Sun have you found out the sex #3 yet???.
RachA there's no way I could wait to find out. I am too impatient.I knew with DD at 14weeks!
Yes we found out it's a boy!

My son is soooooooo excited about a little brother

Sun have you found out the sex #3 yet???.
RachA there's no way I could wait to find out. I am too impatient.I knew with DD at 14weeks!
Hi ladies! Might be the last time I check in for a few weeks as baby is due next week! We have our c-section a week Friday!
Awaiting the results of the MRI! Scan day was a nightmare. We went in just fine at lunch after fasting, Olivia was given her sedative and...fought it. Cue two and a half hours of screaming! She missed her scan slow and was literally in the last ten minutes before no scan that she finally dropped off to sleep. And...woke up as soon as she was placed in the scanner! Luckily she laid still and her Dad held her hand (couldn't go in there as pregnant) and they managed to get the scan done! Anyway I'm glad it's over and they said by the time we see the consultant next the report will be in!
I'm currently in the process of changing her nursery to one where they are more equipped to deal with development delays and speech issues. She was so excited when we visited and didn't want to leave so I'm hoping this will be for the best for her so she gets the best support she can on her nursery days. Portage has been going...variably. She's so up and down that the twice daily homework is sometimes such hard going! But the portage targets themselves are fantastic and she enjoys it lots. I've seen some improvements too! She can now do a form board jigsaw on her own and is beginning to match a couple of colours! Any progress is good progress! We seem to be having a little speech plateau though, she's not trying to talk as much at the minute which is a shame.
Congratulations to the other expectant Mums and Sequeena that's great news! I'll catch you all post baby #2! Fingers crossed for a smoother delivery and start this time!
Wow such a lot goes on in here in such a short amount of time lol
Thought I would dip in here, so :wave:
Sam my 2yo is very behind with his speech although making progress now. He has been assessed by a developmental paed following a request from SALT as he showed some ASD markers, and they have discharged him for now, but sometimes I still wonder if they made the right choice...
Sun, Sam is exactly the same with Abigail and in the last six months has never willingly touched Abigail. I sense life will get much harder once she is on the move as she adores him, and although up to now he has ignored her, he wont be able to when she is following him around!
Thought I would dip in here, so :wave:
Sam my 2yo is very behind with his speech although making progress now. He has been assessed by a developmental paed following a request from SALT as he showed some ASD markers, and they have discharged him for now, but sometimes I still wonder if they made the right choice...
Sun, Sam is exactly the same with Abigail and in the last six months has never willingly touched Abigail. I sense life will get much harder once she is on the move as she adores him, and although up to now he has ignored her, he wont be able to when she is following him around!
Wow such a lot goes on in here in such a short amount of time lol