***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Wow IST Cait rolled from back to front before 2 months!? That's amazing and must be some kind of record surely!? What a clever girl!

Any other BF'ing mums finding their babies go days and days without pooping? I was worried a few weeks back but then discovered its totally normal as there's hardly any "waste" to come out with breast milk. When Millie does go though it really smells :rofl: it just has a very unpleasant smell, hard to explain lol!
Tess is breastfed and she poops all the time! Though she's starting to get a bit of a routine going, a few big poops early in the day, maybe one in the evening. lol! Hope it's normal for her to go that much!
Angelyca is breastfed n yes she goes a day or two without popping n yes it stinks. But when she does go after those days she goes like crazy. my big girl slept in her big girl bed all night without waking
I wish Camden went days without pooping, lol!! She goes probably 2-3 times a day, which is a huge improvement from her first few weeks when she was going 7-10 times a day. I'll take what I can get I guess!

Imsotired - Cait is so cute! I haven't tried pigtails yet, but I think there's enough hair for it, I've noticed its getting really long now as it kind of gets caught in my fingers when I'm rinsing it after washing. I love that I can put the little clippy bows in her hair though. I've tried a few bow headbands, but they leave indentations on her head.
Joseph is breastfed and saves it up for once a day now and it is HUGE! Leakes out so badly that he always needs a bath after it! It's usually early afternoon and means it we have to try time going out for after his poo. God knows what we would do if he did it out. He has to be changed immediately too and I have to be careful how I hold him or it presses it out if the nappy more!!!! Nice!!! :)
Oooh I'll count ourselves lucky Millie barely goes then! No wonder she's a little chunker though if she's not pooping any of it out :lol:
Wow, IST and Lolly, can't believe your DD's are rolling over already! Gabby wants none of that yet. I wonder if since she was born 2.5 weeks before her due date, if she will be behind for certain milestones, or if that doesn't matter? She also has no interest in grabbing toys.

Gabby poops all the time..i dont think i have changed an only wet diaper yet. But i have noticed her poops getting lighter, and then one or two monster ones throughout the day. Doc said its perfectly normal either way...can go several days without pooping or continue pooping at every changing.

I go back to work on Thursday. So sad! MIL is watching gabby thurs and friday and then next week she starts daycare.:cry:
Lolly I think Cait has rolled only because she moves so much. Since birth she has always wanted to be on her side and rolls herself to her side all of the time. When she got a bit bigger and stronger she just needed to push a little harder and poof, right over! But both times she rolled from back to belly her little arm was stuck underneath her. Below is a pic. I did think it was early when she started doing it but the doctor said some babies just roll early and it doesn't mean as much as crawling, sitting, etc. I think most babies roll around 3-4 months. But now, with her harness keeping her legs in the froggy position all of the time she cannot roll. I hope she can resume rolling when it comes off and I hope it comes off soon.We find out tomorrow.

Scooby I definately think you can put Cam's hair in pigtails! It's so cute but I worry about pullling Cait's hair so I don't leave them in really. I have to use those soft little rubberbands because her hair is so soft that nothing else will work. I just have the urge to do her hair because she has so much. Below is a pic.

As for pooping, Cait is a mostly formula fed baby now but she usually poops once or twice every other day. It isn't always the yellowy poop either any more because she gets very little breastmilk. Maybe up to an ounce at most before I give her a bottle. I'm not sure that there is a certain amount babies are supposed to poop though, everyone is different.

I hope you are all well!


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Awww she's so cute! I read on babycenter that rolling at 3 months is quite advanced, so from 2 months is pretty darn impressive :D I'm sure she'll be able to pick it right back up once her harness is off :) have you been told when that is yet?

I had Millie's passport pics taken today as we are off to Ireland soon and then to Menorca in the summer. She looks so cute and chubby!

We find out tomorrow whether it'll be 3 more weeks in the harness or more. I hope it's only 3 weeks but I'm not holding my breath. Fx'd it's good news!

Millie's got such cute chubby cheeks! Adorable!
Back to work today and trying to catch up on all of the posts. Here's a late picture of my Lilly in her valentine's outfit!


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Cait's pigtails are sooooo cute!!

And Lilly in her valentines outfit is adorable too!
Imsotired those pigtails are adorable!
Welcome back lily! How'd your first day go?
Lolly did you have any trouble getting the photos done? I had to get Ambers done at three weeks and what a mission!

