*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Ok ladies back from appointment and no more dilated or effaced than last week. Bp was down again but still spilling protein in my urine. Culture from last week came back negative so no bladder infection. Once again I've been taking meds that I didn't need. Now have to do 24 hour urinalysis and see what that reveals. In the meantime been scheduled for more testing core me and baby on Friday, I think it's a stress test. Doc mentioned possible induction Friday but definitely sometime next week because she's starting to think something is wrong, called me a ticking time bomb...
Oh blu!! This must be very stressful for you. Am so glad they are keeping an eye on you though and not just telling you all will be fine! You make sure you call them if you have any feeling something is not right!!! Take care honey!! Xxx
Blu! So sorry you are going through that! Hoping it all gets figured out soon or they induce you and get your baby out so you don't have to worry anymore!

afm, had my weekly doctor's appointment. No sweep, will do that next week, but he did check me. I believe he said cervix is soft. I'm 1cm and her head is down and low. Was painful when he checked, dreading the sweep! Afterwards I've felt even more cervix pressure, didn't think that was possible!! Getting some BH too. I hope SO much she'll come soon! Oh ya! And I lost 8lbs since my last appt, 6 days ago! Read online that loosing weight can happen right before labor starts! *fingers crossed*
And I thought my day couldn't get any worse!
I got to work to find out that the landlord of the apartment that I'm supposed to be moving into (next week!) has now said he's not sure if he can let us move in there because of the baby!!!! And no, the can't really give me a reason why the baby is a problem except something to do with customs.... oh China....
Then right after that my boss came in to basically tell me that they wouldn't be giving me the new teaching position I wanted but I can choose to be the assistant or I can continue in my current teaching position. :( They have a whole bunch of reasons but the main one is because they don't think I'll cope because of the baby. I'm starting to get the impression that you become completely incompetent once you have a baby.

My stomach has been cramping so badly for the past two hours that I can hardly walk. I need to find a way to relax but I'm really struggling right now.

It is actually illegal to tell someone they can't have a job because they have a baby, I got told I wasn't suitable for a job as I was pregnant and would need too much time off for appointments, random as it was a job working in a shop on a Sunday and would never have had an appointment on a Sunday, so I sued and won!! Don't accept what they're saying, check it out first x
Full term for me today and am currently very short of patience with my 3 year old who I'm sure is aware of this and testing me to the limits!!
Blu I'm happy to hear they are keeping an eye on you and ready to get baby out if needed but calling you a 'ticking time bomb' is a bit scary and I hope it hasn't upset you. I know everything will turn out fine and you'll be meeting your baby boy soon. Hang in there!

At my appt today not much happened. I am a 'fingertip' dilated:dohh:, 50% effaced, and baby is at -1. So I've made some, but very little progress. I have a long ways to go but I'm still hoping for a 39 week baby as long as she's ready. Eating plenty of pineapple, doing some walking, drinking the tea and taking my epo just to make myself feel like I'm working on it. Hope I get to meet my baby girl soon!

Hope everyone is well!
mummy, I'm not sure if they'll do a sweep any earlier unless you're having complications/scheduled for an induction? No harm in asking though, the worst they can say is no!

Blu, arggh I'm so sorry hun :hugs: you must be so stressed right now. I think an induction sounds like the best solution, FX'd they do it sooner rather than later so you get to meet your little guy and all of this can be over.

juless, that's so exciting! 8lbs is a huge loss :shock: I think I've probably gained that in a week, I can't stop eating! Anyone know if that's a sign of impending labour!?! My guess is NO!
Ya, it is a lot! Doctor didn't seem concerned. I asked about it and he asked if I was needing to pee more, etc. which I said I did. I guess I'm loosing water weight, which google searches tell me happens right before labour sometimes!! EEK! I also did some bouncing on my yoga ball this afternoon and there was a lot of leaky feelings! TMI sorry - my underwear was pretty wet, but just seemed to be discharge, some brownish color. Tiniest bit of brownish mucusy discharge when I wiped too. I put a pad on just to see! Not getting my hopes up though, since doctor said I might have a bit of bleeding or show from him checking my cervix today.
Ooooh juless your little lady really isn't going to keep you waiting much longer, I just know it!
You think so? :D I hope! I have been feeling really weird and off the last few days. Just feel like something is going on...
Aw Blu :hugs: I agree with Lolly. I hope they do decide an induction is the way forward x

Keeping everything crossed Jules. I hope this is it!

Well the clary sage oil bath brought on the weirdest of tight BH - but now nothing. Bouncing on ball - ditto! Sigh. I'm off to bed! Sleep well x
100% juless especially if you've been feeling ''off'', I've heard a few ladies feel different somehow a few days before the big event :yipee:

Eeeek Honey.Bee I'm excited to get my CSO in the post now, hope it's here tomorrow! How many drops did you put in your bath?
Anyone else sometimes feel like baby is bouncing or stretchong right on their bladder? It's such a weird feeling.

