*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Congrats to all the new mummies n good luck toothfairy, well my friend gave birth this morning to her little girl 5lb 14oz a week early lets just say our other friend is so frustrated now with being a week over but she will defo go soon and ill b the last one standing lol xxxx
1 week till due date and 1 week till first sweep, I say first as last time I had 6 that amounted to nothing, think baby is just too comfy and ill end up bring induced!!

It's been a long time and I can't really remember but for those of you who've popped your babies, did you notice them quieten down their movements much before birth, almost as if they're saving their energy for the journey down the birth canal??
Congrats juless!!!

Good luck Toothfairy! My due date buddy it really is your turn now! x
Oh ladies I am so upset

Just back from midwife. I had to beg for a sweep as she was going to leave it another week. I am 1-2cm dilated cervix anterior and fairly low(usually very high) but long and hard still. She said she could touch his head and seemed to think she had done a good sweep.

BP was 130/100, then 120/90 then 130/88 so I avoided having to go in to be monitored AGAIN as it came down whilst there.

She was concerned about growth though as have measured 38 weeks for 3 weeks now. After calls to the hospital and speaking to various people there she was told that there was no point sending me in as they wouldn't do anything?? They would not do a scan after full term??? Even though I have been having blood pressure issues.

Then she phoned L&D to book my induction........ sorry for language but for a full 2 f***ing weeks!!! 18th December!! Despite high BP, slowed growth and me being 40 years old. They just would not budge on this unless my BP becomes unstable!

So I have been sent away feeling pretty powerless and like no one will take my concerns seriously. Midwife tried her best but she could not do anything. She is coming to see my again Saturday to repeat sweep if nothing has happened. She just stressed to go get checked if have any reduced movement.

What do you all think? Is that any progress at all internally or is labour still days away?? Would you be reassured that baby is just lower so measuring same?

Am getting lots of cramping and brown discharge after sweep though!
Ah toothfairy I'm so sorry you are going through this! I completely understand that feeling of powerlessness. Holding thumbs that your sweep does something.
Oh toothfairy. Big hugs coming your way. I can understand how frustrated you must be feeling. I'd feel the same. I've been reading the NICE guidelines on induction (https://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/12012/41256/41256.pdf) and they do not recommend a sweep until 41/52 if you have already had a baby (and there is no other indication). So the first thing I'd say is at least it's a positive you did get one today and who knows, it might get things started and then the rest is academic. As for the slowing of growth - I've been told that growth charts can flatten off in the last few weeks so I wouldn't panic about that, as long as baby is moving etc. However, if it was me and knowing how you feel, I would contact the hospital tomorrow and say that you know you are booked for 18th but you are worried about baby's growth slowing, your age etc and could they bear you in mind if another lady cancels her induction appointment? There must be loads of ladies who have an induction booked and then go into labour spontaneously. Keep calm and positive. I'm sure you can get in sooner, that's if your baby doesn't make an appearance anyway x x x
Tooth - i'm so sorry you've been so stressed. I'm with bean and hoping the sweep does it's magic.

Here in australia, they don't usually like to induce you until closer to two weeks overdue, but not uually after this time. A midwife did say to me this was because sometimes 'term' babies can act as though premature if they aren't ready.

It does sound like things are progressing for you, and the cramping sounds very promising. In case things unfold quickly, don't forget to rest up as much as you can so you can breeze through your labour :). Fingers crossed for you.
does this sound like labour to anyone im pretty sure it is either that or i have a gallstones!!! I am getting regular horrific waves of pain across the top of my bump that are then radiating downwards feels like my stomach is being twisted from the inside its knocking me sick they are lasting a min about every 5-10 mins maybe a little longer and they are getting slightly stronger with each one they dont stop if i move or change position unsure when to ring l&d dont want to go in to be told to go home... i am unable to breath through them never mind talk!! but the majority of the pain seems to be the top of my bump and above my belly button only a small amount in lower abdomen????
Oh mummy I so hope this is it for you!!! Phone the l&d ward and ask their advice? Am sure they will know what you should do!? Please keep us posted xx
Good luck mummy, it sounds really promising.
Mummy - I'm no expert but it sounds like the real deal to me. Definitely ring L&D to seek their advice. I was told to ring if I couldn't speak through contractions and if they didn't go away when I changed positions so sounds promising. Yay! Good luck and keep up posted! x x x
What's happening ladies??

