***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Hey girls, just a quick question re stomach's and weight loss post baby. How are you all finding your tummy's? I know it's early days (Seth is 9 days old) but I still look 4 months pregnant. I feel disappointed it hasn't gone down more.
Actually probably more like 6 months pregnant come to think about it lol :)
Munch it's really early days, give it more time. I was sporting a 2nd tri bump for two weeks i think. I gained 19/20kg this pregnancy and have lost 10kg so far and it's been almost 3 weeks ... Still sporting a 1st tri bump though haha.

Doesn't it take up to 6-8 weeks for our uterus to shrink back to it's pre-pregnancy size?
My uterus was completely shrunk after 2 weeks...but I still look 4 months pregnant 5 weeks in! :dohh:
I was shedding pounds really quickly to start with dropping 22 of the 32 I gained in the first 3 weeks. Now it's come to a grinding halt...but I am stuffing my face constantly because (1) it's Christmas (2) I'm depressed (3) I'm using chocolate to keep me going!
I'm about where 2016 is. Lost 20 of the 30 I gained pretty quickly but now its stopped. 3 weeks after delivery I look about 4 months pregnant. Still wearing maternity pants because stomach is sore from c section and can't button regular pants! But the stomach I have is pretty squishy so I'm thinking loose skin. And water, as my carpal tunnel hasn't gone away yet. I don't feel like I have been eating an extra 500 cal a day to sustain my weight but maybe my activity level is just low. Looking forward to getting my flat stomach back!
I've not done too bad really had only gained 15lb and have lots 14lb. Stomach is really swollen from brutal section but has shrunk loads. Just very soft. To be honest though if you remember I was constantly complaining my bump was so small so not surprised it mostly was baby. Also regarding my weight gain and loss, I was uk size 16/18 pre pregnancy and was so careful with what I ate so am pretty pleased to be at least no worse off than when i started.
My belly is still very big and squishy. I don't think I look pregnant just fat. I gained a total of 37 lbs with this pregnancy and I've lost 21 so far. Which is still 22 lbs more than my pre pregnancy weight ( the difference in #'s is because the scale at my house and the scale at the dr's office are always about 5lbs difference. I am not sure which is right...):dohh:. I'm just hoping I'll be able to tighten it back up again. Not going to get too discouraged about it just yet.

Things are going as well as they can here. Caitlyn has been sleeping A LOT lately just not at night:wacko: And she wakes up starving of course and needs to eat every hour for 15 minutes at a time for at least 4 hours:nope:. It's driving me crazy but supplementing and pumping has really helped me get out of this funk and feel a little better. I'm not sure she is gaining her weight back but her diapers are always wet and dirty and she seems happy and healthy to me. She has another dr appt tomorrow so I'm hoping she hasn't lost anymore at least.

Got to go baby is hungry!

Hope you're all well!
happy birthday lolly

my stomach looks about five months pregnant still as well but its like jelly wobbling every where its gross!! ive not weighed myself nor shall i till January.....
Hi! About time I joined you guys! I'm finding it hard to be motivated to turn on my laptop lately! Now I'm starting to get into a routine being home alone with both girls when OH is at work, so I should be able to update more.
Tess is doing great, getting taller already! Her newborn sleepers just fit her now, don't think I'll get another week out of them! She sleeps well at night, but only if she's in bed with me. I was never one to want to cosleep, but this girl just won't settle in her crib, even though it's only about 2 feet from my bed! Our current bed is completely broken, big dips and holes in it, so we have a new one that is arriving on the 22nd. Till then OH is sleeping on the couch so I can get more comfy. Don't worry, the dips are lower in the bed and nowhere near where baby is. She also wears her Snuza alarm every night and it makes me feel 100 percent better when I sleep. It's actually gone off a couple of times when it's come a bit loose from her diaper and wasn't close enough to her stomach. So it definitely works! Anyways, looking forward to going back to page one of this thread and catching up! Glad to hear you are all settling into parenthood so nicely!! It's the hardest but BEST job in the world!!
Oh my gosh, 19 pages of posts to catch up on...

Miss Izobel Loren came into the world on December 15th!
I have a Snuza too - love it! Do you fold the top of the nappy over to give it more grip? When DS was little the alarm went off one night when he had fallen asleep in my arms one night and I had dozed off too. Jt was for real because when I woke up and looked down at him he wasnt breathing. :( Fortunately it just took a bit of stimulation and he took a big gulp of air and started to cry. I have the Angelcare mat in the cot too as the Snuza can give false alarms when used every day. We are also unintentionally cosleeping so thank goodness for the Snuza or I couldn't sleep at all!
Ok, I read about 7 pages and I give up :haha: But big :hugs: to all the ladies going through rough times post partum. It's certainly not easy being a mother.

