After contracting all day Saturday I delivered my baby girl on Suday morning. Her name is Caitlyn Isabel and she is beautiful. We love her so much.
However I am having some real bf'ing and sleeping issues and i'm getting discouraged.
Congrats on all of the other new snowflakes!
Massive congrats!! So happy for you. Our TTC days seem so long ago.
A BF breakdown at 4/5days post partum is normal. We got warned about it at a BF session I went to. It should get easier. If not ask for help. Do you have access to lactation consultants?
Congrats again and lovely name!
Thanks so much. It does seem like only yesterday we were ttc and your baby will be here soon also. Breast feeding goes well one moment and is disasterous the next. It seems to be getting increasingly less disasterous as the time goes on which I am grateful for. I do have access to a lactation consultant and they were a big help in the hospital and they have even called me at home since to ask how I've been doing. With the help of a nipple shield I seem to be doing well but I still have all of the doubts a new mommy has about whether she is getting enough etc. However I just have this feeling that bf'ing is not the best choice for us. I will continue with it as long as I can but I will consider using formula if needed. It makes me feel a bit guilty but DH and I have been having a difficult time with Caitlyn at night. I probably haven't slept 8 hours since she was born
and I feel physically and mentally drained. DH can only do so much to help as he can't feed the baby and I've only just begun pumping and she isn't used to the bottle yet. Anyway I am just horribly hormonal and I cry at least a few times a day. Here's hoping baby sleeps tonight and things start going well! It's difficult but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my baby more than anything!!!!
Toothfairy hang in there! I went to the doctor on Friday and nothing had happened in weeks. I woke up with contractions on Saturday morning and had them ALL DAY. When I arrived at l&d things had still barely progressed but they kept me because I was in so much pain and I progressed quickly overnight having the baby Sunday morning. So it really can happen FAST. I hope your baby arrives soon!