*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

My plans are to see what we get at our shower (at 35 weeks). Once I figure out what we will still need I will make a shopping trip for everything baby needs and things I need for the hospital then pack sometime that week. So in between 35 and 36 weeks I should be done packing. That's the plan anyway lol.

That's great news about your house lolly. I would love to have a bigger place. But not for more kids lol. We will have a boy and girl (once she decides to make her appearance) and I am fairly confident we are finished.
Hi snowflakes, I am feeling very sad today as my mum has gone OS for 6 weeks. My sister is due (London) in a few weeks so she has gone to help etc. I am going to miss her so very much, we are extremely close :(

Lolly yay re house! That's exciting, new place to welcome new baby...

I am feeling ok just uncomfortable towards the end of the night. School holidays here so it's been bit exhausting. DD 1 is showing a bit too much attitude for my liking.... I am finding her more difficult than dd2!

I am not getting 4d scan either. They freak me out a bit and are expensive besides it won't be long till he is here. I am ready for pregnancy to be over but not quite ready for baby lol.

Am sure there was more to post but can't think of it :)

Stay well x
my little girl came home Monday night and seems really well now! I am 32 wks today Omg Its gone so fast i packed most of my hospital bag just in case have a few extra things to get. I have my growth scan Tomorrow so i get to see baby again so very excited!
stark, that's a good idea. I'm not getting a baby shower :)cry: lol!), I've seen on TV programmes about showers they throw over in the US and they look great! I can't believe how many presents you all get :) My OH says no to baby no.3, but I would like to try for a boy in a few years time. I'll end up with another girl though, I just know it! :haha:

munch what/where is OS? Sorry your DD1 is giving you attitude :hugs: entering her teens a little too early by the sounds of it!? Something I'm not looking forward to with my girls (I remember what I was like as a teen :wacko: my poor mum!).

mummy, that's great news about your DD :hugs: I bet that's a huge weight lifted off your shoulders, I hope she's ok now? Happy 32 weeks! x
thank you lolly, yeah Its been a hard week glad i can relax now. I said the same thing about baby number three thought id get another girl we followed the closer to ovulation the more chance of a boy and the different positions ect. Probs a load of rubbish lol but it seems to have worked?
Think I'll give that a try next time ;) the ovulation thing worked for us both times... we didn't DTD on ovulation day and I've ended up with 2 girls... could be just coincidence, but I like to think not! x
Lolly...mum has gone OS (overseas) London. Like mummyof2 I said the same thing re having another girl after 2...we tried the whole day of ovulation and deeper sex position for this baby. Not long into the pregnancy i was positive it was a boy, just because of the very noticeable differences...and I was right :) Three is a great number. I know that I am finished after this bub.

Mummyof2.... Sorry missed post re your daughter. Just scrolled back. That must have been horrible. Glad she is home now :) Fingers crossed no more illness in your family as it sounds like you have well and truly had your fair share!
Yaye mummy! Glad dd is home.

I'd love to have a little girl but I'm not thinking I want to do this again. Plus this child makes ds #4 for DH and I'd hate to try for a dd and end up with another boy - he'd be crushed. I think DH just makes boys :haha:

It's so humid here today that it's making it even harder for me to breathe. I feel like I'm going to pass out if I don't get an oxygen tank.
Wow - at the cottage for a few days, and this thread’s up another 6 or so pages!

Lilly, I’ll look for Pushed - thanks for the suggestion. I know that I won’t be able to do the birth at home - just too strange to be in my parents house or somewhere rented - and without the birth centre, we’ll do the hospital. Just have to find a way to mitigate risk of an unnecessary c-section (though I think the more I talk to people, the more reasons there seem to be for necessary ones and more myths around unnecessary ones), and interventions. I still think perhaps a doula would be the right idea, to help with coaching, labour, breathing, focus, etc., if I could find the right one…

Ichisan, toothfairy and TTC_lolly, i’m really interested in the raspberry leaf tea -- but orally only please, lol. Should we start it at 32 weeks? Do we need it approved, or should it be, by a doctor, etc? Does it just help with shortening labour (great!) or can it make the baby come earlier (not so great, since DH only will get here at 36 weeks-ish, and I don’t want to jumpstart anything)?

oceanpearl, i’m doing prenanatal yoga, just once a week, and would love to find something else that helps with focus and breathing. 2016, lazydaisy sounds good, but there’s nothing like that out where I am. Maybe I can find something online? What I would REALLY love is a few simple and balanced exercises that I can start doing now - breathing and stretching - that gets me ready for labour…

mummyof2girlz, so happy your little one is home safe and sound :)

TTC_lolly, I’m also not doing a baby shower - there’s just not that many people that I know around here, and it seems unfair to come back for a few months, throw one, and then leave! To be honest, I think that’s harder on my Mom than on me, but at least she’s happy to have me home for a little while!
Expatttc..... This is a great link about the RLT and epo

expatttc - RLT is to be taken orally. You can buy the capsules or drink the tea, it's up to you, but it's better to take from around 32 weeks as it takes a little while to work it's way into your system. It works by strengthening your uterine muscles and helps make the 2nd stage (pushing) shorter :thumbup:
Hey I just noticed I moved up to the next to last box of my ticker!!! Holy shit!!!!!
@Expat...Pushed is honestly kind of a difficult book to get through, but I loved it and after reading it felt really empowered that I will be able to do this. I know that I have no medical training and have no idea what certain women have gone through in labor but when I see the c-section rate in the area I live in at over 50% it makes me definitely question the hospital system.

