*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Is Lolly our expert on EPO? I have a jar of capsules that I purchased a while ago, does the entire capsule get inserted or do you have to break it open and put the oil in? Not really wanting to deal with a huge sticky mess. They are 1000 mg rapid release liquid softgels.

That would be me :lol: You just put the whole capsule up there and as close to the cervix as possible. No need to pierce or break it, the capsule shell will melt pretty quickly :thumbup: I was doing it before I went to bed and I wore a pad as it can get messy. I'm actually not inserting them anymore as it was just too messy for my liking! I didn't like the smell of the oil either, so just taking them orally now.

I've just ordered some clary sage oil to add to my baths. It is said to bring on strong contractions, and can actually be used during labour as a form of natural pain relief when inhaled. I've read some good things about it so thought I might as well give it a shot, I'm getting desperate to meet my little lady now :D
I've been thinking about getting some clary sage oil too! Is there just one kind to get? I'll see how things go after getting checked tomorrow morning. Can't wait to find out if anything is going on down there, though I doubt it!
Had another headache today, from the back of my neck though, so like a tension headache I get from time to time. Had a tylenol and a bath and feeling better now. Super exhausted tonight too, early bedtime for me! Also, while in the bath, baby moved a ton and kept pushing on my cervix, I felt kinda weird so I stood up and checked and there was some yellow, snotty looking stuff. She must be pushing out my mucus plug, lol!
I'm having a bit of an emotional day here. I don't want to have this baby in China anymore and there is nothing I can do about it now :cry:
Saw the doctor this morning and asked a bunch of questions. First off I still have the blood infection so its back onto the medicine again.
Things just work so differently here. We can't book a private room, its on a first come first serve basis plus she told me that if no double rooms are available I'll just be out in the corridor!!:nope: Like I don't get stared enough already they now tell me I might have to labour in front of the general population!!!
The doctor I'm seeing now is pretty much the only one who speaks English there and she can't even guarantee that she will be there when I have the baby. So I have no idea whether I need to organise a translator or not. And then what happens if its 3am????:dohh:
My dh wasn't a huge amount of help there either. He gets so uptight and angry (like act first, think later) and he doesn't even consider how its affecting me! I eventually told him that there is no way he can act like that when I go into labour because he's just stressing me out too much!

Sorry for the rant, I just had to get it all out there. I am so scared now!
Bean, huge :hugs: Where are you in China? Can you go semi-private at all, even a VIP wing in a public hospital (they had those where I used to work near Chengdu)? If not, I am sure that some of the nurses will be able to take up your cause and get you out of the hallway and into a room when the time comes. I'm sorry to hear about DH losing it as well.....I'm betting he's scared too, but he needs to consider how all of this is making you feel!! Try not to be scared -- you're going to be okay, and soon, you'll have the little one with you and an amazing story to tell...remember, this will be a dragon baby, so at least you have that Chinese fortune on your side!!
Thanks expat! I'm about an hour or so from Shanghai. We looked at going into Shanghai to have the baby but the expat hospitals are just ridiculously priced! In the end it would have been cheaper for me to fly home and do it there! The VIP floor of the hospital is the first come first serve thing - and you can imagine how many pregnant women there are now with it being a dragon year!!
I just need to relax and hope for the best.
Bean :hugs: I understand completely. Will keep sending you and the little dragon loads of positive thoughts!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Bean. My thoughts are with you. I can't even begin to understand what you are going through. My brother has lived out in Bejing for the last year and there are still things he struggles to get his head around. My advice, for what it is worth, is that you need to have a talk to DH and explain that you need him to be on your side. You need to be able to get through this together and for that he needs to be calm and in control. My DH is exactly the same. It's just the way he shows that he cares and I am sure he is just being protective.

The hospital is another issue - is there any way you can speak to your Dr again to seek her advice? After all, she should know the system and be able to offer advice, even if she ends up not being there. I don't know if you can get any advice/support from the embassy too? As a backup, do you have any friends/colleagues who might be able to act as an interpreter?