Had my 37 week doc's appointment and I'm 1 cm, effaced, and low. Oh, and baby's heart rate was completely normal :happydance:. Also had an ultrasound and saw baby smile - best ultrasound ever!
Lolly - I put 10 drops in the bath but I read you have to mix it with a carrier oil so it doesn't float on the surface and potentially burn (?) you. I used sweet almond oil but you could also use wheatgerm or any base oil. For the massage, I used 4 drops in about 10ml almond oil. Both had the same effect and v quickly. I also read that CSO is sometimes used during labour as it reportedly has analgesic properties. Again, not sure how true this is but my bath was nice and relaxing! Don't go OTT though as you can get a headache. Will try and find the link for you x
I read it needs a carrier for massage but not in the bath, so thanks for that :thumbup: I knew about the use of it for pain relief too... apparently it's relaxing, with a slightly similar effect to alcohol!? I had a pethidine shot during DD's labour and that made me feel so drunk and sick, so not sure I'd want to go through something similar :haha:
Here's a couple of B&B links. Can't find the exact one I was after:



Not sure about the feeling being similar to alcohol (then again its been so long!) but I figured if I can get a massage out if DH, then all good!
I think it's when you inhale it you get the drunk feeling, and so why it can be effective during labour. I'll have to find some of the links I read on it :thumbup: I'm glad you noticed stronger BH/contractions with it though, can't wait for mine to come now!
Thanks ladies :flower:

I feel better just knowing I wasn't crazy and could tell something was off. Hoping they will go through with everything on Friday. Still sucks being on bed rest though. I had one really strong contraction today, I had to focus and breath through it.

I read about clary sage oil too. I wonder if it works...

I went past my job today too and let them know I wouldn't be back until February. Felt so weird.
And I thought my day couldn't get any worse!
I got to work to find out that the landlord of the apartment that I'm supposed to be moving into (next week!) has now said he's not sure if he can let us move in there because of the baby!!!! And no, the can't really give me a reason why the baby is a problem except something to do with customs.... oh China....
Then right after that my boss came in to basically tell me that they wouldn't be giving me the new teaching position I wanted but I can choose to be the assistant or I can continue in my current teaching position. :( They have a whole bunch of reasons but the main one is because they don't think I'll cope because of the baby. I'm starting to get the impression that you become completely incompetent once you have a baby.

My stomach has been cramping so badly for the past two hours that I can hardly walk. I need to find a way to relax but I'm really struggling right now.

It is actually illegal to tell someone they can't have a job because they have a baby, I got told I wasn't suitable for a job as I was pregnant and would need too much time off for appointments, random as it was a job working in a shop on a Sunday and would never have had an appointment on a Sunday, so I sued and won!! Don't accept what they're saying, check it out first x

Hey fifi, you would be right in most countries but this is China and what is normal in other places is definitely not the same here!! But they haven't outright told me that is the reason. Basically the education department in Australia told them they have to make hiring an Australian teacher a priority as its a brand new subject. They had two good applicants who are being interviewed. Personally I do think if I wasn't pregnant my boss would have pushed harder about having me appointed but because he feels I need more time at home with the baby he decided to follow what they were saying. (If I got the job I'd have to go back to work when the baby is about 6 weeks old).

Blu I'm sorry for what you are going through! Hugs and I hope baby arrives soon and it all goes well!

San Fran you are definitely not a bad mom! Your fears are completely normal. My oldest friend is also having twins and they are not her first and she is feeling the same way too!! I think she'd be a bit jealous of you because you have an arrival date. She has to have a c-section because one twin is breech but her doctor wants her to go into labour and then he'll do a an emergency c-section. She is terrified!

afm, my colleague is taking me to the other hospital tomorrow afternoon! She says it definitely has more rooms and she feels its quieter, cleaner and the staff are friendlier. Best of all she says its cheaper and the doctors there are not allowed to accept the traditional 'bonus' (called a red envelope)! So fx'd that it all works out!
Hi Ladies, have been following thread intently waiting for the next blizzard to arrive :)

Bean... Your situation must be very nerve racking. I hope you find a solution.

Blu.... Big hugs your way. Thinking of you.

Juless... Sounds like you could be very close to meeting your little girl. Keep us posted.

I am sure there was other snowflakes to comment about but my brain is not functioning overly well. Very tired this week and hip pain at night making it difficult to sleep. I went Christmas shopping at ikea yesterday with mum and bought dd2 a cooking station, very cute but the walk around the ikea maze nearly killed me! I was exhausted all afternoon from it. Can't wait to meet this baby boy!

Stay well snowflakes :)

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