***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

juless...I think the refluxy babies (Ive now had two!) are much fussier feeders and with bottles. It's funny how we think we might know it all 2nd time round but half I can't remember and the other half is different! :haha

Ive started taking the mini-pill which I didn't want to do cos of hormones going into my milk but the doc decided I couldn't have a coil and also I get severe ovarian cysts and the only cure is progesterone pill.

As for DTD I have NO interest and can't see I ever will. In fact the thought disgusts me! Hope I get over it as DH is highly sexed and I reckon he would split up with me if I don't do it eventually! :(
2016 I'll send some of my horny-ness your way :rofl: I have a bit to spare :blush:
:happydance: Amber's blood results came back today and they're all clear!!! :thumbup: She's healthy and has no problems. I am so relieved!

I had a big poo situation today! I was skyping with my mom and Amber decided it was a good time to go! (just a couple of hours after I bathed her!) By the time I got her on the changing table it was everywhere - up her back, on her arm, through the vest, onto her sleep suit and all over the changing table. I didn't know so much could come out of such a little person! And of course my dh walked in from work five minutes after I started cleaning her!!
Last monday I had my checkup! Gosh that lady is so arrogance! I seriously don't know why? She is like that its the second time . She asked me if I had sex I said no, then she asked me again (iforgot what it was) but it followed with the Q when I'm having sex? I just looked @ her weird and replied " I don't know, when the time is ripe ' lol
Btw that's not why I'm upset about , we were talking about pills nd stuff.
I choose the one you have to take all the time and is ok using while breastfeeding

Haha samj! I'm not even intrested in doing it! my hubby he is all for it and keeps waiting for me since birth! Lol
Hi ladies :hi: hope you and all of your gorgeous babies are well :flower:

Millie was 9 weeks yesterday, 2 months on the 27th :shock: I need a pause button! Haven't had her weighed in a fortnight but might try make clinic tomorrow. I'm guessing she's around 14.5lbs, as she's already filling her 0-3m very comfortably that I'm having to start washing and getting out all of her 3-6m clothes as she'll be in then very, very soon :cry: it makes me feel so sad! She's still pretty grumpy with the colic, although the colief seems to help but then again it may just be coincidence and the colic is finally running to the end of its course. FX'd!

We haven't DTD yet either, I just don't particularly fancy it! We've done other things though, but I'm still to have my coil fitted so don't fancy taking any chances!
I am afraid there is something seriously wrong with my baby as she is nowhere near the size of most of your babies! :wacko: Also her legs are now harnessed because she has hip dysplasia in her left hip:cry: She has to wear it full time for 3 weeks until we can get her hip ultrasound and see the orthopaedist again. I cried all night last night because I feel so awful about it. I'm also producing less and less milk which makes me feel like an awful mom. I began taking the mini pill last week for BC but we still haven't had sex. We are both interested but haven't had any time. I'm usually up late trying to get the baby to sleep. Once she is asleep she will go 4-6 hours at night but by the time I get her down DH is asleep and I'm exhausted. I don't think I have depression but I definately feel different and foggy. I get confused easily and sometimes a little sad. Caitlyn is really what keeps me going. I also began bleeding a little bit the past few days. It still looks like mostly old blood with a little bit of fresh mixed in. I don't think it's my period but it's something. I'm also still a bit sore down there when I use the bathroom. I'm hoping everything gets better soon.

I am glad to hear that most of you are doing well and I hope you continue to do well.
Hurray Bean - great news! :happydance:

ImSoTired - :hugs: :hugs: How much does Caitlyn weigh? (You don't say). As long as she is following her centile, that is more important than comparing weights with other babies. I hope that her hip is on the mend soon. It must be heartbreaking for you but I am keeping everything crossed that you will get good news at your next review. I feel the same as you - a but foggy and certainly sad on occasion. I put it down to a combination of being tired and hormones being all over the place. If you think it is more than this though, please chat it through with your GP. You need to look after yourself before you can take care of Caitlyn. As for the milk, are you exclusively BF? If so, why do you think that you are producing less milk? LO will create the demand by her feeding pattern. You are not a bad mother, you are a tired Mummy - not the same thing! X
Honey bee thanks for the reply! I really just needed to vent about it all. I am not EBF. We formula feed and BF both. I just couldn't keep up with her constant need to BF which I feel bad about but at least formula feeding some got me a little sleep here and there. Caitlyn is 9 lbs. THe doctor said that that is fine and normal but some of you have 11, 12 + babies! She is no where near that size and she was 7lb 7 oz at birth! I guess I am just a nervous mommy mostly because of the whole harness situation. It's my hope that when we go to see the orthopaedist in 3 weeks she says that it has corrected itself and we can begin weaning her out of the harness. Seeing her it it is breaking my heart!:cry:
Imsotired- seriously don't worry about weight or compare to others! Your dr is happy with it! She looks lovely and happy. The more you stress, the less milk you will make so try and not stress hun.
Well me and DP dtd last night and it was rather enjoyable! I was pretty worried beforehand but it was fine even though I had a 2nd degree tear which has healed up nicely. Felt really nice to be intimate again and not with a huge bump!
Imsotired:hugs: i'm going to echo the other mamas and saynot to worry too much about her weight. At 4kg for 1.5mths she falls somewhere between 10-25 percentile band and on this trajectory she is estimated to be aroung 50kg at the age of 20 according to cdc growth chart i'm looking at in my baby blue book.

