***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

My lo is now 3 1/2 weeks and my ds has been sick. He has had a bad cough and we have been trying our best to keep him away from her. But she is starting to get really snotty and has been sneezing. She gets choked from the snot when she's eating. Is there anything we can do for her besides sucking it out with the bulb?
2016 -- no, I'm exclusively pumping. We tried to breast feed for 4 days and we just couldn't get the hang of it. She would latch for about 5 minues, decide she was full, and then decide she needed to eat 45 minutes later because she obviously didn't get enough the first time around. This was happening even with a shield. It is a much happier household this way though :) She gets a full feeding and actually sleeps, which means I get to sleep too.

I am trying to pump a little less. But honestly, I'm getting almost 6 ounces every time I pump still and she only takes 2 1/2 at a feeding. Guess that means I can go out on New Years Eve? :rofl:
2016 -- no, I'm exclusively pumping. We tried to breast feed for 4 days and we just couldn't get the hang of it. She would latch for about 5 minues, decide she was full, and then decide she needed to eat 45 minutes later because she obviously didn't get enough the first time around. This was happening even with a shield. It is a much happier household this way though :) She gets a full feeding and actually sleeps, which means I get to sleep too.

I am trying to pump a little less. But honestly, I'm getting almost 6 ounces every time I pump still and she only takes 2 1/2 at a feeding. Guess that means I can go out on New Years Eve? :rofl:

It's great you can get that much out when you pump! I hate pumping after exclusively pumping for 4 months with DS after he went on nursing strike at 4 months. I found my supply kept dropping with pumping so I had to keep meds to keep my milk coming and eventually even that didnt work! :( Guess pumping wasnt for me.

If you were interested, in my experience its quite normal for the first 5 days for baby to feed little and often like you describe. If you tried to feed her direct again she might feed longer and go longer!
You should have seen my face the first time I did it and milk literally came shooting out my boobs :rofl:

It's also easier to pump because we live in such a rural area and we travel a lot, and there is no way I could grow the balls to feed in public :blush: Plus I only get 6 weeks off work so I would only be able to nurse until then anyways.
Sounds like it makes perfect sense for you to pump then. Im lucky I have no shame in general so feeding in public doesn't phase me. Can see why some people aren't keen though.
Hehe, I'm afraid my now even more massive boobs would flop out all over the place!
Sorry to hear your little one is stark! Not sure what else you can do with one at that age..

I'm finding it very hard to take it easy as much as I'm supposed to. Ours hard when looking after a toddler and a new born! My bleeding general has been very light and stopped for a few daysbut now it's back and its red again after being brown. Hoping thats not anything bad! I even took it easy yesterday...
sam, i'm with you and the public breast feeding. I want to do it, but I'm scared, and Gabby is still not a perfect latcher and has a floppy head, so hopefully once she is older and has head control, she will be a better latcher and i can do it in some public areas. I wouldn't feel right just pulling out a boob in the middle of a store tho, even with my hooter hider :) I think public breastfeeding is generally taboo in the US, unlike pretty much everywhere else in the world. I went to Peru on vacation once and the woman next to me just pulled out her boob and started feeding her kid that looked >1 year old while ordering airline tickets. No big deal for her! Wish it was like that here. What age do they recommend breastfeeding until in the UK, or other areas of Europe?

Does anyone have any advice on how to stockpile breast milk while still being able to regularly feed baby off the breast? And does anyone else have a very grunty/gassy/squirmy baby? I'm hoping it gets easier for her to pass gas and poop soon so she doesn't constantly grunt, squirm and kick her legs in her sleep.
Jules my midwife yesterday told me the bleeding can seem to stop then start again for a few weeks so sounds normal. Especially when your more active xx
(stops in) :hi:

Been crazy trying to get a hang of it all, finish class and still doing a bit of work. Miss talking with you ladies. Hope all is going well with you and your little ones.

Will be back soon.
Juless my bleeding is the same, stops and starts every few days, going from brown o bright red again, my midwife said it was normal.

Sam and Chloe i think I'm quite lucky where I live, the shopping centre and local supermarkets etc all have breast feeding rooms. So iv used them a couple of times, but don't think I would be able to do it in a coffee shop or that just yet, cause like Chloe my wee one takes his time to attach, so there a lot of nipple on show as he struggles to get on.

