*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

congrats to the new mummies to be :) lulu i also have pcos.. my main sympton is bad skin, but i have better skin the last week, i think pregnancy is good for me!

we have a few names, i love the name freja for a girl, I also really tile the name tor for a boy.. but we will see...

we had told alot of people that we were having ivf in april, so we have told all of those people that we have got a bfp.. its a lot of people really.. but im no good at lieing.

is anyone feeling sick yet? everyone keeps asking me if im feeling sick and im really not :nope:

happy easter to you all and your growing snowflakes :) it snowed today, made me think of all our little snowflakes :)
Hi Lovie! I have somewhat bad skin too. You saying your skin is better makes me feel hopeful that the same will happen for me! I really hope my testosterone levels have gone down. Do you know if your hormone levels have gone back to normal since being pregnant?
Does anyone know how many cups of coffee you can have a day? I am a coffee addict. I just quit smoking today and now I am considering giving up coffee. It will suck but is best for baby.
im not sure about my hormone levels lulu.. i havnt had any tests yet.. my testosterone was only very slightly high, im not sure if pregnancy makes it go down... they diagnosed me mostly by having 40 folicles on my overies and symptoms like bad skin and weight gain.

im not sure about coffee.. i have heared that actually its not good to go cold turky with things you do everyday.. so dont give up coffee 100% right away.

I have no idea about what i should and shouldnt eat.. must look it up!
Thanks! Wow, we had to learn so much with TTC. Now it is time to learn about pregnancy things! WHo would have ever thoght that we would beat PCOS and be here posting right now.

I need to learn what to eat, etc. This is so exciting! It is finally feeling a little real!
Can I join the Snowflakes please? Got my BFP on Wednesday :)

Due date is coming up as the 16th December.

H&h 9 months to everyone.
Ugh, I wish I didn't tell my family now. My mom is happy. But her, my dad, and my sister are all acting childish and fighting with each other right now. So they are all crabby and not excited for me. My dad still hasn't called me. I called my sister this morning and she was just like, "oh congrats". My family is so dramafied! Now I know why I didn't want to tell them anything. They can never be happy for me. They are too self absorbed. Oh well. :(

sorry that ur family arent being supportive, i was worried about that for a short time but now i dont care, i have all the support i need from my DH and support or not, im having a baby lol.

So have you ladies picked out names yet??? Me and DH already had names picked out before we started TTC! LOL So when I got my BFP yesterday, we just confirmed the names. It took us 5 seconds :)

had a boys name picked for a long time: Jack Andrew George, but a girls name we are finding harder. We have the girls middle names picked: Georgina Anne, and we have a few girls names we like, Callie, Faith, Skylar and Ella. None i like as much as the boys name though!

Who is finding out the gender?!?
Definately finding out the gender, i dont like yellow or green, so i want a pink or blue nursery!

Hey everyone! I've just been looking at pre-natal vitamins. I do have a balanced and healthy diet and have been taking folic acid 400mcg pre-conception but I'm wondering if I should top this up with another supplement, especially as I have a pretty hectic job? I was taking B50 whilst TTC (I had a short luteal phase) but have stopped this now as the label says to discuss with your GP during pregnancy. What do you all think? I know that folic acid is the most important one but do you think a pre-natal vitamin would be of benefit?

I take pregnacare and also flax seed which has omega 3,6,9 in it because i dont eat any fish or much with the omegas in!

Does anyone know how many cups of coffee you can have a day? I am a coffee addict. I just quit smoking today and now I am considering giving up coffee. It will suck but is best for baby.

The recommended daily allowance of caffeine is 200mg/day which is 1 and a half cups of tea or 2 cups of coffee. And they mean regular size cups, not the giant cups like the ones i have lol!
oh and a useful webpage with things to avoid:

HAHA My cups of coffee are large as well! Thanks for the info. I am glad to know that I don't have to completely cut out coffee.
I have gradually cut out caffeine since TTC, actually, the decaf tea and coffee you get these days is not too bad. We have a specialist coffee store near us and they recommended a salt water decaf coffee bean (apparently a natural de-caffeination process) and I honestly wouldn't know the difference. I've also found that over the last few weeks I haven't minded herbal teas (perhaps psychologiccal?) If you follow kitty2385's link there is a further link to limiting caffeine intake and it lists different caffeine content for filter coffee, instant coffee, tea and dare I say it chocolate.........

I reckon it will be harder for me to give up some of those cheeses!
I forgot about decaf coffee! I could drink that. I really just like the taste of hot coffee in the morning. So decaf would be perfect.

