*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Thats good news Lolly.

Does anyone know if they are engaged yet? I wasn't last week but he does feel really low. Will get checked again tomorrow as midwife is coming to the house for 36 week appt and TO DO BIRTH PLAN!!!!!!:argh::argh:
Hi ladies! Wow, this thread moves fast.

I am scheduled for induction on November 26th! 3 weeks from today. They are inducing me because twin A is a lot smaller than twin B. In the previous 3 weeks he only gained half as much weight as his sister. At my last scan on Friday the 2nd, he weighed 3 lbs 11 oz and she weighed 4 lbs 9 oz. I have to go in for a weekly NST now. I do hope that after week 35 I will go into labor on my own. I already have contractions every 7-10 minutes all day. After week 35 I plan to start DTD with DH to maybe get things moving.

I have had to start sleeping on the couch every night as I find it more comfortable with the back support. I tried using pillows in bed to support my back, they just weren't doing it. I feel so tired all the time and I think I am in a little bit of denial that I will be having two babies in 3 weeks. Everything is ready, my bag is packed. I feel like I need to start reading some books on what to do after they are here!

Sounds like everyone is getting pretty uncomfortable. We are all so close!
San Fran..... I can only begin to imagine how uncomfortable you are feeling with 2 of them in there!

I have just had my pram and car seat delivered!!!! Exciting!!!!!:happydance:
Very exciting toothfairy! My husband installed one car seat yesterday to see if he knew how to do it. It was soooo weird seeing it in our car.
I'm pretty sure strep b testing is mandatory in the US? They do it at 36 weeks, so I'll have it at my next appt. She will also start checking my cervix then.

I had my baby shower this past Saturday. What a blast I had, and I got a ton of stuff I needed too! My dad is buying the carseat/stroller this weekend and I will officially be set for this baby to arrive. While at my baby shower a few older ladies came up to me asking if I was due in the next few weeks, and I had to tell them I had 6 weeks to go. They just looked at me and said, "yep, you aren't going to go another 6 weeks" :wacko:!! I think I've dropped, not quite sure but I sure have a lot more pain/pressure lower down then I did before. I just thought it's a bit early for me to drop, only 34 weeks? But the doctors also think she's going to come early so maybe.

I was standing in my (finished!!) nusery the other day with my bestie and I said "I can't believe there is going to be a baby in here next month..." It still feels pretty surreal. I alternate between being super excited and wanting to sh*t my pants scared :haha:
Great description of emotions Sam!!!!!

I wish they checked us for dilation in the uk. Don't think it happens til at least 40 wks. Anyone brave enough to check their own?? I don't think I am but I know some ladies are expert at it!
You know, after all the checking I did with TTC, I'm surprised at how reluctant I am to even think about self checking. I think they'll check me for the first time at my appointment on Thursday. Fingers crossed that they give me good news!

SanFran - hats off to you! I can only imagine how uncomfortable you are with 2 in there but I think about how exciting it will be to have two little ones as well.

SamJ - people tell me all the time that I'll never make it to Dec. 4 - I'm like thanks for telling me i'm huge and there's no way I'll ever make it to my due date :dohh: and I'm still getting the "are you sure there aren't two in there?" question :grr:

Good news about your BP Lolly!

And what's this talk of after pains? What in the world- you mean to tell me there are after pains?? :growlmad:
Midwife suggested I start checking mine and also to have DH know what it feels like so they don't show up too early to the homebirth. He was a little freaked out by that but I tried to check the other day and couldn't reach at all...don't know whats up with that.

Does anyone have any experience with ketones in their urine? Mine came back positive for them a few days ago at my appointment and I was told it was probably because I wasn't eating enough (although I feel like I am), but strangely I've dropped about 3 pounds in the past week/week and a half. I chalked it up to being sick last week but now I'm not so sure and kind of worried.
Has anyone been vaccinated for Tdap while pregnant yet? My MW told me it happens after birth, but I saw recently that CDC recommends pregnant women to get it to pass immunity on to baby. Wondering if my clinic is just behind the times?

No period like cramps or ketones for me. I'm *only* 34 weeks, so still 6 long weeks to go! Baby is head down now tho. I too think the 36 week strep B test is standard in the US. My MW also mentioned that breast pumps can often be covered by insurance. woo hoo!
Mummy, I wouldn't say the afterpains are as bad as labour but they can hurt! It's your uterus contracting back to it's normal size. Get some strong painkillers and you'll be fine :thumbup:

Wow shan that is so exciting! I think you'll be first to have your babies, as I don't think my little one is coming any time soon!

I'm quite glad they don't check your cervix here. I know I'd feel deflated if I wasn't progressing or effacing. Plus when I was induced I went from being not dilated at all, cervix being far back and long to fully dilated in the space of 3 hours :haha: so it doesn't mean much. I wouldn't dare examine myself, wouldn't want to risk infection or anything.
Good to hear the bp is still behaving Lolly!

