Dinosaurs in religion

I had always been told that the 7 days were not "days" as we know them, but could have been millions and millions of years. Does that make sense? SO maybe there were dinosaurs on the 2nd day (millions of years long( then they died off? Is it obvious I have never read a Bible? I would not consider myself an atheist but definitely not religious. I guess I just believe that there is something "more" but that could just be for comfort. I kind of live by karma, do good and good things happen and vice versa! :flower:
I'm not putting down anyone's views here - just pointing out that the Christianity 'umbrella' has a very wide spread of beliefs contained within it & not everyone thinks the same!
I personally have no problem believing that God started off the big bang and that the universe evolved from there - just because it can be explained by science doesn't mean it's not part of God's plan! The Bible wasn't written by the first human beings (however they arrived) & I see the creation story as an attempt to explain a really difficult concept by a fairly primative people - other ancient civilisations have very similar stories However that's just my view and I support the right of others to have different views!!
I'm an agnostic who leans strongly towards atheist...

I was raised in a fundamentalist "Christian" religion (Jehovah's Witness), meaning that I was taught that every word in the Bible was absolute true history ie not just stories to teach morals. JWs will believe what their leaders teach (about Bible, life, science etc) via the watchtower and the meetings (Church) over all else (to remain a member you must believe the Watchtower interpretation of the Bible only, and cannot have your own opinion). So this is based on the JW religion, not mainstream Christianity...

I remember an "elder" (kind of leader/priest figure) explaining to me that the dinosaurs were used by God to prepare the earth for humans/life as we know it, and that the dinosaurs went extinct when their purpose was over (flattening the earth?!). I don't recall the JW publications (where JWs learn what to believe) really explaining dinosaurs so I figure they put it in the to hard basket and just glossed over it or something.

I do recall some information being shared when I was still involved with the JWs about fossils and how Satan can trick people in regard to carbon dating being just "a guess" and probably incorrect. I don't remember if that was just someone saying it, or actually from the publications (as above, JWs follow their publications more closely than the Bible).

For my time in the JWs it was taught that the earth was 7000 years old, which is why carbon dated fossils were deemed suspiciously Satanic. This year however they have brought out "new light" (what they say when they change a belief or rule) and now they are describing earths creation as aeons of years. So at least they have brought the watchtower teaching in line with current science, even if it was a bit slow!! (Yes I still follow what is being taught even though I have left, I find it way more interesting now than I did when I was in :p )

The thing with Adam and Eve, they had way more kids than Cain and Abel. All of Adam and Eves kids married each other and multiplied (Bible wording for the uninitiated). But trust me, if you read the Old Testament (first half Bible) you will find way more jaw dropping stories than Adam and Eve. (Rapes, murders, baby killing, incest, genocide etc etc often with stamped with Gods approval)

@KittyVentura JWs are obliged to preach/recruit every month and count how much time they do and if they manage to get you to take a book/magazine and report back to their elders (priests), you just gave your friend an easy month :)
I was raised as jw since birth until I turned 17 and left because I was pregnant and we ARENT obligated to preach or recruit we did it because we wanted it to and enjoyed it
How it is explained in our church (catholic church) is evolution is fully excepted and that the adam and eve story is an interpretation of an ideal world and what it could have been like to have perfect beings (not literaly being the first two, but rather the first two innicent/perfect).

I got into a religious argument with my cousin back last year but gave up when he decided dinosours where around the same time as Adam and Eve and that their "neighbors" where cain and ables wifes.
@Hotbump When I left if you were a publisher reporting was mandatory, and if you didn't they wanted to know why. :shrug: I never liked preaching myself. I worked out from birth until I left I spent over 5000 hours "preaching"! :dohh: This includes the 4 years I was a regular pioneer (3360 hours on that alone)!! Needless to say, I am pretty sure there were better things I could have been doing with my childhood, and as a child I had no choice but to go preaching and forgo many other activities for the sake of a religion I found to be false.

