December Testers! Anyone else hoping for BFP for Christmas?

Hi ladies hope eveyone is well! Feeling really discouraged today, I was so sure this was our month, but I am 1-4 days from AF and here's this mornings tests:20141204_094258-1-1.jpg



FMU at 4am ish after puppy woke me up crying. My temp was still acceptably high so I tested, but I didn't snap a pic until 8 am, so what I thought I saw could have been a sleepy hallucination or could have dried bfn, but I didn't expect a bfp today as Mary thinks I'm around 4-6dpo. My temp was slightly higher today than yest so cautiously hopeful. Trying to be patient and not test, but SOME PEOPLE (hint hint) won't let me :rofl: Anywhoo.. Orion, as it's my first cycle post mirena, I assume it could just be wacky. I did spot for a week after removal, but I didn't count that as a period, only as the side effect of the hysteroscopy.


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I've been temping too but 4 some reason, I don't believe the temps. When you Google the temp charts, there are so many theories it seems impossible to figure out. So after O day, my temps were consistently 98.1 for about a week. Then there was a slight dip of 97.3-97.5 temps (just a few days). My temp today was 98.4 and is never been that high. I know there's talk about the implantation dip. I'll keep my FX just because I'll believe in all the positive pregnancy symptoms, lol!
welcome comet!!

I'm around 9 dpo today, kinda feel the same as I always do around this time. If I'm correct when I O'd AF will be here Monday. Going to try to hold off til then to test. Its so hard to do. :haha:
KrissyB- It would be nice if the symptoms weren't so darn similar!!
I keep having SHARP and painful cramps randomely throughout the day. It switches from th left side to the right side. My temps are hella high right now averaging 98.2 F. Usually 97.4 F. They have been elevated for 3 days now. I am hoping that means my progesterone is building!!!
I think by Saturday I will buy some FRER and see what those say if I keep getting bfn...

Hiphophooray- there is still plenty of time for the hcg levels to increase and show a bfp! fx for you!

Quarida- When are you suppose to test??

Wmelon- I have read lots of different theories as well! It is a bit frustrating because my dr recommended I temp :/ Mine were crazy before O and then they stabalized until the sudden rise I have been having.
I use opk to chart O, it seems easier :)

Orion- fx it was IB!!!

I didnt catch up with all but this is a good start lol

Anyways, as I said above, I have been having random sharp and painful cramps on each side of my uterus.
TMI--- on the right side of my pooch (area right under belly but above clit) it has been sore and weird feeling... Idk what to think of it because it is a new experience for me... A little tender to touch if I mess with it for too long, but not bad.
Been horny for the past week, back aches daily, insomnia! I blamed my dogs at first but they have been loaded up the past two nights and i still can't sleep!!!
Temps high!! Click my tracker to see my chart and tell me what you think, please!
Hey ladies! Crappy bfn's. I had another this morning on a strip. Going to do a frer tomorrow morning and if it's another bfn, I'll count myself out. Been symptom spotting like crazy. I'm so sorry this is so tough for all of us. We need to try to stay positive and look for the silver linings. It will be nice to drink during the holidays, especially for people like me who suffer from extreme inlaw stress. Xoxo.
alot of tmi: I dont know whats going on, this period its weird. I was suppose to of started the 5th however started this morning. Im cramping but i feel like it usually is worse, my bleeding is bright, this morning there was a good amount (used 1 tampon filled it up, then put another in), when i was wiping there is usually a lot but not this time. I was laying down and just felt so weak, headache, fatigue, dizziness. I got up and felt like i was about to pass out, i hurried and sat down. Took the tampon out (maybe half way used up?), decided to not use a tampon and just stick with a pad for now. I usually cramp pretty bad but these other symptoms are different i think. As i was eating i started feeling these weird vibration things in the middle of my lower abdomen (around uterus area), about 5 different times lasting 1-2 sec, i have no idea. maybe im just having an awful AF this go around, wouldnt surprise me. Its crappy enough i got a BFN this morning, no need for all this extra stuff.

Hey nurse ginger :( I really feel for you. I'm due tomorrow and I cracked. Nothing tho. Just a bfn, safe to say I'm out aswell :( should be testing around the 2nd of jan but will put in for the 31st of December. I hope you feel better. And I hope the magic of Christmas brings you your own little bundle xx hugs xx

Thank you, i hope so too and i hope that you get a BFP still. im trying to stay positive!! it can be hard, thankfully im keeping myself busy by doing the last of school work i need before my finals this semester and just finding ways to stay focused. I usually work out and have slacked lately, i started back Monday only to be in pain on Wednesday.. soooo frustrating. I was also told i got "fat" today... I only gained 10-15lbs, no reason to be so rude about it. i was 127 around the time my father died in march, i used exercising to cope then i started to get outta my slump and now im like 136. some people can be so rude. sorry i needed to vent, i got a little off topic. anywho, im still keeping my fingers crossed for you!! You arent out till the wicked witch shows!
Hey everyone! I am 9dpo and my resolve to not test is quickly wavering! I started crying when I was watching a TEDTalk this morning about music education for children. :haha: :dohh: No idea what was up with that, but of course my symptom spotting jumped into high gear! #-o
Ugh, NurseGinger, whoever said that to you--very rude! Good luck with finishing up your school semester! Makes for a good distraction. :thumbup:
Ugh, NurseGinger, whoever said that to you--very rude! Good luck with finishing up your school semester! Makes for a good distraction. :thumbup:

