*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Haylee -
I had it all planned out when I started TTC 8 months ago- so that it would be winter when I was getting heavy. Turns out not everything goes to plan! And we havent got round to saving up to put a pool in so I think i will be living at the public one down the road! Whitsundays is a pretty amazing place to live you lucky thing!
I never thought of being heavily pregnant in summer until I heard my EDD :dohh: I am a goose. Yeah we don't have a pool either :dohh: It'll be interesting lol. I lived in Cairns for 9 months back in 08 with OH and loved it up there! Whitsundays is pretty to look at but can be a little boring for locals at times. I love how Cairns is a little city, with alot of scenery. And a decent airport :)

Have you got your first scan date yet? x
I'm in Canada so I'll have a hot summer but luckly the end of my pregnancy will be winter! Though it sometimes gets soooo cold I'm not sure what that'll be like!
Haylee - Not yet. Im flying down to melbourne for exams and then out to hawaii to meet my parents (who live in the uk), ill be 6.5 weeks when I leave, 9 weeks when I get back. I was thinking about getting in to see the dr in the next week to see if she will refer me for an early uss in week 6 for reassurance before i leave. If I at least the pregnancy is in the right place I wont have to run off to the ED in hawaii if I get a stitch! Plus I would LOVE to see a heart beat - although it might be a bit early. Have you seen your doctor yet?

Juless - Completely the opposite! I imagine its freezing! You'll be cosy inside on maternity leave I hope!
Haylee - Not yet. Im flying down to melbourne for exams and then out to hawaii to meet my parents (who live in the uk), ill be 6.5 weeks when I leave, 9 weeks when I get back. I was thinking about getting in to see the dr in the next week to see if she will refer me for an early uss in week 6 for reassurance before i leave. If I at least the pregnancy is in the right place I wont have to run off to the ED in hawaii if I get a stitch! Plus I would LOVE to see a heart beat - although it might be a bit early. Have you seen your doctor yet?

Juless - Completely the opposite! I imagine its freezing! You'll be cosy inside on maternity leave I hope!

I saw my doctor yesterday and he has scheduled me for bloods @ 6wks, then I return to see him at 7 weeks to organise my 12 week scan and discuss bloods ands how I am going etc. I was a little upset I don't get to have a 6 wk scan, but I am just thinking about how beautiful bub will be @ 12 wks and that's keeping me sane lol.

Morning girls. All feeling a bit more real now! I was worried I'd have a chemical but this test looks good, what do you think?


Top is 11dpo and bottom is 13dpo, today x
ocean_pearl....that looks excellent! Definitely a doubly dark line there. :thumbup:

Imsotired....has the spotting stopped now hun? I bet you just dislodged some old blood while DTD. Just your bodys way of clearing out something it didn't need to grow your babe. :hugs: Hope you are feeling better today.

I had a TERRIBLE night's sleep with DS in the bed between us thrashing about. And I cooked curry last night which seemed like a good idea at the time but now I can't get rid of the smell and it keeps making me gag :sick:
Hubby is being totally unsympathetic and I'm just so exhausted.
Not to mention annoyed that in 4 weeks I STILL haven't heard from the midwife. All I want is for her to give me my appointment date so I can arrange childcare and tell work. Only going to have a week's notice now which isn't acceptable IMO. I am really anxious to get booked in because I need to be referred to the consultant for extra monitoring because of my weak cervix.
Feel like a miserable moany goose today. :cry: :blush:
Looks great, ocean_pearl! Definite progression there!

lovie - how beautiful to have all that snow :)

Welcome to all the new snowflakes! :wave: I can't believe we are up to 75 with Christmas babies already!

I got my 3+ on the cheapo digi on Friday (22dpo). Came up super quick. I went to see my GP for my initial appointment and found out I am going to have to move surgeries as I now live out of the catchment area. I was in floods of tears (damn pregnancy hormones!) because he is such a great Doctor. I feel really vulnerable leaving him at such an important time. Apart from that drama I have been sleeping loads this weekend. It was a busy week at work and I think I needed to rest up. Yesterday I had a lunchtime nap and was still dozing on the sofa at 9pm! DH is taking it all in his stride - think he likes the peace and quiet!

