*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

I'm always so behind with this trend!!

Massive congrats to the new mums. So exciting!!

I think the numbers going to increase fast.

Hope everyone is keeping well!

Photos of little babies please!
Congrats ichisan! Can't wait until it's my turn!

Nothing new going on here, so I wonder if I have a lot longer to go.:wacko: I hope she comes a few days early at least. I just don't want to go too far overdue!

Our Christmas tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving here. So that's Friday for all you ladies who aren't in the US. DH will have to crawl around in the attic and get everything out for me and then hopefully it'll be all done by the time baby arrives. I haven't much else to do as I finished my Christmas shopping and we have everything for the baby. Now it's just touch up cleaning and keeping busy and hoping baby arrives soon!

I have ANOTHER OB appt tomorrow! Not looking forward to it as I don't think anything is happening.

I hope you're all well and I'm happy (yet a bit jealous) to see it snowing here on this thread!
Congrats Ichisan!

6 days left for me! I had about 20 new stretch marks appear :( How many more in 6 days I wonder!? I feel like crap and could write a novel on all the aches and pains and swelling. I am guessing their combined weight is over 10 pounds by now. Wednesday is my last day of work (I from home) and then I also have an appt that day for a sweep. I would LOVE to go into labor on my own before the 26th.
Are any of you ladies noticing watery discharge?? I have been very dry all through the pregnancy but noticed an increase in the white milky discharge over the last couple of weeks. I have just noticed I am feeling more damp over the last couple of days. I have been using the EPO internally for a week or so and noticed that the last couple of nights when I have put it in its very watery in there? Sorry if TMI but I have kind of kept an eye on it today and have checked with clean finger when have gone to the loo and definitely clear and watery up there? I felt a funny little twang almost like an elastic band somewhere up there when I was having a pee on saturday night. Almost expected my waters to gush there and then or have a show but nothing? I can't remember whether this dampness started before or after this.

There is not enough coming out to soak a panty liner so am not convinced its waters?

Anyone similar?? I really don't want to call the L&D
Congrats Ichisan!!!

Nothing new here, still miserable on bed rest. It's weird because everyone thinks it's great but it is far from it. I am so uncomfortable. It's.like taking the most agonizing part of my day and making it my whole day! I go back to doc tomorrow but not hopeful for any progress.

We were supposed to put up the Christmas tree on Saturday but being put on bed rest messed up those plans. Not sure when it's going up now. Also not sure I'll be able to visit family for Thanksgiving. Both of our families are out of town, just me and DH here. :(
Hi toothfairy - yes, exactly the same for me. TMI alert - It started on Friday and since then things have felt 'damp' - on Friday it was watery, Saturday it was (for want of a better description) like I had blown my nose in my knickers and yesterday and today more white and creamy. Like you - it's not enough to warrant a pad and there has been no blood to see but I do notice the damp feeling, especially in the mornings. God, isn't pregnancy so glamorous? I'm hoping this is my body building up to things. Was planning to ask my midwife when I see her on Wednesday. How are you finding being off work now? I know you we're struggling a bit in the beginning but hope everything has settled down for you now x
Aw Blu - sorry, think we were typing at the same time. Just remember, this can only go on for a finite time. Soon you will have your baby and this phase will be forgotten. Do you think it is worth asking if they would consider inducing you, seeing as you are past 37/52 now?
Honey bee

I've definitely got used to being off work now!! :) nowhere near as tired as I was so that's good. Just a but bored and all I can do is symptom spot!!

I'm at midwife tomorrow so will ask about the watery stuff. She's a bit useless tho so don't expect too much!!
Ive had the same thing toothfairy for the last couple of days be nice if it was a sign
My tree is up!!!!

Had to give in as normally don't put any Xmas decs up before December 1st, but I had to give in as my poor baby would've had nowhere to sleep due to the fact that the crib was full of presents and wrapping paper!! So I needed to put the tree up in order for me to have somewhere else to put the pressies!!

