***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Jules - DH and I are both atheist, but I would think if your husband says he's ok with you teaching your LO he means it. Similar to Beans DH, I would think teaching is completely appropriate but wouldn't want a religion forced on kids. Just have open communication with DH about what you're teaching so he still feels involved and that his thoughts are being considered.
Juless, you're not alone. My OH is strongly against having anymore children and I hate the finality of that decision :( I'm not even 100% sure I want any more, well definitely not in the near future, but he has said he isn't having another. Full stop. Any particular reason why your DH says no? Mine says 2 is more than enough, anymore would be more stress + we'd need to get a bigger car, bigger house, no more holidays abroad for a good while etc. Millie's colic certainly hasn't helped the cause either! He says he'll never forget all of the nonstop screaming - where I almost have! I'm hoping if I give him a few years he'll change his mind... I hope yours does too!

With regards to religion, my OH & I are on the same page (both atheists). I think it's important for all children to know about religion, all of them in fact, so they're able to make a decision of there own.
Iz has thrown up everything in her stomach twice today. Like projectile vomiting. Wtf is going on? No fever and she doesn't seem to be in pain, but she usually doesn't even spit up that much. She hasn't been eating more then usual either, actually seems like a bit less.
Stark - hope you are on the mend soon. Glad your surgery went well and that you are feeling happy about your decision.

Bean - great news. What a coincidence. Let us know how it goes.

Jules - hmmm. Tricky one. I think the girls have summed it up pretty well. Religion is such a personal thing. All I think you can do is give your children as much information as they need, answer any questions they have honestly and give them space to make their own decision. No-one can argue with that, surely? You will have to allow DH to express his opinions too though. As for more babies - it's SOOO early to make that decision. Don't stress. I raised it with DH and he said he couldn't even think about it rationally right now because he is still too wrapped up with Ava.I wouldn't take any opinions expressed now as set in stone.

Lolly - Your OH is a brave one to deny you #3! My money is on a change of heart (should you so wish) at a later date. After all, he said no to TTC DD2 for ages, didn't he? PS Loving the photos of your girls. DD1 can sure pull off an animal print! x

Sam - Oh no, how distressing. Does Iz otherwise seem well (as alert as usual, not floppy?) If so, sounds like she has picked up a little bug, poor thing. You need to see her GP though if the vomiting goes on for 24 hours or if she becomes floppy or less responsive.

Big hugs to all those with LO's waiting for procedures. My heart goes out to you all.

Loving all the new photos and Avatars. Keep them coming. I love seeing how our bumps have turned out x x x
He did say no more after DD1 you're right! I think he really means it this time though - I don't think he expected babies to be quite so difficult as Millie has been! Stupid I know, but Amber was such a good baby we were in for a shock this time around :lol: we'll see... I'm sure he'll forget all about these difficult weeks after a few years!

Sam, poor Iz :( if its projectile and seems to be all she's taking in and it goes on for longer than 24hrs then I would probably speak to a doctor just for reassurance.
She is as alert as usual, and no floppiness or anything. She's been fine so far this morning, but if it happens again I'll definitely call her doctor. She slept amazingly well last night, so it must have really worn her out poor thing :(
:hi: Well hey there ladies!

I have not been up here in ages. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying your little bundles. My big boy is doing well. He is 2 months 8 days; 13lbs 4 oz and 23 inches long at last check. He's feeding 5 oz every 3 hours and sleeps roughly 3-4 hours at a time.

Today is my first day back at work since Nov. 16 and it was heartbreaking to put lo in daycare for the first time. I cried more than he did, completely ruined my make up 3 times but managed to make it to work in one piece. Haven't called the daycare yet, although everyone is surprised I haven't called like 5million times by now.

I hope everyone is well. I will have to make time to read through the threads!
my DH and I are almost on the same page with religion (he is atheist, I am on the fence). I don't care to baptize my DD, but i want her to know about the different religions. I wish i knew more about religion.

We also don't know about more kids. DH talks about the next one, but I'm not at all ready to think about that yet. Its a lot of work raising one, and then just when she will be old enough to travel with us, which we love to do, we would want another one, and that would just set us back a few more years (selfish, I know). I will probably change my mind, but right now its just so exhausting. Not to mention financially draining, with daycare costs, and I'm currently on unpaid leave, so our income has been cut in half, as DH and i make about the same amount per year.

I still feel like gabby sleeps a majority of the day, and doesn't do much playing. I put her on a play mat and she stares at the blinking lights, but thats pretty much it. Does anyone's LO play with you yet?

On a side note, my kitchen counters are FINALLY being installed. Only been living here for 20 days without them! Yay!
Dh and I were both raised Christian. Me Catholic, him Methodist. My parents did want me to go to church and sunday school but never really pressured me to believe in anything but after years of attending I took things from it and kind of decided for myself what to believe and what not to, I'll be doing the same with my children, just exposing them to religion and letting them decide what is true and what isn't. We now occasionally attend methodist services. I can see where conflicting religions may be an issue for some and I hope those of you who have those issues can work through it and find something that both parents are comfortable with.

As for more children, DH and I have been discussing it and are both open to it in the future. We both agree that now is not a good time to try again. Caitlyn being our first child we are still learning the ins and outs of parenthood and we have had some bumps in the road so we want to give ourselves some time to adjust to and enjoy Caitlyn before jumping in and having more. Not that we would be upset if we accidently got pregnant again but we just aren't willing to try yet. I hope that those of you whose partners have different opinions can work through it. I can only imagine how difficult that must be.