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on slowing my production of breast milk? I started pumping because we just couldn't get a latch going (only made worse by the nurses giving her a plug in the hospital!). But dear god, I already have 6 extra ounces in the fridge from ONE day! I want to have some extra on hand obviously, but if this keeps up we won't have anything but bottles of breast milk in the freezer in a week.
The more you pump the more you'll produce! Are you trying to feed as well as pump? Ehat happens when you try latch? Could you use a nipple shield to help?
Being given a plug in the early days is not great but I tried DD on dummies from 3 days old cos I was in so much pain and it didnt affect her latch.
A sure fire way to reduce supply is feed/pump from one side only and let the other get quite full. You have to gauge it and be careful it doesn't get engorged or you could get plugged ducts/mastitis! Anyway, a fullish breast tells your body there is too much milk and your supply will drop. Be ever so careful though as you don't want to reduce your supply too much in the early days.

Bought Flicka a swing today to see if she might sleep in that instead of always having to be rocked to sleep in the sling by me. My back is ruined! :(
Girls I thought I posted on here this morning for advice but it didnt save?!

Basically had a rubbish night feeding rock hard boobs no let down reflex and hungry baby who chewed me raw. I was so stressed an crying it went on for hours. All seems ok today though but worried again about tonight?

Also think I've got baby blues? Day 5 now and very tearful. Feel overwhelmed with how much I love him. But it's worrying me?! All I keep thinking of are the things that can go wrong. Like every illness ailment or possible accident he might have over next 18 years flashes into my head and makes my heart ache! Anyone understand what I mean???

Also he was 7lb 10oz at birth, 6lb 15oz at 3 day and 7lb 1.5oz today at 5 days. Is this a decent gain? I feel clueless!!!
Toothfairy, baby blues for the first few weeks is totally normal! I cried at nothing, and everything, for the first 2.5 weeks. Thankfully I haven't cried for a few days so i think the blues are over! But its perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed and worry about everything, so cry it out and take comfort knowing that it will go away once your hormones regulate. Its very important to get sleep tho so if you can get DH to take your LO for a few hours while you sleep 4 hours straight, that will help a lot! I had DH do that before he had to go back to work and it was glorious. Now he works so its all me and DD at night. Sigh...

Also, I was told average weight gain is 1 oz/day. My DD is gaining 2.2 oz/day which is way above average, so you are right on track!

I think DD is having a growth spurt. 3 weeks 1 day and she has been eating ever 1-1.5 hours, and she has been awake a lot more than previous days. Its been exhausting! And my poor nipples are so sore from the excessive feeding. and i'm so tired from walking her around the house for hours trying to keep her entertained. She is finally sleeping in her carrier and i was able to eat some food, use the bathroom, and get a drink! Ah the simple things in life that are taken for granted!
Tooth...some tips I picked up along the way that night help you:

To help let down try a warm compress on the breast while baby is feeding or drink a warm drink. Deep breathing helps too. Visualise the milk flowing out - sounds crazy but it works.

Nights 2-5 can be a real killer and its quite normal to feel chewed on and raw. There are further growth spurts at 7-10 days, 2 weeks and then 3, 6, 9 weeks and 3, 6, 9, 12 months. Unfortunately the first few growth spurts can all seem to merge into one and it can feel never ending but it's really not.

Are you sure your latch is just right? I'm not saying it isn't because it was perfect with DS and I still got worn to the point of cracks and bleeding! But if the latch isn't right it can make things all the more painful and difficult! Is your nipple coming out lipstick shaped or with a line across? Do you feel any rubbing pain?
I hope you have some Lansinoh nipple cream. Apply before and after ever feed and before and after you bath/shower.

Try different feeding positions to help prevent RSI on your nipples (if there is such a thing :haha:) Rugby hold, lying down and biological nurturing are all different positions you could look up and try. :)

One thing my kids have taught me is never fear nor become complacent. ie. just because last night was bad dont assume tonight will be the same and, in my kids case, don't think good sleep lasts forever either!

I think it's normal to feel down and worry like you are but it will settle as your confidence grows. :flower:

Isn't it funny how when we are pregnant we wish for baby to be here so we can "get more sleep" and "worry less"...and then when baby is here we realise sleep and worry-free times are long gone anyway! Both times I was pregnant I foolishly thought having a newborn was easier than being pregnant...my newborns sure as heck aren't!

Sorry I'm rambling. Long story short hun hang in there. The first 6 weeks are a trial and can be more so of establishing BF as well but the first smiles and other rewards are just around the corner!
Oh Chloe and 2016 so many thanks!! Isn't it funny.... Back on pregnancy thread I was so jealous at being so far behind you all and now I'm so glad to have all your words of wisdom. Am getting organised for tonight now with lots of extra pillows and heat packs!!
Good advice 2016..... First 6 weeks are the hardest by far.

Tooth... I am always having thoughts something bad is going to happen to LO. I did this with both previous pregnancies too. Eg having a cup of tea and have this awful thought of spilling it on LO. I think it's got a lot to do with hormones. Not nice all the same.
oh, tooth, one thing that the lactation consultant told me was that if your boobs are rock hard, it might be hard for LO to latch cuz it changes the nipple shape, so it might help to pump with a hand pump for a minute to soften and lengthen the nipple so that your LO can get a better latch. I find that when i have rock hard boobs DD just kinda plays with the nipple for a little bit until it starts squirting her in the face, and then eventually she latches on.

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