***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

These kids sure grow like weeds :haha: Just too fast which makes me sad. But on the upside they just get cuter everyday. We're onto giggles now; today, just as i was biting his fat rolls. Too cute.
Anyone any tips on avoiding poo leaking up the back if nappies? Joseph has started saving his poo up for one monster poo per day over last couple if weeks. We have to be ready and expecting it and change instantly its so huge! The problem is it squelches up out the back of the nappy and into his vest resulting in bath and full change everything. Difficult if we're out!

I just googled and an ashamed to admit I've only just found out that envelope neck vests can be taken off shoulders and rolled down so this might help minimise the mess but it would be useful to be able to contain it in the nappy! When I suspect poo is coming I change his wet nappy frequently so he poos in a dry nappy.

He has been in size 3 nappies for a couple of weeks and seem a good fit. He is 12lb 9oz. I've been using pampers baby dry.
Jules I just noticed on your sig your girls are almost exactly the same age as my boys and the same age gap. Ds1 was born 30th Oct 2010 and Ds 2 is 2nd decembet 2012.

Haha! Cool! :D

toothfairy, I recently switched to Huggies from Pampers and it's been a lot better for us. She was having leaks up the back constantly but rarely anything with the Huggies.
Hi tooth - we haven't had any poo explosions just yet (touch wood) so sorry not to be able to offer advice. Not sure if it is a boy thing or because we are using cloth? As for sleeping - we have just bought Ava a red kite travel cot so she can still sleep in our room a little longer. I plan to move her into her nursery at 6 months but lets see if I can hold out that long! The thing with the travel cot is that we will use it when we are away and it can also double up as a playpen. That said, she still sleeps for longer when she is in bed with us. It's usually my intention to pop her into her own bed after feeds but sometimes I fall asleep before her. This really wasn't my plan for sleeping arrangements....... On a positive though, last night she slept 1230-0630 uninterrupted! :happydance: :happydance: Woo hoo! This from a girl who likes to feed at least 2-3 hourly. That said, she had MONSTER feeds before and after!

Bean - I'm sorry to hear about Amber's weight loss but it sounds like you have a plan. I think weighing on the same scales (not obsessively!) and your feeding timetable sound great. Good luck!

Lolly - yes, we're into 3-6 month clothes now. Where has my little girl gone??? I think she is going to be taller than me soon.

Cookie - 50 weeks pregnant??! Aaargh! Can you imagine?
Wow 50 weeks :haha:

Hahaha toothfairy I didn't even know you could roll them down either! Thanks for saying that :lol: I would've gone on trying to tug pooey vests over Millie's poor head! As for stopping leaks, have you tried changing brand and/or size?
Lolly I'm glad it wasn't only me who didnt know this!!

So Joseph has done a big puke again and I'm all knotted inside with worry again. Wish th HV hadn't mentioned that condition. Honey bee you seemed to know a little about it. Until today he hasn't been sick for 2.5 days do you think unlikely that he could have this condition if going so long?

Does anyone else's BF babies sometime puke what seems like a whole feed up? Just this is new for us.

I am also starting to think I have a problem with inappropriate levels of anxiety. I can't tell you how panicked I keep feeling inside about him getting ill. I've been scared to feed him (haven't let it stop me though) since he was sick incase it makes it happen again. I know this is a bit mad!! Hubby isn't very supportive when I try talk to him. Just says Joseph is fine, don't worry and gets annoyed at my panic.

I don't know if this is normal or if I should see GP or just try chill?'

P.S. Joseph is sat smiling at me whilst I write this from his little chair as if to say mummy I'm fine!! Either that or he thinks I'm taking more photos of him on the phone and is posing!

Sorry I have gone on, just don't know who to turn to to talk. It sounds so stupid!
Cookie you aren't the only one with a teeny baby. Caitlyn is 2 months tomorrow and still under 10lb. She's getting close though. I thought she would gain more being mostly a ff baby now. She has been wearing her 0-3 clothing for a few weeks but I don't see her coming out of it for at least a few more weeks as she has room in them.