I know, I LOVE cheese, and over medium eggs. After I give birth, I am making a HUGE plate of over medium eggs, bacon, and tons of different cheeses! lol
Well two days down on the smoking. When I had DD I quit the day I found out and then had one on my hen do which was 1 day off a year Smoke free! Idiot.! Then after the wedding kind of fell back in the habit. So this time I wana try and stay off completely. I never smoked round DD and only smoked 5ish a day maybe more if at work! It's hard this early cause I feel fine. When ms kicked in last time if anyone came Near me after Smoking I wanted to chuck up in their face!!
lovie my skin was terrible too. I was never fully diagnosed with PCOS as of only just started being tested for infertility in my last 2 cycles. I know I hadn't ovulated though as my progesterone levels had indicated so and I have a few of the major signs of PCOS. I was too impatient though and started taking soy! Glad I did as it got me here! :yipee: my skin also has improved!

Can I join the Snowflakes please? Got my BFP on Wednesday :)

Due date is coming up as the 16th December.

H&h 9 months to everyone.

Welcome and congrats crystals :) I'll add you to our list now!

Anyone here have a birthday in December? I do! Mine is on the 19th, I was actually due on Christmas day but came 6 days early!
I switched to decaf when we began TTC lulu and I love it! I just really like the taste of coffee anyway, was never after the buzz or energy, so suits me fine :thumbup:
Well two days down on the smoking. When I had DD I quit the day I found out and then had one on my hen do which was 1 day off a year Smoke free! Idiot.! Then after the wedding kind of fell back in the habit. So this time I wana try and stay off completely. I never smoked round DD and only smoked 5ish a day maybe more if at work! It's hard this early cause I feel fine. When ms kicked in last time if anyone came Near me after Smoking I wanted to chuck up in their face!!

You can do this Nix!! We're all behind you :) are you going cold turkey or using something to ease you off?

You're doing brilliantly so far :)
Lulu, sorry about your family that isn't fun that they aren't happy for you or being supportive! Hopefully they come around when they see your bump.

Most types of cheeses can be found with pasteurized milk so they are fine to eat.. there is no way I could give up all cheese for 9 months!

I take Materna, which I think is the french name for pregnacare.. same type of vitamin. DH also wants me to take cod fish oil because it is supposed to lower the risk of type 1 diabetes, but I want to wait to see what my doctor says before I start taking all kings of supplements.

I cut down my caffeine intake a lot while ttc and now I am at zero, no coffee, tea or even chocolate. I have some decaf for those days that are really rough.. but I'm actually doing ok with it. I consider it a personal challenge to see if I can make it through without any chocolate. We'll see how long I last. :)

Oh.. and yea my symptoms have diminished a bit too, less cramping, bbs are still killing me.. like WOW DH can't even touch me. And still no morning sickness.. not really complaining, but...
Told the inlaws as well now so it's a huge weight off of our shoulders but there's something about telling our parents that made us feel like kids again.:dohh: I pray that everything is ok because I'd hate to disappoint anyone especially Dh and myself. I will give them the go ahead to tell the rest of the family at 6 or 7 weeks if the appt is A-OK. We have a wedding to go to on May 12th and people will wonder why I am not drinking as I usually get completely drunk at such occasions:blush:.

We told our families and close friends this week, too. Yes, it was probably way too early, but it just felt right to throw out our previous plans of waiting until 12 weeks and let them know earlier. I'm also praying that everything is okay. While I know we'd have their support if there was a miscarriage, I know everyone is rooting for this little one to pull throw.

I want to tell everyone! Especially because my DH and I have been together 7+ years (married 2) and every chance folks get they ask when are we gonna start. The worst one was a couple of months ago when we went out dinner with another couple, who had recently announced they were expecting, and the girl's sister. I'd barely sat down when the sister turned to me and said "now when are YOU going to start having kids, you see my sister beat you to it now it's time to catch up." It took a lot to keep my mouth shut. I didn't think it was a race?!?! Turned out this sister announced her sisters pregnancy as soon as she found out on Facebook. I get it, she's happy but why do/say stupid sh*t?

I've been there, and I hate it. I'm sure I've done the same thing in the past, but I will never again ask anyone when they are going to have children, how many, or any other personal question about their reproductive plans. You just never know if someone is infertile or child free by choice or who knows what, and what might be an innocent question to you could be tearing them up or making them seriously frustrated inside. It is not a race, but questions like that make it feel like it sometimes. It really is stupid.

Anyone else have vanishing symptoms? My breasts have been sore since 7dpo and some days they feel awful and some days they are just sore. I am thirsty and hungry on and off. Some days I eat and drink normally and others I eat and drink lots! Some days I have tons of energy and some days I take a nap or two. The bloating has gone down a lot and they carmping is becoming much less frequent. I'm wondering if it's just me and if I should worry? I haven't had any bleeding at all, not even a spot, and my tests are finally darker than the control line. AF is over a week late now. There is a part of me that is very confident and there is another that is completely terrified still. I can't wait until the end of May when I will be 12/13 weeks! It seems so close and so far away at the same time!