I know how JWs are about things, and how JW family can be. I am not even disfellowshipped and I am shunned by JW friends and family and I sincerely hope, whether you were baptised or not, your JW family and friends still speak to you :hugs:

PS sorry for going a bit off topic... :blush: back to dinosaurs
I'm not putting down anyone's views here - just pointing out that the Christianity 'umbrella' has a very wide spread of beliefs contained within it & not everyone thinks the same!
I personally have no problem believing that God started off the big bang and that the universe evolved from there - just because it can be explained by science doesn't mean it's not part of God's plan! The Bible wasn't written by the first human beings (however they arrived) & I see the creation story as an attempt to explain a really difficult concept by a fairly primative people - other ancient civilisations have very similar stories However that's just my view and I support the right of others to have different views!!

Very well said. Although I don't believe in God as such, I too find it much more easy to accept the existence of god on a deist level - a 'creator' started off the big bang but is no longer 'watching over us' etc. I think it is a grave misconception that you can't have faith in science and religion, in actuality the two can exist beside eachother happily depending on your beliefs. I know that creationists have some 'interesting' ideas about dinosaurs - some believe they lived alongside humans.

I read a really interesting book once which totally changed my thoughts on religion and its relationship with science and it taught me much about deism - it is called 'The Language of God'. I still don't 'believe' but it really did open my mind. Thoroughly recommend it!
I'm so sorry if this offends anyone...


^ :lol:
Just looked up "The Language of God" on Amazon, are you referring to the one written by Francis S Collins? It looks quite interesting, and to be honest I haven't really read anything that is more along the theist/deist lines. Unfortunately it is not available as a kindle book at the moment! :huh:

I love that what you believe (or don't believe!) doesn't need to fit in a neat little box. And that you can change your mind everyday if you want :) I was only aware growing up that you were in the right religion and on Gods side, or you were everyone else and on Satans side. I really like the idea of an uninvolved God, it makes so much more sense to me than the God of the Bible.
I'm an agnostic who leans strongly towards atheist...

I was raised in a fundamentalist "Christian" religion (Jehovah's Witness), meaning that I was taught that every word in the Bible was absolute true history ie not just stories to teach morals. JWs will believe what their leaders teach (about Bible, life, science etc) via the watchtower and the meetings (Church) over all else (to remain a member you must believe the Watchtower interpretation of the Bible only, and cannot have your own opinion). So this is based on the JW religion, not mainstream Christianity...

:shrug: You are very much encouraged to research all u are learning from non biased sources, and use various translations of the bible, in fact many JW publications quote many different bible translations, its just a translation into modern english. The development of the NWT translation was a huge project which took around 30 years to complete and another 10-15 years to perfect. The NWT was developed by intensively looking at the original hebrew and greek scrolls we can find today in museums, and translating it into modern day English so that we can understand it. Our bible was completed by non-JW sholars who had no loyalties to witnesses.

As i said,There are many translations of the Bible. JW's encourage the use of a variety of them in order to make comparisons and to help students to grasp the real sense of the Scriptures. As you may know, the Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. So we appreciate what translators have done to put it into our language

To say you are not allowed to have ur own opinion is incorrect, we all have to make a choice whether we serve God or not, no one is forced to do anything.

Oh and of course Jesus himself at times used parables to drive a point home, but he spoke of Adam and Eve as real people and the creation account as truth. Its quite obvious when things in the bible are parables, symbolic etc to get a message across or being presented as real events etc, im sure u are aware of this also

I remember an "elder" (kind of leader/priest figure) explaining to me that the dinosaurs were used by God to prepare the earth for humans/life as we know it, and that the dinosaurs went extinct when their purpose was over (flattening the earth?!). I don't recall the JW publications (where JWs learn what to believe) really explaining dinosaurs so I figure they put it in the to hard basket and just glossed over it or something.

I just found Awakes and books covering the subject of dinosaurs in a matter of minutes :shrug: Some dating back to 1961.

(as above, JWs follow their publications more closely than the Bible).

All publications are bible based, continually quote the bible. They are study aids, they do not replace the bible. You would know how much the bible is used at meetings and in the preaching work :) All beliefs are thoroughly backed up by the bible

For my time in the JWs it was taught that the earth was 7000 years old, which is why carbon dated fossils were deemed suspiciously Satanic. This year however they have brought out "new light" (what they say when they change a belief or rule) and now they are describing earths creation as aeons of years. So at least they have brought the watchtower teaching in line with current science, even if it was a bit slow!! (Yes I still follow what is being taught even though I have left, I find it way more interesting now than I did when I was in :p )

I have Awakes dating back to 1973 stating Genesis account is the creation of life on earth as we know it, not the earth itself. The bible hasnt changed in what it says. It says in the beginning God created the 'heavens and the earth' then goes on to speak of the creative days. There is no mention of how long the earth had been around before this. (or how long dinosaurs were around before this either). Their Beliefs do not change but rather become more clearer on certain matters as the bible said they would in the 'time of the end' (Proverbs 4:18 -" But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established') Core bible truth have not and will not change.