Tooth as for the poo explosions, Cait has had plenty. It seemed like she was doing the same saving it up for one big poo in the middle of the day. It was also quite runny for a while and I was beginning to worry. For about a week or so though it has thickened back up again and she goes twice instead of one big explosive one. I use pampers as well but they are my preferance as I worked in childcare and couldn't stand huggies. I understand though that sometimes certain diapers just don't fit certain children correctly. You can try switching maybe. Sorry I can't be of much help, just know you aren't alone with the poo explosions!
Thanks also for the tip about the envelope top onesies! I didn't realize that either and it will definately come in handy because Caitlyn has a TON of hair and I've had to bathe her because she's gotten poo in her hair before:wacko:

We are still working on a more suitable bedtime for Caitlyn. It's so hard to change her habits but I think, in time, we will be able to fix this problem. It may take a lot of that time though:dohh:

Hope you're all well!
toothfairy, if you're worried maybe you can call your doctor and speak with the doctor or a nurse about it? Get their opinion? They can at least let you know if they think you should bring him in to be seen. I've had to do that a few times with Tessa already and it eased my mind!
Tooth. Joseph is probably just fine. If he is in good spirits and not losing any weight, I wouldn't think too much about it. As he is an EBF baby I would look into your diet to see if there is somthing you are eating that may be upsetting his stomach and causing vomitting and maybe the poo explosions also. If it goes on for much longer I'd take him to his doctor but he is probably just fine.

I know what it's like to have issues with anxiety. I seem to be so much better lately which is great but I used to have to be medicated in order to just leave the house without worrying. I was even quite anxious while pregnant but as of late I think I am too tired to over analyze or worry too much. If it is effecting your day to day life then you should see your doctor about it. You can always come on here to express your concerns as I know my DH didn't understand my anxiety and depression and it was SO HARD to deal with it without having anyone to talk to!Hang in there and feel better:hugs:
Cookie n imsotired I have a teeny baby still. She won't b weighed until the 20th but I'm guessing she will only b 7 or 8 lbs. As she was born at 4lbs 8ozs. She's probably going to b in newborn clothes for steady another month
Awww, such tiny babies! I wish DD was still so small, but happy that she is growing! It just goes by so quickly!
tooth - I think it is very unlikely given what you have said and the fact that Joseph is sitting smiling at you! It definitely sounds like you are more worried than him. My understanding is that a baby would be quite distressed after the vomit, then try and feed again and then often vomit that feed too. The nature of the beast is that eventually the food can't get down so it has to come up. I would echo the girls comments too though - make a visit to see your GP if you are worried. They are used to seeing new and anxious Mums and can put your mind at rest. I can tell you what I know and offer support but that can't and shouldn't replace the advice of a GP :hugs:
PS I think being anxious is all part and parcel of being a new Mum, even if you have done it before! It's so difficult when they can't express to us what is going on. I'd turn it around and say that a bit of anxiety is a good thing and a sign of a caring Mummy. That said, you need to look after yourself too, vent as much as you need here but if the anxiety is getting in the way of you leading a normal life then please ask for some professional help. You won't be the first x
Thanks for the tip about envelope shoulders. I had no idea; i always thought it was fashion :haha:

Honey.bee you sound like an 80 year old woman (in a good way). Always ready with such mature and wise responses. Like, like, like!
Hehe glad me & toothfairy weren't alone with the envelope neck vests :lol:

And Bay I totally agree :thumbup: excellent advice from Honey.Bee and I can only echo what she has said. I think Joseph would be showing signs of discomfort and unhappiness plus would be failing to thrive. Definitely speak to your HV about him and/or your anxiety though if you feel you need to, that is their job to be there for help & support for you & baby :flower:
Actually there's been lots of wisdom shared in this thread ... Lots of top mamas here :thumbup:

Back to envelope tops again ... Don't they make them in adult sizes too? :blush:
Tooth fairy - I echo what the other ladies have said regarding PS. My husbands half brother (three years old now, FIL and his new wife had twins) had this condition. He was losing weight for a few weeks and very very unhappy. It took some time for them to diagnose it, but he would projectile vomit almost every feeding. They thought maybe reflux and finally figured out it was the blockage. If your son is happy and only doing this every once and a while then unlikely to be PS. If it is developing, it won't be sudden or an emergency surgery.

My LO will have big spit ups occasionally (maybe one or two times a week). The most helpful thing I read online is that from our perspective it may look like a big spit up and we may think they are losing their entire meal.. But really may not be that much. They suggested taking just a tablespoon of milk and spilling it. It looks like a lot but is really just a tablespoon. If LO was really spitting up the entire meal, it would be a huge mess
Thank you all so much for your advice and for replying. Joseph so far is usually a very happy chap pretty very smily and content. Unless he is having a windy day! My milk rushes out at him sometimes and chokes him. This is the only time he really cries, as he swallows loads of air. He is piling weight on and very obviously thriving. So maybe as lolly said in an earlier reply, he's taking too much or it's trapped air. Or maybe just puking as babies do and I need to calm down!

I'll see how he goes and see GP is if becomes frequent. I just don't want to end up running to them with every little thing!

Thank you so much all of you xxxxx

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