*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

ps i'm very jealous of the colourful coutdowns you've all managed to put on your replies - can anyone tell me how to do that?

thank uxxx
Hi everyone,
I just found out yesterday and my due date is December 18th!
good evening :)

lisaloo i think there is a list on the questions page... just ask if there is anything specific.. i guess the main ones in this thread are

BFP=big fat positive
MS=morning sickness
BF=breast feeding
dd=darling daughter
ds=sarling son

there are loads more.. cant think of them right now! just ask as and when they come up :)

im feeling ill today, like i have a tummy bug, im not sure if its pregnancy symptoms or not:shrug: tmi, but i have an upset tummy and keep needing to go to the loo. i kinda hope its pregnancy symptoms!

Thank you, I found it eventually. I've had a BFP on a CB digital but AF isn't due for 4days yet so really nervous still. It's baby no2 and been TTC for nearly a year (although AH has been in afghan for nearly 5 months, we've got pregnant while on his 2 weeks leave mid march) so any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Ps... Check me out using all the abbreviations go me!
2016 I'm the most impatient women ever right now and it's such early days for me yet so can understand u must be annoyed, 2 weeks seems like forever at the moment I bet, sending calming vibes to u xx

It's not so much the waiting 2 weeks that's bugging me. I accept that there's little point seeing someone before then and everyone has to wait until then. What's bugging me is why can't they at least give me a date, even 3 weeks ahead just so I can arrange childcare and time off work? :shrug: At my old doctors they booked my MW appt there and then 4 weeks in the future. My new surgery just seems so backwards and slow, they messed up my referral to the EPU in the first place I am wondering if I should change.

MrsBunny...if it were me I would definitely go for the scan at 8-9 weeks for reassurance. Perhaps you could buy a Doppler and listen in weekly (or even daily for a few seconds) to reassure you further until the 12 week scan and beyond. I found DS on the Doppler loud and clear at 9 weeks.
Nixilix/Jadie - I'm sorry to hear your news. I'm thinking of you both. :hugs:

2016 - yes, I am always cold too. I feel as if I am coming down with something. So pleased to hear about your scan. Can't wait to see the picture! It will be our first snowflake scan! I can't wait to see the HB. Definitely going to get a Doppler too. Which one did you have? As for your GP appointment - hang on in there. The NHS can be slow and frustrating at times but it gets there in the end!

Ness - my cramps have calmed down too. Actually feel relatively normal today which is slightly worrying in itself.....can't believe I am actually wishing for MS!

munch - your erratic behaviour sounds like the normal me! Lol! Hang on in there chick x

MrsBunny13 - if it was me, I'd definitely want the early scan at about 7 weeks. It's up to you but at least that way it spreads out your waits a bit. It is killing me waiting to 12 weeks for a scan.
ps i'm very jealous of the colourful coutdowns you've all managed to put on your replies - can anyone tell me how to do that?

thank uxxx

If you see a sig you like, clicking on it should bring you to the website where you can make your ticker! It will ask you to input your due date, choose how it looks. After it is completed they will give you the choice of different codes. Copy and paste the HTML code under the option that says for forums. Then come here, hit User CP and edit signature. Paste the code in the box, save and it should work!

(cab you tell my job used to be tech support? Lol)
OK ladies, I have a question that I would love some opinions on.

Last Dec I had a MMC - my body realised at 10 1/2 weeks, but the ultrasound said it had stopped growing at approx 8 weeks. Luckily me and hubby got pregnant this time round (it is our first baby), but as you can imagine I'm trying to be super positive, but its always in the back of my mind.

as i had a mmc, i have been offered an early scan if i want one. A week ago I was totally against it, thinking that it wouldnt offer me anything positive - even if i had the scan, it might still go wrong after the scan but before the 12 weeks.

Now I've started to think that maybe I do want to have an early scan - what do you think? If i was going to have it, should i wait till maybe 9 weeks, so that would technically be after the date of the mmc, or is it pointless as 3 weeks later would be my 12 week scan?

hmmmmmmmmm, not sure.

thanks ladies xxxxxxxxx

Sorry to hear about your MMC, but congrats on your new pregnancy :thumbup: I had a MC last March and am now almost 7 weeks preggo again. Like you I am super nervous but am trying to stay postitive also. I was in two minds about booking an early scan but have decided to go for it so have one booked for this Saturday. I think knowing that everything is on the right track will really put my mind at ease and it will break up the wait as 12 weeks seems like an age away!

