*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Lolly -- lol that 'kind offer' to go for round 2!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got no chance of any action lolly!! The pregnancy has done nothin for his libido!
I've started eating spicy foods, and I'm on my feet everyday walking around at my job. Won't be able to DTD until Monday night because DH is deer hunting all weekend. I never went into labor with my first (scheduled c-section because he was breech). I've decided against a vbac, but I would still like to go into labor naturally. Even though when I get to the hospital it will be a c-section.

People still telling me politely that I'm huge! "You have until when???" "You aren't going to make it." "You poor thing."
I often wonder if I look miserable or something? :haha:
Stark, I'm with you. Some people keep telling me I'm huge and I want to just slap them already. Other's tell me I look good, or not too big. Dh says I look smaller than all of the girls at the childbirth class we went to but I think he's just trying to be nice or he needs a stronger contact RX, lol. I'm just fed up with it as I know I have a possible(and probable with my luck) 6 more weeks. I sometimes feel miserable but, like you, I wonder if I look like it as well:shrug:.

I only get the occasional week BH. Nothing too bad. Occasional pelvic pressure or pain in my girly area. Other than that not a thing going on. I don't even get regular BH after sex. I feel like I'm in it for the long haul now and baby most likely won't be born at 38 or 39 weeks like I'd prefer.

I'd better get moving and get something done today as I've been a bit lazy the past few days:blush:.
Anyone else had a ticking in the cervix? It literally feels like baby is tickling me really low down! I've had it for a few weeks now, I think it's his head moving around :)
Holidays are coming, Holidays are coming.....hehe just sat through xfactor for first time this year to see that ad! Makes me excited for our first christmas with baba this year:xmas5::xmas6::xmas6::xmas6:
Can't say anything has tickled me down there Ocean :haha: it's mainly been painful twinges!

Baby, I just updated my FB status as soon as I saw that advert :rofl: it's official - Christmas really is here!
Expattc, that must be hard and stressful having DH away and in such a situation. Hope 2 weeks flies by for you and your DH!

Syptom spotting a plenty! How exciting!! Snowflakes not long now till our first little ones make their grand entry to this world of ours! Can't wait 😄😃😀
toothfairy, sounds exciting with those contractions! Perhaps your time is soon?? And Juless, that is quite the nesting. When i went to my lamaze class the instructor told us she got a crazy nesting urge the night before she went into labor!

I have had the weird tickle feeling in the cervix area too...I attribute it to LO moving her head. I've also had plenty of pain tho, but I'd much prefer the tickle!

Expat, you are so strong to be without your OH for this long, and to keep up a happy face for him when you talk!

Still can't tell if i've been having BH or if its just LO bunching up in one area. She is head down, and seems to mostly have her back and butt on my right side, and she flails her arms and legs around, kicking me on my left side. I would love to have a 12-12-12 baby! And that would mean she is 4 days early, which would be excellent. I hope I go earlier than my due date.
Thanks ladies; for your support!! I LOVE coming on this board!
What would I do without b&b???

Babybell, love your Christmas spirit! I have been playing carols as I thought baby might recognize them -- since they're ALL that we will be hearing through December, no?

I think tomorrow I'll head out and buy some pajamas, for the hospital and after, just something loose and button down so that I can breastfeed. Nothing too $ as I am sure that they'll get wrecked, but something at least in a nice cotton.

I'm also getting lots of bursts of tight movements around my cervix, must be baby's moving of the head (not so much tickles though, they are mainly little ''ooof'' twinges), and poking around with her hands. Now that he'll have his eyes open I can easily see a little DH going oooooooooooooh----what's thaaaaat, and reaching out and squidging everything in sight. Heehee.
I can't keep up!

Expat...so sorry about your DH and I'm sure you're so excited to see him soon.

AFM I have had no twinges, no BH, nothing. I know I've got a little while but still I'm so ready to have this baby. I can barely lift my leg to get into my car without feeling like a baseball is wedged in my pelvis. We took a little weekend road trip and every time we hit a bump in the road baby pushed her head down on my bladder and stretched her feet up into my ribs. I found if I stretch back and gently press where her feet are she will squish back down again but it leaves me completely breathless.