When does everyone plan on telling their work? I know some have you have already done so, but I've been trying to hold off. I work in quite a small and close-knit Department and I think the ever-efficient grapevine has swung into action. 3 people asked me if I had lost weight this week (laughable considering how bloated I am)......
Hi 2016 - sorry, we must have been typing at the same time. No, 1 week is really not enough notice. I'm not sure if you have already tried these things but have you spoken to the practice manager about your concerns, or even your own GP? They should be able to speed things up a bit. I also think it helps to put things down in writing, not as a complaint, but as a way of highlighting your situation.

Finally, I am not sure if it is possible, but I wonder if you are able to self-refer to the Consultant? If you feel that you are getting tight on time, this might be a solution so at least you are in the system instead of your midwife holding things up? Good luck :hugs:
about 85% of the mums/dads have bugaboos here.. so i asume its good in the snow! maybe it's because they are light, so it they really get stuck they are easier to get out!

i thought we had said goodbuy to the snow, but this was what i woke up to this morning:dohh:

my sister lives in sweden (gavle) and she went to the park yesterday and it started snowing lol. where abouts are you?

I like the idea of a snow plow pram! maybe i will just stay inside for 6 months feeding and cuddling the baby :) wait till spring to go out!

is anyone else really relaly hungry? we bought a curry today my oh stopped of to get a pizza and i was so hungry i ate my naan bread in the car whilst waiting for him.

i agree with the hunger thing, i am still eating the contents of my house on a daily basis lol. but i do end up starting to eat something and then not liking it so i give it to DH lol.
Honey.Bee....thanks :hugs:
It's such a pain moving surgeries. That's what I did 4 months ago and miss my old surgery so much :( Can't you ask them to keep you on until the end of your pregnancy? They should be able to make an exception.

I intend to speak to the practice manager this week about the lack of response. It's very distressing when you have a high risk pregnancy and can't even get them to acknowledge your existence. Without the cervical checks they might miss my cervix shortening meaning its too late to put in a stitch. My mum lost 3 babes this way and I was born at 28 weeks. It's such a worry and worse when I know I'm not even on the waiting list. And unfortunately I can't self refer.
Well had some good news, hopefully Hubby will be home sooner than planned, maybe 2weeks earlier. Not changing my tickler yet as the army likes to disappoint.

I hope he gets to come home early! fingers crossed for you :)
about 85% of the mums/dads have bugaboos here.. so i asume its good in the snow! maybe it's because they are light, so it they really get stuck they are easier to get out!

i thought we had said goodbuy to the snow, but this was what i woke up to this morning:dohh:

Wow Lovie!! That looks beautiful, what a pretty place to live. I love snow, not that we have to deal with it in everyday living (may feel different if I had to) but we do go skiing as we have some awesome mountains!

it is pretty, but it really should be spring now! i love the extreams of the seasons, in the summer it gets really warm, well warmer than england but no where near as warm as melbourne! i cant wait to take my lo skiing, im thinking the year they turn one.. with them holding onto daddys ski poll not them skiing alone!


You had a curry AND pizza! WOW! :rofl: you were a hungry little preggo lady weren't you!?
hehe i wish i had aeaten both.. but no the pizza was for my oh, he doesnt like curry startge man!

about 85% of the mums/dads have bugaboos here.. so i asume its good in the snow! maybe it's because they are light, so it they really get stuck they are easier to get out!

i thought we had said goodbuy to the snow, but this was what i woke up to this morning:dohh:

my sister lives in sweden (gavle) and she went to the park yesterday and it started snowing lol. where abouts are you?
I like the idea of a snow plow pram! maybe i will just stay inside for 6 months feeding and cuddling the baby :) wait till spring to go out!

is anyone else really relaly hungry? we bought a curry today my oh stopped of to get a pizza and i was so hungry i ate my naan bread in the car whilst waiting for him.

i agree with the hunger thing, i am still eating the contents of my house on a daily basis lol. but i do end up starting to eat something and then not liking it so i give it to DH lol.

i live in stockholm so an hour or so drive from gävle, have you been to visit your sister?
Hi everyone, how are we all feeling?

