*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

:hugs: lolly, hoping your better soon.....hospital will keep an eye on you and baba.
Sorry about your BP, Lolly! Hope you are feeling better today!

Shadow pic's are so cute, girls!

Anyone feel like LO is so far down between your legs that you can't walk straight? Yesterday and today when i've been walking its like there is a giant rock shoved right up my lady parts and i can't keep my legs together when walking, and it is actually quite painful. I hope this doesn't keep up for the next 8 weeks. Having never been pregnant, i dont know if this is normal or not??
Lolly how awful! I hope you are feeling better soon! :hugs:

Chloe, yes at the rock, but mine feels higher up in my pelvis. Like I can't lift my left leg at all without feeling like somethings been stuck down there.

Munch congrats to your sis! How exciting and what great motivation for you.

Has anyone started guessing when they're going to pop?! I'm due on December 14, but I'm guessing based on 1st time baby and luck of the draw that she's going to come 5 days late on December 19 (which is DH and my anniversary). :haha:

Anyone else want to submit their guesses?
Thanks for all the love and well wishes ladies :hugs: I'm finally home, although have strict instructions to go back in on Monday morning for more monitoring. BP is still quite high but they don't want to precribe me the medication to lower it just yet :wacko: no idea why, but will see what happens come Monday. They suspect I have pregnancy induced hypertension again (same as I had with DD) and the only cure is to deliver, so I will probably be induced although not until I reach full term... which is only 2 weeks away. Gulp :argh:

Had to have a scan before I left to check baby's size and they've estimated her to be 2.7kg (around 5lbs 9) so spot on for gestation. Didn't see much as she was all squished up, but she looked pretty cute :haha:

Hope everyone else is ok? :flower: x
Glad that you are home Lolly. I know much easier said than done with a toddler in the house, but just try and stay relaxed. Looks like you may be the first to meet your LO. I hope things settle for you.

I have the rock in the pelvis feeling as well. Mine comes and goes though. I try and move around a lot when it's hurting and it goes away quicker. My guess is she's trying to make her way into position and I keep moving her back out lol.
Oh Lolly glad you are home. Rest rest rest this weekend and try not to worry.

I have 2 part time jobs and I have just finished one of them for maternity. I finish the other on wednesday next week. I have been looking forward to this for months and now I am home and feel actually quite flat. I am suddenly scared of the changes that are coming my way. Reality has hit hard and I feel weird???
Lolly, glad you and lo are back home. I hope your bp calms down. I can only image what you are going through, :hugs: On the bright side, you may get to meet your little princess very soon!

Congrats Much on the newest addition to your family.

Toothfairy I know what you mean. The reality of how close we are is exciting but is also quite scary!

I had my doc's appointment this morning. Baby fine, blood pressure back down. They did find a little blood in my urine so they think I may have yet ANOTHER urinary track infection..ugghh! How many of these can I get in pregnancy? I had only had 1 in my 28 years of life and then I got pregnant and have had 4 since..smh!

Anyways, the next time I see my doctor (at 36w) marks the point at which I start seeing her every week. EEEK!
Happy you're home Lolly and hoping your bp goes down for you.

I'm with Blu. Had a great appt today, everything looks good. I am a bit swollen though and obviously uncomfortable. Baby is head down right in line with my pelvis so I'm hoping at my next appt, in 2 weeks, my cervix has begun to change. Then I will also be going to see the doctor every week. Yikes, so close and so exciting!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Lolly, glad your back home. Two weeks! Wow!

Blu sorry you have uti, they are the worst! I have so much sympathy for you. Did they put you on antibiotics? Ural is quite good and from what I have read safe in pregnancy if used sparingly. Glad your bp behaving itself!

Toothfairy, I know what you mean about the reality of it all hitting! I sometimes think "what are we doing"! Esp if other children driving me insane! You have worked super hard, enjoy your down time, pamper yourself and relax :)
Thanks you lovely lot :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so glad to be back home, missed Amber so much. It's going to be hard when I go in to actually have the baby but at least then I get a nice present for doing so :haha: this time it was just lack of sleep, women screaming in labour (SO scary to hear!) and lots of blood tests! Not fun :haha: it'll be cool if I do get to meet her soon, but honestly I'd rather not have the high BP and just be able to go naturally. But we'll see, I'm hoping BP stays down :)

Blu, sorry about the UTI :( will they just give you some antibiotics to clear it up?

I think it's so scary we are all getting our more regular antenatal appointments, time really is whizzing by :argh: I don't think I'm ready after all!!
So happy you're home and doing better lolly!! To those scared as it hits home how much things will change, I know what you mean! I felt the same way with DD as well, almost like this feeling in the pit of my stomach like, things will change forever - am I ready to let go of those things?? I have no choice! But when you hold your little one it all disappears and you will feel like they've been with you forever. I can hardly remember life before my DD! :) Now though, I'm feeling a similar thing about now having 2 children. I feel sad about DD not being my only baby anymore, I feel scared thinking about handling looking after a toddler and newborn by myself during the day, worried about random things, like taking 2 kids places and things like that. I know things will fall into place, but it's still freaky! I feel also like I don't know how I can possibly love anyone as much as DD and worry that I won't be able to love this baby as much (though I know I will, it's still a fear!). I'm just so looking forward to having her in my arms, as it's been hard to bond as much this time around as with #1. I think I'm just so busy I don't have time to think about her as much as I did with DD.
Jules you have summed up really how I have been feeling all last night after work and its the first time I've felt like this really. Just a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm not sure I want my life to change and wondering if I've done the right thing. Hubby and I are 40 now both with well paid jobs and 3 teens between us 17 16 and 14 so we are totally starting again. I am certain these feelings will melt when baby comes and probably I've next few days when I get used to not working anymore.

