***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

I think it would definitely be coupled with other symptoms and/or more sickness. I actually just got a 2 month old baby email update from babycenter and there was a link on there about vomiting and what's normal and what's not. Here's the link hun; https://www.babycentre.co.uk/a53668...l-and-whats-not?scid=gb_en_mbtw_baby_post2m1w
Thanks for that lolly. Just seen health visitor and she thinks nothing to worry about as he seemed healthy and is 12lb 9oz and sticking to 75th percentile. She did alarm me by mentioning some condition hypertrophic something stenosis where get blockage in stomach. She said to be concerned and see gp if it becomes every feed. Sometimes I wish they did f tell you about all the stuff that can go wrong. I end up a nervous wreck some days.
Thanks for all the advice regarding religion ladies! Nice to know others are in the same situation and how you work with it.

Hope your little guy is good, toothfairy! Good that he's gaining well and that health visitor wasn't too worried. I understand being paranoid about every little thing! Poor OH, I'm always asking him do you think this is ok? lol

Speaking of OH, last night I went to roller derby for my first time back (It was AMAZING, had so much fun!! I missed it so much!). Anyways, had to leave a bit early as OH called and was having a very hard time settling both girls. DD1 decided not to go to sleep till after 9, and Tessa drank a little milk, slept for 20 minutes and was up screaming the rest of the time. She wouldn't take a bottle either. OH has a really hard time getting her to take a bottle, as do I. It makes it really hard. He gets upset and frustraited and feels like a failure when this happens. Last night he said that the reason he doesn't want more kids is because he gets so angry and yells sometimes and doesn't want to put more kids through that. He sometimes will put the baby in her bed, walk away and just yell. Like last night he said he walked away and had to yell "Just drink the damn miiiilk!" He feels so bad about this, but I tell him look - I get SO frustraited some days I need to yell a bit too. I told him, next time go to the bathroom, close the door and let it out. He loves his girls so much that he feels really bad when he can't figure out what they need. He does have an anger problem, which he has come a long way improving, but he gets upset sometimes. He does seem to have some depression issues, has for a long time, so I'm making him an appt with our family doctor to get a referral to get help for that. I know that if that's treated it will help his anger and other issues. He is a good dad, he just has no patience!

Also, dreading tomorrow - Tessa has her 2 month checkup and her needles, two different appts in two different places AND we have a windchill warning of -35!!!! Must bundle her up warm!!
Good luck at your appt, juless! My pediatrician told Gabby that she would get a snack after her shots which is why I thought to feed her immediately after and it totally calmed her down.

It seems like after her shots, she realized how loud she can scream and now every night right before she has to go down for the night she cries like she is in horrible pain, I feed her, and then she sleeps for 7 hours. It is very bizarre and i really hope she doesn't keep this up. She had a dreadful day of interrupted naps yesterday so i spent all day on my feet trying to keep her happy. It is so exhausting!

tooth, i know what you mean! doc told me gabby had a heart murmur at her 2 day appt and i freaked out. she said most likely its nothing, and they often clear themselves up, but i spent forever worrying nd as of her 2 month appt, murmur was gone!
:( I think we're hitting the dreaded 6 week growth spurt. Its 1am and I haven't been able to get Amber down since 8pm. She isn't crying just staring all over. Plus her feeds have slowly been getting closer together. We're at an hour now.
tooth - did your HV mean pyloric stenosis? If so, I'd think that was quite unlikely as Joseph wouldn't be gaining weight so well. Also, seems OTT after two vomits! Hope he is on the mend soon.

Bean :hugs: - Ava fed hourly for two night and one day. It was hellish but it was followed by two days of lots of naps! Hang on in there! x

Jules - Poor DH. It sounds like DH needs some reassurance, bless him. It must be hard for Dads because we spend so much time with our LO's that it is easier for us to know what is needed. He'll get there. Just make sure he knows how much you appreciate his efforts and the opportunity for Mummy time.

Blu - welcome back, we missed you :wave:
tooth - did your HV mean pyloric stenosis? If so, I'd think that was quite unlikely as Joseph wouldn't be gaining weight so well. Also, seems OTT after two vomits! Hope he is on the mend soon.

Bean :hugs: - Ava fed hourly for two night and one day. It was hellish but it was followed by two days of lots of naps! Hang on in there! x

Jules - Poor DH. It sounds like DH needs some reassurance, bless him. It must be hard for Dads because we spend so much time with our LO's that it is easier for us to know what is needed. He'll get there. Just make sure he knows how much you appreciate his efforts and the opportunity for Mummy time.

Blu - welcome back, we missed you :wave:

Yes that's what she meant I couldn't remember the name. Have sinced googled it and have scared myself more! Do you know anything about it honey bee? Would it be happening after every few and does it progress quickly? By that I mean if he had this would I know about it within days?
Hi tooth - I know a little about it but please don't stress - I think it's really unlikely that Joseph has it. My understanding is that it is not necessarily every feed initially but it builds to being every feed over a few weeks. The key sign is projectile vomiting - really forceful, very different from the normal spitting up. The babies I have seen with it were failing to thrive and had lost weight. Later on you can get dehydration as nothing is staying down. The other thing is that when they were being sick you could see the waves of contractions in their bellies. I hope this helps x
We went for our six week check up today and Amber has lost weight. She has gone form 3.8kg two weeks ago to 3.5kg today. The doctor wants me to start introducing formula but I said no, please at least give me a chance to try with more frequent feeding and pumping first. She wasn't very impressed but she did agree. But the Chinese don't seem to go for exclusive breastfeeding anyway.
I just don't understand why she's lost though. I know the latching isn't great but she's going two to three hours between feeds during the day and she goes six hours at night. Plus there are plenty of wet nappies. She's alert and happy when she's awake and not crying for more between feeds.
I've ordered the new pump and waiting for it to be delivered. But with Chinese new year just two days away I think I'm going to have to wait til after the 16th to get it. I've also ordered a baby scale so I can monitor her weight.
Anyway got some helpful advice for me?????

