***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Lolly she is gorgeous, love the fur snowsuit! Great idea on the comparison pics, her little cheeks have filled out so cute! Ollies cheeks have got chubby, I love it!

Chloe she's adorable! Love the comparison against bunny pics! Can't believe how big our babies are getting !

Ollie is getting very heavy, he hasn't been weighed since 3 weeks when he was 8lb2 I'm struggling to lift him out of his basket at night!
Bean - did you look into lip and tongue tie? I recall you mentioning something about a bad latch and milk was escaping her mouth. It might be affecting your supply as well.

I used your advice of trying the football hold and it does help sometimes. I just don't always get it right, especially in bed. Someone else suggested a website which I had a look at. The guy there suggested cross cradle which also sometimes helps but I still find the position a bit uncomfortable.
Apparently I don't have to worry about a tongue tie because she can stick her tongue out. (Don't know if that's true) If I let her suck on my finger I can feel she isn't always doing the right thing with her tongue. I just don't know how to fix it.
Bean if you have time, have a read of this thread about tongue and lip tie in the breastfeeding section. I never knew about lip tie but after reading that thread it sounds like my boy might have it. He makes clicking sounds sometimes and every now and then milk woud seep from the sides of his mouth. Also his top lip doesn't flare out like it should when he's latched on.

There are exercises i could do to help stretch the membrane but he's been feeding and gaining well so i'm just going to leave it.

Also, i've learnt that posterior tongue tie is difficult to diagnose just by visual and needs to be felt. The thread discusses it more in detail. I hope your little girl doesn't have it, but it might be worth looking into.

Gabby got 3 shots today. I have never heard her scream like that! It was so heartbreaking. I breast fed her right away and that put her right to sleep. Ahh, the magic boob :)

Do any other exclusively breast fed babies have to take vitamin D supplements? I'm not sure the standard protocol in the UK. Apparently the cloudy weather often leads to mothers having a deficiency, which leads to a deficiency in the baby.
Gorgeous photos ladies! My little man is 7 wks tomorrow. How did that happen??!!!

I am dreading him having his injections. How have your little ones been after theirs? I remember my older 2 having fever etc but that was 14 & 16 years ago.

I'm pleased to say I am a stone less than pre pregnancy! Gained 15lb lost 28lb! Am glad now I only had a small bump even though I moaned about it all through pregnancy! I was 'curvy' before though so could afford weight loss!


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Not looking forward to Cait getting shots:nope:. She will have them on the 15th. I also can't believe how big she has gotten, even though she's only gained about 2lbs and 2inches she just looks so different! I know I will miss her being tiny even with all of the bumps in the road. They were all worth it!

Beautiful babies everyone!<3
Chloe, when my LO was ebf I had to give her vitamin d drops also. It's very icky here in the winter too.

So we saw the urology specialist yesterday and my poor baby has to have surgery on her left kidney :( the problem is called a "UPJ obstruction" -- it's a blockage where the kidney meets the ureter that causes the kidney to swell as its not draining properly. I incidentally had the exact same thing but it wasn't caught until a few years ago, and it was extremely painful so I just feel awful for her. She also has an extremely herniated belly button which they will go ahead and fix while she is already under. The surgeon tells me she will have a tube sticking out of her for two weeks after surgery!!
Chloe, when my LO was ebf I had to give her vitamin d drops also. It's very icky here in the winter too.

So we saw the urology specialist yesterday and my poor baby has to have surgery on her left kidney :( the problem is called a "UPJ obstruction" -- it's a blockage where the kidney meets the ureter that causes the kidney to swell as its not draining properly. I incidentally had the exact same thing but it wasn't caught until a few years ago, and it was extremely painful so I just feel awful for her. She also has an extremely herniated belly button which they will go ahead and fix while she is already under. The surgeon tells me she will have a tube sticking out of her for two weeks after surgery!!

Ugg. I'm so sorry you and LO have to go through this! I know our issue with the hip dysplasia isn't as serious but I feel like I know how it feels when your child needs medical intervention. I hope that everything goes well for you both. Stay strong mama!
Chloe & toothfairy, what little cuties you both have!

Samj, poor little Izobel :( I'm glad they discovered it early so she hasn't had to suffer for too long. How surgery goes well and she makes a quick recovery :hugs:

Millie was 13lbs 2oz when I took her to be weighed yesterday, my lovely little chunk! She's following get centile perfectly. We are delaying vaccinations for another month or so, good luck to those who have had their babies done already or appointments coming up :hugs: it's not nice, I hated having Amber' s done and she'd always have a fever and be upset for days afterwards :nope:
So we saw the urology specialist yesterday and my poor baby has to have surgery on her left kidney :( the problem is called a "UPJ obstruction" -- it's a blockage where the kidney meets the ureter that causes the kidney to swell as its not draining properly. I incidentally had the exact same thing but it wasn't caught until a few years ago, and it was extremely painful so I just feel awful for her. She also has an extremely herniated belly button which they will go ahead and fix while she is already under. The surgeon tells me she will have a tube sticking out of her for two weeks after surgery!!

Sorry to hear your LO has to have surgery. Ours had surgery last week on an inguinal hernia. It will be so hard to let them take her into surgery, but it will be hardest on you, she will be fine. When our LO was in recovery, he was already coming out of the anesthesia and ready to eat! With them having surgery so young, they heal so very fast. We can barely see his scar now. Thinking of you because I know how very very hard it is.
sorry to hear sam. have you set a date for surgery yet? hope it goes well and iz has a speedy recovery.
Aw ladies with babies having procedures and surgery my heart goes out to you xxxxxx it must be so very hard. Hope all goes well and speedy recovery xxx
sorry to hear sam. have you set a date for surgery yet? hope it goes well and iz has a speedy recovery.