I think getting a doula is a great idea, especially if you are wanting to avoid interventions in a hospital setting. I've heard that in the heat of the moment they will stand up for you and what you want without letting anyone pressure you into anything. I'm not sure which way you are leaning as far as things like epidural, episiotomy, etc. but I think they can help out with vocalizing what you want or don't want when the time comes. My favorite stories in the book were the ones about how there was definitely a perceptual difference between how the doula saw a birth and how the mother saw the birth.
Hi snowflakes!
My week holiday is sadly growing to a close :( and because my due date was moved I now have to go back for 8 more weeks!! But at least that means its only ten more weeks til my mom gets here - big yay!
Plus its my baby shower next Friday! So excited for that! Then I can have a look at what else is needed and really get organised.
Hi everyone!!

sorry i haven't been in here for ages, i think since the thread was opened!

Well we are having a little girl found that out at 20 weeks, then it was confirmed yesterday at my growth scan. everything seems to be going well with bub, she is right on track for dates, although apparently her legs are measuring 3 weeks ahead LOL i think we have a basketball player in there!!

Anyone else bub a quiet one? my baby hasn't ever really kicked me, i feel her moving around but no real hard kicks, she must be lazy like me lol

going to pre-register at the hospital next week, bit nervous as this is my first birth in a different country, don't want to embarrass myself by screaming too much lol, they do things a bit different here too, apparently they take you out of hospital in a wheel chair, that will be weird as im used to walking out, i can understand them doing that for a c-section but for a normal birth? im guessing its for insurance purposes, oh well whatever works! it seems like a really good hospital though with private rooms etc so should be nice :)

anyone else getting period type cramping? ive been having it a fair bit lately, i thought maybe BH's but my stomach is not tight at all!

hope your all doing well :)
I have period type pains that come and go. Doctor says all is normal but never really said what they were from.

I had a c-section with my first and was able to walk to the car. Just different hospitals I guess?

AFM-I feel like I should be nesting just no energy to do so lol. I went to our town-wide yardsale this past weekend and got some clothes so I'm feeling a little more prepared. Started going through things more and rearranged our son's room so we can fit the crib in there as well. I guess things are starting to come together, but I'm still really nervous. It's odd, I don't remember feeling this anxious with my son and I had no idea what I was doing then :haha:
Welcome back Mum21boy1girl :hi: huge congrats on being team pink! That's odd they take you out to the car in a wheelchair, but I'd happily be pushed out I think :haha: I too have started to get a few period type pains, along with BH. I think it's everything gearing up for the big day!

32 weeks for me today :yipee: I can't believe it! 8 weeks still seems like a long time away but I know time will fly by as I have plenty to do and now we are selling our place and buying elsewhere, I have a lot to keep me busy!
Hey everyone.....hope your all well, iv not really commented much these past few days but have been reading lol.

Mummyof2 glad your wee girl is on the mend!

Lolly congrats on the house that's so exciting!

Munch that's exciting your sister having a baby not long before you, even though you are in different countries, something nice to share with her!

AFM: I had the most embaressing thing happen to me at work last night. I'm a nurse and when doing the drug round, I accidentally (really don't know how I managed it as was wearing a red apron) spilled lactulose on my top right at the boob in particular nipple area. Lactulose does not dry in, its sticky and horrible. For the rest of my shift I had to go around with a big wet looking patch at my boobie....... People were asking me if I was lactating! :haha::dohh: so embaressing trying to be professional with patients and their family's with a big wet boob! :dohh:

Oh but I also got my 28 week scan today! :happydance:
Lol Baby Bell... I am also a nurse so I know lactulose well. Too funny you poor thing. It could have been worse though as you know ;) I have had a lot worse spilt on me and ended up in scrubs a few times :)
Ohhh Baby :haha: poor you! Urgh to the lactulose though - I was prescribed that stuff when pregnant with DD to get things moving, and it was just awful :rofl:

I've just paid for the carrycot attachment for my pram so excited to receive that in the next few days. I'll be able to have a proper play with my pram :yipee: just looking at changing bags now. I really want a Yummy Mummy, but they are sooo pricey. Scouring eBay to see if I can get a good deal on one!

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