Caitlyn seems to be growing like a weed! She is eating about 4 oz every 3-4 hours except for at night when she will sleep 6 hours. I would love to get her to go down earlier though because she is still going to sleep between midnight and 3am which is physically and mentally draining for me. I've tried keeping her up during the day but she just gets cranky and then cries herself to sleep anyway. I would much prefer that she'd go to sleep at least around 10 and sleep until 4 and wake to feed and go back. Now, she goes down usually at around 2 and wakes at 8 to eat then goes back down around 830/9 for another 2 to 4 hours. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get her to go to bed earlier, I'd be thankful.

We have a hip ultrasound and a pediatrician appt next week, neither of which I'm looking forward to. I so hope that the ultrasound shows that this harness is working so that we can take her out of it soon and be confident that she won't have any issues in the future. It's both heartbreaking and frustrating to see her in this harness. Also she will be getting some vaccinations at her ped appt where I will surely cry when she cries. It's not at all easy being a mom and I knew this going in, but actually being in the thick of it is so different than just thinking about it.

I'm so sorry to hear about those who have babies needing/ having had surgery. I know I would be crying my eyes out if Cait had to have something like that done. I must admit I still have difficulty being away from her for short periods of time:blush: Speaking of which, next weekend is DH's b-day and I'm not sure if I can bare to leave Cait with grandma and grandpa while we go out. We'll see what happens I suppose:shrug:

Hope you're all well.
ImSoTired, idk if I'm just lucky or if its really due to something I do, but Iz 'normally' goes down between 10-11. I try to keep her up more in the evening, not so much all day. So I try to rouse her between 6-7 and keep her up till bedtime. It doesn't always work but most nights it seems to go ok.
Imsotired - fin usually shuts down anywhere around 7pm and wakes at 7am. He will sometimes have 2 - 3 feeds during that time. Sometimes he does an 8hour stretch without a feed. As lovely as that sounds, i worry and can't sleep well when he does that. I'm pretty certain it's just pure luck as i did everything exactly the same way with my first chld and he's a terrible sleeper.

Only thing i can think of is to designate a night time sleep area which she only gets to sleep in at night. And not stimulate or play with her, as i noticed sometimes fin will be babbling and will only sleep if i ignore him, otherwise i'm sure he'd stay up to play. Another thing is to maybe have her burn off her energy so she sleeps better? Like tummy time.

Good luck with the appointment next week.
Welcome back Blu! I was just wondering how you and a few of the other ladies have been doing.

Amber went seven hours between feeds last night! Lately she's been doing six hours but I felt a bit bad about 7. I'm worried she's still a bit small to be going that long. Anyone know whether this is good or bad?

I met with the lady from La Leche yesterday. Got a few issues that need to be worked on. The first one is that Amber isn't latching deep enough. It isn't hurting me but obviously this isn't ideal. It also seems that she is balancing my nipple with her tongue and then using her gums to create the suction so her jaw is working more than it should be. The first suggestion the lady gave was for me to try the laid back position to get a deeper latch and also make Amber feel more stable. The second was to do some exercises with Amber improve her sucking and hopefully get her used to something further back in her mouth. The lady said that possibly there was some kind of trauma at birth, like severe suctioning or an NG tube, that Amber has imprinted on and so won't tolerate things back there now.
This morning I put my finger in her mouth to get her to practice and she actually gagged! I've been trying again but she tries very hard to push my finger forward with her tongue. When that doesn't work she pulls her head back. I'm hoping with some perseverance I can improve the situation. I also have been trying the laid back position. Lets just say although its very comfortable, its going to take some practice. But I'm not giving up yet!!
Another question for those pumping - what pump are you using and if you could go back, would you get it again?
I use the medela advanced. I think its pretty much the same as the pump in style, but it was what my insurance covered. It does the job, so I would recommend it. I do find that the suction isn't as great when i try 2 breasts at once as opposed to just pumping one, but so far that hasn't been an issue. I have a lot of friends who have used the medela pump in style and liked it a lot.

What toys do your LO's play with now? Anything?
We have the medela swing and it's great. It's the same pump I used for DD1 and I've never had any problems with it x
Thanks! I've just ordered the medela swing to replace the one I originally bought. Really hoping it works out this time!

As for toys Amber loves the three little stuffed toys hanging off her bouncer chair. But she mostly just smiles at them. Basically she stares at everything but I can get her to hold a rattle for a few seconds.
Bean that is such good news about the LLL person. Glad she was able to give you soe useful advice.
Ladies I have a question for you. Joseph was sick more than normal after a feed at 2pm yesterday. I got myself all worried he had a bug but was ok after. Then he was sick again quite a lot after feed at 7.30 this morning. He's been really really windy and had a grumbly tummy. This is normal for him. Unfortunately he is a windy baby and hates being winded. Sometimes this gets him so upset he swallows even more air!

Each time it was just one hurl that brought it up. Not retching. He seems ok now just trumping lots! If it was a bug would he have been more sick? Does it sound like wind or????

I am worried because its happened twice in 2 days now. I'm totally on edge watching him every second and to be honest feel a bit panicky?? What's your thoughts?
Maybe he just too much in in that feed toothfairy? As long as its not after every feed and projectile vomiting it all up I wouldn't worry too much x
Thanks lolly. I know you have a lot if experience. Do you think he'd have been vomiting more frequently and have had runs if bug?

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