Just thought I'd let all UK ladies know about something I discovered yesterday. If you sign up to a 3 month free trial of amazon family you get a £10 voucher, plus there is currently an offer of a further £40 off the ameda lactaline dual electric breast pump so you can get it for £60 combining both offers. I thought it was a really good deal considering 2nd hand ones go for more on eBay and it is the top rated pump on mumsnet. Just don't forget to cancel the membership before the 3 months is up!

Baby's bag now packed, mine nearly done too. It was very surreal folding the clothes and realising that my LO is going to be here very soon! Stay we'll everyone x
had my jabs i asked for a sticker but i didnt get one :-( .. Told her about the pressure and pains and my bowels and my cough that has reappeared she said she doubts it will be long in that case! So i am clinging to that now lol please!! Truly had enough now everyone has been telling me about horrendous after pains that are worse with every baby? Anyone experienced these?

From experience, after pains get worse with every subsequent pregnancy, I didn't have any first time round but loads with next 2, so I'm expecting nasty ones this time round as my uterus is well and truly done in by now x
I got after pains with my Eoin, but it was manageable I'm actually worried about this time as its suppose o be worse when it's your second children and when breast feeding.

Anyone in uk go see the fireworks tonight? My little bubba slept through whole thing, I thought they would be squirming around with all the load bangs. :shrug:
We went to firework displays on both Fri & Sat night. Was really good but I had a false alarm at the one on Sat night and thought I was actually going in to labour :rofl: I think it was down to all the walking we did though x
Wow! 5 pages to catch up on just from today, lol!
I had my sizing scan today and all is great! She double-checked for me that little one is a girl, hehe! She showed me this time too so she really is a girl! :D My fluid and placenta are great and she's head down. Her current size is estimated at 6lb 4oz, so she's an average size, in the 50th percentile. Tech said that she shouldn't be more than 8 or 9lbs! So relieved! I do know they aren't the most accurate things, but it's at least a rough idea. I should hopefully be able to have the vaginal birth I want! :D Only thing is my doctor doesn't want to induce me. He is willing to give me a sweep if he can, so I'm going to discuss with him next week if I could possibly get the gel they put on your cervix (this actually started things for me with DD last time) and/or have my waters broken. Basically everything we can try without using pitocin. Not sure if he will do it, but hopefully! :D
Baby is definitely hanging out pretty low though I think! I have SO much pressure on my bladder and everything is so sore in my pelvis. It is getting harder to sleep, many more bathroom trips and my lower back is always aching so badly. My tailbone hurts soooo much and my sciatica is making my bum sore! Can't wait to be able to start trying to evict this kid, lol! I wanna meet her!!
Hi ladies! So exciting that so many of us are feeling already so close to the birth!! Anyone have any good tips from lamaze / prep classes? I'm only doing mine when DH comes at 37 weeks, so feel a bit behind, but am still doing the stretches, exercises and breathing from my yoga.
Is it custom to get a dating scan at 36 weeks (in Canada)? Would LOVE that, to check not only size but position of the cord, and fluid levels...I know that's when we get our strepB done.
LOL at checking my own cervix...not going to be able to do that! BUT I am going to talk with my doctor this week (at my 34 week appointment) about trying perineum massage.
Juless what a relief that this little one isn't on par with her big sister's size! That must be good to hear :) I hope you get the vaginal birth you want, and hopefully not with pitocin. I had a propess induction with DD (it's like a small, flat tampon) and it was great. A very quick labour though!

I think it'll be fun if we all tried to guess what weight we think our babies are going to be! Just for a laugh :) you can base it on any growth scans you've had, previous babies weights, yours & your partner's birth weights etc.

I'm going to guess that my little one will be 7lbs 4oz! DD was tiny - 5.5lbs born at 38w, and this baby already measured in at 5lb 9 when I was 35+6 so she's definitely going to be bigger. I'm being optimistic that she isn't gaining too much since then though :haha:
expatttc, no sizing scans aren't standard. My doctor just wanted me to have one to help us decide what type of birth to attempt! (My first daughter was just under 12lbs!).

lolly, forgot to say earlier, glad to hear about your bp being better!! :D Also, good idea! My guess is 8lb 9oz!
Had my 36 week checkup today. Have to go every week now. Everything is looking good. No dialation as of yet. So I think we will be set with our c-section on November 26. Shan Fran looks like our little ones will be sharing a birthday. Three weeks seems so far because I want to be done with work and hold my little girl. But it also seems like I have so much left to do and so little time!

I will guess my lo will arrive at 8lbs 7oz.
I think my lo will be 7lbs. Dd was 6lbs 8 Ozs at 40 weeks n im already as big as i was with dd at 39 weeks

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