*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Hey ladies! Nice to see you back home lolly, gorgeous girls you have there!! :D
I'm back from the doctor's. He assured me that if I go into labor but change my mind I can have a c-section if I choose. He didn't end up doing a sweep, I didn't really want to get one, too nervous I think! But he checked me and I'm still just 1cm, but cervix is softer. He doesn't think it's too likely I'll go into labor early. You never know though! I'm kinda relieved though in a way that I'll most likely everything will be controlled in a c-section.
Thanks ladies :hugs: she is pretty lovely!

I can't believe I was just saying last week that I felt I'd be pregnant forever, and here I am with a 2 day old. These last few weeks will go by quickly, and even still some of your babies may take you by surprise and be here within the next few days (FX'd, FX'd, FX'd!!!).

I have started a parenting thread for us Snowflakes :yipee: here's the link; https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/parenting-groups/1514421-december-snowflakes-2012-parenting.html

Please come on over if you have had your bubs already so I can get DOB and name etc for the list, and ladies who are still waiting come over as soon as your beautiful bundles arrive :kiss: we'll get the thread warmed up but this is definitely the place to be right now anyway because it's December in just 2 DAYS time and we are going to have a snow storm soon enough :wohoo: xx
I hope to join that thread soon Lolly! Ty!

I am having headaches yesterday and today. Have always had reasonable bp so wondering what it's all about? Anyone else? Will have to tell the dr tomorrow.
I subscribed to the new thread Lolly! Can't wait until I get to start posting in it!

I'mSoTired, yes, I have had a dull headache for what seems to be the entire pregnancy. Some days it's better, some it's worse. I notice it gets especially worse if I'm tired or even a little stressed. My blood pressure has always been reasonable too (100/60) except yesterday it was 104/68 (uh oh! going up! lol).
I subscribed to the new thread Lolly! Can't wait until I get to start posting in it!

I'mSoTired, yes, I have had a dull headache for what seems to be the entire pregnancy. Some days it's better, some it's worse. I notice it gets especially worse if I'm tired or even a little stressed. My blood pressure has always been reasonable too (100/60) except yesterday it was 104/68 (uh oh! going up! lol).

And lately I'm getting neck pain on and off but I attributed it to the way I was sleeping. Now I'm not so sure as it seems to go hand in hand with this headache and comes and goes suddenly. Very weird. Lol 104/68! Mine's usually more like 120/60-70 but was actually 108/60 on tues, so actually lower. But I can't figure this headache out. Maybe just all of the anxiety I'm feeling? Hoping it means labor soon! But obviously probably not so not getting my hopes up!
can not wait to join the parenting thread! My ticker has expired lol i really think i am going to be pregnant forever starting to get annoyed with myself and everyone around me :-(
Aw look at your pic Lolly! So cute! I feel like no one will be left on here by the time my boy comes! :( :D


Thanks hun :) I'm so in love!

Don't be silly, we will all still be right here until the end cheering on our fellow Snowflakes :yipee: x

I lost my plug yesterday but besides a ton of braxton hicks, nothing seems to be happening. I thought that losing the plug and labor went hand in hand? :wacko:

Not necessarily. Some people can lose bit of plug for weeks before any thing happens as it can regenerate. This isn't always the case of course, and I lost bits of mine just the night before. Mine was more of a bloody show though, has your plug been tinged with blood too? I hope things start to pick up again for you soon :flower:

Wow congrats all!

Lolly I saw your pics and your baby is just beautiful! I hope you and the rest of our new mommies are doing well along withtheir little snowflakes.

I am not having any signs of labor and it's really beginning to get to me. I cried last night with that 'I'll be pregnant forever' feeling. I have no more patience and I'm SOOO anxious. I hope my snowflake comes soon because I'm as ready as I'll ever be and I just want to meet her so badly. Fx'd it's sooner than later! I'm going crazy!

Hope you're all well!

Thank you :D I think she's pretty fab, but of course I am biased!

I also thought I'd be pregnant forever, or definitely unlucky and go 2 weeks over and here I am. Don't lose hope hun, the end is very near :hugs: x

The pains haven't stopped since yesterday morning so called doctors n got appt at 230. Really hoping its not preterm labor I'm not ready. Will update later

Let us know how you get on hun, good luck :flower:

Thanks Lolly. Not really what I wanted to hear though :cry: as there wasn't blood in mine. Oh well.

From the looks of it a lot of us are losing our patience. Anyone else considering castor oil? My husband's aunt swears by it but my doc said not to take it, said that it'll give me the runs but I'd still be pregnant :haha:
Lolly...you must be such a proud mumma!! Just lovely :)

Sounds like a lot of snowflakes are loosing their patients....I completely understand I am "over it" too. In France they apparently regard week 41 as full term not 40 as its more likely that a women will give birth closer to then (sorry).