Iv been overwhelmed with gifts for my wee one since he been born, I think he has enough clothes to do until he a year old! He also has now 10:xmas1: Christmas outfits.........gonna start putting him in them on his due date the 23rd!
Hi everyone! Just caught up with all of your news as I emerge from new baby fog! Wow! Ava is a week old already. Those first few days were tough. I can relate to so much of what you ladies have posted. We had a couple of nights from hell where I literally did not sleep. Fortunately, my milk is in now and at our 6 day MW check, Ava had gained 10oz. Guess we must be doing something right although I very much feel as if I am making it up as we go along!

Lolly - hope the move has gone well. Please can you add us to the list? Ava Mae, born 14th December 8lb 2oz.

Big hugs to you all. I'm so grateful that we are continuing on this journey together x x x
Hiiiiiiii everyone!!!
Welcome to the thread, those of you who have just moved over. And congrats!!

Summer is 5 weeks old today - crazy! She is still small but im thinking she has hit the 8lb mark! It puts her still way underweight for age, but being early, its hard to judge accurately.

The first 3 weeks went soooooo slowly but time is speeding up again...which is good, I think it means some normalcy (a new normal!) is returning. I hope the same happens for you all as well!

My PPD/PND is getting better...it's 'a process' as they say, but I've definitely noticed improvement. To those of you who think you might have more than mild baby blues...I advocate getting help early...AND SLEEP! We paid a nighttime doula to come in one night when LO was 2 weeks. It was WELL worth it.

What are everyone's Christmas plans? We are hosting DHs parents plus my mom and sister. I think it's nuts but DH looooves to entertain and he looooves Christmas. I'm not doing $&@! - it's all on him!

Lolly - I hope move is going well!

I loooove reading all your updates :)
It's funny how different it has been with my second baby. With DD1, I was crying from amazement and happiness all the time just looking at her, so emotional and hormonal! With Tessa, I am completely happy and in love with her, but not crying or as emotional as I was before. Luckily no PPD, I'm just so happy to be a mom and still in shock that she's actually here. My pregnancy felt like it went by so quickly this time. I feel crazy though already being a bit broody, lol! I am already getting excited at the thought of baby #3! Not wanting to have that happen for maybe two and a half or 3 years though.
Wow Honeybee 10oz on day 6 is amazing! DD lost 5oz by day 5 and I thought we did well! :) She's made up for it though and has just hit 10lbs. Having to get out the 0-3mo clothes!

juless...no 3? Yes you are crazy! :kiss: no more for me, even by accident, ever ever!!! Going to abstain until we have a permanent contraceptive method in place! Just as well cos sex is the last thing I want right now anyway!

As for bleeding, I bled heavily - bright red with clots for 4 WEEKS. Some of you will remember I had to have a scan to check all was ok but it was and they told me some unlucky people just bleed like that.

Went to a sling meet yesterday to try out some new slings. Thought I was interested in an ergo/boba but they are not as good for very young ones and not nearly as comfy as the fabric wrap types. Joined the local sling library and have borrowed a ring sling. Didnt think if like one of those but it's super easy to get babe in and out and to BF with too. If I'm enjoying it at the end of 3 weeks I will buy my own, if not, I will try a woven wrap. It's a whole new world! :)
Does anyone have any advice on how to stockpile breast milk while still being able to regularly feed baby off the breast? And does anyone else have a very grunty/gassy/squirmy baby? I'm hoping it gets easier for her to pass gas and poop soon so she doesn't constantly grunt, squirm and kick her legs in her sleep.

I had gotten some advice from another mom -- she said she would pump after feeding to start saving up some milk. That way baby would be full, she would "empty out" and it sort of trained her boobs to make more milk. Pumping is amazing, I've gone from 3 ounces to almost 7 in one "milking" :haha: in just four days. I have 12 ounces in the fridge, 6 in the freezer AND a full baby.
I'm so wanting to post on this thread but no such luck, still no baby, 11 days late now :(
Baby 1 week old today!! Is it normal to still be crying every morning???!!!
tooth fairy...1 week in yes I was still crying every morning. In fact I found days 7-10 particularly tough thanks to hormones and the next BF growth spurt.

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