December Testers! Anyone else hoping for BFP for Christmas?

Hi ladies. I am having a rough morning. First tried to pee in a cup so I could see if my lh surge was over and spilled the urine all over myself. Then saw on fb that my niece is now expecting a baby in June. So I now have a niece and nephew each expecting a baby next year. I had a very slight temp rise this am so not sure if I ovulated last night or not. (I really hope not this way I still have a chance when I see hubby tonight in NYC.) Is 35 too old to have my second and final baby?
Congrats Wannabe!

Bab - Good luck with Clomid - I was on it for one cycle a few months ago.... Just as a warning, a lot of girls get a LOT of crazy symptoms on Clomid, so try not to drive yourself nuts symptom spotting lol.
AFM, I'm TTC #2 :) We got our DD on the first try, but #2 has been MUCH harder. I've had issues with super painful periods, gotten a slew of ultrasounds/bloodwork/and an HSG, was diagnosed with a complex ovarian cyst which they're still not sure if it's a hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst or endometriosis.... and this month I'm trying Letrozole (Femara) for the first time, with an HCG trigger and progesterone. :wacko: LOL It'll all be worth it to see a :bfp: though

Eclaire - :hugs: 35 is not too old for #2! Once you've had your first baby, your body gets a huge cleanse of a lot of hormones and kind of "resets" the clock. So some of the risks and issues with pregnancy after 35 are decreased if you've already had a pregnancy. LOL Or so the text books say, I'm not far behind you (I'm 32) and this one is WAY harder than when I was 29. FXed for us both :dust:
Blondie I was taking a low dose epo and it did increase my cm. I think you can go back to a lower dose if it stops your side effects. Also I love conceive plus. It is really easy to use and feels pretty natural. I will caution that if you have a fair amount of cm and use conceive plus it can become slightly messy when you add sperm to the mix. I use soft cups to help keep that river from spilling out. Good luck.
Blondie I was taking a low dose epo and it did increase my cm. I think you can go back to a lower dose if it stops your side effects. Also I love conceive plus. It is really easy to use and feels pretty natural. I will caution that if you have a fair amount of cm and use conceive plus it can become slightly messy when you add sperm to the mix. I use soft cups to help keep that river from spilling out. Good luck.

"keep that river from spilling out" - :haha:

Thanks for your advice Eclaire, I'll go back on to the lower dose and use my conceive plus too. I've still to take todays epo, so I'll start the lower dose again from today.
Hi everyone, I've not been on this thread for a while, just catching up! Congrats to all the ladies who got their bfp! This is looking to be a lucky month so far!

I'm currently cd9 and I usually ovulate cd14. So I've got around 5 days to go!

I'm wondering if any of you ladies have any advice you can give me on this... I started taking evening primrose oil last week to help with cm. I was taking 500mg. A few days ago I bought higher dose evening primrose capsules, which are 1000mg. Ever since I started taking the higher dose one, I've had mild af type cramps and some brown spotting (especially noticeable after bd'ing). But today, cd9, I have had a lot of ewcm - much more than usual which is great. So I'm thinking I should keep taking it until the day before I ovulate, but I hope this cramping and spotting is not going to affect my ovulation or fertility in any way. What would you do if this was you experiencing this? Also, I have bought conceive plus to use this cycle, so maybe the evening primrose oil for cm isn't really necessary. I don't know.

I would look up to see if that is a common side effect of primrose.. Isntead of that to help cm you could always try preseed :)
My hubby isn't a fan but it think he is just used to my cm which isnt much lol
Hi ladies. I am having a rough morning. First tried to pee in a cup so I could see if my lh surge was over and spilled the urine all over myself. Then saw on fb that my niece is now expecting a baby in June. So I now have a niece and nephew each expecting a baby next year. I had a very slight temp rise this am so not sure if I ovulated last night or not. (I really hope not this way I still have a chance when I see hubby tonight in NYC.) Is 35 too old to have my second and final baby?

Eclaire - I sure hope not because I'm 34, been trying for almost a year now, and I don't have any take home babies....just one miscarriage :nope:
Hi ladies. I am having a rough morning. First tried to pee in a cup so I could see if my lh surge was over and spilled the urine all over myself. Then saw on fb that my niece is now expecting a baby in June. So I now have a niece and nephew each expecting a baby next year. I had a very slight temp rise this am so not sure if I ovulated last night or not. (I really hope not this way I still have a chance when I see hubby tonight in NYC.) Is 35 too old to have my second and final baby?