I'm sorry about her hips, it is heartbreaking. My boy was diagnosed with positional talipes which corrected itself after massages at home, but for those first few days i couldn't help but freak out, especially after reading worst case scenarios on google. It is a tough pill to swallow and you just want your child to be okay. And she will be.

You are a great mama. You care so much about your daughter and that ensures you will always be looking out for her. What a luckybubba.
Imsotired:hugs: i'm going to echo the other mamas and saynot to worry too much about her weight. At 4kg for 1.5mths she falls somewhere between 10-25 percentile band and on this trajectory she is estimated to be aroung 50kg at the age of 20 according to cdc growth chart i'm looking at in my baby blue book.

I'm sorry about her hips, it is heartbreaking. My boy was diagnosed with positional talipes which corrected itself after massages at home, but for those first few days i couldn't help but freak out, especially after reading worst case scenarios on google. It is a tough pill to swallow and you just want your child to be okay. And she will be.

You are a great mama. You care so much about your daughter and that ensures you will always be looking out for her. What a luckybubba.

Thank you. You really made me feel better. It is hard to see my baby wear this thing but she really doesn't seem to mind. I guess it's probably harder on me because I can't really put clothes on her (though the ortho said I could put on onesie on underneath which is rare that they give the go ahead to do so) and it's awkward to hold her. I can only hope that in 3 weeks the doctor says that all is clear and we can begin weaning her out of it and within 6 weeks she will be free from it again!


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^^ aww she looks like a happy bubba ... i think the harness probably does bother you more than her :)

I really hope she will be out of them soon. Keep us updated.
It is hard to see my baby wear this thing but she really doesn't seem to mind. I guess it's probably harder on me because I can't really put clothes on her (though the ortho said I could put on onesie on underneath which is rare that they give the go ahead to do so) and it's awkward to hold her. I can only hope that in 3 weeks the doctor says that all is clear and we can begin weaning her out of it and within 6 weeks she will be free from it again!

She sure looks like a happy little girl! :hugs: You're doing a great job, try not to stress about it, you're a great momma!
IST, exactly what the other ladies have said :hugs: as long as Caitlyn's weight doesn't drop off the centile she's following dramatically then her current weight is fine. Your doctors more than happy so let that ease your worry :) she looks perfect to me on that photo, and so happy bless her! I love her dimples, too cute! I have everything crossed that the braces come off after the 3 weeks :flower:
ImSoTired - Caitlyn is such a cutie! Look how alert she is! Yes, I think you are definitely more bothered than her.

Ocean - Thanks for the GyneFix tip. It does look good but I asked my GP about them and was told they have higher expulsion rates :shrug: I have made an appointment to discuss my options next week.

Girls - I think I am having a delusional moment here. Up until yesterday I was quite decided that Ava would be my one and only. (I have a DS-S who is 9). This was not the plan before she was born - I had always hoped for 2 kids, relatively close in age, just like my brother and I, so that they always had a friend growing up. Then last night I got it into my head that maybe we should start TTC sooner rather than later given the fact that I am 35 now and also that if my maternity leave merged, I think I would be more financially secure than if I leave my current job (which is the other side of the country) and had a part-time maternity pay (quite significantly). I was also thinking that if this were to happen it would also mean that I could spend more time with Ava rather than her going to child care. Now tell me, have I gone completely insane???!
HoneyBee i think another child sounds like an awesome idea haha. You can always make more money later, and well, i think kids are the bomb. If you had asked me this 10 years ago i would have given you a different answer, but after having my first child it's really changed me for the better.

I'm not too far behind you in age, i will be 34 in August :happydance:

Speaking of dtd, dh has hinted at 'date night' a few times already but at this stage i feel as though i could live without sex for the rest of my life lol! Sam ... Bottle me some of that hornyness, ima need some too.
Yes, honeybee you are insane! :haha: nah I say go for it, I've always wanted 3 personally. I met with a dr about contraception and she recommended the regular copper coil over the gynefix so I guess I'll be getting that on Monday.
Is the gynefix some sort of new iud? We are only offered the copper & mirena here. Ocean, how were your periods before? Reason I ask is the copper made mine horrendously heavy and sometimes quite painful, apart from that it was fantastic and I liked the lack of hormones side to it. I think I'm going to go for the mirena this time... I'm hoping it keeps my AF away!

Honey.Bee, definitely not insane! I think I got broody again when Amber was around 3 months old but OH made me wait until her 1st birthday before we began ttc. Go for it I say!
Honey ur not insane just like ttc lolly I got broody when Ella was three months and got pregnant with Angel when she was four months

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