Good luck with your dragon baby. I hear there are up to 10 x more babies conceived in the year of the dragon. Crazy! x
Hi everyone, quick pop in too c how everyone is, anyone else sick of seeing the nice Christmas outfits on tv and in the shops I am! It's so depressing not knowing if I would of had her by them or if I have will I it n something nice I like o feel nice n fancy on Christmas Day, also going out for a meal on the 2nd of dec for Christmas meal cz my nan is away for Christmas Day and its depressing not having anything nice to wear knowing all my family r gunna b dressed up nice and I'm just gunna have to wear my leggings n a sorta nice top :-( n can't afford to go. Buy something new either o well the joys of pregnancy. Other than that I have been get the discharge aswel, but that's it for me nothing else got my next midwife appointment on Thursday xxxx
Juless, it's clary sage oil you need to get. Don't mistake it for ''sage oil'' as that's not to be used at all during pregnancy :thumbup: That's so strange you felt baby pushing and then lost some of your plug! I never thought I'd say this but I'm dying to lose some of mine :rofl: I'm just really curious! I never got to see mine with DD as it came away when my waters were broken in hospital.

Bean, OMG I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of this :hugs: how scary. I really don't have any advice as I know nothing about China or it's health system, but I would be feeling exactly the same as you are now. Is it too late for you to fly back home?
And I thought my day couldn't get any worse!
I got to work to find out that the landlord of the apartment that I'm supposed to be moving into (next week!) has now said he's not sure if he can let us move in there because of the baby!!!! And no, the can't really give me a reason why the baby is a problem except something to do with customs.... oh China....
Then right after that my boss came in to basically tell me that they wouldn't be giving me the new teaching position I wanted but I can choose to be the assistant or I can continue in my current teaching position. :( They have a whole bunch of reasons but the main one is because they don't think I'll cope because of the baby. I'm starting to get the impression that you become completely incompetent once you have a baby.

My stomach has been cramping so badly for the past two hours that I can hardly walk. I need to find a way to relax but I'm really struggling right now.
:hugs: Bean, what a shitty time your having. Sorry I don't really know what to say, Iv never been in a situation like this. But I hope you get an apartment sorted and fingers crossed you will get a room at the hospital! :hugs::kiss:
Bean I don't know what to suggest either? Can't believe the hospital system is so shit out there. Really wish I coul advise you. Hope things start to get better for you. Big hugs xxxxxxxx
Oh Bean. This seems so grossly unfair. Are there no equality laws in China? Stay strong and concentrate on looking after yourself and your baby. Everything else has to be secondary :hugs:

I am starting to think I am NEVER going to have this baby!!! Just been to midwife for 38 wk check (having weekly checks due to BP which is still little high). She is surprised I wasn't given a plan for earlier induction than the standard 42 wks at my consultant appt last week due to be just turning 40. She said she would prefer me not to go so late and we will discuss what to do at my 40 week appointment. She also said she would prefer me not to go late given that my BP is on the high side. Advised the usual, pineapple walks sex etc. Baby is head down still and hasn't gone back oblique which is good but his head is still completely free and no sigh of engaging.

I had lots of strong BHs last night that literally took my breath away. I could not get my lungs to expand if this makes sense?? Made me a bit dizzy and panic a little. But none of them ever turn into anything more.

I feel like I'm going to end up 2 weeks late and being induced. :growlmad:
Thanks for the support ladies. Feeling a bit better now that I've had a chance to have some good food and just a sit down. I am just going to have to take things as they come and not get all worked up about it.

Toothfairy I'm sorry about your frustration! I'm not even full term yet and I'm ready for baby to make an appearance so I can only imagine what you must be feeling. I hope things get moving for you soon. *hugs*
Sara don't feel too bad about the clothes thing. I know its annoying but you've got something way more special!
There isn't a lot I can do about it. I am thinking about getting one of my colleagues to take me to one of the hospitals so I can have a look. She changed from my current hospital to this other one during her pregnancy because it wasn't quite as busy and it apparently has more rooms.
There is also a private hospital round the corner from me I'm thinking about seeing. Sounds weird but private hospitals are not recommended in China but I'm starting to think that if its going to make me more relaxed then maybe its worth it?
I agree! You need to do anything you can to make sure that you don't have any unnecessary worries when you are actually in labour. Sounds like a sensible idea to go have a look at a couple if you can? Hopefully you'll get a good feeling from one of them x x x

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