*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Stark definitely call to make sure. I've suffered from what I've figured out are aura migraines this entire pregnancy. I've got really bad vision to begin with and every so often will see a flickering circle in the corner of my eye that lasts for up to twenty minutes. It is very frustrating as my eyes try to track it but can't. I usually lose all peripheral vision on that side and once it disappears feels like someone is squeezing a clamp around my head. The headache will last almost the rest of the day but I can usually get a cold ice pack on it and sleep off the worst within a few hours. I still don't know what causes them and this is probably nothing like what you're having right now but at this point I would be reporting any changes if I were you.

Juless sorry about your husband. Men can be so difficult at times. I hope you guys are able to get everything worked out. Depression is something I think that is really hard for them to admit to or even accept. From first hand experience they think they're not acting or doing anything different but its obvious to the person who lives with them that they are. Keep us updated if you want to chat.
Okay, now this is kinda weird.. I keep getting these pains. I've had them before, but never this many! They are a bit in my lower back, mostly bottom of bump and VERY strong in my bum! Not sure what this is... drinking lots of water in case I'm just dehydrated. Not getting my hopes up, lol!
Okay, now this is kinda weird.. I keep getting these pains. I've had them before, but never this many! They are a bit in my lower back, mostly bottom of bump and VERY strong in my bum! Not sure what this is... drinking lots of water in case I'm just dehydrated. Not getting my hopes up, lol!

Are you timing them?
Congrats geny :happydance:

Good luck juless ... Hope this will be it for you.

I'm getting a little jealous here, but it's all good ... Motivates me. Can't wait to hear more birth announcements, and hopefully my own won't be too far away. :coffee:
Stark definitely call to make sure. I've suffered from what I've figured out are aura migraines this entire pregnancy. I've got really bad vision to begin with and every so often will see a flickering circle in the corner of my eye that lasts for up to twenty minutes. It is very frustrating as my eyes try to track it but can't. I usually lose all peripheral vision on that side and once it disappears feels like someone is squeezing a clamp around my head. The headache will last almost the rest of the day but I can usually get a cold ice pack on it and sleep off the worst within a few hours. I still don't know what causes them and this is probably nothing like what you're having right now but at this point I would be reporting any changes if I were you.

Actually that is exactly what is going on. I called L&D and the nurse was really rude. She never asked how far along I was or if I was having any kind of other symptoms. She just said if it continues after I've rested to come in. Right now I'm laying in bed and my vision is back to normal but my head is really starting to hurt.
Blu and Lolly, glad things have improved and your both back home.

Juless... Its good that your DH has said he will look into it in the new year, its sonething that needs to be adressed and men hate to do that! I have had few arguments with my DH too so you are not alone there. Most the time it's my fault I think, just expectations are different ie when I did a food shop this morning DH decided to give DD2 an ice cream at 1030am and send me a pick of her eating it with it all over her clothes that I had just dressed her in.... Needless to say I was not impressed and DH couldn't understand why I didn't find it cute!!! Arrrggggg!
Oh and Juless keep us update on those pains.... Fingers crossed that its the early stages of labour and you will get the birth you want!!
Stark definitely call to make sure. I've suffered from what I've figured out are aura migraines this entire pregnancy. I've got really bad vision to begin with and every so often will see a flickering circle in the corner of my eye that lasts for up to twenty minutes. It is very frustrating as my eyes try to track it but can't. I usually lose all peripheral vision on that side and once it disappears feels like someone is squeezing a clamp around my head. The headache will last almost the rest of the day but I can usually get a cold ice pack on it and sleep off the worst within a few hours. I still don't know what causes them and this is probably nothing like what you're having right now but at this point I would be reporting any changes if I were you.

Actually that is exactly what is going on. I called L&D and the nurse was really rude. She never asked how far along I was or if I was having any kind of other symptoms. She just said if it continues after I've rested to come in. Right now I'm laying in bed and my vision is back to normal but my head is really starting to hurt.

Yes it's awful. I'm sorry she was rude. They tried to monitor my eating to see when it happened but its very random for me. Think it may be due to stress. I usually take a pregnancy safe pain killer and put a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel behind my head and lay down. Apparently the occipital lobe controls vision in your brain and that's located at the very back. When it gets too cold I alternate to the front and my temples where the pain seems to usually be located. Also a very dark, cool, quiet place won't hurt. If your head isn't bothering you too much google "aura migraine" and look at the images. That's exactly what I'm seeing in my eyes and might be yours too. Kind of like a pulsing black and white flashy circle. Almost as if you've stared at the sun too long but the spot doesn't fade.
Thanks for the understanding guys! :) So lovely to have support and advice from all you wonderful ladies! :D As for the pains, timed them just to see and were about 10 minutes apart. Seem to be going away now though, but we'll see! Would be GREAT if it were the real thing but not getting my hopes up! It's funny, even though they are pains, they hurt, they make me happy, lol!

stark - hope you're feeling better soon and your headache isn't too bad!
Jules time them!

