***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Hmmm a bug maybe? Sounds a bit like diarrhea. Does it smell different?
I feel u on the single parenting. I have my dh but he works really long hours n by the time gets home he cooks dinner n sits on the couch n falls asleep. Which I absolutely do not mind as he world this much so I can b a stay at home mom. But I'm exhausted right now as I have a sick toddler that screams all night n when I do get her to sleep I have a sick newborn that wakes up. I'm getting no sleep at all . I take care of them day n night. N take care of my seven year old too
No it smells normal. Giving her quite a rash too! DH has the flu so I'm watching her closely but no fever or fussiness yet, fingers crossed!

Props to all you single moms, or moms with dh's that do very little. Being a mom is hard work and you are amazing!

All moved in to the new house. No internet yet, and no appliances or counter tops. Old house is being rented on Monday and still so much to empty out. So hard with.sick DH! Going slightly mad right now.
My sons have smooth watery poo too. I think it's normal as my oldest had it often and was fine.

Is it still yellow and not green or anything? Also, is there mucus? Slimy and frothy isn't good.
Sounds pretty normal to me Chloe.

Seriously pissed off right now :( I got my period today! Seth is only 5 weeks and 2 days and completely breast feed, no supplementing no pumping just the boob. I got it around 6 weeks with both girls so not sure why I am surprised, guess I was hoping for a little longer.

On another note. Seth had weigh and measure yesterday and is 12 pounds! So I am being a good cow. The nurse was surprised when he could move himself forward on the table and nearly rolled over. He is also 57 cm long. Lots of smiles now :)

I hope your all coping ok with mother hood. First six weeks are the hardest (until they turn 10 and hit preteen land). Stay well snowflakes.
I had my CT yesterday to check for IUD placement. The tech told me (even though he wasn't suppose to lol) that is still inside my body. The doctor's office called today and she wants to see me first thing in the morning. I'm thinking that doesn't mean anything good :wacko: I guess we will see in the morning...

I have survived my first week back at work. I hasn't been too terrible. I got both kids ready and left by myself today. I felt very accomplished :haha:

Chloe-my daughter's poo is about the same except it's not watery. She had diaper rash off and on for a few weeks but with a little rash cream it cleared up pretty quickly.
Sorry munch! I'm hoping mine stays away for a while...

Stark glad you've had a good first week. After everything I might still end up going back to work part time next month. But it will only be about six hours a week so not too bad.

My mom left yesterday so I had my first day by myself today. I'm very sad she has now gone but am proud that I had a good day today. And we had a good night last night. After a 12am and 3:30am feed I just put Amber back in her bassinet and she put herself to sleep. Fingers crossed that this continues.
We had to take Amber with us to Shanghai yesterday so we could get her registered and apply for her passport. We ended up being away from home for 12 hours and she was such a trooper! I got shouted at by quite a lot of Chinese women about how she must be cold (she wasn't!) and that she was too young to be out the house. It was a little upsetting. Of course I wouldn't choose to have my three week out but unfortunately we had to get her registered within 30 days and we needed the passport.
Even more sad news was we weren't able to get her passport. We have to wait for an ID number from South Africa and that takes a while. So now we can't get her Chinese visa in time so we have to cancel our trip home which was planned for the beginning of next month. I'm devastated - I haven't been home in more than two years and every time it looks like we're going to go we end up having to move the date. Now it looks like we have to wait til July. So not only is it ANOTHER 7 months but it also means going home to winter. :(
Hi ladies can i join? I have been following you guys with pregnancy around november time!
Even i gave birth to a lovely son named Yahya on 7th of december!
I had a amazing birth , still dont know how i did it !
My son was breech around 26/27 weeks but found out when i was 30weeks and around 31 weeks he turned thanks to Spinningbabies.com and lots of prayers to God!
I found out around 37 weeks at scan that he was posterior back to back!
I tried everything by sleeping on my left and bouncing on the ball lol...
So on 5th of december had a checkup at hospital found out i was 3 cm dilated ..which explains why i had bit of back pain and with taking a shower still wouldnt go away!
The doctor told me i would give birth within 2 days which i def didnt believe thought saturday or sunday!
But on thursday midnight i found out i had every 7 min contraction and 1 15 min..So i told myself dont make yourself crazy just go and sleep and thank god i did!!!!
Cause around 6.30 i had bit of painful one and then 6.50 and when i came 7.00 downstairs it started getting painful ..
Told my Husband to keep his mobile close with him cause it started getting hurt.
I was about to make breakfast for myson and i and bring him to nursery .. couldnt even barely feed him.... but tried to.