I was taking my trash out and my neighbor yelled it across the way.. I looked over and was like "are you serious?! that was really rude!" I figured it was because i was wearing the bf jacket (hes 220lbs but doesnt look it at all and 6'3 so his jacket is big on me), she walks up to me and continued to say it again while looking me up and down. Normally im one to say what i feel and not care, but i took in consideration her mother passing away on thanksgiving and i just bit my tongue. Not worth it....
Nurseginger- There is NO excuse for her to be that way! You are NOT fat in any way!

MrsG09- Idk how you can wait this long!! I keep failing at the waiting game xD

Sass827- How many dpo are you?
Well.... that didn't last long.

I'm off Femara (I was 3/5 days in). Last night I started getting the same pains and cramps I had with Clomid on the same side as my cyst. I didn't think that was supposed to happen, so I called the RE - and he told me to stop taking the pills and come in Saturday (the earliest I could) for another scan and blood work. I'm guessing this means the whole month is shot. :xmas18: So much for a christmas bfp I guess.
Hey Guys, How are you all doing?

@ KrissyB, I am sorry you are having to go through all of that.

@ JandJPlus1, Before my surgery in April I had really heavy and painful af that were 10-20 days long. Now they are the same for the most part except they are 3-10 days long. Except for some reason when I ovulate from my left side I have lighter almost spotting af. Now when I ovulate from my right side it is like the flood gates open during my af. Sorry Tmi.

@ Orionfox, I hope it is a good sign Fx'd

@ Onetubeleft, Do you want me to go ahead and move you to the 31st?

@ Loobs, I get really sick during af from how much pain I am in. No one else around me does. I have been told to suck it up because it is all apart of being a girl. I really want to punch them in the throat when they say that. Because they have no clue what it is like. But I am not a violent person.

Afm I have really watery cm again. I think I am 4dpo. But I have been spotting on and off since Sunday. No cramping though so I don't know what is going on there. I am tired all the time. I can't seem to get enough sleep.
Come on ladies let's get some BFP's! I'm 8 DPO and no symptoms over here.
alot of tmi: I dont know whats going on, this period its weird. I was suppose to of started the 5th however started this morning. Im cramping but i feel like it usually is worse, my bleeding is bright, this morning there was a good amount (used 1 tampon filled it up, then put another in), when i was wiping there is usually a lot but not this time. I was laying down and just felt so weak, headache, fatigue, dizziness. I got up and felt like i was about to pass out, i hurried and sat down. Took the tampon out (maybe half way used up?), decided to not use a tampon and just stick with a pad for now. I usually cramp pretty bad but these other symptoms are different i think. As i was eating i started feeling these weird vibration things in the middle of my lower abdomen (around uterus area), about 5 different times lasting 1-2 sec, i have no idea. maybe im just having an awful AF this go around, wouldnt surprise me. Its crappy enough i got a BFN this morning, no need for all this extra stuff.

Hey nurse ginger :( I really feel for you. I'm due tomorrow and I cracked. Nothing tho. Just a bfn, safe to say I'm out aswell :( should be testing around the 2nd of jan but will put in for the 31st of December. I hope you feel better. And I hope the magic of Christmas brings you your own little bundle xx hugs xx

Thank you, i hope so too and i hope that you get a BFP still. im trying to stay positive!! it can be hard, thankfully im keeping myself busy by doing the last of school work i need before my finals this semester and just finding ways to stay focused. I usually work out and have slacked lately, i started back Monday only to be in pain on Wednesday.. soooo frustrating. I was also told i got "fat" today... I only gained 10-15lbs, no reason to be so rude about it. i was 127 around the time my father died in march, i used exercising to cope then i started to get outta my slump and now im like 136. some people can be so rude. sorry i needed to vent, i got a little off topic. anywho, im still keeping my fingers crossed for you!! You arent out till the wicked witch shows!

Ginger! Shut the hell up! How dare they! I am absolutely livid for you! I hate people like that! I know it's easy to say 'aww ignore them' but my god, someone who shouts over like that quite frankly has no need and Shouldnt pose any kind of influence on your life. Screw them! What a vile creature! It doesn't even bare thinking about. Stupid bitter woman!
I'm sorry to hear about your father babes. That must have been horrific for you *hugs* xxx

I on the other hand have took another test tonight. (Bfn) but around 4pm I had af show... Boooo :( HOWEVER. I've stopped. How very strange....

Em, honey. I'm gonna hold off and see if af decides to show up again and keep you all informed!

