I have a lot to post on!
That's wonderful that you had a 20mm follie!
How the heck can they just spring that in you? It's your sperm, you can do whatever you want with it and it's none of their business. IMO the usual excuse of liability isn't even an issue here. They are no more liable than the person that sold you the kit. And doing this all last moment! Grrr, makes me so dang angry.
Wow, having to go threw that many Dr's all saying no... It's frustrating at all hell (sorry for swearing, situation calls for it). I hate when they do the whole not wanting to step on others toes routine. Sometimes toes need stepped on to get you the kind of medical attention you deserve.
That nurse should be tarred and feathered, speaking to you like that and not even letting you speak to the Dr to confirm things from his side... Smells fishy to me. Makes you wonder if she just didn't decide these things because she didn't agree with it. I've read that IUI's can be dangerous but besides the whole issue of introduction of bacteria I haven't been able to find out why it's so dangerous. And her saying this in regards to an IVI??? That's just absurd! IVI isn't that different to regular intercourse. I swear, sometimes it seems like ppl are just not aware (or in her case, care) how time sensetive these things are. It's all fine and dandy for someone that can get pregnant naturally to cast judgement on us that have to actually try and pour our life savings in to it.
How you did not drive over and B*tch slap her is beyond me.
At least something good came out of it though and you found a midwife that knows about all this and isn't just in it for the money. I'd definately consider keeping her around for the future.
It sucks that your first IUI ended up being more of a ICI, I'm betting some made it threw though, especially with those numbers! WOW
Anyway! So yesterday was supposed to be our first IUI day, but the- ugh!- DH couldn't get the cath in but a couple centimeters. There was a spot in my cervix that seemed like it was completely closed. Just no way to get it past it it seemed. I don't know if any sperm actually made it to my uterus because we tried to do an ICI and the swimmers just kept coming out. Disastrous to say the least. I was pretty upset about it. Hopefully, those teeny tiny swimmer guys managed to make their own way in later. And to think, my DH's best TESE came back with 1 live and 1 dead...
How big is your catheter? I know for my HSG he was using a 1mm and it seemed to give a lot of resistance with me. Maybe from all the stress of dealing with idiots and a*holes you weren't as open as normal? IDK, just a thought. At least your take charge attitude got it all the way in on IUI 2 and those are still great #'s!
Oh that illusive O, I'm in the same boat as you on that one ATM. I've been told though that depending on the sperm quality and how hospitable your womb is that swimmers can live up to a week, with the male swimmers dying off first and the more hardy females lasting longer. So if you haven't O'd yet then there should still be some girls waiting around. With my ectopic we were only to use "additives"
one day, 3 days before my LH surge. They can be tough little guys.
I've been meaning to ask, have you tried the PCOS diet? I've heard great things about it. DH's cousins friend has PCOS and they've been able to get her hormones where they should be and her ovulating just from it. I do a Endometriosis diet and it's worked wonders for not only the pain but also the weight that can accompany endo, loosing about 22lbs. It never hurts to try, you can never have too many lucky charms.
AFM - I'm doing better today. I dunno what was wrong with me but I just couldn't stay awake and woke up last night with a fever and was so dizzy I couldn't even open my eyes. I'm monitoring this cycle to try and predict how the next one will play out and am at cd14 which is usually when I get a + on the OPK's but not today. I'm thinking maybe it's just late because of the amount of progesterone that was in the BC I was taking. My temps haven't reached the baseline yet either (I'll add my chart here in a bit). I have started drinking green tea everyday, just trying to make things a bit more comfy for the swimmers next cycle.