*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Happy 36 weeks Lolly!

We didn't give out candy last night - I live in apt complex with no around! It's a good thing too because I was so tired yesterday I couldn't have gotten up an down over and over again to give out candy.

I had this weird pain last night and I don't know what it was. It hurt like crap all over my stomach. I think my stomach went tight but I'm not quite sure - I was so in shock from the pain. I had a few concentrated versions of this (in random sections of my tummy) as I was asleep last night too but not nearly as bad as the first time. Anyone else experience this or know what it is?
Thanks Blu :)

Ohhh I'm not sure, but if it was a tightening of your bump and pain I'd probably say a very strong BH. They are supposed to be not painful, but that's a pile of crap because they can really hurt sometimes! Keep an eye on it though just incase, it's good you only got the one big one and then they lessened as that would signal it isn't actual labour x
Wow, it is just next month!! WOW! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by! I also can't believe my little girl is 2 today! That went by so fast too!!
Had a doctor's appt today, ended up getting a flu shot. Wasn't going to, but decided it might be good. Had my strep b test done as well. Baby sounded great and doctor wasn't concerned about the back/belly cramps I have had on/off for the last little while. Said it was good that my uterus is doing some work preparing, but since they aren't regular not a concern. Now to have my sizing ultrasound on Monday! :D
Happy 35 weeks juless, and a very happy 2nd birthday to your Rose :) hope she has a fantastic day! Glad you had a good appt!
Happy birthday to your wee girlie Juless!

Had my 32 week scan okay......and baby was so cute making faces and wiggling its toes. But the cutest thing was when baba grabbed hold of its cord and started playing with it waving it around as if to say 'look what iv got mummy' sooooooo cute :kiss:
Glad everyone had a fun Halloween!
We had a good few kids early on, but it died off quickly. We are the last house on the street and everyone else had their lights off early, so we didn't get many making the trek down to our place. Luckily DH takes the extra candy into work to fill the candy bowl! I need that stuff GONE!

Now for my "excitement:"

I had to take today off work for some pretty crummy symptoms. It's the first time I've ever called in at this job (there 14 months) so you know I was suffering!

I woke at 2:30am with AWFUL back pain. I thought I'd just slept wrong but it wouldn't go away with heat or changing positions. Eventually I felt that I might be having contractions that were starting in the back, then radiating to the front, and at one point was clocking them at every 6-7 minutes. I had diarrhea three times and was just waking up hubby telling him I might be in labor when I suddenly got super nauseous and threw up quite a bit (rare for me). Strangely, I felt much better after the vomiting, contractions stopped or became barely noticeable, and I was able to get back to sleep.

DH called the MW who said to rest and come in for my appointment today as usual (was already scheduled) and she will check if I am dilated. Over the course of the late morning the back pain got bad again, but couldn't necessarily pinpoint contractions. I drank some water, then decided I might eat a bit -- had a tiny bit of toast with peanut butter. Was up 5 minutes later vomiting A TON again. Then soon after, had another small bout of diarrhea. Now back in bed, back still aching but no definitive contractions.

What the hell!? Is this "prodromal" or start/stop labor? Or do I just have a tummy bug and random back pain at the same time? I feel like the contractions I had earlier in the night were real because my tummy muscles are still sore! That being said, I have no hopes of being told I'm significantly dilated -- it just hasn't been long or consistent enough. I just really hope this doesn't go on for weeks before LO makes an appearance! At the same time, I am sure that is what MW would prefer, given I'm only 34+3....
I'm sorry GenY! Keep us updated with everything, hope it gets better. DH and I both had a nasty stomach bug the last few days; vomiting, diarrhea, the works. Midwife thinks it may have been something we ate, but I'm skeptical. No cramps or contractions here, although I did drop about 2 pounds and am just trying to stay hydrated at this point. A lot of people in my office building have had this lately so I really think it's something going around.
Sorry to hear that Gen Y. Hope you get better soon!

This thread has quite the exciting buzz happening at the moment! :)

I had ob appt yest and bp is up a bit so I was advised to rest and take it easy. Hard to do when you have two other children to look after and a DH who is always working. I feel fine though.

