*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Flipping piles r doing my head in!!!! Hadenough.com

Shame hun. Have you tried Anusol? Really helped me when I was preggers first time. x

Congratulations daydream !!!!
Wow Toothfairy that does sound like a bit of an ordeal you went through! Glad all is fine now though!

Congrats daydream!

Thanks for all the encouragement ladies! I had a nice talk with my dh last night and it helped with me just letting things go. I told him that of course I was getting impatient but I have also been feeling really pressured to get this baby out before Christmas and that it was like I was letting everyone down! His brother arrives on Sunday and keeps saying all he wants for Christmas is to meet the baby so that really wasn't helping! But my dh said I really need to accept that I can't control this and of course I'm not letting anyone down. So now I'm just letting go and getting on with it!
Washed more baby clothes yesterday and will sort them today. Plus my mom and I will make shortbread and mince pies!! Haven't had a mince pie in two years so can't wait for them!
Congrats Daydream!!

Lovely pics tooth, what a sweet little guy!
Flipping piles r doing my head in!!!! Hadenough.com

Shame hun. Have you tried Anusol? Really helped me when I was preggers first time. x

Congratulations daydream !!!!

Never heard of it, I bought some cream yesterday but it doesn't seem to be helping, I'm more concerned that ill go into labour now and have this fear that while I'm pushing the blooming thing will burst or something!!!
Flipping piles r doing my head in!!!! Hadenough.com

Shame hun. Have you tried Anusol? Really helped me when I was preggers first time. x

Congratulations daydream !!!!

Never heard of it, I bought some cream yesterday but it doesn't seem to be helping, I'm more concerned that ill go into labour now and have this fear that while I'm pushing the blooming thing will burst or something!!!

Well I don't know how your cream works but Anusol has a little longish nozzle to help you squirt some stuff up your butt. It really shrinks them from the inside our and relieves pain/itching. Also 1/2 cup Epsom salts dissolved in the bath and a few drops of lavender will soothe. The Epsom salts incidentally also work wonders for SPD/aching muscles/leg cramps/dry skin/eczema. Wonderful stuff!

I know how you feel though, I was (un)lucky enough to get a varicose vein bulge out on my labia thanks to pregnancy. It looked like I had a testicle bulging out on the left hand side - horrific! I was afraid that might burst in labour but it was fine...and it's gone now whew!
Flipping piles r doing my head in!!!! Hadenough.com

Shame hun. Have you tried Anusol? Really helped me when I was preggers first time. x

Congratulations daydream !!!!

Never heard of it, I bought some cream yesterday but it doesn't seem to be helping, I'm more concerned that ill go into labour now and have this fear that while I'm pushing the blooming thing will burst or something!!!

Well I don't know how your cream works but Anusol has a little longish nozzle to help you squirt some stuff up your butt. It really shrinks them from the inside our and relieves pain/itching. Also 1/2 cup Epsom salts dissolved in the bath and a few drops of lavender will soothe. The Epsom salts incidentally also work wonders for SPD/aching muscles/leg cramps/dry skin/eczema. Wonderful stuff!

I know how you feel though, I was (un)lucky enough to get a varicose vein bulge out on my labia thanks to pregnancy. It looked like I had a testicle bulging out on the left hand side - horrific! I was afraid that might burst in labour but it was fine...and it's gone now whew!

Now I'm confused as mine is external and don't have any issues on the inside, maybe it's a vein who knows, I just know that it's really sore to the touch and uncomfortable to sit on, it has however shrunk a little from yesterday so fingers crossed its on its way out xx
They can be inside, outside or both! Often when you have them outside you do inside as well.
Hiya I had my 2nd sweep today and I'm 2cm wish it was more but at least sum thing is happening, got another sweep on sat but then I'm booked in to b induced on Boxing Day at 9 xxxx
Daydream, congratulations!!
Tooth, he's amazing!! LOL at 2016's comment on boys having no sense of direction!!
Bean, enjoy those mince pies...sounds lovely.