Definitely NOT too old to have another! You are still young! :)
And try to be happy for your niece and nephew! They are probably both excited and scared and need the reassurance. <3
My story: Im 25 Years old, my 2nd month TTC (a bit sad because im having all AF symptoms the last couple of days and i do not think i made it this month either, i test on friday). Awhile back i was told i MIGHT have endometriosis just from my symptoms but they would have to do a test to confirm it, I have yet done the test (back then i was not wanting kids, i was still trying to get to learn myself and get a stable career, didnt want to bring someone else into that) now im wanting a child extremely bad with the love of my life, yet scared to go see if i have it or anything else. I use to get cysts a lot but they have went away when i started BC, been off BC for a few years and have had no issues just terrible cramps at times. I was told i was healthy and my body can handle a baby so if i wanted to try it all naturally there wouldn't be an issue, however i planned a appt with my doctors to do tests and what not after this cycle if i cannot conceive just to be 100% sure i am okay and im just taking a little bit to conceive and it not being anything else (i read that usually people who are trying with no issues can take up to 3-6 months). I rather do it all the natural way if possible because i hate taking medicines unless i have too. I have had a rough year, lost my father in march very unexpectedly, best friend in may from cancer and just so much. My sister thankfully blessed us all with good news recently that she is pregnant, so i hope to be able to share the same news soon as well. I have met some amazing ladies on here and learned a lot so far :) I learned im a symptom spotter and i need rehab for it (hehe jk), but i have taught myself to just stop sometimes (even tho its still in the back of my head). I also think if i had tons of tests i would be a POAS addict as well. I hate suspense and the unknowing but it will be worth it in the end when i get my BFP one day. i just need to stay positive. I get worried if i talk to people about whats going on with me i will jinx it. (im weird) okay, ill stop talking... i just woke up and had a little bit of coffee, i am ready to talk talk talk! hahahah sorry.
Congrats Wannabe!

Bab - Good luck with Clomid - I was on it for one cycle a few months ago.... Just as a warning, a lot of girls get a LOT of crazy symptoms on Clomid, so try not to drive yourself nuts symptom spotting lol.
AFM, I'm TTC #2 :) We got our DD on the first try, but #2 has been MUCH harder. I've had issues with super painful periods, gotten a slew of ultrasounds/bloodwork/and an HSG, was diagnosed with a complex ovarian cyst which they're still not sure if it's a hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst or endometriosis.... and this month I'm trying Letrozole (Femara) for the first time, with an HCG trigger and progesterone. :wacko: LOL It'll all be worth it to see a :bfp: though

Eclaire - :hugs: 35 is not too old for #2! Once you've had your first baby, your body gets a huge cleanse of a lot of hormones and kind of "resets" the clock. So some of the risks and issues with pregnancy after 35 are decreased if you've already had a pregnancy. LOL Or so the text books say, I'm not far behind you (I'm 32) and this one is WAY harder than when I was 29. FXed for us both :dust:

Oh wow! You sound like you have been keeping busy with this! Hopefully it is just a cyst. They are painful as heck when they repture but they do go away :)
I have heard lots of success stories with Femera but also that the trigger shot can produce false positive hpt's. Idk if this is true because I've never tried it, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared!
:babydust: Good luck this cycle!!
Hi ladies. I am having a rough morning. First tried to pee in a cup so I could see if my lh surge was over and spilled the urine all over myself. Then saw on fb that my niece is now expecting a baby in June. So I now have a niece and nephew each expecting a baby next year. I had a very slight temp rise this am so not sure if I ovulated last night or not. (I really hope not this way I still have a chance when I see hubby tonight in NYC.) Is 35 too old to have my second and final baby?

I do not think you are too old! I have seen women on the news at 60 getting pregnant, my mom was 30 something (with a prolapsed uterus) and dad 40 something (with a vasectomy and they cut a little extra to make sure no more), and look at me! LOL they said i should NOT have happened and this was a miracle (both are my biological parents). I believe all things are possible, even if doctors say no. Stay positive :)
Hi everyone, I've not been on this thread for a while, just catching up! Congrats to all the ladies who got their bfp! This is looking to be a lucky month so far!