There is question on how reliable carbon dating is as the rate of radioactive carbon formation in the atmosphere has not been consistent in the past ...they dont just pull information out of thin air. You know we have bibliographies in many publications when speaking on scientific matters, they are well researched.

The thing with Adam and Eve, they had way more kids than Cain and Abel. All of Adam and Eves kids married each other and multiplied (Bible wording for the uninitiated). But trust me, if you read the Old Testament (first half Bible) you will find way more jaw dropping stories than Adam and Eve. (Rapes, murders, baby killing, incest, genocide etc etc often with stamped with Gods approval)

You know what Gods laws are on these matters. Its made very clear. He detests and forbids such things. I have already touched on the subject of incest for one. You are presenting the bible and God in a light that just isnt accurate. Accounts of such things are not stamped with Gods approval, but were committed by the wicked just as they are today. That being said tho, i believe God is well within his rights as our creator to remove the wicked for the benefit of the righteous and meek if this is what u are referring to :)

@KittyVentura JWs are obliged to preach/recruit every month and count how much time they do and if they manage to get you to take a book/magazine and report back to their elders (priests), you just gave your friend an easy month :)

We are not required to 'recruit' but rather preach the good news of Gods coming kingdom as Jesus intructs his followers to do in the bible. Its about love for neighbor and giving people a positive hope for the future, reporting is done for information purposes to check how many publishers are in each congregation, the hours in total, publications placed as they take this work very seriously and has to be very well organised and to report how each country is extending this preaching work in the yearbook.

We don't just want people to join for the sake of joining just to create more numbers. We want people to join because we have touched their hearts and showed them the hopes, truth, and reward of knowing about God and what he promises. We are are also adhering to God's command of preaching to the nations which is told to us in Matthew 24:14 to quote one scripture.

Our objective to preaching:

- To inform the householder about the good news of the kingdom that God promises that the righteous will inherit
- Offer if they want to learn more about the Bible and progress to a Bible study

Again, what you have to keep in mind is that we are not just trying to increase the head-count within our organization for the sake of it, but we only want to reach people who are genuinely interested. If you are not interested, we respect that, and accept your decision. We want to spread the truth to the Bible to whoever is willing to listen - whether that is only just 1 person or 1,000,000.

There is no minimum but all are encouraged to do what they can around other commitments such a s family, work etc, there has to be a balance of course, as with anything in life

I'm a pretty religious Roman Catholic but I never thought about this :nope:
Your right, it is a really interesting question :flower:
I'll ask our Priest on Sunday and report back :D
I don't normally get involved in discussions about religion online but this is something I've happened to read about lately. I'm no expert on church doctrine so please take everything I say with a grain of salt, but as I understand it the Roman Catholic Church's opinion on dinosaurs is that it doesn't really have one. The church teaches that God created all things, so at some point he must have created dinosaurs. As to their purpose in the grand scheme we can only imagine. Someone said that they might have existed so we'd ask questions, which I kind of like!

It's worth pointing out that the Church teaching on creation is somewhat loose. Genesis is accepted as describing the work of God, although perhaps not in a literal sense. That God is the creator is the relevant part, not how long the process may have taken or the exact details. Evolution isn't ruled out of this process, either, and the Church doesn't reject the idea. To this the Church leaves room for individual examination and belief. Similarly the story of Adam and Eve represents the fall of man. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

"God himself created the visible world in all its richness, diversity and order. Scripture presents the work of the Creator symbolically as a succession of six days of divine "work," concluded by the "rest" of the seventh day. On the subject of creation, the sacred text teaches the truths revealed by God for our salvation, permitting us to "recognize the inner nature, the value and the ordering of the whole of creation to the praise of God" (CCC, 337)

The general teaching of the Catholic Church is that there are some things science is better suited to comment on, and some things the Church is. That dinosaurs existed, how they lived, how long ago etc is not really within the sphere of church doctrine. If scientists reach a conclusion that dinosaurs lived X number of years ago then the Church has no argument either way. In the same vein there's nothing in their existence that directly contradicts belief in God or Christianity. If you believe that God created all things then the fact that something isn't mentioned in the Bible isn't really an issue.