Around 9,30 my sis-in-law came and she sent my son to a family friend.
And i just kept walking around a bit ..did a quick cleaning around the house. Sorting things out and the pain got more tense ..I was on my fours on the couch and tried take a nap quickly until the contraction woke me up.. haha
My sis-inlaw she had dates ,thankgod cause it kinda gave me energy ..
I do have to admit i had the last couple weeks i had diarrhea all the time and when it was around 1 i had to the toilet so..iwent up and lol slept a bit in the toiletseat ..it felt soo good the seat ..cause i couldnt sit anywhere not even on my ball.
When i got up i tried to walkdown stairs but i couldnt soo i just sat there and took a nap AGAIN! loool
but then all ofsudden a horrible tense pain came and all these times i just wanted to push i didnt notice but i was all these times at lunge position
But anyways i just wanted to push but not that kinda urge push its very difficult to describe but i peed myself lool told my sis-inlaw AUWWWW I PEED MYSELF CALL THE WARD AND CALL A TAXI WE ARE COMING ! and thank god we did cause when i got there with a wheelchair we found out i was 9,5 cm dilated!
I was ready to push ..So i did! ..
The ladies at hospital they got such a soothing voice when they told me breath in breath out calm down( as i was quite as a mouse) i told them keep reminding me how to breath and told my sis-inlaw as wel! ...
His heartrate went down and lots of doctors and midwife came and told me to push ..My sis she told me not to look at them (sometimes seeing doc/midwifes it can stress you) So i was just looking somewhere else ..had actually half my eyes closed lol.. I heart them saying take out the cord ..(apparently around his neck) and then he came 14.40
He was soo bluee poor baby! They took him straight away cause he was very in shock. but 5 a 10 min he started crying. I actually didnt hear him ..when he was born 5 min later my husband came in the room he was too late ...

Sorry ladies with this lots of typing and everything ..Just had to sharemy birthstory as iam very proud of myself cause for 9 month i was determined to give birth as my first child became a c-section. And now iam breastfeeding as well wich iam poud of aswell!
I hope i can catch up with you girls! and will be here more often this time!
Bean, sorry about your passport troubles. What a pain! I hope you can make it home soon :hugs:

Samia, thanks for sharing!

Ladies, any advice on how to break dd habit of only napping on me? It's getting too taxing and I need to be able to start doing stuff around the house! She cries within 20 min of me putting her down anywhere. I had slightly better luck yesterday putting her in hippy pillow on my bed but that only works if I stay in the bedroom to watch her...
Do you swaddled, Chloe? Ds will sleep in his own much longer when swaddled tightly
I swaddle at night but I worry about too much swaddling so I don't during day. All the swaddling wraps I have come with warnings to not swaddle more than 10-12 hrs a day otherwise it could hurt development. Not sure. And I meant boppy pillow, not hippy. Stupid auto correct...
I used to swaddle but apparently I have Houdini for a baby and she always breaks out of it. And I'm using the swaddles with Velcro and everything. DD also prefers to sleep on me. Went from 10-2 last night trying to get her down and finally she fell into a deep enough sleep to be put in the crib. I know it's not recommended but were doing it anyway because its the only way she stays asleep but I put her down on her stomach and when I do so I can get between 6-7 hours out of her.
I see nothing wrong with swaddling for every nap and at night. During that time they're supposed to be sleeping not exploring! "10-12 hours a day" for me means don't swaddle all day AND all night. :)
Iz actually hates being swaddled. She screams bloody murder if she can't move her arms. A friend once told me 'they might fight it but they actually love it' well my screaming daughter disproves that theory. I will occasionally let her fall asleep on me but we have a little doll that lights up and plays lullabies that she falls asleep with in her crib. Also she always eats more at bedtime and I think she's too full to fight sleep :haha:

Anybody have a bad case of diaper rash? I've tried desitin, butt paste, and both of these mixed with a baby gold bond powder but nothing is helping.
I have to have surgery on feb 1 to have my iud removed. It went straight through my uterus and is just on the other side.

That being said I would like some advice from you ladies. Since I'm already having surgery we are thinking about going ahead with getting my tubes tied. I'm 99% sure I don't want anymore children. My husband also doesn't want any more. I just don't like the finality of it. I'm just torn. One minute I'm sure I want to get a tubal and the next I'm against it. What do you ladies think?
Stark I think if you have any doubt in your mind you should wait to get the tubal, just my opinion.
It's a very personal decision stark but, if it were me, I'd leap at the chance to get my tubes tied as they're in there anyway. Yes it is final but both DH and I know that financially and emotionally our family is complete. Incidentally I'm planning on having Mirena inserted soon but your experience had put me off a bit! Eeeek!
Iz actually hates being swaddled. She screams bloody murder if she can't move her arms. A friend once told me 'they might fight it but they actually love it' well my screaming daughter disproves that theory. I will occasionally let her fall asleep on me but we have a little doll that lights up and plays lullabies that she falls asleep with in her crib. Also she always eats more at bedtime and I think she's too full to fight sleep :haha:

Anybody have a bad case of diaper rash? I've tried desitin, butt paste, and both of these mixed with a baby gold bond powder but nothing is helping.

I swear by balmex with a little bit of powder on top. I've worked with infants for years and I found that balmex can usually clear up a moderate rash within 24 hours. A bad rash it may take a little longer but it always works unless the rash is viral or yeasty. Also try sittting her in some warm water even on days you don't bathe her so it's always getting cleaned. Hope it clears up soon!
samj732, if the rash doesn't go away soon I'd take her in to be sure it's not in need of a prescription cream. DD1 recently had a terrible rash. The cream we usually use (which normally clears up her rashes overnight) weren't helping. Turned out it was a rash caused by yeast and we needed a prescription. Cleared it up quickly with the correct stuff though!

Man, we've definitely hit the 6 week growth spurt! Yesterday and today Tess wouldn't sleep for more than 15 minutes at a time, unless I was holding her, and ate ate aaaaate! Luckily even on days like this she is still sleeping amazingly at night. She wakes up once or twice, eats a bit and back to sleep. She isn't really fully awake those times too - I don't think she even opens her eyes! I usually end up waking her up so I can change her diaper during the night. She is getting so alert now when she is awake and is starting to really have big smiles! It is SO freaking cute!! Hoping to catch one on camera soon!! We're doing really well generally, although I'm finding it hard to leave Tessa with DH. He tries his best, but he has a hard time getting her to take the bottle and she tends to cry a lot. He has a hard time handling it when she's in a gassy, screamy mood. He gets upset he can't figure out how to help her. I am going back to roller derby soon, which means being gone for at least one two hour practice a week... I'm going to try to get Tess to take a bottle once a day to try to get her more used to it more.

Hope those of you having troubles find things get easier soon!
TMI question here...I went from very little bleeding and expelling a few dark red clots a day with no cramping to having light/moderate bleeding of a sort of red/orange color, and having menstrual like cramping several times a day, although not nearly as intense as my normal menstrual cramps had been in the past. Is it possible that I'm having my period already? It's only been 3 weeks since I gave birth.

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