December Testers! Anyone else hoping for BFP for Christmas?

Oh Eclaire. I'm so sorry the witch got you and please don't stay away for too long. We are all here for you, pregnant or not and don't get too discouraged. You will get your BFP and the end result will be so worth the wait.
So I'm a little nervous. I have to go to my mother in laws today. I wouldn't normally worry but we want to tell her. This scares me for three reasons. 1. She is notorious for not keeping things to herself. 2. She was one of the last people we told before the miscarriage. And 3. She is a registered Reiki person and she just has this way of sensing things so I feel like even if we don't tell her she will know!
Good luck Eclaire, I certainly have to step away at times when the board watching is enabling my obsessing.

Querida, what kind of Christmas concert? I'm asking bc my husband and I are both musicians, just curious!

Emilie, you can put me down for today which is when I was supposed to test.

Thanks for the kind words everyone! I don't know how many days dpo I am, I think I'm actually 15 or so days dpo, I was sure I was ovulating before thanksgiving and that was or last bding before a week bc of travel and nights in the same house with family. Really thought I was out this month!
Jandj, good luck with that today! I told my family right away last pregnancy and miscarried after a week, and it was just awful... I'm going to wait this time, but I know I will tell them anyways if I miscarry... I'm just very worried. Trying not to stress.

Here is my morning pic, def darker but not dark enough to make me stop worrying. Please stick little bean!!!
Atalanta omigosh!!! I saw the lines on the other two and just knew because it's always impossible for me to see anything on my phone screen. Congrats!
Thanks mamabunny2 for the welcome,my symptoms happened about few weeks after having my emergency c section I started getting really bad pains in right hand side of lower abdominal they kept telling me was coz of section this has went on for over 2years now but few months ago they scanned me n found cysts on both ovaries so am waiting to be sent to gyni,but having to wait 12weeks to get appointment,so if u keep having persistent Pain I would ask to be scanned of feels very similar to ovulating pains but all the time n some days r a lot worse than others,u get they sticks from amazon or ebay I order them all the time lol obsessed with testing now but always bfn n starting to get me down coz been trying so long now,baby dust to u x

I don't have any persistent pain, just a couple days of very mild cramps when I O. I have a bad habit of thinking something is broken inside me or keeping me from getting pregnant :dohh: It's nice to hear about everyone's experiences and become informed on symptoms and such so I can make myself better aware of anything I may need to. Kinda like how I learned about O pains :thumbsup:
I am sooooo ordering some of those little ICs today!!! Atalanta is that a Wondfo?

Querida I'm sorry that af is coming, but also glad you can start a new fresh cycle and hopefully have a better idea of what's to come :thumbup:
Atalanta. I know how you feel about the not dark enough, that is great progression for one day, looks like mine. :) my tests now my control line and test line are either the same colour pretty much or the test line I'd darker depending on what brand I take. I have my fingers crossed that this will be a sticky bean. And as for the family thing I wasn't going to tell anyone until I was atleast 10 weeks but I had to tell my mom because I needed her to take me to an ultrasound in January and well, because she's my mom. I've chosen to just stop worrying about miscarrying. I am healthy, I am trying to eat well and get enough sleep all the time, there is nothing I can do about it. The baby will either stick, or it won't. I love this little bean so much already and I want it to stay, but I can't stop a miscarriage if it is going to happen and I want all the family support I can get if it does. On a positive note, if you are actually 15 DPO, we are the same! Lol.
Yay j and j, bump buddies! I like your attitude,
If we are doing our part right then there is really nothing else we can do!

Mammabunny, It says blue cross on the package, I got it off Amazon. I haven't had any false positives even with extreme wishful thinking so that is good lol
JandJ- keep positive, i know it hard. I am own to be like that and be afraid of doing anything that might mess something up. saying something, seeing someone etc. FX and prayers are sent to you :)

MamaBunny: i get the same way with thinking I am doing something to cause me not getting a sticky yet or my body is just off.... Yet i dont do drugs, only medicine i take is prenatal, i work out (less now because I dont want to strain my body too much when TTC, no impact workout etc), i do not drink, i do not smoke, my only issue would be coffee and i only use very little plain ol cream in it but its the caffeine. Yesterday bf told me that he could see how hard i was trying to cut back on caffeine and how much he knows i want this more than anything and he also wants it just as bad so he cut back on his daily Mt. Dew (which is crazy because he loves it) and he didnt do any dip all day. I was proud yet a piece of me is still thinking every "what if". FX this is our month!! :)

