December Testers! Anyone else hoping for BFP for Christmas?

Haha sex dreams when pregnant! Absolutely! Kinky and strange as heck!

Mammabunny2, the girl turned out not to be a girl.... Hahaha have totally had that dream too! I think it has something to do with finding women beautiful but really enjoying the man parts lol.
Two questions to the group:
1- what's everyone's thoughts on using the wondfo's to track the increase in hcg? Is it legit? If so, how often should I do it?
2- has anyone looked into the August pregnancy discussion group? I peeked last night and it already has over 104 pages. I feel like I'm too far behind already. Anyone want to start a new one or will this group just be moved on its own eventually? I think my last ttc group got moved on its own by the moderator.

I'm all for a new August thread!

So after looking at it again I changed my mind. This one is even darker than yesterday's because the test line is as dark as the control line this time, not just close. I'm so excited. I just want a healthy baby but I kind of hope it's a girl because I already have my boy. :)

It's so dark, it's beautiful. I can't believe I'm not even 4 weeks yet. I can't stop staring at it. :)

I look at mine all the time too. :hugs:

Deductive, do it!!
Ya'll encouraged me, I did at work and was expecting the same!!


This thread has been inspiring for me. i don't get to post much but i follow closely whats happening here. for those who have gotten their BFP congrats again and those waiting it's coming pretty soon.:dust:

I got my :bfp: this morning i'm overwhelmed and scared. hope this is the one that stays put.


I really feel like this is a super lucky thread! I'm still going to lurk on the new ones to make sure all you lady's get your BFP's!
LOL Another day, another :bfp: in here!

Congrats abydix! H&H 9 months! :baby:

Macy - I think Emilie has been doing a great job keeping track on the first page (especially with how fast things have been moving), so I think with hopefully and abydix, we're up to 14 already!
Lol, enjoying all the dream analysis on here today!

Just got bloodwork back. Beta hcg at 40 and progesterone at 25. Pregnancy confirmed! Blood drawn 10dpo. First shadow line on test appeared two days before. Anyone know if these are good numbers? What numbers have other ladies gotten in the early days?

I go back next week for a second blood test before scheduling first prenatal visit. What should I be hoping to see then (besides still pregnant of course!)?
Hey guys, am new here would it be ok to join in on this have joined a few others,but no1 has welcomed me much,am currently trying for baby number 2 havent been on the pill since I had my son n he was 2 in Aug but been really trying for last 15 months with no luck,have since found out I have cysts on both ovaries which could be the reason am not getting bfp,am hoping this month will be my lucky month am testing just now but so far bfn,i will post my chart see what yous all think As I though I ovulated cycle day 13 as really felt it but my chart keeps changing,sending baby dust to everyone n congratulations to everyone with bfp's
Welcome Bond girl, hope this is your lucky month! I have an 18 month old and am trying for #2 so we are in a similar boat. I haven't been trying as long as you, i had an angel baby over the summer and am hoping for a BFP soon. Baby dust to you!
Bondgirl are there any symptoms to having cysts on your ovaries, like severe cramping or anything? How did you find out?

And where do you get those cute little hcg sticks that look like opk sticks? I've never seen them before except for on this site. I always buy the pricey plastic HPTs :shrug:
Thanks for the welcome 1atalanta,that's gud were in the same boat,how long have u been trying for,sorry about ur angel baby,hopefully this will be ur lucky month,r u in the tww yet,I struggled to carry my first son had 4miscarriages n I think the only reason I carried him was coz I read on google to take baby aspirin which I did up until about 7months pregnant so maybe I should try this again,have never charted before so not sure if my chart looks good or not for this month,baby dust to u x
I didnt think to look on the first page, silly me, thanks! Wow so many bfps!

Afm today is my 6th day in a row of +opk. :xmas13: My period is due in a week. Maybe they just stay + til :af: comes?
Thanks mamabunny2 for the welcome,my symptoms happened about few weeks after having my emergency c section I started getting really bad pains in right hand side of lower abdominal they kept telling me was coz of section this has went on for over 2years now but few months ago they scanned me n found cysts on both ovaries so am waiting to be sent to gyni,but having to wait 12weeks to get appointment,so if u keep having persistent Pain I would ask to be scanned of feels very similar to ovulating pains but all the time n some days r a lot worse than others,u get they sticks from amazon or ebay I order them all the time lol obsessed with testing now but always bfn n starting to get me down coz been trying so long now,baby dust to u x
And where do you get those cute little hcg sticks that look like opk sticks? I've never seen them before except for on this site. I always buy the pricey plastic HPTs :shrug:

Not sure if this was addressed to everyone and not so sure the ones I buy are cute :shrug: but I get the little hcg strips online. I buy wondfos (some also usually come with my opk strips) but I think there are others out there. People often refer to these as ICs or (internet) cheapies.