Anyway, it's all up now and all but a few presents are wrapped and under the tree!! Now it's just countdown all round, 37 weeks tomorrow and am well and truly ready to pop!!
Just popping in to say hi spending the day with dd. It'd her first birthday I can't believe she us one
Toothfairy, I've been having the same thing lately! I keep feeling a bit "leaky" or something, but when I go to the bathroom, it's just that milky discharge. I read something somewhere about an increase in discharge at the end of pregnancy to prepare for the birth or something? Can't really remember though!
Ichisan - CONGRATS!! :D Hope you are settling in at home now! :D
Blu - Sorry to hear about you not feeling great, hope that you get some good progression news at your next appt!! Also hope you can get your tree up and some cheerful things like that! Maybe OH can put it up and you can direct from a sitting/lying down position, lol!

afm, not much happening today. Just exhausted, but don't want to nap because I think if I did I'd wake up feeling worse. I feel a bit of a headache coming on again, hoping it's not because of blood pressure or anything but have an appt tomorrow morning so they'll check it then. It's starting in the back of my neck and when I get those it's usually due to tension. DD has been miserable most of the morning so I'm probally just stressed out a bit! Managed to bake bread (in breadmaker though, lol!) and some mini buttermilk oatmeal muffins but now am wiped out! DD is napping and I'm taking advantage with a rest! Bounced a bit on my ball as when I walk around baby is feeling veeeery low, lots of cervix pressure! Also, I think she might be back to back as I'm still seeing her little hands/feet pushing out of my belly pretty low down, and not feeling her back at all. It's so hard to tell! At least she's head down!
Happy birthday to your daughter bbygurl :cake: hope she has a lovely day!

I'm definitely putting my tree up at the weekend :D I have my sweep on Monday so hoping she'll come soon after then (if not before ;)).

I've also had an increase of discharge over the last week or so. It's quite watery, but definitely not amnio fluid... unfortunately!
bbygurl719, happy birthday to your daughter! :) They grow so fast, don't they?
Lolly, have fun putting up your tree! Hoping your sweep gets things going! I think my doctor is going to be giving me one tommorow!! :D I'll at least be getting a check - hope something is going on! I was thinking of asking if I start dilating over the next 2 weeks if they would break my waters, doubt it though!
Hi ladies! More discharge for me too, so guess it's normal. Creamy white, lol...reminds me of when I was ovulating! :shrug:

I have had big rushes of energy this week, just cleaning / sorting / cleaning all the old toys, clothing, books in my parents house, making up boxes of things to give away. I think it's half filling my time before DH gets here, and half just trying to focus on DOING something. It does tire me out :sleep: so I'm sleeping at least 2-3 hours between having to get up to pee, which is brilliant.

I finally gave in and bought some goodies for my hospital bag, but still have to wash all the baby clothes. I also have a few last things left on my list... medicines and a baby thermometer (any of you have advice on a good one?) and believe it or not, our car seat, as DH wants to buy it! I have picked out a few just in case something happens early and I have to send out my Mom to buy one.

Feels funny to still think of finishing the shopping as some of you are already home with your lovely babies!!
Milky discharge over here too. Really hope it's the start of something for all of us!
Is Lolly our expert on EPO? I have a jar of capsules that I purchased a while ago, does the entire capsule get inserted or do you have to break it open and put the oil in? Not really wanting to deal with a huge sticky mess. They are 1000 mg rapid release liquid softgels.
Bit of drama on my side now....I knew this pregnancy was going too easy! 36 + 1 today and just got back from the doc. Baby is breech, and they said by now 80-85% of babies are head down to stay. Started talking with me about planned c-sections, or scheduling a version to try to turn the baby, and doing excercises on my own at home until then. Anyone on here had this problem and able to turn baby around? I'm so worried now!
Chloe! Mine was oblique at 36 wk. I was told to get an exercise ball and bounce on it and go on all 4s against it. Look at the spinning babies website too. I had a scan last week at 37 wks and he was head down! Have check up tomorrow at 38 wks so will see if he has moved again!
Chloe-I wasn't able to get my DS to turn...but I hope you the very best.

bbygurl-Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Ichisan-Congrats hope everything went well for you and baby.

afm we usually buy a real tree so we don't put it up until closer to Christmas. Had my LAST appt today. Nothing new going on. These contractions have done nothing for me. My doctor also told me if I go into labor early I will have a different doctor delivering (unless I go into labor today or tomorrow). I've met her and I guess I'll be okay with that. I couldn't imagine having two babies in there SanFran I've been so sore and achey as it is.

Just six more days!!!

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