Let me know what you decide :)
Feeling very uncomfortable with all the bloating! Any tips? I'm ok in the morning and by 4pm I'm looking about 6 months along! And it's not painful as much as it just all around uncomfortable!
I feel very honoured to have had the first snowflake scan. Here is my little snowflake named Sprout:


The teeny tiny circle to the right of the blob is the yolk sac and the figure of 8 shaped thingy is our new bubba. :cloud0: Just 4.3mm long and already so loved.
I feel very honoured to have had the first snowflake scan. Here is my little snowflake named Sprout:


The teeny tiny circle to the right of the blob is the yolk sac and the figure of 8 shaped thingy is our new bubba. :cloud0: Just 4.3mm long and already so loved.

AWWWW So cute!!!!!!!
Sprout is adorable!!! Thanks so much for sharing so that the rest of us can see what our little beans might look like!!!
Wow lotsa new pages to come back to! Sorry I've been AWOL all day ladies. My DD had a photo shoot for a modelling job today so we've been out since 6am :sleep: then when we got home I had a nice long nap as OH was home from work! It was BLISS!

6 weeks for me today :wohoo: and it's been 19 days since I got my BFP! I can't believe how quick time seems to be going already!

Hey ladies:hi: I'm due December 16th with our first. I've had 2 miscarriages in the past 7 months, and really hoping this one sticks. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months!
Hi everyone! My EDD is December 14th! Can't wait to have a December Snowflake! This bubs will be born on or before 38 weeks so I might end of having a November baby! But I guess we will see! Loving every bit of this rainbow! :)
Can you add me please? I have just come across your thread. Im due the 5th Dec.

There are so many of us!
Hi everyone,
I just found out yesterday and my due date is December 18th!

Welcome ladies and congratulations to you all :hugs:

I'll add you to our EDD list now :) x

Sprout is likely to be born in November or even October but I feel more connected with this group. When I was pregnant with DS, he was due 31st December, so I joined the January Jellybeans 2011 as most first pregnancies go over right? Next thing I know out he pops on 25th November! :wacko: Of course I would wish for a baby to arrive that early but I will be hard for me when I go over 34w6d as that is the most pregnant I've ever been. :haha:

Anyway I wanted to ask is anyone really cold? I have been so shivvery these last 2 weeks like I just can't get warm. I go to bed wearing tracky bottoms, vest, jumper, bedsocks, thick duvet and a blanket and I still can't get to sleep from feeling cold. :shrug: It's just odd cos I remember feeling so hot last time around. I'm having hot flashes but that's it.

Scan in 2.5 hours. Feeling nervous but excited. :) Hubby keeps joking theres two in there but I am sure not. I think many women go through the "I think I'm having twins" stage, and I definitely did last time, but this time I just know there's only one...and that is PLENTY for me.

So glad scan went well :hugs: can't wait to see the pics! My LO will also more than likely be a November baby, but I am determined to not get PE or high BP this time round! Not much I can do if either happens though mind you :rofl: but PMA and all that!

I'm also constantly cold. Have been for a few weeks now. It is not helping the sore nipple situation at all which is at it's worse when I'm just the tiniest bit cold :nope:

Please can you remove me. Thanks x
Ok ladies so I've spent the afternoon in ED cos I started bleeding today. not heavy but not just "spotting". i went to my DR and beta results from 4wks4days was only 46miu. today they took my beta hcg was 180miu. Not good news hey? So they think Miscarriage or ectopic. going to book ultrasound tomorrow although they said normally they dont scan until beta is 1500miu as it is too small any earlier and wont be able to see anything. i've been poked and prodded with needles, I'm in agony, I've cried all day. I really thought that this would be it. 2nd mc :( Something is wrong with me I know it.

Ladies, I am so so sad to hear of this :( I'm so sorry for both of your losses :hugs:

I know you'll both get your beautiful rainbow babies very very soon though so please do not give up hope.