I feel like I've become so close to the women here. Feeling their pain and going through things with you that even your loved ones don't even know about. How lovely is it that we can Unite. And support one another? Pretty amazing stuff... (Sorry for the emotional stuff)

Ginger, that person is an absolute discrase sweetness; you keep your head high! Xx
alot of tmi: I dont know whats going on, this period its weird. I was suppose to of started the 5th however started this morning. Im cramping but i feel like it usually is worse, my bleeding is bright, this morning there was a good amount (used 1 tampon filled it up, then put another in), when i was wiping there is usually a lot but not this time. I was laying down and just felt so weak, headache, fatigue, dizziness. I got up and felt like i was about to pass out, i hurried and sat down. Took the tampon out (maybe half way used up?), decided to not use a tampon and just stick with a pad for now. I usually cramp pretty bad but these other symptoms are different i think. As i was eating i started feeling these weird vibration things in the middle of my lower abdomen (around uterus area), about 5 different times lasting 1-2 sec, i have no idea. maybe im just having an awful AF this go around, wouldnt surprise me. Its crappy enough i got a BFN this morning, no need for all this extra stuff.

Hey nurse ginger :( I really feel for you. I'm due tomorrow and I cracked. Nothing tho. Just a bfn, safe to say I'm out aswell :( should be testing around the 2nd of jan but will put in for the 31st of December. I hope you feel better. And I hope the magic of Christmas brings you your own little bundle xx hugs xx

Thank you, i hope so too and i hope that you get a BFP still. im trying to stay positive!! it can be hard, thankfully im keeping myself busy by doing the last of school work i need before my finals this semester and just finding ways to stay focused. I usually work out and have slacked lately, i started back Monday only to be in pain on Wednesday.. soooo frustrating. I was also told i got "fat" today... I only gained 10-15lbs, no reason to be so rude about it. i was 127 around the time my father died in march, i used exercising to cope then i started to get outta my slump and now im like 136. some people can be so rude. sorry i needed to vent, i got a little off topic. anywho, im still keeping my fingers crossed for you!! You arent out till the wicked witch shows!

Ginger! Shut the hell up! How dare they! I am absolutely livid for you! I hate people like that! I know it's easy to say 'aww ignore them' but my god, someone who shouts over like that quite frankly has no need and Shouldnt pose any kind of influence on your life. Screw them! What a vile creature! It doesn't even bare thinking about. Stupid bitter woman!
I'm sorry to hear about your father babes. That must have been horrific for you *hugs* xxx

I on the other hand have took another test tonight. (Bfn) but around 4pm I had af show... Boooo :( HOWEVER. I've stopped. How very strange....

Em, honey. I'm gonna hold off and see if af decides to show up again and keep you all informed!

I feel like I've become so close to the women here. Feeling their pain and going through things with you that even your loved ones don't even know about. How lovely is it that we can Unite. And support one another? Pretty amazing stuff... (Sorry for the emotional stuff)

Ginger, that person is an absolute discrase sweetness; you keep your head high! Xx

thank you, i seriously just wanted to flip out but i have had such a poop weekend my energy level was low and im like "forget it..jsut forget it" And i agree on feeling close to everyone. I recently just joined but its crazy how close i feel i am too some of the ladies. I can come here and vent and share whats going on and not feel judge or feel im jinxing everything.. I have no one here but my bf i can talk too and i rather not even talk to him just because im keeping it a surprise from everyone till i get my BFP, and my other friends are busy with their other stuff in life that i dont want to bother them with what im going through, plus most have no chilren or dont want them so i just keep to myself unless im on here. its nice :) wish us ladies lived closer!
Nurse - I totally get what you mean; we can be our crazy ttc selves here and be relaxed about it. I was told I have gotten fat recently, and I haven't even gained 5 pounds.

BAB - Idk when I'll test again. I was saying Friday, but if I'm 6dpo like Mary said I might be, I *should* wait till Sunday or Monday. I'll probably test in the am though..
Nurse - I totally get what you mean; we can be our crazy ttc selves here and be relaxed about it. I was told I have gotten fat recently, and I haven't even gained 5 pounds.

BAB - Idk when I'll test again. I was saying Friday, but if I'm 6dpo like Mary said I might be, I *should* wait till Sunday or Monday. I'll probably test in the am though..

I do not get what makes someone feel its okay to randomly tell someone they are "fat" or "gaining weight" i do not do that to others... not unless they ask me for a 100% honest opinion. People are going through things everyday no need to put them down or make them feel less of themselves. grrr oh well. I cant control others actions but i can control my own (SOMETIMES lol)
I agree; it's worse when women say it, too, because we are the reason we are all so insecure and stressed. Most guys won't way that anymore (at least, they won't say it to me, because I have a killer, and infamous, right hook) but we women are more judgmental. But weight comments, they are NOT appropriate under normal circumstances, unless they are telling you how fabulous you look. ;)
Nurse, it sounds to me like she is a very insecure and unstable person. Even if that were true (which it's NOT), no person in their right mind would say that to someone. She is clearly a miserable person and wants to make others miserable too. I'm know it's easier said than done but try not to let her succeed. :hugs:

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