD terribly too, although I'm sure mine wouldn't notice me not being around :haha: she's very independant!
It is nice but we pay a fortune in health insurance so it's a nice perk for all the cash we fork out. I think things are a lot different in the health care system over here....

I bet you Amber misses you a lot. I am worried re jealousy too and have been talking to Freya getting her prepared for it.... Will be interesting. Are you doing anything to help Amber prepare? I feel like I am not doing enough....
She is absolutely fine when we leave her to stay over at her grandparent's for the night... she just runs off and I don't even get a kiss or cuddle goodbye :( lol! But I'm hoping to be straight in and out after having this baby as I've never been without her longer than an evening before, so not sure how she'll be if I'm gone longer. I was in for a week in total whilst having Amber (4 days before and then 3 days after she was born), just hoping it won't be the same this time around.

I haven't done anything to prepare her yet as she really isn't aware that there will soon be a baby. She sees my bump and gives ''baby'' a rub and a kiss, but I don't think she actually knows what's coming out of there soon :haha: I've seen a couple of books that I might get her about becoming a big sister and having a baby around, so hoping she picks up more from those x
This maybe long....I have heard that hospital bag necessities differ here in the US than the Uk. THat being said I'd rather be safe than sorry so I may have over done it, but my hospital bag is almost done! Baby's hospital bag isn't done yet but will be after I get a lot of the things I need after the shower. Here in the US, most hospitals will supply baby's diapers while there, pads for bleeding, and nursing pads. I will be wearing their hospital gown to give birth in but I have brought pajamas and a cheap nursing nightgown for after baby is born. I also packed a lot of panties that I don't mind bleeding in in case I bleed a lot. Then I have a going home outfit which is just a black sweatsuit and a t-shirt. Don't forget socks probably 2 or 3 pair and one to go home in. I've packed 2 sleep bras in case I want a touch of support while I labor and one for after the birth when my breasts begin to get sore filling up but I'll have surely have visitors and I want to be sure I have some sort of bra on. Also a nursing bra for the way home. I have packed a few nursing pads and a few huge pads. We don't have 'maternity pads' here that I know of so I just bought the thickest, heaviest pads they sell here and I packed a few of them for the way home. Like I said the hospital will supply them and they even supply weird little mesh underwear for the post partum bleeding. I packed about 5 pair of my own panties though incase I don't like the meshy ones and don't want to wear them home. I packed 1 pair heavy socks also. I put flip flops in in case the shower floor looks dirty as I heard that a lot from a lot of women. And last but not least I packed a ton of toiletries such as shampoo, face wash, toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, contacts and solution, hair ties, brush, chapstick, etc etc. The list goes on! Like I said for baby most US hospitals will supply everything baby needs but a going home outfit, coat and carseat. I have even heard that the hospital I am going to used to offer carseats! Even so, I will have her coat, carseat, a few outfits, a hat, and the normal diaper bag necessities-Diapers, sensitive wipes, burp clothes, etc. I think our hospital will keep us for 24 hrs but I think it all depends on the individual situation. And don't forget your pillow, your phone, camera. Otherwise we live literally 8 minutes from the hospital so DH will be able to come home and grab whatever we need! Like I said, I'd rather have it done and be ready then go into labor early and have to dictate to dh what to bring me as he's a man and he won't do it right...or won't listen to me.
Oh and I have packed nipple cream and a nursing sheild as well (though the hospital sometimes supplies them as well/). I don't know how trying to breastfeed will go so I may pack a bottle or two and some formula in the diaper bag just incase. The hospital will feed the baby while we are there if for some reason I'm unable to breastfeed but I plan on trying my hardest so I doubt we will have any problems.:thumbup:

I can't wait until after my shower so I can finsish packing and put all of baby's stuff and room together. I've been having little bouts of nesting between exhaustion, but I know once I have all of her stuff in front of me I'll go crazy and get it all done!

I hope all you ladies are doing well!
This maybe long...............I'd rather have it done and be ready then go into labor early and have to dictate to dh what to bring me as he's a man and he won't do it right...or won't listen to me.

This ending really made me laugh!!!!! You are soooooooo right!! Men have such a weird opinion about things and definitely DO NOT LISTEN OR UNDERSTAND!!

I have been gathering some stuff like travel size toiletries etc. He says I am buying WAY too early!!! Don't need to buy it until like a week before due dat he said!! Also he isn't planning to build the cot until I am in hospital after the baby is born!!!!!! We have ordered pram, carseat buggy combo. Cot and mattress and a wardrobe for baby. Guess what...... baby due 4th December......he booked delivery for last week NOVEMBER!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! I have to say girls.....I have gone mental and am re scheduling for first week november when I finish work. He just DOES NOT GET IT!!!!!
Wow ImSoTired! You are uber prepared. Makes me feel like I have tons to do.

I got my maternity leave dates today! Assuming I go into labor/deliver on my due date. I'm out from Dec. 4 - February 11. 9 weeks and 1 day. All paid at 100% :)
US moms will appreciate that, b/c we hardly get anything over here. I wish I were in UK - you ladies get so much time to be with baby. But none the less, still grateful for what I got.
This maybe long...............I'd rather have it done and be ready then go into labor early and have to dictate to dh what to bring me as he's a man and he won't do it right...or won't listen to me.