I've been having slight breast soreness off and on -- it's weird because one day it will be the left side, the next day nothing, the next day the right side, the next day nothing. It is really confusing. My bloating was really bad for the first few days, then went away for a day or two, but now it's back with a vengeance -- I finally sucked it and bought a belly band because it was too weird walking around with my pants unbuttoned... I feel the same way about being really anxious for end of May, beginning of June! I don't want to not enjoy being in the moment, but it feels like I'm in limbo right now!

So have you ladies picked out names yet??? Me and DH already had names picked out before we started TTC! LOL So when I got my BFP yesterday, we just confirmed the names. It took us 5 seconds :)

DH and I were WTT for a long time before we finally started TTC (and then TTC took a solid year) -- we've had a long time to talk about and decide on names lol. Currently we have four names (first and middle combos) that we absolutely love -- two each for a boy and girl. I hope those names seem right when the little kiddo is born, because DH and I are really in love with the names and will be thrown for a total loop if they don't seem to fit! We're keeping the names (and the gender, since we won't be finding out) a secret till the birth. Can't wait to see who it'll be in eight months!

Who is finding out the gender?!?

We don't plan to find out -- DH and I are both really looking forward to that moment when we hear "It's a ___!" at the birth!

Hey everyone! I've just been looking at pre-natal vitamins. I do have a balanced and healthy diet and have been taking folic acid 400mcg pre-conception but I'm wondering if I should top this up with another supplement, especially as I have a pretty hectic job? I was taking B50 whilst TTC (I had a short luteal phase) but have stopped this now as the label says to discuss with your GP during pregnancy. What do you all think? I know that folic acid is the most important one but do you think a pre-natal vitamin would be of benefit?

I have a good friend who is a few weeks ahead of me and has already seen a doctor, and she's filled me in on what she's supposed to be taking. I was already taking a few things while we were trying, so I just tweaked the doses on some things a bit. So right now I'm taking a prenatal vitamin with 800 mcg of folic acid (my friend is supposed to be taking 1mg (1000mcg) of folic acid, and no prenatal vitamin, but I'm not comfortable not taking a prenatal), a fish oil supplement that includes at least a total of 1200 mg of DHA, and I just added 2000 iu of vitamin D.

I guess my sister is mad at my parents about something that happened last night. I guess my dad was supposed to go out to dinner with her and her DH for her DH's birthday, but he cancelled last minute. Like I said, my family is VERY dramafied. I sent an email to my dad and aunt this morning to let them know. And my dad isn't at work today so my mom called him (they are divorcced) to tell him. I asked her what he said. And she said, nothing because he was so mad at my sister. I feel like crap now :cry:

Ugh, that is a lot of drama. I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this. Definitely can take the wind out of your sails when family acts that way. Hope things get better in the future.

im not going to find out i want a surprise and I've had names picked out (1 girl, 1 boy) since i was a child which is a bit strange i know ... but there you go. hopefully i will have a healthy baby and the name will suit.

Looks like we're pretty similar in this respect!

we had told alot of people that we were having ivf in april, so we have told all of those people that we have got a bfp.. its a lot of people really.. but im no good at lieing.

is anyone feeling sick yet? everyone keeps asking me if im feeling sick and im really not :nope:

happy easter to you all and your growing snowflakes :) it snowed today, made me think of all our little snowflakes :)

This was pretty similar to our situation. We'd told all our family and close friends about my needing surgery due to infertility, and then it just didn't feel right not to tell those people that we're now pregnant, even though it's early. I'm also a bad liar, and it just felt wrong not to tell the truth, especially knowing how happy everyone would be. I'm not really feeling much by way of sickness, and I'm trying not to let it worry me too -- but it is. I really wish the morning sickness would hurry up and get here just so I can be assured that things are progressing normally.
Well two days down on the smoking. When I had DD I quit the day I found out and then had one on my hen do which was 1 day off a year Smoke free! Idiot.! Then after the wedding kind of fell back in the habit. So this time I wana try and stay off completely. I never smoked round DD and only smoked 5ish a day maybe more if at work! It's hard this early cause I feel fine. When ms kicked in last time if anyone came Near me after Smoking I wanted to chuck up in their face!!

Doing the quitting smoking thing too. I'm trying acupuncture to help because this is not oing to be easy, especially since even though I know I'm pregnant, I don't feel very pregnant. It's a battle.
Ladies we can do it! We can quit smoking! Just keep thinking about your baby. Or just sleep a lot so the time goes by faster lol.

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