Stark, I have had aura migraines before too -- they can be brought on by stress, and they can get worse quite quickly, and also cause nausea. Hope that lilly's trick of the icepack works for you x

Oh, and Blu, I've been singing carols to the little one for a good month now! In english and italian, so that I know at least one or two songs that all the grandparents can sing to calm the little one down once the baby is out!!
Congrats Gen, what wonderful news!

Blu and Lolly glad you guys are home!

Jules I completely understand where you are coming from with your husband. I am in exactly the same position. I got him to agree to go and see someone but the actual visit has yet to materialize.
I'm actually so mad at him at the moment I don't want to see or speak to him. He went out drinking last night and came home at 5:30 this morning! He just can't see why this is unacceptable. I had eventually agreed to him going out 'for a few drinks' if he promised to get up this morning to do the last of the baby shopping. Its now the afternoon here and all I can say is disappointment all round.
Oh Beanorder that's really tough, I would be furious to say the least! Especially being pregnant, what if LO decided to make an early appearance or something else happened and he was hung over or worse yet not even there!! 530 gggrrrrrr!! Stay strong hun. Bloody men!
Morning ladies! Beanonorder, sorry to hear you're having OH issues as well. Can't believe he was out all night! I'd be furious too! Especially if we had plans the next morning!
My night was really rough... woke up to one of those cramps and a horrible headache. Couldn't fall back asleep as I felt super nauseaus. I had to sleep out on the recliner with an icepack on my head. Haven't had any more pains since then, but my head still hurts and I'm still really nauseaus. :( Of course today OH has to do extra work so I won't have help here today. Wish I could just sleep all day.
sorry to all the ladies feeling down and poorly today! Anyone anymore signs of impending labour? I have nothing at all after all them days of cramps ect i think ill be making it to my due date at this rate!
Congrats, genY! sounds like quite a birth! Glad everyone is healthy.

Glad you are back home, Lolly and that your bp and your lo's hb are stable :)

Blu, sorry about bed rest but at least lo is ok! Weird no one could figure out what the blood was from.

Bean, I would be furious at dh too! He better make it up to u!

Juless I hope your dh gets help for his problems

As for me, no signs of anything. LO still moving around lots but no labor pains. I'm definitely getting jealous of those with labor signs!
Lilly- thanks for the advice last night. Had my mom come pick me up so I had someone to watch my DS and fell asleep as soon as my headache subsided a little. I have a dull aching in my head now but am feeling much better.

Woke up with a few contractions last night but they of course are gone this morning. It's starting to get very aggitating to have pains everyday and they never amount to anything lol!

Blu-will they call you with any results when they find them out?? It just seems something is happening. But at least you know baby is doing good.

Bean-Sorry to hear about the issues with DH. Hopefully you will be able to talk to him and he understand after he sleeps it off.
Bean, sorry about your OH :hugs: I hope he's done a lot of grovelling and apologising to you today.

No signs here! I was having lots of what I assumed were BH at hospital when hooked up to the CTG monitor and the MW said they were mild contractions and coming quite regularly :) well, typically they stopped! Baby is 3/5ths engaged now though so better than nothing. I'll be having my sweep a week on monday, although hoping things happen naturally before then. The thought of having a sweep is making me feel a bit sick :sick: !!
Congrats GenY! So pleased you and LO are safe and well.
Glad to hear you are both home Lolly and Blu, hopefully things with settle down for a bit now!
I hope your OH has done some serious grovelling Bean sounds like he needed to.

AFM nipped into town for a little bit and suddenly had excrutiating pain on lower left part of my bump which will not go away. Standing and walking sent me to tears and my whole bump was tight and solid with pressure right into my groin. Came straight home and am now sat on the sofa with my wheatie bag on the left side of my bump hoping the pain will ease. Definately more comfortable sat down so guessing its not contractions starting unfortunately lol.
Hope everyone else is enjoying their saturday x
Gen I hope you are enjoying your LO! Would love to see pics if you can soon, we all would! :) xx

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