Well, I had the crappest nights sleep last night. I was up at 4am grinning to myself and holding my little poppy seed in my stomach!! Today is the day I see my other half (all being well) and so he will hear the news.

Still no symptoms though which I am kinda wishing for so it seems more legit and here to stay. X
2016 - no, there's no way round it, sadly. I actually moved out of the catchment 5 years ago but my GP allowed me to stay but using my MIL's address. Unfortunately, the midwives from his practice will not cover my area so he said I really do have to go now :( I know that if there was another way, he would find it.

As for your predicament, I really feel for you. :hugs: I'm glad you were already planning to see the practice manager and I hope this gets things sorted. Don't be afraid to put things into writing though if you are getting no-where fast. In the meantime, please take care of yourself x x x
Morning girls. All feeling a bit more real now! I was worried I'd have a chemical but this test looks good, what do you think?


Top is 11dpo and bottom is 13dpo, today x

Thants great progression! :happydance:

congrats to the new snowflake mummies to be :) we are turning into a snow flurry arnt we!

i think its so cool how we will be comparing pregnancy notes from all over the world! my concern when im heavilly pregnant if finding thermal underwear and a winter coat that fits over my bump! the temperiture difference between australia and sweden can be around 70 degrees, when i lived in melbourne we had +42 around christmas and i skyped with my oh who was in the north of sweden and they had -31:shipw::cold:
Looks great, ocean_pearl! Definite progression there!

lovie - how beautiful to have all that snow :)

Welcome to all the new snowflakes! :wave: I can't believe we are up to 75 with Christmas babies already!

I got my 3+ on the cheapo digi on Friday (22dpo). Came up super quick. I went to see my GP for my initial appointment and found out I am going to have to move surgeries as I now live out of the catchment area. I was in floods of tears (damn pregnancy hormones!) because he is such a great Doctor. I feel really vulnerable leaving him at such an important time. Apart from that drama I have been sleeping loads this weekend. It was a busy week at work and I think I needed to rest up. Yesterday I had a lunchtime nap and was still dozing on the sofa at 9pm! DH is taking it all in his stride - think he likes the peace and quiet!

When does everyone plan on telling their work? I know some have you have already done so, but I've been trying to hold off. I work in quite a small and close-knit Department and I think the ever-efficient grapevine has swung into action. 3 people asked me if I had lost weight this week (laughable considering how bloated I am)......

Ive already told work because i do care work and have to put a wheel chair in and out of a car, not sure she was too happy tho tbh cz shes quiet selfish xxx
2016 - no, there's no way round it, sadly. I actually moved out of the catchment 5 years ago but my GP allowed me to stay but using my MIL's address. Unfortunately, the midwives from his practice will not cover my area so he said I really do have to go now :( I know that if there was another way, he would find it.

As for your predicament, I really feel for you. :hugs: I'm glad you were already planning to see the practice manager and I hope this gets things sorted. Don't be afraid to put things into writing though if you are getting no-where fast. In the meantime, please take care of yourself x x x

I have written a letter to the Practice manager....How does this sound?
ps. Anyone is welcome to read it, I just didn't want to bore you all/clog up the page with my rant.

I am writing to you to express concern about the difficulty I am experiencing registering for ante-natal care.

I had an appointment with the doctor on 26th March and asked on that day for an appointment to see the midwife at the appropriate time. At my previous surgery, the appointment was simply booked for 4 weeks in the future, but it was explained to me that the procedure at this practice was that my name would be written in a book and the midwife would call me. At this time I stated that I have a high-risk pregnancy and it is imperative that I see the midwife so that I can be referred to consultant care.

A week passed and I did not receive a call so I rang to ask when she might call. I wasn’t given a clear answer and was just told to wait.

Another week passed and I rang again reiterating the importance of getting registered. The receptionist wouldn’t even supply me with the midwifes name/number so I might make contact. I also pointed out that, in order to be able to get childcare for my son and time off work so I could attend an appointment, I needed as much notice as possible. I was told that another message would be put in the book and the midwife would call me.

Well yet another week has passed and I am now in my 8th week of pregnancy. By this stage at my last surgery, I would have already have seen the midwife. I understand your policy is for registration to happen in the 9th week, but this now only gives me one week’s notice to advise work and sort out childcare which is precisely the situation I was trying to avoid.

