Big hugs Sequeena

It's a process for sure, I still find I am on an emotional roller coaster with it all. I'll be fine for weeks and then have a week where I feel really down about it all. As Essie says, it also took my OH a while to really accept the extent of T's issues as well.
Tiff, that is wonderful you are feeling more reassured about school
Happy due date birthday Alex!
This week is a downer for me. I had a meeting with the SEN department and T's teacher yesterday. The meeting actually went well, but all morning I just had that sinking feeling of why does the need for this meeting even have to exist

Why can't we just be one of those families that doesn't have to deal with SEN?
I was a bit irritated with the guy from SEN. I made it very clear that I don't want T to have a shadow teacher. We have been consistently advised this from his therapists and nursery teachers over the years, as he does not have behavioral issues and he actually benefits more from being pushed to get on with doing things himself. Anyway twice the SEN guy tried to indicate that T has behavioral issues based on what I was saying (basically so they can push a shadow teacher on us which they financially benefit from and makes the teachers life easier as she doesn't need to focus on T as well). Once it was because he's had a few accidents at school this last week- for which I quickly said there were numerous children who were having more accidents than him in the class - and how is that a behavioral issue? Secondly, when I was trying to tell them that I am pretty stern with T that there is no opting out even when something is difficult/ boring etc. - so I told them that at home if he is refusing to follow the rules he has the option to sit in the naughty corner or do as he is asked. The SEN guy jumped on this saying "that's interesting how often are you needing to do this?" - again trying to imply that T has a behavioral issue

What because he throws a wobbly or doesn't want to finish his dinner sometimes, just like all children do?!?!? This makes me so irate as it couldn't be further from the truth - T is such a well balanced, happy, emotionally intuitive and generally extremely compliant child - please don't add problems that don't exist to all the issues we are already facing. If anything it's his little brother who doesn't have any developmental issues who acts up and spends a lot of time in the naughty corner! His teacher agreed with me that he doesn't have any behavioral issues.
Anyway in the end he will not have a shadow teacher, he will receive ST at school

and he will be part of a group that has sessions which work specifically on motor skills

I have to have another meeting with the SEN guy, T's teacher and his OTs/ ST in 6 weeks time to see if there is anymore support we can tailor for T (great now I can have a lump in my stomach for the next 6 weeks

). I wouldn't mind if T had extra learning support for certain sessions that are especially challenging for him such as hand-writing, I just don't want someone helping him specifically with everything consistently all day.
Ok, sorry that was long...