Something you said reminded me of thoughts I'd forgotten about from 14 years ago when I was pregnant with my 2nd. I used to literally cry sometimes when 1st child was sleeping looking at her and thinking I was going to ruin her life by bringing this new baby into it. I was certain I could not love another as much as I loved her and probably had similar what have I done feelings. Truth was I never thought about that again after he was born until I just read your post!! She instantly adore him, he enriched all our lives especially hers and I loved him with all my heart exactly the same as her and it was all very natural! Am sure it will be for you too!!

What a mixed up little bunch or hormonal ladies we are at the moment girls eh???!!!!!!
Lolly, how are you doing today my love?? Hope you slept well. I managed not to check own BP on monitor yesterday!!! And felt less stressed because of it! What were your readings in hospital?
Awww juless that's exactly how I feel. Scared about coping with 2, but I'm feeling really really sad for DD not being my only baby anymore :cry: it's crazy really! She's only 2, it's not like she can even think that way yet! I just keep thinking of how much I loved having my 3 sisters and hoping that my girls grow up close and have an amazing relationship like my sisters & I. These pregnancy hormones are getting too much :haha: I am scared for the end getting closer, but also looking forward to getting back to my normal self (although that doesn't happen straight after the birth anyway :dohh:).

Feeling much better today toothfairy, thanks for asking :hugs: a lot more relaxed now I'm back home with DD. Quite nervous for when I have to go back in on Monday, really hoping my BP is back down and they aren't going to readmit me. Trying not to stress too much about that though because it won't help the BP situation :dohh: it's like a vicious circle! My readings in hospital were 141/104, then the automatic cuff took a reading of 160/100 but they didn't think that was right so took it manually and it was 138/98. I had my readings taken every couple of hours and they were inbetween the 2 of those, although the dialostic (bottom number) did fall down to 85 once and they were happy with that x
Thank you toothfairy and lolly! I actually do that sometimes, look at her sleeping and have those thoughts and feel so sad about it! Glad to know I'm not alone in that. I'm sure holding this LO will make all of that disappear, so I can't wait for these next few weeks to go by! :) I'm glad they are going by quickly, though I think I freaked my husband out when I told him last night we only have 5 weeks and a few days until the c-section date!!

Also, glad you're feeling better lolly! Fingers crossed for Monday!!
Jules - you summed up my concerns and emotions quite well in your post. I had that 'what did i do' feeling since i got my bfp ... And we had been ttc #2 for a few months for it, so we knew what we were getting ourselves into. I guess i just don't want to let my little man down, and even though he's 2yo, i still see him as my baby. I'm sure everything will fall into place once i have this little one in my arms, it's just the anticipation and the unknown that wigs me out from time to time.

Tooth - that was a very lovely and reassuring post. Thanks for sharing your experience :)

Lolly - glad to hear you are doing well. Good luck for monday.
So interesting to hear about all you ladies expecting the 2nd or + child...I hope I'll be lucky enough to be there in the next few years. I'm 34 now (35 in November), and we do want to have a few children but we also want to take our time with the first one. Baby steps!

And so expectations for this lovely first bump, well my headspace these days is really thinking about how my relationship with DH will change, I hope that it just gets stronger as it has through pregnancy so far, when I see what he's like preparing for our new family member, and how excited he is about the entire process. I think about logistics, as we will be moving to a new duty station next year and I think of what security arrangements we'll need to have in place for the three of us, and how we can make sure that we can keep the baby safe while still working in the field of humanitarian intervention. It will be a fine balancing act, I'm sure!

Personally, I go between superficial concerns (what will my body be like after the baby, and what do I need to do now to make sure I stay in shape and can be health), and very real personal concerns (what if I can't breastfeed like I want to? am I emotionally ready to be a mother)? Sometimes the planning and purchasing feel like small accomplishments (yay I bought a baby monitor!) but then at other times, it can be overwhelming (good grief, what size of onesies should I buy for the first month? newborn diapers or 0-3? what kind of wipes are best for the environment, what kind won't give my baby a rash? what kind of baby carrier will be good for the baby's back, but also support mine, what kind can I use on an airplane, what kind can I breastfeed with?)...

Good grief I feel so lucky to have a space like this to share these thoughts!
Our hormones spillith over! :haha:

It's soo good to have a place to chat with women going through the same things we are. Its such a good outlet to have. If we told our DHs half of what we tell each other, they'd think we were outright mad!

DH is convinced that this will be his last child (he has 3 ds already), I'm hoping that we can have one more. I want a daughter so I'd like to try once more but I'd be happy with having another boy too, go figure. My step sons have gone back to live with their mom so I think about if my boy will have someone to play with. I don't want him to be alone. He'll see his brothers on the weekends but I think it's different than having a sibling that you grow up in the same house with.
I think the worry about how your 1st child will react to your 2nd child is totally normal and it always ends up being good. My mom even would talk about it (she had three girls and I am the middle) and say she would wonder how she could have enough love for the next, and she always did.

I am having to deal with this all at once. I have no idea what its like to have one baby, let alone two at the same time. I sometimes wonder what we have gotten ourselves into. How are we going to do this? When my husband goes back to work after the 1st 2 weeks, how will I do it alone (while I am on maternity leave)??? How will I leave the house with 2 infants?? And breastfeeding two??? I really hope I can!!

The biggest concern I have right now is how to get them out! Its like the stars need to align perfectly for a vaginal birth of both babies. I would like to have vaginal, but a c-sections is OK too. What I fear is getting the 1st out vaginally and the 2nd by c-section, then having to recover from both. OUCH.

I am just trying to stay calm and go with the flow. We have two birthing classes and a breast feeding class coming up. And I finally packed my hospital bag!! I made a list and then it took like 5 minutes. Not sure why I was putting it off for so long!

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