*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

LillyLee...DTD, nipple stimulation and taking EPO (I got an infection after inserting it do wouldn't!) are the only things I think have a chance of working. The others are just old wives tales. My consultant officially said the 3 "hots"...hot bath, hot curry, hot sex. I didn't have have the curry but had a hot bath with a few drops of clary sage oil then (not so hot) sex and within the hour contractions started!
I am a great believer in acupuncture so if you can get this or reflexology done at a pinch then that may also help move your body along.

I'm so excited to meet the next snowflake. It's about time we had another dontcha think? Whose going to volunteer? :winkwink:
I would volunteer but don't think anything is going to happen til c section saturday
:cry: Just been to the doctor and had a scan. All is fine with the baby but doctor said it may be up to two weeks before baby makes an appearance. She's pretty sure he/she won't arrive before Christmas. Now I really feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever - every time I feel like I'm getting close to the end, they move the end! I must have been an elephant in a previous lifetime!!
Baby is still small - doctor said he/she is weighing about 6 pounds. Fluid levels are good and baby is still head down. Cord is still around the neck but not causing any concern.
I'm really glad baby is healthy and all is going well but I'm so disappointed that I have to wait even longer. I wish they had just got a better due date in the beginning!
Sorry to hear that bean hope things start looking up for u soon big hugs
Big :hugs: to all the ladies still waiting and getting discouraged. I lost my plug on Tuesday/Wednesday and went into labor naturally on Thursday night. No DTD, nothing like that. The little ones will come, I promise!

Here's a picture of my adorable Miss Izobel :)

Beanonorder...when I was pregnant the first time the consultant told me "this baby is not coming anytime soon" and discharged me. My waters went the next day. :)
This last time I had no signs and was crying that I was going to be pregnant forever just 2 hours before contractions started.
You just never know. :flower:

Sam...too sweet I feel almost broody which is ridiculous!
Definitely book a sweep Lilly. Then another one if it doesn't work. Your baby is happy and doing well still and you're only 4 days over (I know it feels like a lot) but I'm sure she will come very soon x

Bean - sorry you're feeling discouraged, I really don't think they can tell you the baby won't be coming for another two weeks?! Where's her proof in that? Anyway, stay positive! X

Sam - beautiful!!

Think I'm going to book a reflexology session this week, if it doesn't get things started, it's very relaxing anyway! X
Is anyone else overdue now or is it just me? :cry:

Had ultrasound today and they said everything looks good. Seeing midwife tomorrow but also spoke to her by phone. She said if nothing has progressed by Friday when I'm 41 weeks then we are going to talk about what to start doing to get labor going.

My water hasn't broken, I haven't lost my mucus plug, DH and I have been DTD, bouncing on yoga ball, walking and taking stairs and nothing. I really don't want to be induced as here in America they pretty much pump you full of pitocin, break your water and put you on a schedule before it becomes a c-section. My goal was to do this completely naturally but I'm getting so discouraged. I am also scared out of my mind to go to a hospital because we've decided to delay vaccinations and those are pushed pretty hard in the hospital setting as well.

Does anyone know what kind of more natural methods a midwife might use to start labor. I'm okay with a sweep at this point. I haven't had an internal yet but I did check myself this evening and while my cervix still feels fairly high to me it doesn't feel like the hard tip of my nose anymore. It's pretty soft and squishy and feels like it might be open a little but who knows.

The only thing I refuse to do is drink castor oil because I had that awful stomach flu two weeks ago and lost a lot of weight that I really haven't recovered. Plus I can't be up with diahrea all night again.

I'm with you on this, I'm 41 weeks today with not a single sign of impending labour!! My induction is booked for Sunday 23rd so if nothing happens before then ill Deffo be having an Xmas baby!! I've also had 2 sweeps already, got another due this morning and one on Friday, so there's still a glimmer of hope that something will happen before induction xx
bean order i had an internal at five in the morning told absolutely nothing was happening was not dilated or effaced and he was born at 5.58pm my contractions started around 1 pm waters went at 2.15pm so dont be disheartened i dont see how they can predict it each woman labours differently
Hi ladies will see if this works! Posting from iPhone as can't get time to go on laptop!! Hopefully photos will attach!

Brief birth story. Baby's head was actually sideways all along and wedged behind pelvic bone. This wasn't discovered til the emergency section. He has a little cut behind eat where they took blood through cervix when he was in distress, obviously this should have been on top of head so you can tell how far off he was!

As I posted, waters broke at 10.30am Friday with mecronium. Straight to L&D where monitor showed distress heartbeat. Consultant Decided to induce aggressively with drip to get him out ASAP. Full blown labour from 2pm. All day baby setting off alarms, consultant said we'll reassess in couple hours etc. midnight had epidural, only 2-3cm and this is when they did blood test of his head. Consultant struggled to find bony landmarks through cervix of head so did portable scan to check position and even now could not tell something was wrong. By 1.50am heart was causing enough concern to be whisked to theatre for emergency section. Even though had had epidural I could feel as started section so had to have a GA. Joseph Oscar was born 2.21am. Apgar 7 so just needed bit of waking up. I lost a lot of blood but otherwise both totally fine!

Wound is sore, boobs are sore but he is worth every second and a small price to pay!

Was told all those contractions I got was probably labour starting for real but nowhere for him to go! Just kept jamming his head into the bone hence the distress and mecronium in water!

Phew! Hope this posts after all this! Will only let me post one photo at a time so more on next page


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Will only let me post one photo at a time on iPhone!!


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He is a handsome chap! Caused you a lot of trouble by having no sense of direction (men!) but glad you are both ok. You are right no matter what happens they are worth it :)
Flipping piles r doing my head in!!!! Hadenough.com
Our little boy arrived at 1:27am on 12/18! Waters started leaking after sweep, got pit at the hospital, suffered for a few hours and then got my epidural. From there things flew, pushed for a hour, but my epidural was perfect, could feel when to push but didn't feel any pain. He was 7lb 10oz and 20 3/4 in. I'm recovering well and LO is feeding like a champ so far.

I'll post a photo in my journal.
Whoo! Tooth and daydream gorgeous and awesome! Huge congrats!

Fifipots sorry. I've suffered from piles too and they are miserable. Hope something starts for you soon.

Had an internal today. She said position 0 so not yet dropped, I was soft but still thick so not effaced at all and not at all dilated. Ugh. Come on baby!!!!!

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