I'm still having contractions since sweep at 10.30am (now 5.30pm) I got awful lower back pain about 2 hours ago. Have had a bath and paracetamol and has eased back a little. Tightenings became more frequent in bath so have been timing for last hour. They are 3-4 minutes apart and pretty strong. Uncomfortable but not really pain apart from in the back.

I don't know what to do!?! Have had so many false alarms this week or 2?
CONGRATULATIONS to all the lovely ladies with babies!! :flower: :flower:

Mummy, hope this is it for you!!!!

Toothfairy, sending you huge :hugs: since this sounds so promising too!!!
Just keep moving and keep timing Toothfairy. You'll know when you need to call (like my yoga instructor says you will be like a cat wanting to find a closet...your birthing space if that makes sense). Also doesnt hurt to call L&D and get an opinion. I called them at 4am but decided to hold out to 8am before I went in. That app full term you downloaded has a "quick reference" section that gives you some idea how long/strong contractions will be at each stage...though mine didnt strictly fit into those timings yours might. Good luck!!
toothfairy - how long does each contraction last? Can you talk through them? Sounds positive. If it was me, I think I'd get on the ball a bit tonight, keep active if you can. Make sure your bag is packed. Have a sniff of some CSO or give your bump a CSO massage and then try and rest up with a couple more paracetamol at bedtime. Fingers crossed for you x
toothfairy I was only 1-2cms at my sweep and my cervix was very thick and long still so don't be fooled, things can progress fine! I agree, keep active and time those pains! Good luck :thumbup:

Mummy good luck to you too, really sounds like something is happening :yipee:

Nickibrum, huge congrats lovely! Come on over to the parenting thread :)
Thanks for the advice ladies! I called l&d and she said to stop timing and go on how I feel. If not that painful and I can talk through them which I can then its not full blown yet! She also said cervix can be irritated after sweep which can kick off contractions which will stop again as it calms down! So who knows...?! Very frustrating but bouncing on the ball now!!!!!
Hi Snowflakes! Oh how I have missed you wonderful ladies.

I thought I'd be back up here right away but I have been quite busy.

Congrats to all of the new mommies!!! I'm so excited for you and your new little ones :happydance: :dance: :happydance:

For you ladies still waiting - keep holding on and watching those signs!

Here's my story:

On Sunday 11/25 I went into the hospital after having a large gush of liquids that soaked through my panties and pad. They checked the fluid with two different tests and they both came back negative for amniotic fluid! My blood pressure was high so they kept me for a while and ran a few tests. All came back fine. I was sent home around 10pm - GUTTED! I went home and had a bath, took pain pills and spent the night contracting on and off.

Monday 11/26 - I woke up feeling better. No contractions although still feeling a bit leaky/wet. I was to go in for for the cervidile insert later at 5pm but at 11:45am in the shower my water broke. I stood in the shower for moment letting it drain. Went into the room, still leaking and phoned DH who was already on his way home. We phoned doctor's office, went in for a check and he said that although I was still only 1 1/2 cm dialited that my waters had in fact gone and sent me over to the hospital.

Got to hospital around 2pm and after they got everything straight they tried to hook up my IV and couldn't get it. It took 6 sticks by 3 different nurses and finally they had to call the anesthesiologist to get it in. Horrible start! Finally got pitocin around 4pm. Contractions revved up and about 9 I asked for epidural. I was only 4 cm but felt as if my pelvis was going to burst. I got epidural and it was instant relief! Checked me on and off for next few hours but I was not dialiating past 4cm. My BP kept spiking and lo's heart beat kept dipping. After turning me over every few minutes and trying to see if he would come down the canal - no luck. I also started developing a fever and they started me on antibiotics because my waters had been ruptured for over 12 hours at this point. I had also started feeling pain down below again so they topped off my epidural.

Finally at 4am doctor came back told me that he felt it best to go ahead and do c-section because labor wasn't progressing, bp spiking, hb dropping, infection risk and that I was tired and worn out at this point. By 4:30am I was prepped and on the operating table with DH beside me and by 4:39am on Tuesday 11/27 baby was born a healthy 7lbs 4 oz, 20.25cm long. He swallowed some fluid on the way out and had to be taken from OR room (only saw him for a few seconds, no holding or skin to skin) and had to stay in nursery for first 6 hours. I have no idea how long it took for them to sew me back up, I was so out of it because of the drugs.

I didn't sleep a wink waiting for time to go by. Finally got to properly meet my little one at 11am that morning. He is breast feeding and it just the absolute love of my life!

Here's a pic of Kevin.


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