They are a must for early testers and POAS addicts. I would probably have spent my life's savings on tests by now if I didn't use them! The little strips are usually a dollar or less per test depending on the quantity you buy. I think similar tests are sold at dollar stores and other such shops. Just be sure to check what the sensitivity is before buying a bunch! I have found my wondfos to be very sensitive, but often there are messed up tests (dents in the strip and dye issues especially) so they aren't quite as cheap as they seem. But I definitely think they are the way to go. I can pretty much test at will :happydance:
Went to the doc, it was the other doctor that was in the operating room when I had my c-section so that made me feel better because he knows who I am. Got my blood drawn but don't know when I will get the results. I'm going to call on Tuesday because my dr is gone on holiday and now the other dr is leaving on holiday this weekend too. Hopefully whoever is covering his patients will tell me my number. I have an ultrasound booked for January 14th and another dr appointment on January 15th so I'm pretty excited about that. I've chosen to just stop worrying about miscarrying as much as I can because I'm not bleeding and I still have all my symptoms. :)
Went to the doc, it was the other doctor that was in the operating room when I had my c-section so that made me feel better because he knows who I am. Got my blood drawn but don't know when I will get the results. I'm going to call on Tuesday because my dr is gone on holiday and now the other dr is leaving on holiday this weekend too. Hopefully whoever is covering his patients will tell me my number. I have an ultrasound booked for January 14th and another dr appointment on January 15th so I'm pretty excited about that. I've chosen to just stop worrying about miscarrying as much as I can because I'm not bleeding and I still have all my symptoms. :)

Congratulations on ur Bfp hope u have a healthy 9mnths did u chart at all if so what was ur chart like am trying to find out if mine looks ok or not x
So I just had to point this out because I thought it was hilarious. My bladder was hurting earlier because i hadn't been drinking enough water so I chugged a 500 ml bottle of water, thus the pee that came out was like practically water. Look at the difference at 14 DPO of a pregnancy test and an OPK, with super diluted pee. Don't get me wrong, that still a really good pregnancy test line to get with water pee lol but holy cow.


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I created a new thread for us ladies that got pregnant. Anyone on here can join in though. It's called Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby.. August 2015 :)
I created a new thread for us ladies that got pregnant. Anyone on here can join in though. It's called Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby.. August 2015 :)

wow this thread moves fast! I think that's an awesome idea! I hope to join ya soon!! I should find out for sure on Tuesday! :)
I am ovulating. I got smiley face on my clear blue digital ovulation test. Let the bding begin

Have fun EmilieBrianne! No harm in having a fulfilling weekend!

Hi can I join you ladies? I think today is O day. The fiance and I BD'd twice this week so far and I'm hoping for another one tonight...I have a horrible sore throat and just want to go to bed.

We've been trying for about a year with one loss. I'm 40 so we just got referred to the Reproductive Endocronologist. Hopefully next cycle I'll be on Clomid. But I would love if it happened naturally this cycle. I am due for AF on Christmas eve so it would be a lovely Christmas present to see that BFP finally. Let the countdown begin...

Hi DoJenstein! Welcome to the thread, I'm new here as well. Sending you positive thoughts this holiday.

This thread has been inspiring for me. i don't get to post much but i follow closely whats happening here. for those who have gotten their BFP congrats again and those waiting it's coming pretty soon.:dust:

I got my :bfp: this morning i'm overwhelmed and scared. hope this is the one that stays put.

WOW! Congrats Abydix! I can understand being scared and excited at the same time. Think positive hun.

I'm 7dpo (I think)...AF is due around the 20th but I have some light pinking spotting happening right now along with a not so cool yeast infection (sorry TMI) :huh: ... irritated with how confusing our bodies can be.

Yeast infection... gosh, you and I both (I'm also 7dpo too)! I left it a few days hoping it would go away itself but it's getting worse. I don't think you're supposed to take the oral tablet when pregnant or ttc are you? What do you ladies use for yeast infections whilst ttc? I'm thinking the pessary is probably the best option.
I know Laska, right?! Super active thread, I love it! Wish I could join the new :bfp: thread soon! Thanks bondgirl and deductive. Yes, the ICs are what I'm wanting. Wondfo is a good choice? Guess they are cheap cuz they are cheaply made. Are there others, any recommendations ladies? I think I'll be needing some for the months to come :thumbup:

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