I have been having issues with this baby's name! I can't decided and have gone off all names we had chosen. Hoping we work something out soon.

Stay well snowflakes! X
How to please a man???

Well we couldn't agree on a name at all and decided to give up talking about it until 2 days ago when I made a suggestion...

For those of you across seas this may mean nothing to you but for uk mums with football mad other halves you'll get it!!

My hubby is a huge Tottenham hotspur fan and our surname starts with a C so I suggested a combination of names where the initials ended up THFC, (Tottenham hotspur football club) well he nearly peed his pants with excitement and immediately agreed!!

So after 7 and a half months of dissagreements it's been decided that our baby girl will be called, Teddie Hope Flynn Challis, Teddie means sweetheart, hope is self explanatory and Flynn means red haired which comes from mummy!!

Just need to decide on a spelling of Teddie, tedi, teddy???
Bell, that is so so soooo cute!! :cloud9:

Oh wow GenY sorry to hear about that :hugs: I hope the pains calm down soon and that they are just very intense and annoying BH. Keep us updated :flower:

Awww fifi that's a lovely name (shame about the team though :haha: we are Gooners here!!). I like Teddie, or Tedie I think x
GenY - I hope things get better! Will be looking out to see how things go.

Snowflakes - Have you noticed a significant increase in your grey hairs since being pregnant? I feel like I'm constantly finding new ones, and I've even been keeping up with my hair coloring throughout pregnancy (I know some ladies are paranoid about that, but my dr says it's okay, so I'm keeping it up).
Cute bump pics ladies :)

They aren't painful but my chest tightens and my heart races and my breathing changes with the contractions. It almost feels like an adrenaline rush.

Interesting that you describe it this way. I never knew what a BH felt like, but I can say that I have the same symptoms you just described from time to time. Maybe I'm having them too?
Back pain persisted all day with a few random contractions, one more vomit and diarrhea.

Went to see MW and I'm 1cm dilated and more than 50% effaced. Baby's heart rate also elevated a bit.

Got sent to the family birth center at the hospital for HR and contraction monitoring. Nurse says I'm showing uterine 'irritability' and I might get drugs to stop contractions.

Midwife concerned I might have underlying infection causing the contractions, versus the contractions causing the vomiting and diarrhea.

So...we wait to see what the plan will be.

Irony: was going to pack hospital bag THIS weekend ;)
Gen- hope they are able to figure things out soon for you.

Juless- Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Here's my bump pic from 35+2. Everyone is saying they don't think I will make it to my due date with as big as I am. I just keep smiling. I love being told I'm huge lol.
Good news! Meds to stop contractions worked. Turns out I have kidney infection, antibiotics going in right now and should be let out in an hour to resume my normal pregnancy :)
Scooby - i think you could be experiencing BH and not know it like me. I can only tell because i get the heart palpitations before the tightening, and most of the time i don't even notice the tightenings unless i put my hand on my bump (towards bottom/middle and it's super hard. Have you tried feeling your bump during your adrenaline rushes?

Geny - hope things get better for you, but it sounds like bubba wants to be born soon. But fingers crossed bubbastays in there for alittle longer.

Stark - great bump :). I love it when people call me huge too haha!
Glad they got to the bottom of it Gen Y, must have been a bit scary. Now rest up! Don't do anything  but pack your bag 

Juless Happy 2nd Birthday to your little lady!!

Stark great bump pic!
Wow, lots been going on here!
Gen, glad they managed to find out what was going on and sort it all out!
I'm trying very hard to enjoy the last bit of my pregnancy but I won't lie - I'm dying for baby to get here. Its hard not to wish the weeks away!!

Going to the doctor on Monday to get final blood tests (I hope!) and also to get a scan to see whether my placenta has moved at all. I still can't decide whether I'm more scared of a c -section or of natural birth! I know a natural birth will lead to a faster recovery time but with my impatience its horrible to think I may still be waiting another 9 weeks!!!
Oh just caught up on you gen!! That must have been scary!!! Hope baby stays put for another couple if weeks for you!!!! Xxx
Always a good drama on here I love it :) glad all is ok tho everyone's pregnancy is so different it crazy, I'm with u girls on I obv think I'm getting BH but I don't know when I don't feel them or anything xxxx

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