This ending really made me laugh!!!!! You are soooooooo right!! Men have such a weird opinion about things and definitely DO NOT LISTEN OR UNDERSTAND!!

I have been gathering some stuff like travel size toiletries etc. He says I am buying WAY too early!!! Don't need to buy it until like a week before due dat he said!! Also he isn't planning to build the cot until I am in hospital after the baby is born!!!!!! We have ordered pram, carseat buggy combo. Cot and mattress and a wardrobe for baby. Guess what...... baby due 4th December......he booked delivery for last week NOVEMBER!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! I have to say girls.....I have gone mental and am re scheduling for first week november when I finish work. He just DOES NOT GET IT!!!!!

I could only imagine DH bringing me a pair of jeans that surely won't fit after I give birth, a shirt with stains on it, and unmatching socks, maybe a thong for underwear that certainly won't work well after giving birth! It'd probably also take him an hour to do it as he barely knows which drawers his own clothing is it let alone mine:dohh: I also think that he will be a nervous wreck when I'm in labor and when baby is brand new. He has been so good and calm during the pregnancy that I know he will just break when the time finally arrives. He's also not good with supporting me when I'min pain and he gets queezy around blood and such. I know we're in for it when I go into labor! I say get your bag packed a little more every week so it's ready by 32 or 34 weeks. You never know when baby will decide to show up! I've got a few more things I need to pick up for my bag and I need to pack baby's but otherwise I feel like I'm fairly well prepared. Husbands probably don't understand everything our hormones and instincts have us doing right now. Luckily my DH doesn't question anything I do or buy he just leaves me to it. He probably figures I know better than he does...and he'd be right,lol.
Good things you're packing Imsotired! You will probally need most of those things for sure! They provide us with most things we need here in Canada too. Baby things too, diapers and wipes and such.

I'm thinking once I get all baby's things ready here I'll start the bag. Just put it together bit by bit. I already have Halloween treats ready, upcoming birthdays and Christmas all ready (wrapped too!). I want to get things done now while I can, lol! THough it's getting hard. My daughter and I have the head cold from hell that just refuses to go away. One day I feel I'm getting better, next I feel awful.. I have been getting so exhausted too! Today is horrible, I feel like my head will explode and I'm SO tired - so this is of course the day Rose decides she will not have a nap no matter what I do. No nap for me today! My husband is home at 4:30 so supper will be ready, he can feed DD and I'm going to bed!
Aww feel better Juless!

You are also super prepared. I haven't done a thing about christmas or birthdays. DH's birthday is the day before baby's due date. I told him the baby is his birthday present and christmas present all in one!
Those paper/mesh hospital pants are sooooo uncomfortable! I'd highly recommend to anyone to not even bother with those, just take some old or cheap undies that you aren't bothered might be ruined by PP bleeding.

Hope you feel better soon Juless :hugs: my DD seems to have come down with a cold, I'm hoping I don't catch it.
ahh i love the disposable pants lol i thought they were really comfortable but then again i am a bit odd! Xmas Omg Ive just wrote my list i have a few stocking things for the girls so far! i spend a few hundred on each of them so it takes a while. Will be getting baby a few little bits as well..
Wow, I am so unprepared. I haven't really even thought about my hospital bag, besides my cell phone charger and camera :blush:

28 weeks today, so maybe I should quit saying I'm going to get serious and actually do it! I did finish my registry today so that's one thing checked off the list.
I have a dilemma, I know it's a while off but I have a history of going overdue and end up being induced, the earliest the hospital will induce me is December 23rd, 2 days before Christmas, what would you do? Take yourself away from your kids and family 2 days before Xmas and run the risk of not being there Xmas day due to induction taking longer than 24 hours or refuse the induction till boxing day and go in Xmas eve and Xmas day for an hour or so of monitoring??
I know it may not even come to this but I'm really fretting about it and not looking forward to making the decision xx help!! What would you do?
Crikey that's a tricky one?? Can you speak with midwife about it?? Surely it's better for the hospital staff not to be inducing so close to christmas day?? They might let you go a day or 2 earlier?

My 2 were both late and induced and I am thinking of using Evening Primrose Oil and Rasp Leaf Tea this time to hopefully avoid induction. I have never used them before but have read a lot of good things about their help. Midwives and Pregnancy books recommend them too. Obviously you might be totally against this kind of thing but here is the link I have saved which seems to have good info. I am going to think about it nearer the time.

Oooh it is a toughy... how long have your previous labours lasted? If you are induced on the 23rd and you have the baby that same day then that would be ok... but of you tend to be in labour for longer than I might ask them to wait until after crimbo.

Just so you know toothfairy, RLT doesn't help to bring on labour :) it helps to strenghten your uterus and helps shorten the 2nd stage of labour. I used it with DD and I found it really helped, I was only pushing for 13mins anyway so I think it was down to the RLT! You should start drinking it (or taking the capsules) from 32 weeks x

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