I CAN'T WAIT to see who pops first!!!! I'm still convinced I'm going to be five days overdue. (I accidentally wrote "I can't wait to see who poops first" and got a good laugh and had to go back and edit it. But sometimes that's how I feel lately. Anyone have any tips? I'm miserable. Pear juice? Fresh fruit? The constipation is getting a little ridiculous.
Hey ladies! Sorry that there aren't too many symptoms to spot for some of you, it can be so frustraiting while we're waiting! I had a miserable day.. DD has been getting her back molars in and has started having horrible tantrums. Had one for 45 minutes today which involved hitting herself in the head with her little fists! She bruised up one side of her head!! I feel like a terrible mom when I see that.. :( I know it can be normal for them to do those things, and I need to ignore it as she does it so she'll realize it isn't working for attention, but it's hard not to grab her to stop her (which I do if she does it too hard)! On top of this I woke up with a headache and have felt exhausted too all day. Luckily I took a Tylenol tonight and it worked because I had a social event to go to and was able to enjoy myself. Still, not too fun a day! Didn't help that baby decided to be pretty quiet all day so had me super worried. Quite a few bouts of hiccups as well so I was worried!! Luckily she started moving up a storm when I was out and is still going so maybe she's just getting too big to have big movements or something. She also MUST have dropped because I am constantly having very intense strong pressure on my bladder ALL of the time. I just always feel like I need to pee! It's not comfortable at all!! I hope it means she'll come soon, I'm loosing my patience!
Snowflakes help me! I woke up this morning feeling rotten; sore throat, barking cough, stuffy nose headache from hell. Anyone know any pregnancy safe cold rememdies? No way do I want to attempt labour feeling like this :dohh:
Enjoy shopping expatttc! I just bought a load of cheapie pj's too - breast milk and postpartum bleeding is a pain so best not to ruin any expensive stuff!

Lilly, sorry you're blocked up. Have you tried increasing your fibre intake? Prune juice is said to be really good at getting things moving too :thumbup:

Juless, sorry your DD has been playing up. Everyone told me about the "terrible 2's" but I never really thought it was real, just a coincidence kinda thing. Well, now I know different!! My DD's back molars aren't coming through yet but I dread when they do as a friend of mine, her daughter is currently going through it and she said its hell :wacko: coupled with their tantrums and stubbornness to... not fun! Glad baby started moving too, things get so worrying at this stage now we are so close to the end and we just want to see and hold our babies safe in our arms. Not long to go!

Ichisan sorry you're not feeling well. Take paracetamol if you're in pain, but for the cough and throat there's not much you can have :( I was drinking lots of honey and lemon in hit water when I was unwell weeks ago and that seemed to help a little, I also went through lozenges like they were going out of fashion. Take it easy :hugs:

AFM, had some irregular tightenings and twinges last night and started to get excited. For my contraction timer app up on my phone and typically they died down as soon as I did this! Baby and body are in cahoots and have obviously teamed up to play tricks on me :brat:
Thanks lolly! I'm hoping things settle down soon with DD! She seems in a good mood this morning, hope it lasts, lol!
Ichisan, for sore throats I find gargling with salt and water often seems to help! That's about all I could do when I had a cold recently.
Last night I woke up at 5am and immediately started thinking about a fan we have that we need to replace. We have a new one, but haven't put it in yet. Was thinking of getting up to look at the instructions to see how difficult it would be. Definitely more nesting going on, haha! I have a determination today to get our office organized and several other last minute things DONE! I feel like I MUST do it, lol! Oh ya, before I went back to sleep thought I'd try nipple stimulation, just as an experiment and I started getting freaking cramps! Started having a bunch of cramping in a row, but then fell asleep and now getting up they're gone. Still though, might be something I'll need to do once in a while!
That's exciting, I had a go on my breast pump the other day and I definitely felt some twinges with that too. Keep meaning to have a go on it each day but have forgotten up to now :dohh:

I too am nesting like crazy. I hardly ever bake, preferring to cook instead and buy our desserts but I've made so many cakes recently! I am also cleaning first thing as soon as I'm out of bed. I had the kitchen scrubbed, dishwasher on and one load of washing out to dry and another load put in, a trip to the supermarket to get a joint for our roast dinner later all done before 11am today! Feeling very productive :D
Lilly, lol for pops and poops. :) Keep drinking tons of water, as much as you can. Tea can cause constipation (even decaf).

Juless, glad that the tylenol cut your headache...sounds after the day you had with DD and worries about movement, you needed a good night out.

Ichisan, do you have a humidifier? That might help with the cough and stuffy nose. I also used, for my crazy sinus headaches in the first trimester, a type of nasal/sinus flush bottle that you fill with warm water (you HAVE to boil it first and let it cool - using straight warm tap water isn't safe) and a sachet of salts that you buy with the bottle. It sounds weird, but the water goes up one nostril and down through the other one. Feels strange too, but it works!! The salt helps with infections, and once you get beyond the 'in one nose hole, out the other' feeling, it does really feel good to get rid of the congestion.

Lolly, I have a feeling that app will come in handy quite soon :)

Sara, hang in there :hugs:

Aaaaaand now I'm awake at 7am on Remembrance Day. Have something extra special to think of today to give thanks for, that's for sure.

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