As for me I'm apparently all healthy. They did an ultrasound (is this normal??) and blood tests. My episiotomy cut has also healed well. I am highly unimpressed though - my AF arrived this morning. :growlmad:

Tooth, big hugs. All these things are so worrying! I agree with honey though, I'm sure its not something serious.
Oh bean. You've had your fair share if worries over these last few months haven't you? I don't really know what to suggest. You can't force amber to feed. Is she getting plenty of the calorific hind milk that comes through when your nearly empty? I know that the watery foremilk is lower in calories and fat. Maybe feed twice in a row from same side or pump or whatever you do to make sure she's getting to the 'jersey cream'?! I can't think of anything else and am no way an expert. Am sure the others will have more advice.
We are having similar except ours is gaining weight just a lot slower than what he should be-he dropped 2 centile lines which is apparently where they start to worry.
Could it be because she is going 6hours over night? Hayden also sleeps practically all night so I wondered if that is where he is loosing out.
I wouldnt give anything extra unless you really need to as it could mess up your milk supply which means she will get less anyway.
Every six hours at night is not enough IMO. I would give her some dream feeds at night. Your hormone level is highest at night and therefore you make the most milk then. Oliver feeds every 2/3/4 hours at night. Sometimes he eats every hour during the day! 6 weeks is classic growth spurt and they should be on the boob pretty much constantly. I would def wake her up for feeds especially if she's losing weight
Tessa has 2 appointments today and I'm excited to see what her weight is now! It looks like she's growing a ton and gaining so we'll see. She only feeds once or twice during the night and unless she's having a growth spurt she sleeps quite a bit during the day so doesn't feed constantly. I hope she's getting enough but she doesn't seem to be loosing or anything.
Thanks everyone!
She only does one six hour stretch from about midnight to 6am. Last night we definitely started the growth spurt! She was eating every 1 to 2 hours til 3am and then slept til 6:30am. Today shes pretty much been feeding every hour.
Once this is finished I'm going to start feeding her every two hours during the day and up til 11pm. And I'll do 3 to 4 hours from then til 5 or 6am. Until my new pump arrives I'll keep pumping after the first two morning feeds and once the new one arrives I'll pump more often.
I did some reading on kellymom and that's basically what they recommend too.
Wow, been sat down for nearly 40 minutes catching up on all the posts!! Where does the time go, what feels like 5 minutes is more like 2 weeks!!

It's very entertaining listening to those of you who want another little one and other half doesn't, my oh had to be convinced to have baby no 3 also and it was the best thing we did and then when I decided I wasn't done at 3 he flipped out and was adamant we would have no more....... No 4 is now sleeping soundly!!! We are women and if we want something then just work your persuasive magic or cry a lot, it worked for me xxx
LOL! Love that Fifipots! Glad to hear there's hope for me getting 4! :D
Just got back from Tessa's doctor's appt and her needles. She did great, though I hate having her cry from the shots, breaks my heart! I hope she doesn't get sick or fussy from them. We may have a rough night tonight! She's now weighing in at 13lbs 5oz. She's in the 95th percentile for weight, 50th for height! I think she was around 23inches? Missed that! So she's a short, chubby one, hehe! Love her! It was not a pleasant trip out though at all, we have a windchill warning of -35 degrees here!! I'm still thawing out!

*edit* Just saw my sig and realized I told the nurse Tess was 8 weeks instead of 9, lol! That goes to show how fast the time is flying by! Might affect those percentiles, not sure.
Jules I just noticed on your sig your girls are almost exactly the same age as my boys and the same age gap. Ds1 was born 30th Oct 2010 and Ds 2 is 2nd decembet 2012.
Bean so sorry Amber's lost weight :hugs: the girls have given great advice though - make sure she completely finished a feed off one breast before offering her the 2nd, otherwise she'll only be getting the foremilk which is low in cals & fat and is basically there just to quench their first. I would try and offer a dream feed at night too if she's going 6hrs. It must be hard though if you feel she's in a routine and being scared of breaking it, but 6hrs is a long time to go without a feed for a 6 week old baby. That'll probably explain why you've gotten your AF too :(

Not much to report from me - Millie is doing great, I dare say the colic has pretty much gone although we do have a few meltdowns here and there when she just won't be put down, so still trying to master that so I can enjoy my evening meal without having to hold her whilst she's screaming and I'm trying to eat :lol: she was 10 weeks on Tuesday and weighed 13lbs 9oz! Little fudge pop :D she's also been sleeping a good 5+ hrs straight most nights and then going back down after feeding so I'm loving that right now.

She's getting so big though, I have totally forgotten how she was as a wrinkly, tiny little newborn :( I'm having to start getting all her 3-6m sized clothes washed and in her drawers as 0-3m are getting very short and tight!
Morning ladies. Just wondered what age you plan to put baby into cot rather than Moses basket/carrycot/bassinet??? Joseph is 8 wks tomorrow and seems to be getting cramped in there now?
We have only just started moving out of nb clothing onto 0-3months and he is 2months already but weighs 9lb 2 so still a teeny.

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