***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

DS reflux meant feeding lying down was never an option and I think she might be the same as her reflux is worse. Got her to nap on the bed today on her tummy not touching me which is progress!
Oh lolly she is such a sweetie, loving that face! Not much you can do about the milk spots that your not already doing. My dd1 had them but dd2 didn't, fingers crossed Seth doesn't either.

My little angle baby turned last night. He was awake on and off from about 12 till 5 the little terror with what seemed like wind pain. DH had cooked a lovely roast for dinner and the veges had lots of onion, garlic and shallots in them, I think this may have been the cause, even though I picked them out and didn't eat them. Who knows?? Their little guts are so immature at this stage it's hard to know what's going on.

I had a good cry yesterday re the Newtown shooting. It's just so horrifically sad. :( :( :( 😥. I just don't understand the gun culture in America at all?! We had a very sensible prime minister that took gun control very seriously after a shooting here in Australia and we have no problems like the USA does quite regularly it seems. Bless those poor family's suffering right now.
Oh munch I know, I too had a cry this evening after it was on the news and showed photos of all the children and the teachers :cry: so horrifically sad. Luckily guns are banned over here too and we gun crime here although not none existent, is nothing like it is in places where guns are legal. Awful things :(
HI everyone. Hard to keep up here being so busy with Caitlyn. I am sorry for all of those dealing with the hormones and the PPD. I've been having a hard time also but today I feel a little more like myself. Hopefully it's a sign that things are going to be ok. Breastfeeding is difficult and it makes me anxious but I am sticking it out. I have begun pumping and supplementing little bits of formula here and there and it's been a God's send because now DH can feed sometimes and I'm not constantly trying to do it all myself. I think it is a big part of my feeling better even though it does make me feel a little guilty. Caitlyn also seems happier and she really loves her Dad but if I haven't held her in a while she will cry for me. As for sleeping she sleeps a lot. It makes me nervous as I feel like she's needing to eat. She has slept up to four hours and then woken up to clusterfeed which makes me crazy. We try to keep her more awake during the day but it just doesn't work. She has been sleeping enough during the night for me to get about 4 hrs of sleep which I am thankful for and then I nap during the day and let daddy feed her. I am dreading when he goes back to work after Christmas because I'll be doing everything on my own and she is definately a 2 person job so far.

Hope you're all doing well!
ahhh the newtown shootings had me in tears as well! Its heart breaking.. Ive got to agree cabbage leaves in the bra is just amazing instant relief i a bottle feeding Isaac is tongue tied so he would not latch on! I had to use the cabbage leave whilst my milk dried up.. But with him being bottle fed he is so windy and it really upsets him :-( . Not had any baby acne but his skin is soo dry and flakey is it right that olive oil works? Seems a bit greasy to me lol
Hello everyone!

Lolly - I love Millie's face! Nevermind the spots, that expression she is giving is darling!

Chloe - great news on LO's weight! Here's hoping for some longer stretches of sleep at night!

2016 - sending you a big hug for the nap Flicka took! Great news!!

Bay - get yourself in the shower, turn it on roasting hot and massage the hell out of that boob! Mastitis is naaasty!

Regarding the Newtown shootings (and the shooting in the Oregon shopping mall the week before...it's the nearest big shopping mall to me!)...everyone here is just a wreck about it. I live in the States and have since I was 10, but I'm actually born in Ireland. The States has this crazy culture of "it's my right to own a gun, dammit, and no one can take it from me." I don't see how that could ever be overturned, but I think people are pushing now for semi-automatic weapons/assault rifles, etc to be banned, as there is no good reason to have them. Personally, I'm not a fan of guns whatsoever, but I also think that the issue really goes back to the lack of funding and resources we have for mental illness. Sigh...we are in quite a mess over here...

I'm waiting for Summer to fall asleep so I can fall asleep on the couch next to her. DH did her feed at midnight then I did one at 3:45am and another at 6:45am...she's been awake since then so I was messing around taking lots of pictures (she turned a month on Sunday! Shocked me!) and trying to settle her. The poor thing has a ton of mucus in her nose that I can hear, so while i've done the saline spray up her nose, I've had no luck getting anything out with the bulb suction thing. Tips?? I'm going to take her into a steamy bathroom later today and try to melt that snot out!!!
mummy, olive oil is great for baby's skin - it's the only moisturiser I would use :thumbup: it's great for removing cradle cap too if anyone's LO gets that in a few months time.

GenY, that's a good point - more money needs to be put in for mental health care. School security should be heightened too. A lot of the nurseries and schools over here have locked doors and you have to buzz in for entry. It can be time consuming and I'm sure people would complain, but what is waiting a few minutes for entry over the safety of hundreds of little lives?

Also, happy 1 month to Summer for last sunday :)

I took Millie to get weighed today and she is now 9lbs 10.5oz!! I was in so much shock, that's not far off a 2lb gain from her birth weight (no losses at any weigh in's). I am making super milk :smug: it's no surprise her newborn clothes barely fit anymore. Makes me feel a little sad!
ill give it a go with my girls it was fine to use baby oil, talc ect the guidelines have changed so much! I feel like a first time mummy again.. I was sad because Isaac is ten days old today Its going too fast i really want to enjoy every min as he is my last he was weighed today and is his birth weight of Seven one no idea how never stops with the milk!
Hey ladies!

My first advice post in here!! Yay!!