They set the surgery date for March 19th as her surgeon is going to Vietnam for three weeks in February, and she also needs the surgeon to do her belly button available too. I wish it was sooner so we could just get it done with :(
Sam, sorry to hear about the surgery! She will recover quickly. Stinks that you have to wait so long and can't just get it over with!

Lolly, our LO's are close in weight and birthday! I wonder if the same chart for percentiles is used in us as UK. Gabby is 90% in height and weight. At least she is proportional :)
You all keep talking about babies weight being up in the 12's n 13's. My lil princess is probably just getting to where most of ur babies were born at. I won't know n accurate weight until the 20th. But I used a digital scale to weigh me n than weigh me n her. I weighed 108lbs 3ozs just me. N 115lbs n 9ozs with her. So that would make her 7lbs 6ozs. But I don't know if I believe it. She is still so tiny. I can't wait until her check up n find out. As for weight I'm not down to pre pregnancy weight. I'm four lbs more. Which I will probably stay at. When I got pregnant with DD1 I was 100lbs n when I had her I went down to 104. So with Angel I started at 104 n now down to 108. N I'm happy to stay there. Anywho I'm sorry to hear about the little ones going thru procedures.
sorry to hear sam. have you set a date for surgery yet? hope it goes well and iz has a speedy recovery.

They set the surgery date for March 19th as her surgeon is going to Vietnam for three weeks in February, and she also needs the surgeon to do her belly button available too. I wish it was sooner so we could just get it done with :(

The waiting is the worst part, but good that you will have a set date. We had to go to children's hospital ER for our LO and they had to fit him in between traumas, so poor guy had to fast for much longer, so he was starving and crying, and they kept pushing the time back. Whenever we finally got in I was just so ready to get it over with.

Try not to think about it too much until you need to. :hugs:
Hope surgery goes well for her Samj!

My LO ran a lowgrade fever after her shots and was a little cranky that day and the next but she did really well with them. She screamed for about 3 seconds and the crying was over. She did much better than her brother did. And I didn't cry like I did with her brother lol. She weighs 10lbs 10oz. Which is 50th percentile and is 22.5 in long with is also 50th percentile.

AFM I had surgery yesterday to get my IUD removed. My DH and I decided to have my tubes tied while I was under. I feel great about my decision which makes me know it was right for us. I was still scared I would wake up and be devestated but not at all the case. The surgery went well and now I'm healing up. I hate anesthesia though I'm still tired from it 30 hours later.
So sorry to hear of LO's needing medical help! I hope everythings go smoothly for them!
Tessa is doing great, been sleeping lots the last few days. She must be making up for hardly sleeping a few days ago and just wanting to eat non-stop, lol!
I know the birth control talk was a while ago, but OH and I are just getting a chance to talk about it now. Up until I was pregnant we were using the pull out method. Not the most reliable method, I know, but it worked great for us. We got pregnant right away when we started trying and stopped doing that. Now though, OH wants us to look into better options. Condoms are a no-no as we tried them a while back and I started having a lot of pain and burning from them, so it looks like I have a latex allergy. The non-latex ones are fine, but super expensive. I don't mind continuing with the pull out method as it worked before... though I'd rather not take chances as I don't want another baby for about 3 years. Still though, if it happened earlier I'd still be happy about it. I think I'm in a constant state of brooding, lol! The pills make me feel awful, but I can get back on those if I have to, try to deal with it.
I'm also very anxious about OH and how he's set that we are not having more kids. I've always told him I wanted a large family, he knew that and still married me, so why can't he understand I'm not done? I'm hoping that in 3 years time he will come around to it, as DD1 will be in school by that point and Tess will be older so it would be easier. I still get honestly terrified at the thought that he won't and I will never get to be pregnant again. Even the thought of just having one more scares me, I would love to have 4 kids, at least (I know, I'm crazy eh?). I sometimes think well fine, if you refuse even though you've always known what I wanted then I will find someone who wants what I want. Isn't that terrible?? But I guess that's how important this is to me. I've cried over the thought of not having any more children. I think he will come around though... hopefully... I'm also having some anxiety over religion, as he always told me he believed in "something" but couldn't define it, I guess like agnostic. Now he's said he doesn't believe. I'm a Christian, and I want to let my children know about God. He's not against me doing that, but I feel like he doesn't like it or something. It's really been hard to know what to do. I am going to try to teach my kids and let them make their own decisions. Anyone else have a partner with different beliefs? How are you dealing with it in regards to your children? I feel lost about it.
I am so excited! The La Leche leader that I tried to contact in the next city never got back to me. So I decided to contact one of the leaders in Shanghai. I got a reply a couple of hours later and she is in MY city until Tuesday! So we are making a plan for me to meet her and she is going to watch a feed so she can help me with the latch. I am so glad that I am going to be able to get some help!

Jules I am in a similar situation as you with regards to religion. I am a Christian and my dh doesn't believe in anything. He says if he's going to follow anything its Buddhism but even that he doesn't really follow, he's just more interested in the concepts. But he does accept that my religion is important to me and he is fine with me sharing with Amber. He just doesn't want me to try and force her into anything. Which of course of I won't - I feel its important to share with our children but leave the choice up to them. I plan to get a Children's Bible and maybe some other books and read them with her as she is growing up. And once we're back in an English speaking country I hope to send her to Sunday school.

Can someone share the inoculation schedule they have been given? We were given a page (all in Chinese) and someone explained it to my dh. But he doesn't remember anything. I feel really stupid for not knowing better :(
Bean - just popping in quickly! https://www.nhs.uk/Planners/vaccinations/Pages/Vaccinationchecklist.aspx

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