*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

congrats greygirl.

good luck to everyone waiting
I had another bloody show today.. I had my first almost two weeks ago.. Sigh. So tired of signs that seem to go nowhere. I'm hoping this is a good sign, or at least will help out as tomorrow I have my OB appt and will hopefully get a sweep. Getting so close!
Hi girls! Have a rare signal showing on my phone so might be able to post. Still in hospital but hoping to go home tomorrow so will do brief story and of course photos then! Baby had awful day and night yest but today is feeding and settling better so far!

Love to you all will catch up tomorrow xxxx
tooth...days 2-5 can be very tough particularly if BF. Baby might not seem satisfied and I for one thought I was losing my mind! Nothing I did seemed to work! If BFing baby will just be doing as nature intended and bringing in your milk. It will get easier I promise. x
Well had my sweep yesterday n lost my plug now ewwwww it's disgusting lol, so hopefully things will get moving I was 1cm dilated when I had my sweep and got another one booke fr Wednesday xxxx
Congrats Samj, Greygirl and good luck to Momto3and! :flower:

Happy 39 weeks Ocean :)

Good luck to all those still waiting! Can't wait to see more of you over in the parenting thread. I still can't believe it's the 17th Dec already :shock: where has the time gone!? It's my birthday on Wednesday so hopefully we'll see some Snowflakes born then as it's a pretty awesome birthday, even if I do say so myself :smug:
Yay Ocean!

Congrats to the newest arrivals! I was just saying to my mom I really feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. I just can't seem to picture actually having my baby in my arms.

My moms bag got delivered today! Wow, we were truly blessed from people back home! I was staring to worry about not having enough suitable clothes (the sizing here seems to be a bit weird) and receiving blankets - well we could start a small store now!

I got into a bit of fight with dh just now and had a good cry. My due date is fast approaching and I'm trying really hard to take it all in my stride but when I'm dead honest I'm really scared of labour. And then I read that women who fear labour end up in more pain and then I just get more scared!
Greygirl congratulations!!!

Mom to 3, good luck with the section!!

Daydream and Bean, i'm waiting with you :) :)

Bean, I'm sorry to hear about the fight with DH. Hormones are going crazy right now, no? We've had a few spats as well, over silly little things, looking back at it. Hope that your Mom might be able to help you relax :hugs:

Tooth, big :hugs: hang in there m'dear.

Sara, sounds like things are moving!!

Happy 39 weeks to Ocean!!
Bean - I also had a massive row with my DP yesterday! I think the hormones are really surging now as I've felt quite grumpy and tearful. Good sign I think! Hope you guys are ok. I feel the same re: can't imagine actually having a baby at all! My DP said the same x
Well had my appt this morning. Still all the same stats as last appt, 2cm dilated, thin cervix, but he's still floating. She was able to do a good sweep this morning though, so she said things may start happening in the next few hours.

I know plenty of people don't have baby engage until they go into labor, but now I'm just worried.. I am trying to stay calm, as I'm not even due yet. I just keep thinking that the baby may be posterior or not in a good position or maybe too big.. Sigh. We'll see.
Oh and we set my induction date.. the 27th. I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that.
Daydream - doesn't the midwife feel you and tell you the position? Mine could tell me by pushing my belly around that he had his head down and his back against my belly. I hope your lo comes before 27th!
Nope they don't really palpate here (at least not at my dr, but I don't hear a lot of US ladies getting that done). My dr said it's because they can still move around so it isn't indicative of how they'll stay.

We just know he's head down, but she did say from my internal exam that his head from what she feels doesn't seem too big, so she doesn't think that will be an issue. She said it could just be that I have a lot of water, and once my water breaks he'll slide right into position. So I'm hoping for that! I think my mind is just going through all the worse case scenarios at the moment.
Yeah true, once the head is engaged it's unlikely they will move much though, they check mine every check up now and he's always the same which is comforting
Is anyone else overdue now or is it just me? :cry:

Had ultrasound today and they said everything looks good. Seeing midwife tomorrow but also spoke to her by phone. She said if nothing has progressed by Friday when I'm 41 weeks then we are going to talk about what to start doing to get labor going.

My water hasn't broken, I haven't lost my mucus plug, DH and I have been DTD, bouncing on yoga ball, walking and taking stairs and nothing. I really don't want to be induced as here in America they pretty much pump you full of pitocin, break your water and put you on a schedule before it becomes a c-section. My goal was to do this completely naturally but I'm getting so discouraged. I am also scared out of my mind to go to a hospital because we've decided to delay vaccinations and those are pushed pretty hard in the hospital setting as well.

Does anyone know what kind of more natural methods a midwife might use to start labor. I'm okay with a sweep at this point. I haven't had an internal yet but I did check myself this evening and while my cervix still feels fairly high to me it doesn't feel like the hard tip of my nose anymore. It's pretty soft and squishy and feels like it might be open a little but who knows.

The only thing I refuse to do is drink castor oil because I had that awful stomach flu two weeks ago and lost a lot of weight that I really haven't recovered. Plus I can't be up with diahrea all night again.

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