I came home from hospital yesterday and lay night could not get baby to sleep anywhere but in my arms. My milk is properly in today so hope he will be but more content from feeding tonight. I would like to get him in his carry cot at least once for a decent couple hours sleep.

Any tips? Do/did yours sleep in cot etc or with you? How did you manage it? Am i hoping for too much??

I've posted birth story and few pics on original thread!
Mines still sleeping on me *yaaaawwwnn*

The "colicky" crying has started up again right on cue. I am going to lose my mind. :wacko: Don't know why the first thing so many people ask about a baby is "is she good?" Now while I don't think tiny babies can be "good" or "bad" I have to admit my answer to this question is always "no". I love her of course but motherhood is so not a pleasure at the moment. :cry:
Mummy, I think baby oil isn't great as it just sits on the skin and doesn't really help to moisturise. Plus it has lots of chemicals and whatnot in it, olive oil soaks in so should really help.

Toothfairy, you might be lucky and get an easily self settling newborn :lol: I think most of us in here aren't in that bracket though! I think it's mainly a newborn thing though. I don't co-sleep, but I will swaddle and rock Millie to sleep and then lay her with me in bed then when she's in a deep enough sleep I'll transfer her to her basket. It's a bit of a palarva and we would both probably get more sleep co-sleeping but I don't sleep very well with her so for my own sanity she has to go in the basket.

2016 huge hugs :hugs: I hate it when people ask that question too, it is silly. Like you though, I've mostly replied no :( I think you've had and still are having a lot more "problems" than me so I shouldn't really complain, but I guess I'm still in shock as to how very different she is to a newborn Amber, who really was the perfect baby. Hang on in there hun, you're doing amazingly :flower:

I've been a little quiet lately and will probably be even more so over the next few days as we are moving house tomorrow and then it'll be Christmas. It's also my birthday tomorrow... Hoping Millie lets me have a good night! Doubtful but I can wish ;)
Lolly - I can't imagine you trying to move with a newborn! You strong woman -- fx'd for sleep tonight!

Tooth - welcome and congrats!! I'm very lucky in that LO will sleep in her bassinet, but we have to get her VEEEERY asleep first. Keep in touch plenty with us - these first few days at home are quite trying!

2016 -- sending huuuuuge hugs. :hugs: :hugs: Your baby IS good, she's GREAT...just a bit more high maintenance :) Poor thing is having a hard time adjusting to life outside your wonderful, comfortable womb!
Just a little share ...
sorry 2016 :hugs: i am sure it will get better! it will be a rough couple more weeks tho, but so worth it. no sense in sugar coating it. it really sucks when they cry and dont let you sleep.

Lolly, hope you have a wonderful birthday and a smooth move! i feel you pain with moving with a newborn. i'm moving in early january, and have to go to hardware store today to pick out bathroom faucets. so not what i want to spend my evening doing!

geny - soooooo cute!

tooth, i swaddle gabby and lay her in a pack n play bassinet. typically nurse, hold upright in burping position for 15-20, then swaddle and leave her in her bed. it works most of the time for 2-3 hours at a time. of course right now i'm typing one handed as she is sleeping on me. she's just too cute to put down if i'm awake...picture attached :)

the newtown shooting is horrific. those teachers who lost their lives are such heros. mental illness and guns do not mix at all. such a tragedy.


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tooth - just read your birth story. how scary! i also had emergency c section while under GA, so i feel your pain (both figuratively and literally!) i'm glad mom and baby are healthy! Hope you heal quickly!!
Interesting bit of info I was passed about newborns and sleep, apparently it takes them 30 mins to fall into deep sleep which is ideally when you want to move them as they are less likely to wake fully. Also they have more REM sleep cycles than we do which means lighter sleep and easier to wake from hence the grizzly easy woken baby!
Ruri has yet to sleep in her crib :blush: She hates lying on her back she immediately throws up a lot even if its been over an hr since her last feed. We put her in her bouncer which site her much more upright and she will happily sleep 4 hrs in there on a good night. We would co-sleep but have the wrong kind of mattress and cant afford a new one :( Im hoping in the next few weeks she will come round to sleeping on her back in her co-sleeper but shes still so little im not worried yet.
Had to post a pic from today after our frustrating start with her tongue tie:
Thank you ladies!!!

I already have a 2nd question for you. Baby is 3 days old and hubby is starting with a cold!!!! Am worried, how likely is baby to catch it and is it serious at this age??
Oh tooth - DH got a nasty cold when Summer was 2 weeks old. He washed his hands tons, limited his snuggling and didn't kiss her for a week :( he's getting better and she is now very sniffly sounding but no cough or fever...
Happy birthday lolly. And good luck with the move. Millie's baby acne does not look bad at all, hopefully they will clear up soon.

Loving all the baby pics ladies. I hope i don't sound creepy or pervy, but i love breastfeeding pics. It's so funny when your baby's head is so much smaller than your boob. I always worry that i'll smother the little man :haha:

Tooth - my first son had the cold when i gave birth and he kissed the baby lots but baby is fine. I'm not so sure you can prevent the cold from circulating in the family because it's so contagious, but even if baby catches it I think breadtfeeding should really help with offering your little one with some protection. So you're doing well.

Here's my little man ... Almost 3 weeks. How time sure flies.
Happy Birthday Lolly and hope move goes as smoothly as possible.

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