Juless.... I think you have the right plan of action, not setting anything in stone until it happens. I completely understand your desire for a natural birth. I felt so ripped off re my first c section which was an emergency but have accepted it now. What will be will be and as they say as long as mum and bub are healthy that's all that matters :)

Hang in there snowflakes xx
*^^^ or loosing their patience! Lol.... Thinking about work for some reason.
imsotired...again not trying to get your hopes up but I distinctly remember getting a very strange and nasty headache the night before my waters went with DS. My neck also hurt too and strangely hurt in the same way for me every time I ovd. Hormone fluctuations. Bet it won't be long for you.

joeliza...agree with lolly losing plug can be deceptive cos it grows back but there is still no reason you couldn't go into labour tonight. You just never know!
As for castor oil, I wouldn't touch the stuff! There are too many negative stories out there, it tastes worse than disgusting and if by some miracle it did work you could end up with diarrhea throughout labour and pushing yuk!
imsotired...again not trying to get your hopes up but I distinctly remember getting a very strange and nasty headache the night before my waters went with DS. My neck also hurt too and strangely hurt in the same way for me every time I ovd. Hormone fluctuations. Bet it won't be long for you.

joeliza...agree with lolly losing plug can be deceptive cos it grows back but there is still no reason you couldn't go into labour tonight. You just never know!
As for castor oil, I wouldn't touch the stuff! There are too many negative stories out there, it tastes worse than disgusting and if by some miracle it did work you could end up with diarrhea throughout labour and pushing yuk!

That's the only reason I've not picked up a bottle of the stuff. One thing is to solid poop during labor :blush: (hopefully this doesn't happen either) but the runny stuff.....eeeu!
Thanks 2016. Don't worry, I'm not getting my hopes up. I have awful luck and she most likely won't come early or easy. I've known and felt this all along. I do think my hormones are out of control though as I am on the brink of crying every five minutes and I'm just so tired and feeling low about still being pregnant. Just trying to hang in and feel better...

Also wouldn't try castor oil. Yuck!
So went to doctor they did the gbs swab than check my cervix I'm one cm dialated than they did the nst and I'm contracting regularly. So they left me on for an hour and checked cervix again still one cm. doctor sent me home but said I'm in the early stages of labor and that it could b in a couple hours until I go into active labor or it can b days feeling like this so only time will tell . I am miserable right now it is hurting so bad hope its soon. Oh yeah they said they won't try n stop labor at all since I'm almost 36 Weeks
Hi ladies

Its Friday morning here already so I can finally say I'M FULL TERM!!!!! I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever get here.

Lilly your hr guy sounds like a douche bag. I hope baby comes sooner for you so you don't have to work extra time.

Ocean don't worry I will still be here with you! My baby is definitely quite happy where he/she is. I seriously have had no symptoms at all. I told my dh that I thought we were going to end up with a January baby and I really don't want a 2013 baby. But last week at the hospital they told me that if there was no baby by 41 weeks they'd induce me. Which would be the 28th December so I may just be able to still squeeze into 2012!!!!
But I'm still hoping for a before Christmas arrival.

Well its also moving day for us today. Don't know if the Internet is set up in the new apartment yet so I may be away for a while. Hopefully not too long because this thread moves SO quickly I'll be catching for about a week!
Sorry joeliza, any plug loss is good though! It means things are definitely ripening and getting ready up there. You might not get your bloody show until you're 10cms dilated! It's just one of those things, but it's all good nonetheless - it's progressing the way it should :thumbup:

I would avoid castor oil too :sick: I've heard way more negative than positive stories with it (the diarrhea and sickness alone, but also that it may cause distress on the baby). As soon as I started getting slight contractions I started sniffing at my clary sage oil bottle!! I'm positive that also helped to strengthen them up. I took EPO this time too and my cervix softened up very quickly.
Bay (my bump buddy no more!!) had her little boy today, Finley Eden :happydance:
Woohoo congrats bay!

Can't wait to join the parenting thread, well done lolly! Don't know how you have time to keep these great threads going but thank you!

I was at work yesterday and could hardly walk because it felt like his head was going to come out! Felt better later on but he's very engaged I think! Had lots of bh and period pains too.

Can you new mummies tell us your early labour signs?
Congrats Bay :yipee: another Snowflake, amazing!

Awww ta Ocean :) honestly, it's quite easy at the moment as Millie is stuck to my chest and OH is playing with Amber and so I can just come on here using my phone! This newborn stage is a doddle I think, it's when they start moving or become naughty toddlers when my hands become full :haha:

Happy Friday everyone :flower:

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