***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks everyone. Ocean and bbygurl I'm sorry to hear about you Lo's toes and I know how you feel.The pics of your baby's are beautiful everyone. I love looking at them.
Today I'm still feeling really bad about Cait's hip. I don't think it's painful, and I don't think the harness bothers her for the most part, but I cannot help but worry about the idea of surgery. Most people see a great improvement after the first 2 weeks in the harness and we have seen none. Now we have a MINIMUM of 6 more weeks wearing this thing. The baby can't even wear pants and I worry about her being cold. It's been around 20 degrees here the last few days and the baby wakes up cold as her sleepsack hold her knees too close together so she cannot wear it and she always kicks off her blankets. Also I can't put her in her jumperoo or her walker, maybe ever. They will surely go to waste up in her closet in the boxes. If in 2 weeks we go for the ultrasound and there is still no change I don't know what to think. I suppose then the ortho will try to push the surgery? I can't imagine how awful and painful that type of surgery would be and it would surely hold her back developmentally? She's already had to stop her progress with rolling and she has a lot less tummy time due to the harness strapped across her chest making her uncomfy. I feel just awful and I don't know what to think. :cry:

I hope you are all well.
Love the new baby pics! Such healthy looking babies! Sorry about the feet problems, ocean and bbygurl. If it doesn't hurt them, I wouldn't worry too much.

Gabby is 12 weeks today! Weighed her, and she is 15 lbs! A woman at the grocery store came up to us and said 'wow, what a fat baby!' I wanted to punch her in the face. Who says that to a complete stranger? Grrr

Lolly, I know other women who have that same jumperoo. I have been looking for one, so maybe I should get that one. Looks good for younger babies with head support.
Love the pictures! Here are a few recent ones of Camden.



ocean - what gorgeous pictures of Oliver! I can understand your worries about his feet but don't forget, it's your choice if and when to proceed with surgery. Write a list of questions for the consultation so you don't forget the things you need to ask. Always find out the implications of doing nothing, possible complications and alternative options as well as timing of interventions.

tooth - more lovely photos of Joseph! Glad things went ok today. The magic of calpol!

I love all the baby photos - you can start to see their personalities already! Lolly - I reckon Millie really looks like you in that top photo x
Ist, so sorry about all your worries! Even if she needs surgery, babies rebound so quickly and she won't remember it when she is older. Hopefully more harness time works. And don't worry about slowing down her development. I was worried about gabby not spending enough time on her tummy and developing her neck and crawling muscles, and the pediatrician used the analogy about native Americans carrying babies around in papooses all day, and some other cultures constantly leaving babies on their backs, and all those babies develop just fine. She said no worries about not enough tummy time.

I start back to work tomorrow! Ahh! To those who pump, how many oz do you get each day? I'm worried I won't pump enough for the day to feed her.
IST :hugs: as Chloe said, if she does need surgery she will bounce back quicker at this age and it hopefully won't interrupt her developmentally either.

Chloe, OMG how annoying! I'd of hit the roof :trouble: strangers can be so ignorant and rude at times. People have commented on Millie being "chubby" which I don't mind as she is! But if someone ever called her fat I would kick them in their shin :rofl: my eldest was a tiny little thing until she finally started to podge up around 3months and people would comment on how "skinny" she was, and that is just as equally annoying. People need to just be quiet!

Scooby, Camden is such a little beauty :)

Honey.Bee, I think she looks like me on that pic too where as usually she is OH's double!

Went to my slimming club tonight and lost another 3lbs this week so I'm down 12lbs in total since starting :yipee: I will be slim for my summer holiday!!
Hi ladies. Today was horrible for me. Well dd1 is 23lbs 3.5ozs 50-75 percentile, 30 3/4” 50-75 percentile, n her head is 18” 50 percentile. She got two shots n she screamed worse than she ever has. She held her breath my mom had to tell her to breathe. It was awful. Angel is 8lbs 8ozs 5-10 percentile, 21 3/4” 25-50 percentile, n her head is 14 3/4” 25-50 percentile. When she got her shot she screamed really bad her fact got red n tears were just a flowing. I hated it so bad. Thank God dd1 don't get anymore shots until she id five.
Thanks everyone x

Honey, will do! I'm going to do some research on it this week. I've read though some forums and it seems to not affect most children so I'm feeling positive.

Yesterday wasn't a good day, he screamed from 4-8pm :( finally fell asleep then only got up once. Poor thing. I think it's because I had milk in my tea so I'm not doing that again!

Injections today! My mum is coming with thank goodness.