I'm currently cd9 and I usually ovulate cd14. So I've got around 5 days to go!

I'm wondering if any of you ladies have any advice you can give me on this... I started taking evening primrose oil last week to help with cm. I was taking 500mg. A few days ago I bought higher dose evening primrose capsules, which are 1000mg. Ever since I started taking the higher dose one, I've had mild af type cramps and some brown spotting (especially noticeable after bd'ing). But today, cd9, I have had a lot of ewcm - much more than usual which is great. So I'm thinking I should keep taking it until the day before I ovulate, but I hope this cramping and spotting is not going to affect my ovulation or fertility in any way. What would you do if this was you experiencing this? Also, I have bought conceive plus to use this cycle, so maybe the evening primrose oil for cm isn't really necessary. I don't know.

I would look up to see if that is a common side effect of primrose.. Isntead of that to help cm you could always try preseed :)
My hubby isn't a fan but it think he is just used to my cm which isnt much lol

Thanks BABTTC, I bought some conceive plus to use this cycle, so I'll see how I get on with it. I wasn't sure whether to buy that or preseed, but I ended up going with the conceive plus.
Not sure why it only posted the first line lol. I am due for AF December 13th. This is the first month I have taken clomid 100 and progesterone. I am 25 the hub is 26 and we've been trying for almost 3.5 years. :-\
Good luck to you all and congrats on the BFPs!
My story: Im 25 Years old, my 2nd month TTC (a bit sad because im having all AF symptoms the last couple of days and i do not think i made it this month either, i test on friday). Awhile back i was told i MIGHT have endometriosis just from my symptoms but they would have to do a test to confirm it, I have yet done the test (back then i was not wanting kids, i was still trying to get to learn myself and get a stable career, didnt want to bring someone else into that) now im wanting a child extremely bad with the love of my life, yet scared to go see if i have it or anything else. I use to get cysts a lot but they have went away when i started BC, been off BC for a few years and have had no issues just terrible cramps at times. I was told i was healthy and my body can handle a baby so if i wanted to try it all naturally there wouldn't be an issue, however i planned a appt with my doctors to do tests and what not after this cycle if i cannot conceive just to be 100% sure i am okay and im just taking a little bit to conceive and it not being anything else (i read that usually people who are trying with no issues can take up to 3-6 months). I rather do it all the natural way if possible because i hate taking medicines unless i have too. I have had a rough year, lost my father in march very unexpectedly, best friend in may from cancer and just so much. My sister thankfully blessed us all with good news recently that she is pregnant, so i hope to be able to share the same news soon as well. I have met some amazing ladies on here and learned a lot so far :) I learned im a symptom spotter and i need rehab for it (hehe jk), but i have taught myself to just stop sometimes (even tho its still in the back of my head). I also think if i had tons of tests i would be a POAS addict as well. I hate suspense and the unknowing but it will be worth it in the end when i get my BFP one day. i just need to stay positive. I get worried if i talk to people about whats going on with me i will jinx it. (im weird) okay, ill stop talking... i just woke up and had a little bit of coffee, i am ready to talk talk talk! hahahah sorry.

I am sorry to hear about your losses :(
I hope that you can figure out what is going on! Even if you do have endometriosis it doesn't mean you can't conceive. My SIL had it and she had surgery to correct it. Since then she has had two amazing children and one ectopic pregnancy that she didn't quite catch in time so she lost her tube.. But that can happen to anyone so I wouldn't read into that part lol