The Church doesn't teach that religion and science are at odds with each other, except when science is applied in an immoral fashion or makes a deliberate claim against the existence of God or the human soul. The contributions of science to our understanding are appreciated as part of our human experience. God gave us reason and the faculties to explore the universe so there's no reason why we shouldn't use them! Sorry for the rambly post here. :flow:
The one thing I do not like is when JW's come over. Now most are polite etc and one of my best friends is JW but I just dont like them coming to me, If I chose to be religious, I would go about it myself. Not come to my house kind of thing.

I wish I could accept God created us! I would love tp be part of a church!
Just looked up "The Language of God" on Amazon, are you referring to the one written by Francis S Collins? It looks quite interesting, and to be honest I haven't really read anything that is more along the theist/deist lines. Unfortunately it is not available as a kindle book at the moment! :huh:

I love that what you believe (or don't believe!) doesn't need to fit in a neat little box. And that you can change your mind everyday if you want :) I was only aware growing up that you were in the right religion and on Gods side, or you were everyone else and on Satans side. I really like the idea of an uninvolved God, it makes so much more sense to me than the God of the Bible.

Yeah that's the one, you can pick up a cheap paperback version and it really is worth it - such an interesting read.

I think faith is one thing and organised religion another - I think everyone has faith to some degree, even science requires faith (afterall, how many times have you seen an atom?) and at any moment in your life your beliefs can change. The book talks about the acceptance of the big bang, of the theory of evolution, but it talks about what came before that - and what started it. What did start the big bang? There will always be unanswered questions.
I am a hardfaced atheist and think religion is a load of pish. That said though, I wouldn't ever preach it to a religious person and I do respect their beliefs. My nan is very religious. She is a Sunday School teacher and goes to church 3 days a week. Once I started up a conversation with her about evolution and she was having none of it. When I asked her what her reasons for not believing in evolution, she said "it says in the bible" so I said "well, do you believe everything you read? Where's the evidence other than 'someone said so'?" A bit of advice... don't try and argue evolution with someone who is overly religious. Maybe next time I see her I'll ask her about the dinosaur thing!
@ Shanandboc you took my words out of my mind!!! lol and at nomad life i wasnt offended :flower: my jw friends and family still talk to me but not like before. I loved being a jw but havent find the time to go back yeah great excuse huh? lol i was just traumatized when my niece reacently passed because she refused a blood transfusion but i still believe in that religion
The one thing I do not like is when JW's come over. Now most are polite etc and one of my best friends is JW but I just dont like them coming to me, If I chose to be religious, I would go about it myself. Not come to my house kind of thing.

I wish I could accept God created us! I would love tp be part of a church!

You can always tell them that you dont want to be visited and they will put you on their not visit list :flower: Also we visit people because some people dont know about us believe it or not and also we had have women who are in a dometicated violent relationship and cant go to church out of fear and would like people to visit them dont know if i made any sense since english is not my first language
I am a hardfaced atheist and think religion is a load of pish. That said though, I wouldn't ever preach it to a religious person and I do respect their beliefs. My nan is very religious. She is a Sunday School teacher and goes to church 3 days a week. Once I started up a conversation with her about evolution and she was having none of it. When I asked her what her reasons for not believing in evolution, she said "it says in the bible" so I said "well, do you believe everything you read? Where's the evidence other than 'someone said so'?" A bit of advice... don't try and argue evolution with someone who is overly religious. Maybe next time I see her I'll ask her about the dinosaur thing!

You respect my beliefs but they are a load of pish? :dohh: :haha:
Christianity and Islam have many similarities. According to Quran, Adam gave birth to sons from his ribs and Eve gave birth to daughters. Adam's sons used to get married to Eve's daughters and so on. Dinosaurs used to live on earth, they lived for thousands of years before Adam was sent down. Don't really know what destructed them.

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