***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

So cute. Look at all that hair cait has. My 15 month old doesn't even have that much lol
Cait has been spitting up a lot again lately. Will surely be bringing it up at her pediatrician appt tomorrow where she will also be getting her shots:wacko:. Dreading that! Also anxious to see how much weight she has put on. I'm thinking that she is about 10lb now. Other than the occasional crankiness and spit up (and once in a while a runny pea-soup like poop (sry tmi)) we are doing well. I still get some breastfeeding in a little everyday. It makes me happy jus because I haven't dried up yet and she's still getting some good 'booby milk', lol, even though I know that at this point it is very little and she is a mostly ff baby. I'm still coping with her wearing the harness although she doesn't even seem to care much about it. We will find out on Tues how much longer she has to wear it. I'm also still trying to get some sort of schedule going so I can get things done around the house and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Cait still thinks bedtime is between 1230 and 230am:dohh:. Thank God I'm a SAHM because I couldn't go to work on the 6 hours of sleep I get! I think I am sometimes pretty cranky and miserable due to my lack of sleep (poor DH). I hope it gets better soon!

Hope you are all well!
So cute. Look at all that hair cait has. My 15 month old doesn't even have that much lol

lol. ty. DH and I were both born with tons of hair so she is definately our baby. haha. I could even see the hair on all of her U/S!
Iz got her shots this morning and it was pretty intense. She screamed bloody murder and I ended up with her blood all over my shirt. If I could hardly handle the shots how am I going to handle surgery?! Anyways, I'm spending my valentines day with a very crabby two month old :( I gave her Tylenol and she's still extremely fussy.
Sam sorry the shots didn't go well

Love all the pictures of the babies in their vday get ups. Ours isn't the best, we all are sick with colds. Poor LO is fussing and crying in pain. The dr said as long as there's no fever and he's eating that it'll blow over soon. I feel so bad for him, my throat hurts so I can only imagine how he feels.
Hopefully you are all having a good weekend so far! It's quiet here this week, hehe! We're all going on a sleigh ride for my neice's birthday then having Chinese food and cupcakes! Can't wait. :)
How often does everyone's babies sleep during the day? Seems like ds sleeps all day! He'll sleep for 2 hours, wake for up to an hour and will be tired again! I guess they are growing a lot
Tess has some days where she seems to sleep almost the whole time but others where she's awake alert for a long time. I think it depends on if she's having a growth spurt or a gassy day!
Beautiful photos everyone! I must say, we have all made some beautiful babies :)

Millie is constantly dribbling, I think teething may be upon us :wacko: I have a dribble bib on her all day long now otherwise we'd be changing her outfit every few hours!

Ocean, Millie still sleeps plenty during the day too. I think DD1 did until around 3/4 months old. Lots of growing an development I imagine, but whatever it is I enjoy it :lol:

Millie has rolled over today! I can't believe it, DD1 didnt roll until she was 4 months+. It was front to back and she did it 4 times, but I think it was more pushing off and putting weight on one side just so she could get off her front (she HATES tummy time!) but for whatever reason I am counting it! Will write it in her record book later :D I managed to catch her on camera (just!)...


And thought I'd share this as my heart melts each time I look at it :cloud9: Amber adores her little sis!

Such a cute bunch of babies we have here, I love seeing all the pictures! I'm so proud of Camden, we've just started putting her to bed in her own room in the crib and she's doing great. We lay her down awake with her white noise maching and dreamlite, and she just lays there and looks around until she falls asleep. She's been sleeping 7-8 hours straight most nights. I think the crib must be more comfortable than the bassinet was. I hate that she's growing up so fast! I'm going to try to post a few pictures from flickr. I've never done it this way before so it may not work.



Awwww scooby she's so precious :) beautiful head of hair too!
Great pictures!

Amber has a snotty nose : ( Its been 4 hours since her last feed and I'm desperately trying to wake her to eat again but she just keeps going back to sleep. I'm not sure whether to leave her for a while longer or keep trying to wake her.
Bean - have you tried the nosefrida? We used it for the first time today and it is awesome! H can breathe so well now!
Daydream I'm not sure what that is but I just suctioned her nose a bit and it has helped.
Survived my first day back at work today. I got to skip all the "daycare" drama because Iz is with her dad this weekend. I have private daycare during the week so I don't think I'll ever have to have a melt down :)
Hi ladies I had to tell someone n they only place I knew I could tell is here. I'm so proud of my soon to be 15 month old. I just put together her toddler bed tonight n she went to sleep in it already no fight at all only took get thirty mins I'm do proud
It's so great when they do things like that easily bbygurl! I was lucky that DD1 took to her bed easily as well. Now my problem is getting DD2 to sleep in her crib! Last night was not successful at all!
That's awesome bbygurl!
Today I started to introduce the EASY method and also a new bedtime routine. I know its still early days but right now I'm really pleased that Amber put herself to sleep with no problems!
Great news bbygurl!

Sorry Tessa doesn't like her crib juless :( has she been in it for long? Hopefully it's just an adjustment period and she settles in it soon.

Bean, I use a saline nasal spray when Millie is a bit stuffed up and then use a suction ball to suck it all out!

Millie is still rolling :yipee: yesterday was not just a fluke! She's been performing for her daddy today. So proud!
Scooby Cam has as much hair as Cait does! She's adorable! And I can actually put it up in little tiny pigtails that are about 2'' long. So so cute! I don't leave them in though because I don't want to upset the skin on her scalp. I just quick take a pic and take them out. lol

Caitlyn got shots on Friday. It was no fun for either of us but she honestly did much better than I thought she would. She was cranky all that night though and I don't blame her. I did find out though that she is 10lb8oz and just over 22'' long. Still a peanut but bigger than I thought she would be. Doctor says she is doing fantastically and sooo alert.:thumbup:

As for sleeping, Cait is still going down around 1am and sleeping until 7 or 8 in a pack n play in our bedroom. After she eats at 7 or 8 she then goes back down, in her crib, for 2-4 more hours. Then she's pretty awake all day taking maybe one or 2 naps that are usually less than 2 hrs long and of course several cat naps.

Before Caitlyn went in her harness she was beginning to roll over also. She rolled from belly to back numerous times and back to belly twice. I suppose she was sort of an early bloomer because she began before she was even 2 months! However, now with her harness she cannot roll anymore:nope: I hope that she can resume after the harness comes off. We find out on Tuesday whether she has 3 more weeks in it or more. I hope it's only 3 weeks. I still hate seeing her in this thing...

Hope you're all well!

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