We woke up this morning to a really thick blanket of snow this morning. Its the first time a friend has seen snow so we're going to build a snowman later!!

I had a real mom moment this morning. I went to change Ambers nappy and there was a small spot of poop & it didn't look like it had just happened. So I wiped her with a wet wipe and I don't know if that stimulated something but the poop shot out of her all over my hand!! And it just kept coming - talk about a poonami! Once I got that all cleaned and was about to do up the new nappy she decided she wasn't done. I waited a while and then stupidly moved the nappy and lent over to get a new one and she wee'd - all over the changing mat, the bed and my leg!
What a morning and it wasn't even 7am.
Oh Bean, what a morning you had!! Sorry but I had to laugh when I read it, hahaha. Silly babies are always keeping us on our toes.
Uh oh bean!! And yes btw, pressure to a baby's bottom usually stimulates movement :lol: it does to most baby animals actually!

It wasn't too bad getting her pics done - they just had me lay her down on a white mat. I did the same with my Amber 2 years ago. What did you have to do!? They didn't make you try hold her and then duck down so you were out of the shot?!
It wasn't too bad getting her pics done - they just had me lay her down on a white mat. I did the same with my Amber 2 years ago. What did you have to do!? They didn't make you try hold her and then duck down so you were out of the shot?!

Yes they did make me hold her!! Obviously I had to hold her head up so they ended up just photoshopping my hand out the picture!
Wow that seems like a lot of hard work! You should tell them about the laying down on a white mat trick ;) lol!

What a night :wacko: I'm pretty sure the 3 month growth spurt is upon us and its not nice! Millie usually sleeps through but will stir once or twice in the night so I usually feed her whilst she's still sleeping, or at least semi. The past few nights she's been waking every couple of hours or so for a feed and has thankfully slept straight away after each but last night she started at every 2 hours and then cut then down to 1 hourly intervals :sleep: I'm exhausted! She ended up staying in bed with me by 5am as I was too tired to lift her back into her basket. She slept a little better after that, but I'm not looking forward to tonight. Stupid growth spurts!
ImSoTired, I hope LO doesn't need the harness too much longer!
Lolly, oh no! Hope you have a better night tonight! I'm dreading the next growth spurt. It especially hard when you have a toddler as well, isn't it? Have to try to come up with some energy out of nowhere to get through the day!

I think I figured out why Tess won't settle in her crib. She spits up a lot, so I guess she has reflux. When she's sleeping in her swing or baby seat she sleeps great and I think it's because she's inclined, not lying flat. As soon as I lie her in her crib she starts grunting and seems uncomfortable. So I'm going to pick up a wedge for her crib today and we'll see how that goes! I'm hoping it improves things! I used to think she was great at sleeping through the night, but I'm realizing that it was just because we were co-sleeping, lol! I got much more sleep when she was in bed with me, and I think I even gave her feeds without remembering it since it's so easy. When she's not sleeping with me and I have to actually get up to pick her up to feed her I realize how much she's up!
I'm also having trouble with Joseph sleeping over last few nights. He did 2 nights about a week ago where he did 5.5 hrs then every hour and half (he was doing 3-3.5hrs twice before this). But last few nights its been 3.5 hours first sleep then 1-1.5 hours rest of night. It's like he wakes has a small feed enought to get back to sleep but its not satisfying him for long. I've tried nappy changing etc to get him to feed more but he will have none of it. I'm exhausted again!!

Any ideas?
I wonder if gabby is going through a growth spurt, or a wonder week. She was up extra early today, has eaten quite often today and yesterday evening, although she still slept for 8 hours last night. So much to learn with little babies. I hope she has her growth spurt on a weekend or right now, as i go back to work on Thursday! This will be an interesting transition. One day I will be able to think about it without crying!

Lolly, love the passport photos! Her cheeks are so chubby, just like Gabby's. Love it!!

Juless, i hope the wedge pillow does the trick for you! I have heard lots of good things about elevating the crib, just make sure to put it under the mattress, not on top (the advice of my Dr.)

Tooth, have you tried giving him a sleep feed just before you go to bed? Where you just pick him up, and top him off, without actually waking him? I have done this on days Gabby's schedule isn't quite normal and it seems to work.

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