Teddie Hope was born on Sunday 23rd December at 22.22, weighing 8lb14oz.
Was a very speedy labour after a successful induction, we had all thought I'd be in hospital a few days as previous inductions had taken at least 2 attempts to work, this time however was completely different! Full on contractions started 3 hours after Pessary was inserted and my labour was recorded as 1hr 37 minutes start to finish!!! Don't get me wrong I'm glad it didn't go on for hours and days but it took everyone by surprise and I almost pushed the baby out in the corridor going down to the delivery suite as I went from 4cm - 7cm in half an hour and then 7-10 in 2 minutes!!!!! Scary stuff
Was grateful to be able to come home on Christmas Eve and have a semi normal festive period though,
She did lead us into a false sense of security for the first 2 nights and slept like an angel, last night however she was blooming awful and would not settle at all, she was hungrier but ended up really windy so was in discomfort, at 4.45 am I gave in and let her sleep on my chest as I physically couldn't keep my eyes open any longer!! Not a habit I'm hoping to get into as it was mighty uncomfortable after a while and it's not the ideal sleeping arrangement. Lets hope tonight is a better night.
Plus my boobs are like rocks as my milk has started to come in, cabbage leaves are the best