What cd and dpo are you?
My story: Im 25 Years old, my 2nd month TTC (a bit sad because im having all AF symptoms the last couple of days and i do not think i made it this month either, i test on friday). Awhile back i was told i MIGHT have endometriosis just from my symptoms but they would have to do a test to confirm it, I have yet done the test (back then i was not wanting kids, i was still trying to get to learn myself and get a stable career, didnt want to bring someone else into that) now im wanting a child extremely bad with the love of my life, yet scared to go see if i have it or anything else. I use to get cysts a lot but they have went away when i started BC, been off BC for a few years and have had no issues just terrible cramps at times. I was told i was healthy and my body can handle a baby so if i wanted to try it all naturally there wouldn't be an issue, however i planned a appt with my doctors to do tests and what not after this cycle if i cannot conceive just to be 100% sure i am okay and im just taking a little bit to conceive and it not being anything else (i read that usually people who are trying with no issues can take up to 3-6 months). I rather do it all the natural way if possible because i hate taking medicines unless i have too. I have had a rough year, lost my father in march very unexpectedly, best friend in may from cancer and just so much. My sister thankfully blessed us all with good news recently that she is pregnant, so i hope to be able to share the same news soon as well. I have met some amazing ladies on here and learned a lot so far :) I learned im a symptom spotter and i need rehab for it (hehe jk), but i have taught myself to just stop sometimes (even tho its still in the back of my head). I also think if i had tons of tests i would be a POAS addict as well. I hate suspense and the unknowing but it will be worth it in the end when i get my BFP one day. i just need to stay positive. I get worried if i talk to people about whats going on with me i will jinx it. (im weird) okay, ill stop talking... i just woke up and had a little bit of coffee, i am ready to talk talk talk! hahahah sorry.

I am sorry to hear about your losses :(
I hope that you can figure out what is going on! Even if you do have endometriosis it doesn't mean you can't conceive. My SIL had it and she had surgery to correct it. Since then she has had two amazing children and one ectopic pregnancy that she didn't quite catch in time so she lost her tube.. But that can happen to anyone so I wouldn't read into that part lol

What cd and dpo are you?

I am 11dpo, I tested at 8dpo and it was a BFN (too early i know but the tests were yelling my name from the other room "Pee on meeeee peee onnnn meee") WORSE DECISION. I retest on the 5th (AF is due that day, been having AF symptoms the last couple of days so i have no idea what to think except "this is not my month again" I was so positive, but lately been a downer.
Hey I have read that lots of women don't get a positive until a day before AF at the soonest! I have read that other can go a week after AF is due before seeing those two lines :)
I can relate with being a downer though lol even though it is still a little early for me to get a bfp I just feel like it isn't going to happen. After seeing negative tests for sooo long I can't help but to think it just isn't going to happen :/
Blondie....I take 1000 mg 3 times a day from cd5 until ovulation. It can cause uterine contractions. Maybe that's what's going on with you? Have you tried Mucinex instead?

afm...I am just hanging out at 7dpo with absolutely nothing to report, not even a little cramp, except a crazy chart that makes absolutely no sense. :shrug: Oh well, only time will tell!
at Nurse Ginger sorry to hear of whats happening. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.

I hope all of us get a nice surprise. Even though I am back at feeling sad :(
BAB, I'm 30 years old and I've been married for just over three years. I had two miscarriages followed by a year of TTC on progesterone. I finally got pregnant with my now 15 month old son. Ideally we would like a #2 to be a year apart. When he turned a year we stopped trying NOT to get pregnant and I became pregnant immediately. It was quite a lovely surprise. Unfortunately I hadn't yet begun my progesterone and we ended up miscarrying that one as well. Now I'm back on my progesterone and this time I'm doing my OPK and BBT. The progesterone adds a level of difficulty because if taken too soon it can prevent ovulation and if taken too late (and I conceive) I could miscarry again. It also give me all the symptoms of pregnancy so it really messes with me mentally. It's well worth it if we are successful though. I'm having an a exceptionally difficult time because my SIL is pregnant with my latest's due date so now that she is 16 weeks, I know I should be as well. Not to mention my MIL wants me pregnant so badly she asks me every time I see her if I'm keeping up on my medicine. Awkward!
Hi ladies. I am having a rough morning. First tried to pee in a cup so I could see if my lh surge was over and spilled the urine all over myself. Then saw on fb that my niece is now expecting a baby in June. So I now have a niece and nephew each expecting a baby next year. I had a very slight temp rise this am so not sure if I ovulated last night or not. (I really hope not this way I still have a chance when I see hubby tonight in NYC.) Is 35 too old to have my second and final baby?

Absolutely not! I am 35 also, DH is 39 and we are trying for our 3rd. We have 2 daughters, 17 & 9. We are crazy! :haha:

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