Can someone explain this percentile thing to me before I go in simple terms? X
Ok percentiles...... Its basically a way of charting how your little one is growing and how they compare to other babies of the same age. For example, with the weight percentile - if your LO is on the 75th centile it means that if 100 babies of the same age were lined up with the lightest at one end and the heaviest the other then yours would be 3/4 along the line with 1/4 babies heavier and 3/4 lighter. Usually your baby would be in roughly the same percentile for height and weight. Now, that said, what is more important is that LO follows their centile. By that I mean that if you are told LO is 91st centile at one weigh- in, you wouldn't expect him to drop to 50th centile the next visit. If this happens it means that a child might be failing to thrive and further investigation is required.
bbygurl - sorry you had a rough time with the girls. What did they say about Angel's weight? I would have thought that was pretty good going considering how tiny she was when she was born. All the jersey cream in the world is not going to let her catch up with a baby born 5lb heavier - not yet anyway. Think of it this way - you've nearly doubled her birthweight.

Lolly - well done on your weight loss. How much are you trying to lose? Have you noticed any effect on your milk supply?

Chloe - 15lb? Wow! I can't believe that woman. I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself. It's my pet hate when strangers offer 'advice' on how to look after my baby. Grrrrrr.

IST - I agree with the girls. IF, Cait does need surgery then she will bounce back. Honestly, it will be more traumatic for you than for her. She won't remember it and the pain relief during surgery these days is amazing. The anaesthetist will often give pain relief whilst the baby is asleep so they wake up comfortable. Don't stress - you are getting ahead of yourself. Be positive. As for developmental development - Ava won't even lie on her tummy for more than 5 mins and there is no sign of rolling. All babies are different anyway and Cait won't be left behind.

Scooby - lovely pics. Camden looks like a happy little thing!

Bean - How are you doing with Amber's weight? Hope FF is going well for you both.
Ocean, just as Honey.Bee explained the percentile is out of 100 children if yours is 91st percentile that means 9 children would be bigger and 90 smaller. The charts we have over here in the UK (in the red books) are actually based on BF babies and not a lot of people know that. I suppose it doesn't make much difference but within the first 2-3 months a BF baby can grow/gain a lot more than a FF baby so sometimes it can be a little off for FF babies.
Actually they didn't comment on her weight. So I'm guessing it was good with how much she weighed at birth. Last night was horrible to.they were both screaming in pain. My Gramma had to hold Angel while I cuddle Ella. Ella was crying half the night in pain didn't go to sleep until after 11. N Angel was running a fever. It was rough.
Angel is still feverish n Ella just woke up n cranky so we will see
I have a question for you ladies. Feel bit silly asking to be honest! Am planning to put Joseph into cot tonight as he is too big for carrycot now.

I've just been putting the sheets/blankets on at the foot to the cot. I just don't seem to be able to get them to tuck in neatly?? They're all bulky round the edges and under matress? Am wondering how I'll manage to tuck him in when he's asleep without ejecting him off the matress as I try lift it to tuck!!!

Am I being really stupid? Is there something I am doing wrong or is it tricky?

Are you all using blankets or the little sleeping bag things? I've looked at them but they don't seem very thick?? Seems odd baby in a 2.5tog sleeveless bag whilst me and hubby snuggle together under 13.5 tog??
We put Millie in a sleeping bag hun, 2.5 tog with a vest and sleepsuit. As long as the room isn't super cold he'll be fine in just that - remember, it's much better for them to be a little cold then to be too hot :flower: with blankets I would fold them so they are smaller and thicker and there should be less edging to tuck x
Thanks girls. We got home from jabs a couple of hours ago and he's doing well, just had a nap and a feed. I have him some calpol just in case. He was such a brave boy, cried really bad the second jab, prob because he thought it was over after the first :( bless him. He was so content and happy right before too.

He's nearly 12lbs! 5.38kg I think? She said he's 50th percentile I think, will check red book. Hv was v happy with him and said he seemed very alert and happy :)

I also think I spot a tooth coming and hv said she saw a little white point too, wtf?! He's been dribbling loads and pulling my finger into his mouth to chew. No more boobs for him if its the case!! :D
Honey thanks for asking! My scale finally arrived today and Amber now weighs 3.8kgs!!! So that's a 500g gain in a week and a half. Very happy about that.

Sorry for the difficulties some of you are going through. Its so hard to handle when all you want to do is protect them from the bad stuff.
bbygurl - hope things improve. Is Angel still feverish with calpol?

ocean - glad things weren't too traumatic but teething? That's early! Where is the white spot? (It's usually the lower incisor teeth that are first to come through). Ava is drooling more and wanting to chew but her teeth are nowhere near coming through (thank goodness!).

bean - great news! Well done you two. I bet you are feeling more relaxed now.

Tooth - yes we use 2.5 tog grobag, long sleeved vest and sleep suit. There is a good explanation on the gro-store website (click on any grobag then FAQ) but basically it says that as long as your nursery is 16-20 deg then 2.5 tog is fine as it surrounds the baby and traps a pocket of air. Seems to work for us but if your house is cold they also do a 3.5 tog version.

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