I am also still waiting...no shows, no big contractions (I don't think??), though lots of tightening and 'lightening strikes' over night down my cervix. Another appointment today with my doctor, so hopefully we'll get some news of if baby is still floating or has moved down (please, please move down)...
Congrats day dream!!

Bean on order, glad you feel better for talking to hubby. You might find things start to happen now you have taken pressure off yourself. It was only when I had resigned myself up being induced the following Tuesday that my waters broke on the Friday! Like when I stopped hoping and got my head round the induction date, it happened.

Totally absolutely know how you ladies still waiting feel. Those were 11 long days I went late. Big love to you all xxxc
Fifi that's basically what mine were. They're called external thrombosed hemhorroids and they're terrible. I was taking about four Epsom salt baths a day and putting cream on them. My midwife said to lay on my side, gently try to push them back in (because its a blood clot being strangled and that's what makes it painful) and then do a kegel to try to hold it in. It's so gross I know but pushing them back if you can actually really helped. I was also using baby wipes when I went to the bathroom so they wouldn't become more irritated than they already were. And I was also worried about them popping during labor but after about three to four days of constant baths, cream, and the kegels they began going away
So cervix is effaced (yay!) but still a ways to go -- tentative induction date set for December 27th!!
Lots to try before then...would really love to avoid that gel!!
Fifi that's basically what mine were. They're called external thrombosed hemhorroids and they're terrible. I was taking about four Epsom salt baths a day and putting cream on them. My midwife said to lay on my side, gently try to push them back in (because its a blood clot being strangled and that's what makes it painful) and then do a kegel to try to hold it in. It's so gross I know but pushing them back if you can actually really helped. I was also using baby wipes when I went to the bathroom so they wouldn't become more irritated than they already were. And I was also worried about them popping during labor but after about three to four days of constant baths, cream, and the kegels they began going away

Thank you, it's not something I've ever experienced before or would want to again!! I have tried pushing it back in but it just pops out again, although it is smaller today than yesterday so hopefully in a couple of days it'll be reduced to nothing, here's hoping!!

I've got till Sunday before I'm induced so it should've cleared up by then xx


Hi ladies! Just popping out of the new baby fog to post some pictures of Ava. Hope you are all doing well. I'm thinking of you all and looking forward to seeing your snowflakes very soon x
congrats again honeybee she is gorgeous and lovin that outfit too
I wish I would actually have some real symptoms so I know something is happening!! I'm starting to think its just going to happen without warning! :wacko:

I have to admit this pregnancy has been nothing like I was expecting! I didn't even realise I was pregnant at first because aside from being late (which didn't set off alarm bells as I'm irregular) there was nothing! I put on weight really easily so I always figured I'd get huge while pregnant - meanwhile I've basically just grown a bump, that's it. I thought this would be my chance to finally have boobs but sadly they're just as itty bitty as they are started out :( Apparently I'm sleeping really well for so far along - I get up two maybe three times for the toilet but go right back to sleep again. The baby kicking has never (touch wood) kept me up or woken me up at night.
I have had a hard time with a few things - like whatever blood infection I have (think its ABO disease), the cord around the neck, etc.
Just so many unexpected things...

Ok I think I'm just waffling now so I'll stop!:blush:
Thank you ladies!
Toothfairy - forgot to say, loving your pictures too. What a traumatic birth - poor, poor you but what a cute outcome!

Now Bean - I know exactly where you are coming from. My pregnancy was not how I anticipated either but then none of us have had the same journey, have we? If you are still sleeping well - BRILLIANT! Enjoy that previous sleep whilst you can (!). As for the symptoms. It will happen. Your body and your baby know what to do. Trust that. Finally, are you planning to BF? If so, I think you will notice the difference with your boobs! It's like I've got a pair of rocks at the moment! Above all, chin up. You are so nearly there.

So to all the ladies still waiting. I'm here with you waiting to cheer the last snowflake out. I hated the waiting of the last few weeks of pregnancy. I felt so uncomfortable and frustrated but you are all nearly there. Keep your eyes on the prize! When you meet your LO's for the first time, all of this waiting will be so worth it x x x

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