At no point was it my intention to “jump the queue” or get seen earlier than anyone else, I was simply trying to secure a date for an appointment, whenever that may be!

Considering the trouble I have conceiving, and the issues I have while being pregnant, I find it very distressing that I cannot even get in contact with a midwife to discuss the way forward.

Please can you investigate and advise as soon as possible.
how is everyone? Im so emotional at the min its driving me mad crying at everything! Have been signed off work by my doctor due to horrible back pain ive never had back problems but these have been so bad!! Doctor is not sure what it is..
ocean_pearl....that looks excellent! Definitely a doubly dark line there. :thumbup:

Imsotired....has the spotting stopped now hun? I bet you just dislodged some old blood while DTD. Just your bodys way of clearing out something it didn't need to grow your babe. :hugs: Hope you are feeling better today.

I had a TERRIBLE night's sleep with DS in the bed between us thrashing about. And I cooked curry last night which seemed like a good idea at the time but now I can't get rid of the smell and it keeps making me gag :sick:
Hubby is being totally unsympathetic and I'm just so exhausted.
Not to mention annoyed that in 4 weeks I STILL haven't heard from the midwife. All I want is for her to give me my appointment date so I can arrange childcare and tell work. Only going to have a week's notice now which isn't acceptable IMO. I am really anxious to get booked in because I need to be referred to the consultant for extra monitoring because of my weak cervix.
Feel like a miserable moany goose today. :cry: :blush:

The spotting has stopped. It only lasted a bit last night. Like a few times wiping because I pee every 5 minutes now a days. It was very light and there wasn't much of it, like it was mixed with cm. I had no cramping with it. In fact I rarely have any cramping anymore. Last night and this morning though I don't feel as nauseous? Ugg it's so stressful being pregnant! There is always something worrying me. Waiting for the nausea to come back today and anxiously awaiting my ultrasound on Wed. Thanks for the reassurance and concrn girls. I hope it's nothing to worry about afterall.:wacko:
2016 - no, there's no way round it, sadly. I actually moved out of the catchment 5 years ago but my GP allowed me to stay but using my MIL's address. Unfortunately, the midwives from his practice will not cover my area so he said I really do have to go now :( I know that if there was another way, he would find it.

As for your predicament, I really feel for you. :hugs: I'm glad you were already planning to see the practice manager and I hope this gets things sorted. Don't be afraid to put things into writing though if you are getting no-where fast. In the meantime, please take care of yourself x x x

I have written a letter to the Practice manager....How does this sound?
ps. Anyone is welcome to read it, I just didn't want to bore you all/clog up the page with my rant.

I am writing to you to express concern about the difficulty I am experiencing registering for ante-natal care.

I had an appointment with the doctor on 26th March and asked on that day for an appointment to see the midwife at the appropriate time. At my previous surgery, the appointment was simply booked for 4 weeks in the future, but it was explained to me that the procedure at this practice was that my name would be written in a book and the midwife would call me. At this time I stated that I have a high-risk pregnancy and it is imperative that I see the midwife so that I can be referred to consultant care.

A week passed and I did not receive a call so I rang to ask when she might call. I wasn’t given a clear answer and was just told to wait.

Another week passed and I rang again reiterating the importance of getting registered. The receptionist wouldn’t even supply me with the midwifes name/number so I might make contact. I also pointed out that, in order to be able to get childcare for my son and time off work so I could attend an appointment, I needed as much notice as possible. I was told that another message would be put in the book and the midwife would call me.

Well yet another week has passed and I am now in my 8th week of pregnancy. By this stage at my last surgery, I would have already have seen the midwife. I understand your policy is for registration to happen in the 9th week, but this now only gives me one week’s notice to advise work and sort out childcare which is precisely the situation I was trying to avoid.

At no point was it my intention to “jump the queue” or get seen earlier than anyone else, I was simply trying to secure a date for an appointment, whenever that may be!

Considering the trouble I have conceiving, and the issues I have while being pregnant, I find it very distressing that I cannot even get in contact with a midwife to discuss the way forward.

Please can you investigate and advise as soon as possible.

The letter sounds good. I hope they can get you in soon. I hope it all works out.

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