Jadie there is nothing wrong with you hun :hugs: the world can just be very cruel to the nicest of people and it really isn't fair :(

I don't want to completely erase either of your angels from our list as I'd like for them to be remembered, if you're both happy with that? I'll just add an angel beside your names :hugs: Thinking of you both xx

Just been to the doctors and he worked out my due date as dec 12th, and that makes a bit more sense with my cycles so can you change my date on the front page please :) I'm in the coffee shop at the moment so I will have to update my ticker when I get home! Made my midwife appointment for 4th May, its becoming more real now! :D

Updated :thumbup: x

sorry to be a pain with questions, but as a newbie to BnB still fiding my way around.

am i added to this group, as cant seem to find the front page you talked about with all the due dates on.

its probably because computers hate me :winkwink:

At the top or bottom of this thread it shows you what page number you are on and gives you the option to go to the first page or any of the others :thumbup: select first and my original post has all us Snowflakes under our EDD's :)

I'm so sorry to hear Jadie. I'm hoping that things will turn out ok. And there is nothing wrong with you.

And can I just start the day by saying....HELLLOOOOO morning sickness! UGhh, I'm at work fighting the feeling to throw up. I know they would suspect something immediately... oh no, what do I do?

Have you tried the sickness bands? They are for travel sickness but are just as good for MS. I hear ginger products are also good, like sipping on gingerale or nibbling ginger biscuits. Hope it settles down for you soon :hugs:

Being a newbie Im unsure of all the acronyms, can anyone help or is there a thread that lists them? Xx

Hi Lisa :hi: welcome! And congrats too :yipee: what is your EDD so I can add you to our list in the front page?

I see you've got the hang of all the lingo around here but if you're unsure of anything, or if any other new members need any help, here's the link to the help page with EVERYTHING on! ; https://www.babyandbump.com/forum-help-testing-area/730-babyandbump-lingo-abbreviations.html

OK ladies, I have a question that I would love some opinions on.

Last Dec I had a MMC - my body realised at 10 1/2 weeks, but the ultrasound said it had stopped growing at approx 8 weeks. Luckily me and hubby got pregnant this time round (it is our first baby), but as you can imagine I'm trying to be super positive, but its always in the back of my mind.

as i had a mmc, i have been offered an early scan if i want one. A week ago I was totally against it, thinking that it wouldnt offer me anything positive - even if i had the scan, it might still go wrong after the scan but before the 12 weeks.

Now I've started to think that maybe I do want to have an early scan - what do you think? If i was going to have it, should i wait till maybe 9 weeks, so that would technically be after the date of the mmc, or is it pointless as 3 weeks later would be my 12 week scan?

hmmmmmmmmm, not sure.

thanks ladies xxxxxxxxx

This is a choice that is completely up to you hun (obviously!). If it was me I would go for the early scan. If there were any problems (which I'm sure there isn't for you :hugs:) I'd prefer to know sooner rather than later. But as you're having a nice, healthy pregnancy it's just a chance to see your beautiful little bubba :)

ps i'm very jealous of the colourful coutdowns you've all managed to put on your replies - can anyone tell me how to do that?

thank uxxx

Click on a ticker on anybody's signature that you like and it'll link you straight to the website where you can make your own :thumbup:

Feeling very uncomfortable with all the bloating! Any tips? I'm ok in the morning and by 4pm I'm looking about 6 months along! And it's not painful as much as it just all around uncomfortable!

Urgh no idea hun but if you find any tips let me know 'em :rofl: I honestly look about 5 months pregnant already :wacko: and I'm so gassy!! My poor OH :lol:
Thank you, I just want an answer, whether it be the one I want or not. How can I move in if I don't have closure? :( Heartbreaking.

Thinking of you Jadie, I hope you get some answers soon. Stay strong my fellow Aussie xx
good evening :)

im feeling ill today, like i have a tummy bug, im not sure if its pregnancy symptoms or not:shrug: tmi, but i have an upset tummy and keep needing to go to the loo. i kinda hope its pregnancy symptoms!

im having the same thing today!