Querida: I am just now seeing about AF :( ahhh i hate to see that but in a way its a good thing to finally be coming because you now know what is going to happen and able to restart a new cycle. prayers/FX it works out next cycle :)

It can be hard to keep positive especially seeing everyone else around you getting BFPs, but ladies keep at it. It will happen :) i have to keep reminding myself that there is a reason for everything, and i havent been trying as long as some of you ladies have but i hope oh so very much we all get a little bean that sticks very soon. xoxo
Holy moley! The BFP list just keeps growing!!
Congrats ladies!!

To those of you worried about progression, I wouldn't stress too much over it. That could make things worst, so instead just relax and treat yourselves like the pregnant women you are! :)
Since i saw its best to use 2 OPKs i bought another one the other day. I started doing the 2nd one at about 7pm but realized i have so much to do that i drink a lot and pee a lot during the 4 hours i wait, that i cant. so i am holding it in and waiting for 2pm today and starting to do it earlier in the day because i am able to lay off the liquids and hold it ( i read that 2pm is a really good time to do it). but holy moly how do you ladies hold it for so long during the day?!?! I did my last pee session and have been holding what i can for the last hour and a half... i have to pee a good amount now! I feel so pathetic LOL
Im with you nurse...i can only do max 3/3.5 hr holds but often its 2.5 hr holds.

So tested again this morning and as i figured as always bfn. Af is due tomorrow, so hopefully if there isnt a baby that she comes stronger and longer this month.
I just realized BBTTC said Holy moly also in her comment above mine and i didnt know! hahaha love it. and yes!! im hitting the 3 hour mark and i cant stop thinking about it....trying my hardest to hold off for an hour.. i turned on a show that is an hour long and watching it. Not really helping the fact in the back of my head i am screaming saying "go pee!!!!"
Nurseginger I know what you mean especially now. I have to like sit there and consciously think about not peeing to hold it more than an hour and a half. The only thing that I find works is eat something a little salty and then cut your fluid intake by a lot for atleast an hour and a half.

AFM, dreading 2:00 when we leave our house haha. And really really hoping that my sense about MIL is wrong and she will just be oblivious. If not, oh well, it's less of a big deal that his parents know, it's a bigger deal if his sister finds out because she's a giant blabber mouth. I so hope that all you lovely ladies get to come and join my thread soon. Even if you don't conceive in December, feel free to join, I don't want to lose such a lovely group of ladies. :)
well i lasted a little bit over 3 hours and once i moved i felt it bad so did it... still nothing. My cb advanced is on day 4 of flashing and first response with the lines (i heard these werent the greatest OPKs but im not going to waste them since i already have them) still only have one line... O is estimated to be here in 2-3 days so i thought id atleast see a little bit of a line. im just way to impatient. However it does give me somethign to look forward too, to pee on as i wait in the TWW for awhile. just sucks. This is my first cycle that i started using all these gadgets and stuff.
I used those ones the one month and mine always had a line haha. It was strange.
well i lasted a little bit over 3 hours and once i moved i felt it bad so did it... still nothing. My cb advanced is on day 4 of flashing and first response with the lines (i heard these werent the greatest OPKs but im not going to waste them since i already have them) still only have one line... O is estimated to be here in 2-3 days so i thought id atleast see a little bit of a line. im just way to impatient. However it does give me somethign to look forward too, to pee on as i wait in the TWW for awhile. just sucks. This is my first cycle that i started using all these gadgets and stuff.

Hey my cb is on day 4 of flashing smiley too! I have lines on my ic opks but I'm not 100% sure if they've been positive yet.
Well i was talking to my bf on his lunch break about the bad rep the First Response OPK got and how if im estimated to be due with O soon, i should of had atleast a FAINT 2nd line showing its coming. However i HATE wasting so I wont buy new ones and he knows this so he said "if you were to buy different ones, which would it be?" and i know thats his way of finding info out to surprise me with when he gets home... i said i wasnt sure, maybe another kind of CB... i keep getting random cramping areas in my lower abd. so i know it has to be coming soon! Then again i might be thinking about it so much that im getting the pains. damnit......

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