I hope everyone had an amazing Valentines day. I'd love to hear how you spent it.
PinkSprinkles - Thank you so much! I can't believe it's already been 12 years, wow does time fly! DH trains Bujikan (martial art of the samurai & ninjas). Since Thursday is normally a training day that's what we did. I go purely for entertainment. There's a great dojo in Colo Springs. Look 'em up for lots of videos.
It sucks that you are no longer feeling pregnant but fantastic that you are just using it as time to prepare a little more. That's a fantastic attitude that I wish I had.
I'm right along side you though, this is my path, it feels right. Are you going to POAS until AF arrives?
I swear, sometimes you just want to B* slap some of these medical "professionals". I know exactly how you feel. DH got sent to an Endocrinologist for low testosterone, he of course wanted his entire medical journal which we were more than happy to have sent to him from our GP... When the Dr had the chance to look it all threw and his bloodwork had come back we went back in to learn the best course we should take from there. No sooner had we gotten in the door he said that DH's levels were barely within the normal range and that he wouldn't treat him and asked us to leave (we barely got sat down before being asked to leave). I than asked for his journal because I'm sure the next Endocrinologist we'd see would want to do the same... The journal had more side notes than a University textbook, and heavily highlighted and underlined multiple times was a note from our GP (who was a family friend) that DH was a Satanist, who liked to self mutilate and a bunch of other crap. None of which is even remotely true but because of it this Endocrinologist wouldn't treat him and oddly enough a month later when we got a new GP his testosterone levels were yet again below normal.
Some medical professionals should really get their rears put in the fire for acting that way. Are you going to contact your old RE and demand that they remove that? I definitely would.
That was a wonderful gift, I LOVE sapphires! We do the same thing, best way to get what you want and in the size you want!
Have your catheters arrived yet? It is funny isn't it, same as taking birth control to get pregnant.
Hehehe, it's also funny what our DH's get so excited about LOL.
Ariannda - Welcome! You are one determined woman to get through all of that. I know I can be VERY long winded on occasion. It's so nice that so many women are dropping by. Look forward to cheering you one. If you have any questions just ask, PinkSprinkles seems to be a guru on the topic of home IUI.
AFM - Still nothing to report. I'm cd 23 today meaning AF should show in about 5 days (unless I'm luckier than a power ball winner). Than I'll be rearing up for a good go. I'm toying with the idea of using Soy, just to encourage my left ovary to maybe produce an egg just in case.
Lately I've been getting sensitive (again) to the whole pregnancy/baby talk. Strangers/acquaintances casually joking that maybe I'm pregnant is
really getting under my skin. Tonight's dinner with the In-Laws my MIL kept on asking about peoples baby plans. You could just see her itching to ask about us.
Still no news on the donor front, I don't think he's going to back out at this point so at least that's something. I've also started hunting for a nice antique crib since I'm not much for the Ikea cribs. I wish I could afford to buy one back home and have sent over. American cribs are so much nicer!
To all ya'll