I feel very honoured to have had the first snowflake scan. Here is my little snowflake named Sprout

Congrats! so lovely to see :)

Honey.Bee...sorry I forgot to say. This is the doppler I have/had https://my.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI....g&ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK:MEWAX&gbh=1&guest=1 I found the HB clear as a bell from 9 weeks and it never ever failed me.
Here is a video of my son's HB at 9 weeks exactly:

that ebay doppler link isnt working :(

Oh my back is aching today, i think its a mix of my muscles aching and also not sleeping well at night so watching my hubby bowl tonight i had to walk round the green all night, and it was sooo cold!! We are tempted to tell my mum and step dad, and his mum and dad tomorrow about our bellybean. We are all going out for a meal so it would be a good time to tell the grandparents to be at the same time. We were thinking that we should let them enjoy us being pregnant and it gives us other people to be excited with... but on the other hand it is nice it being our little secret for now! So i dont know what to do for the best! Opinions welcome lol :shrug:
Oooh it's a toughie kitty! I've told all of our family as I was just so eager to share our happy news with our loved ones. I hate saying it, but *if* anything was to happen it might also be nice to have the support around me. Friends and the general public can wait though :haha:

We have this doppler and love it :thumbup:; https://www.amazon.co.uk/AngelSound...DUE2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334091419&sr=8-1
YIKES! Away from the board for a couple days, and now I’m WAY behind! Bear with me while I catch up:

All the new ladies with BFPs: Welcome to the board!

Nixilix: How many days past O are you? I might press to try to see a doctor as soon as you can for a blood test.

Mummyof2girlz: Yes, I have been having dizzy spells for at least a week and a half now. It started with just feeling dizzy when I laid down to sleep at night – it looked the room was spinning as soon as my head hit the pillow. Then I start having the same feeling whenever I get up quickly from a prone position – I went to a weights class at the local gym yesterday, and thought I was going to pass up when I stood up from doing on-the-back chest presses. It’s starting to make me nervous, but I hear it’s normal for pregnant women – something about a lot of extra blood flowing in your body for the baby.

Lovie: Great point that by this time next year, we’ll have babies that are a few months old! I used to be one of those people who said I’d try to avoid having a baby born in December. And then DH and I had trouble getting pregnant, so all of that went right out the window! I’m am thrilled that we are having a December baby! Plus, I just keep thinking of all the perks! The best one so far is that, with summer being my favorite season, DH and I will have a six month old who will be a lot more alert and active which will make summer so much more fun! I never thought about the fact that having a newborn in the summer might mean I wouldn’t be able to do the things I like doing as easily. On the other hand, having a newborn in the winter is perfect – I hate going out when it’s cold anyway, so a little bitty baby will be a great excuse to stay in where it’s warm :)

Sombra: Good point about winter coats… I guess I’ll have to keep my eye out for something warm m(but cheap) for wintertime this year – don’t want to spend a ton on a bigger coat that I might not wear another year!

2016: Good luck at your scan!

Dreamermama: I’ve been having a few wacky dreams too lately. In fact, thinking back, two nights before we got our BFP, I had a nightmare for the first time in ages! Maybe that was an early-pregnancy sign that I missed? I’m also having cramping – I’ve been having sharp uterine pain everyday since 3 days before AF was due/we got the BFP. I noticed that you said you have really horrible cramps during AF. I do too, and when we were talking to our infertility specialist a few weeks back, he thought the type of cramps I get were a sign that I probably have endometriosis. (We got the BFP a week before surgery when we would have found out for sure.) Do you know if you have endo? If so, I hear cramping during pregnancy is a pain in the you know what, but it’s normal. (I try to think of it as the baby saying, “Hey mom! I’m still here!”)

Katestar53: Yep, I agree with you about the morning sickness aid. I’ve only noticed two bouts of very mild queasiness (I don’t even know if they counted as sickness), but both times it was because I hadn’t eaten in a while. The minute I ate something, the feeling went away.
oooh just realised my due date is 12/12/12! :D

THAT'S AMAZING!!! :wohoo: this will be the last time a DOB like that is possible until the 22nd century (is that what it's called!? we're in the 21st now right!?! :rofl:)

DD's was 09.10.10 and I was hoping she would be a day late, but she was 2 weeks early instead dammit :brat: haha!

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